Dark Paradise (17 page)

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Authors: Angie Sandro

BOOK: Dark Paradise
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George stares into my eyes for a long minute. I can't read the emotions flickering in the emerald depths, but whatever he feels grows more intense until he radiates an icy calm that makes him seem unpredictable.

I keep glancing at the people walking past, staring. If we stay like this much longer, people will get all kinds of crazy ideas about us. Should I break free of his hug? I wiggle a bit, but his muscles flex until I'm locked in a steel cage of his embrace. I glance back to his immobile face. With each minute that passes, my nerves shoot up a notch until I quiver with tension.

“Is something else bothering you, Georgie?” I ask hesitantly.

“Why did you get in a truck with that guy after what happened yesterday?” he asks, not breaking eye contact.

“Oh, uh…” He means Landry. Hell, Maggie and her big mouth. She told Bessie about him too. No wonder George is upset.

His arms drop, and I step back, twisting my fingers together. “It's no big deal. He offered me a ride, and I felt sorry for him. He seemed
sad. I know it was stupid.”

The ice drains, replaced by heat as he glares at me. “It really was.”

“Fine, I agree with you.”

“We still don't know who killed Lainey. We haven't ruled out the family as suspects, and Landry doesn't have an alibi.”

My eyebrows shoot upward. “Are you saying that you think he killed his sister? No way! He wouldn't do that.”

“There's no proof he didn't do it, Mala,” George says in a solemn tone that raises the hairs on the back of my neck. He believes what he's telling me. Could I be wrong? My gut tells me Landry's grief is too raw to be faked, but he's fooled me before. I'd hate to think he's that good of an actor or that I'm gullible enough to fall for his lies twice.

I lean against the hot hood of the car. “What about the guy that Lainey was seeing? Have you figured out who he is yet?”

George's mouth tightens. “You haven't said anything to anyone about that, have you?”

“No, I promised, didn't I? I keep my promises.” And I protect my friends. I think on Landry's confession about stalking me. If I tell George, he'll arrest Landry for sure. I can't do that to him, no matter how scared and angry he makes me. I know, deep down, Landry is a good person, just confused.

“Lainey's friends all agreed that the guy had money. He bought her expensive gifts—a diamond heart necklace, clothes—took her out in Lafayette. They even rented a seedy room at the Super Delight Motel, but it had been cleared out before we got the search warrant. Their whole relationship was secretive.”

“Sounds like Lainey had a sugar daddy. Some guy she used for his money. He's probably married with kids.” I bite my lip. Mama told Lainey to go to the baby's father for money…did she listen? Did taking Mama's advice get her killed? “If Lainey threatened to tell his wife about the baby, it would be the perfect motive for murder.”

“I thought so too.” We share a look. A meeting of the minds.

Heat floods through me. I've impressed him, for sure. “Oh, I almost forgot. Landry said that Dr. Rathbone's real close to Reverend Prince. He slipped them the autopsy results about Lainey. Did you track down where the drug came from?”

“She had trazodone in her system. Not enough to kill, but it probably knocked her out. It's an antidepressant, but some people use it as a sleep aid.”

“Oh?” I say, softly. “So she might have been taking the drug to deal with depression and finding it in her system might not have anything to do with the killer.”

George sits on the hood next to me. “Exactly! I'm at a dead end until we get a court order for Lainey's medical records. I do have some good news…” His voice trails off, and he looks at me expectantly.

“Spill it, Georgie.”

“Well, this should set your mind at ease. Andy and his dog found the spot where Lainey was thrown in the bayou. It's about a half mile from where you found her. Forest Service land. Unfortunately, there are dozens of side roads into the park. That's another dead end.”

“At least she didn't die on our property.”
Thank God.

George's grin makes his eyes sparkle with golden flecks amid the green. “You know, it's funny. Before I took this job, I never realized that most folks don't want to hear the gory details of my cases. I enjoy talking to you. It helps to work things out with someone else. You've got me thinking of taking the investigation in a different direction.”

I'm so stuffed full of pride that I bet I'm glowing. “I'm glad I could help.”

George stiffens, rising to his feet. “What does

I look over my shoulder and groan. Landry stands five feet from the car with his hands shoved in his pockets. Wind blows his hair back and a strange, unreadable expression fills his handsome face.
Oh God, did he overhear our conversation about Lainey?

Chapter 17


Unmitigated Stupidity

tay calm. Don't do or say anything you'll regret.

My gaze meets Mala's. She hates me. It flares in her eyes. I royally fucked up at Ruby's. Then made things worse in Munchies with Clarice, but she didn't have to go all dark side on me. Her words still echo in my head: “I don't want him…” Did she say it knowing how much it would hurt? Was it her way of getting even with me for accusing her of murder? Is she deliberately throwing her relationship with George in my face to make a point…to see me squirm like a worm on a hook?

No, she's not like Clarice. She doesn't toy with guys for shits and giggles.
Focus. Don't lose control.

