Dark Paradise (24 page)

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Authors: Angie Sandro

BOOK: Dark Paradise
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“I followed, of course. I saw this guy running toward me. He was dressed all in black and wore a mask, which seemed suspicious so I, uh, chased after him.” I finish the justification for my stupidity in a rush. “An innocent guy wouldn't try to elbow someone in the face, right?”

“Let me get this straight. You chased after a masked man who's running away from the scene.” Landry threads his arm around my back. The pain of his touch makes me wince as he helps me stand. His voice grows louder with each word. “He's the reason why you got hurt? Seriously?”

I nod, unable to speak. I wrap my arms around him and press my face to his soggy T-shirt.

His body vibrates, which makes mine crackle in response. He runs his hands up and down my arms and back, searching for injuries, then hugs me against his muscular chest. Air bursts from my lungs, and I gasp, trying to break his hold so I can breathe. “My God, Mala, he could've killed you…” Each word comes with a slight hitch in his breathing. Choked and raw. His fingers fist in my hair, yanking my head back. “I could've lost you.”

“No, I—” His mouth slams onto mine in a rough, deep, tongue-thrusting kiss that makes my body sag, boneless. All of his fear and anxiety flows out of him and into me until we're connected. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back hard enough to remind him I'm alive.

When he finally pulls back, I say, “I'm sorry.”

He's right. I could've been hurt worse than I am. Chasing after that guy really was all kinds of stupid. I just wanted to capture the bad guy. Play the hero in my own little drama. I don't deserve to be a cop.

Landry blows out a breath. “Okay, okay, I…”

“No, you're right. I didn't think. I'm sorry I scared you.” I lean heavily on his arm as we walk toward the patrol cars parked in front of the pool. The parking lot is full of gawkers milling around: druggies, prostitutes, even a couple of truckers who thought the Super Delight would be a nice pit stop in their travels. It's loud. The excitement has people talking over each other as they speculate about what's happening.

George stands beside his patrol car with a clipboard. He's talking to the motel owner, Mr. Khan, who looks shaken up. Andy notices us before George does and nudges him in the shoulder. When George sees me, his eyes widen. I must look a mess. Then I see the shadowed flicker of his lashes, the solemn lines in his face, and a chill of premonition fills me.

I glance up to meet Landry's worried gaze. “Something's wrong, isn't it?”

The trembling in his arm intensifies.

Landry leads me through the crowd. Each step toward George feels like walking through molasses. Dread presses heavier and heavier upon my chest. By the time we reach his side, my legs quiver with the weight of remaining upright. “You said a woman got attacked. It's Mama, isn't it?”

George glances at Landry. “You didn't tell her?”

“I couldn't,” Landry says, voice breaking. He kisses the tip of my nose. “I'm sorry. I'll talk to you later.”

I nod, tears burning my eyes when he walks off, leaving me alone with George and the news I don't want to hear but have to know. Time freezes. A million scenarios of what could've happened to her and the possible outcomes race through my mind, but I'm afraid to ask the next question.
Is she dead?

George takes my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. “She's alive, Mala. We need to head to the hospital.”

“Why? What happened?”

“I'm not sure of the details, but she's hurt pretty bad. If Mr. Khan hadn't heard her scream and run out, and if Landry hadn't shown up when he did, it might've been a different story.”

“What about Landry?” Andy has him and Mr. Khan corralled by his K-9 car. If either of them try to get away, he'll probably sic Rex on them.

George tugs on my hand, leading me toward the door. “He can go after Andy gets his statement. Come on. You're wasting time.”

“Wait, I need to—”

“Bessie and Maggie will meet us at the hospital,” George says.

Each word takes me a little closer to the edge. By the time George helps me into his patrol car, I've fallen into an abyss. I have no idea how badly Mama has been hurt, but I can tell that it's bad by how little of the details George shares. I want Landry. I'm so scared. I need his strength to preserve my sanity, because despite George's promise that Mama still lives, I still pray that whole drive to the hospital that her death vision won't come true tonight.

Chapter 24


Spirit Attack

walk through the sliding doors into the hospital emergency room, instantly feeling claustrophobic when I see the sterile white walls, green-tiled floor, and fake plants. The pungent odor of antiseptic barely masks the scent of blood. Whispers, barely audible, tickle my ears, making me strain to hear them. Shadows flicker in the corners—
oh, merciful heavens
People are dying—I have to get out of here!

“I can't stay!” I spin on my heel.

Maggie blocks my path with outstretched arms. I'm seriously gonna punch her if she doesn't move. I don't care that she's my friend or that she tore herself from a date night with Tommy to meet me here. It would be better for both of us if she leaves me alone.

I try to dodge around her. She grabs onto my arm, spinning me around. It's the same arm the attacker almost pulled out of its socket, and I crumple with the pain.

George's grip on my other arm tightens painfully as he yanks me from the doorway. “What are you doing?”

“I've got to get out of here.” I twist on my arms, trying to break their grips. “You don't understand. This is a bad place.”

My hands tingle, and my chest tightens. The room spins and grows fuzzy. “I-I can't breathe.”