I have to keep reminding myself of this. I watched them from across the street. How George held her in his arms. The jealousy almost made me lose my mind. I wanted to ram my truck into the patrol car, damn the consequences.

I take a deep breath and step toward them. “Mala, I—”

George pulls Mala behind him, blocking her from view. “What the devil's going on, Prince?”

My jaw clenches when he lays hands on her. I pause a second, then say, “I came to see if Mala's okay.”

“What's it to you?”

“She's my friend, George.”

Mala sticks her head around George's back. Her eyes spark, like an obsidian arrowhead, sharp and cutting. “We're not friends, Landry. Friends don't accuse friends of…” She trails off with a hiss. I fill in the blank:

George picks up on her distress. “What did he accuse you of?”

“It doesn't matter,” she says. “I told him earlier to leave me alone.”

“I can't do that, Mala,” I say. “I can't let you think…I'd never hurt you.”

“But you already did. And Clarice, you hurt her too.”

God, that girl!
“What does Clarice have to do with us? She doesn't decide who I choose to spend time with.”

“Tell her that.”

George's head swivels back and forth between us. His face grows redder and redder with each word we speak. “Enough! I don't have time for your lovers' quarrel.”

“We are
not lovers, Georgie. You of all people should know that,” Mala snaps. The disgust in her voice punches a hole in my gut. Not lovers. Why should George know? Is he her lover? Oh, hell! Mom's friends gossip about George. How he's on track to becoming the youngest detective at BPSO. How he's handsome and well mannered. And his dad's rich and influential. Perfect. I don't stand a chance against him.

“Get in the car, Mala,” George says firmly. “Landry, get out of here.”

I frown. “Is that an order, Deputy Dawg?”


I'm done taking orders. I pull my hands from my pockets and ball them into fists. My body visibly vibrates with tension. “You think because you have a badge and gun you can tell me what to do?”

George steps forward, his hand resting on the butt of his Taser. “If you're harassing her, then you're damn right I'm ordering you. I told you yesterday to keep your distance. You should've listened.” George's voice has gone gunslinger low, and his normally cheerful green eyes are flat, hard as bottle glass. This is the face he wears when doing a traffic stop on a criminal or breaking up a domestic abuse disturbance. It chills me to the bone.

Reminds me not to be a fool.

“Fine, you win.” I bend down and reach behind the wheel of the patrol car where I'd set Mala's purse. The Taser clears George's holster so fast that I barely see him draw. “Hands where I can see them, Prince!”

“Oh shit,” I whisper, shaking. My hands rise into the air, and the purse dangles over the street. “Whoa, don't shoot, buddy.”

“Georgie, it's okay,” Mala says, laying her hand on his tense arm. He's already replaced the Taser, but he still holds himself as if prepared for a fight.

“Mala left her purse in my truck this morning,” I say, voice hoarse.

“Hand it to me,” George orders, holding out his hand.

“No.” I clear my throat and move the purse out of reach. “It's hers. I'll give it to her, not you.”

She steps around George and strides over. “I'll take it.”

I meet Mala's worried gaze, and she grimaces. I know exactly how she feels. “When are you gonna forgive me?” I ask.

“Not now,” she says, echoing my earlier words to me.

“Fair enough. I'll see you tomorrow.”


George frowns. “Mala, get in the car.”

She turns on her heel, walks over to the patrol car, and slides into the front seat without a backward glance. George stands in front of her door with his arms crossed. He doesn't seem inclined to leave until he sees my back walking away. I don't go to the truck. I can't drive. I'm too pissed. I stalk past Munchies and ignore the people in the window who had a front-row seat for the whole confrontation and turn into the alley next to Revo's Boot World. The overpowering odor of rotten food and piss hit my nose. I draw in a deep breath.

I'm bricked in by buildings on either side. Nothing but trash around me. How fitting.

My fist slams into Munchies' brick wall. I curse again at the unmitigated stupidity of my punching a wall. Unmitigated, yeah, the perfect four-dollar word to emphasize how idiotic I feel at getting my ass handed to me by that prick George. Maybe I wouldn't be so pissed if he hadn't tried to Tase me in front of Mala or if he hadn't had his hands all over her. And did she stop him? No!

“Oh, Georgie, you're so
,” I parrot in my high-pitched Mala voice, which sounds exactly like her. The worst part is that I drove her into his arms. I betrayed her, but I
to ask Lainey if Mala killed her. Not knowing would've driven me insane.

I hadn't expected for George to treat me like I'm shit stuck to the bottom of his boot. Did Mala tattle to him about my stalking her? Or did Clarice say something after I left? That bitch can be vicious to her enemies, and Mala has moved into her number-one slot because of me. I hadn't realized how possessive Clarice had become until she put her claim on me in front of everyone.

I kick the metal Dumpster. A bag of trash slides from the top of a pile, spilling out rotting food, and I gag. The steel in my boots protects my toes from serious injury, and the resulting pain releases the anger churning inside of me. I slowly back away from the Dumpster, breathing hard. Rage still boils beneath the surface. I need to release it before I explode.

The perfect opportunity saunters down the alley in the pockmarked form of Redford Delahoussaye and his two hillbilly cousins—uncle, cousins, who the hell knows with that inbred family? One of them, Billy, I think, carries a baseball bat over his shoulder. All three guys outweigh me by a lot, but not one has the muscle. They're more into fried chicken and pigs' feet than salads. They can't take me in a fair fight, but I don't plan on giving them one even if they could.

Red sends a nasty grin in my direction. Too many bar fights and bad dental hygiene have made Red a very snaggle-tooth boy.

“You got a problem?” I stare at Red, licking the blood off my grazed knuckles. He's Clarice's older brother. We've tangled since we were kids. Maybe that's why he brought family to back him up. I didn't expect him to show up since he works on an oil rig out in the gulf, but I guess I should've expected someone from Clarice's large clan after what happened in Munchies.

The question is whether he came for me or Mala.

“Where's your girlfriend?”

Wrong answer.

I lean down and pick up a length of steel rebar lodged against the wall. I bounce it on my palm, then adjust my grip, feeling the ridged lines. Excitement makes my hands tingle, and my heart races as adrenaline courses through my body. A grin stretches my mouth. Billy and the other cousin share a glance. I'm guessing the smile doesn't look too happy.

God, this feels good—not having to back off. I can't afford to go to jail for hitting a cop, but these guys…whole other story.

Red raises his hands, palms upward. “I didn't come for you, Prince.”

“Too bad. 'Cause you got me instead of a helpless girl.”

“The witch didn't sound so helpless when she was cursing my sister.” Red steps forward, holding his hand out. Billy glances at him, then hands him the bat. His cockiness fades once he loses his weapon. “Gotta say, I'm looking forward to kicking your ass. I never liked you, but Clary thinks the sun rises and sets on you.”

“Then she's an idiot. Guess it runs in the family.”

Red slams the bat against the wall. The sound of metal on brick echoes through the alley. It sets my teeth on edge and jolts my anticipation a notch higher. I'm trembling, I'm so juiced.

“Are you seriously trying to start shit?” Red yells.

“Who followed who into the alley?” I squint at him a second then shrug. “You know what? Who gives a fuck…less talking…”

Red doesn't stand a chance. No way am I gonna let him walk knowing he's after Mala. I aim my first swing of the bar at the arm holding the bat. He blocks the swing, but the recoil makes his fingers spasm. The bat drops from his hand. When he lunges for it, I kick his leg out from under him, and he goes to the ground with a howl.

Billy and the other guy stare at Red. The shock on their faces almost doubles me over it's so funny. Their faces pale, and their mouths hang open. I throw open my arms. “Come on!” I shout, chest rising. “You want me? Let's go.”

Bravery comes in pairs. It builds when you're not alone. Strength in numbers and all that. I could've told them it's a load of bull. It's not about bravery but about how much damage you can withstand without folding. About how motivated the opponent is. I'm exceptionally motivated, and I don't have anything to lose.

Except Mala, and I won't give her up without a fight.

They run at me with shouts. I toss the steel bar to the side. I won't fight unarmed guys with a weapon. I duck Billy's swing, coming upward to nail him in the gut. The air whooshes out of him. The other guy hits my blind side. I don't know if it's a punch or a kick, but I take it in my still-bruised ribs. I stumble back, raising my arms. The uppercut slams into my chin. Where the head goes, the body follows. It's the law.

I slam into the Dumpster, stunned. Flickering lights spark in front of my eyes. I don't wait for my vision to clear. It's what this guy's waiting for—to take advantage of my confusion. I push off against the Dumpster, aiming my body in the direction I last saw him. He must've had the same thought. Our chests collide in midair. The impact knocks us to the ground. I recover faster, pulling myself on top of him and punching him in the face…once, twice. My arm goes back for another, but a hand grabs on. Billy shoves me off his bloody friend and tries to drag him away.

“What?” I scramble to my feet. My chest heaves as I try to catch my breath. “This isn't over. I'm still standing. Come on!”

“Let it go, man,” Billy whimpers. “This ain't about you. Tell him, Red.”

“It's about my girl.” I kick at Red, who's lying with his back against the wall. He sees my steel-toed boot aimed for his face and ducks. “You think I'll let you go?”

Wild laughter barks out of me. It sounds manic, like I've gone batshit crazy. Maybe I have. Time to stick me in a padded room. “God, Lainey. What have you done to me?”

Billy glances at Red with wide eyes.
I said the words out loud.

“I'm sorry,” Red says, climbing the wall with his hands. “About Lainey, I'm sorry.”

“This doesn't have anything to do with my sister.” I brush my hand across burning eyes. “Leave Malaise LaCroix alone. I won't come at you straight if you go after her.” I shove through them. “And you won't be crawling away the next time. I'll break every bone in your fucking body. Believe that if nothing else.”

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