“Nurse, a little help!” George yells. He wraps my arm around his shoulder and grabs onto my waist, half carrying me over to a plastic chair. “Lean forward and put your head between your knees.” He brushes sweaty hair from my eyes. “Focus on breathing. It'll be okay. You're having a panic attack.”

I shake my head. “I'm dying.”

“No, you're not. Everything's going to be fine.” He turns to Maggie. “Bessie said she'd meet us here. Have you seen her?”

“No, we came separately.”

“Do you know what's wrong with Mala? She lost her ever-lovin' mind the minute we walked through the door.”

Maggie pats me on the back. “She hates hospitals. She had a bad experience when she was little. Said people kept sneaking into her room, and it scared her something fierce.”

Concentrate. Air in. Air out. Don't think.
Everything will be okay. I'll be fine. They won't get me. Not this time.
But it's a lie. The hairs on the back of my neck rise as the spirits run fingers across my skin. A shiver shakes me so hard that I grip the armrests so I won't fall off the chair. A hand touches my shoulder. I shriek, flailing out with my arms.

“Stop her,” Maggie yells, grabbing my waist.

George wraps his arms around mine.

I kick my legs, trying to break free. “Let go!”

“Cut it out, Mala.”

A nurse in navy hospital scrubs stoops down beside me. She pulls an oxygen mask over my mouth, and I take a deep breath. I can't hear what she is saying over the pulse beating in my head. Black spots dance in front of my eyes. Maggie has a death grip on my hand, and I squeeze back, trying to let her know I'll be all right. My breathing slows.

Then Bessie enters the waiting room. A frown mars the smooth plane of her forehead. When she sees George, she waves him over. Once he reaches her side and hears what she has to say, he starts scowling too. Oh Jesus, it can't be good. I start to panic again. This time, the fear focuses specifically on my mama.

George threads his way back through the patients. A few people seem put out at the attention we're receiving. A harried-looking mother shoots me a dirty look and lifts a crying baby over her shoulder.

“How are you feeling, Mala?” George asks.

I pull the oxygen mask down. “I'll be fine once I know what's going on.”

“Ms. Jasmine should be fine. Her ribs are cracked, and she's bruised up. Her doctor will be running some tests.” He glances over at Bessie, who stands by the door leading into the emergency room, wearing an impatient scowl. “We'll be going in to get her statement.”

“What about me? Can I see her?”

“They said you can visit after she's settled in a room. She'll need to stay in the hospital overnight for observation. You gonna be okay waiting?”

Maggie squeezes my hand. “I'll stay with her.”

“Yeah, I'll be fine. I don't know why I lost it so bad. I feel silly.” I run my fingers through my hair and wince.

“What's wrong?” George places his hand over mine. “Is this a knot?”

I pull my head back. “It's fine. I bumped it while swimming.” And hit it again while fighting the attacker. I still haven't told George. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I didn't see anything that would help to identify him but, mostly, I don't feel up to another lecture. The one Landry gave pretty much convinced me of my stupidity. I don't need a second vote from George to verify it.

“You need to get that checked out,” George says.

“It's bad enough that Mama's in here sucking off all our savings. I'm not gonna contribute to our losing our house over a stupid bump on the head.”

“George,” Bessie calls, waving for him. “Let's go.”

He pauses, then stands up. His mouth opens as if he plans to protest, but he takes a hard look at my face. He must realize I won't change my mind because he leaves without saying another word on the subject.

Maggie, on the other hand, can't let it go. “What happened?”

“I was swimming in the pond and hit my head on the side of the boat.”

Maggie gasps. “You could've been killed.”

“No, Landry hauled me out before I drank too much water. I'm fine.”

“Landry?” Maggie's eyes widen. “Did you say
? What's going on with the two of you? Every time I turn around, he's showing up. He doesn't seem like your type.”

“What do you mean?”

“You've only dated two boys up until last week: Jamal and Nadaedrick.” Maggie wiggles two fingers in front of my nose then lifts a third. “Oh, and Adrian from kindergarten, but I didn't think you wanted to count him, since he came out last year. I think he's dating Osby Bryant who works at the Piggly Wiggly.”

I fan myself with a hand. “Yeah, they're gorgeous together. You can totally tell how much they love each other.” I feel jealous every time I see them. I hope I'll find someone who will accept me so unconditionally, especially with me toting around all Mama's witchy baggage.

Maggie giggles at my expression. “Anyway, about Landry, he's everything you've always despised: popular, entitled, arrogant, and, worst of all, a player. He's been with most of the girls in town our age, and I've heard rumors about some who are older. I bet he's just trying to add another virgin to the notch on his belt.”

“If that's all he wanted from me, he could've had it today,” I mutter into the oxygen mask.

“What are you saying?”

I pull the mask down. “I'm saying that I tried to seduce him. I probably didn't do it right because he turned me down flat.”

Maggie's eyes flash. “How dare he say no to you? There's nothing wrong with you. You're beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to get you.”

“Maggie, that's not the point.” I stare at her for a long, hard second then laugh, unable to deny that Landry appears to be all those things. But he's also protective, honest, for the most part, and even when he tries to lie, he busts himself out. “Thanks for having my back, but really, it's not necessary. Contrary to rumor, Landry's a decent person.”

Plus even a shirtless Taylor Lautner comes in second to Landry.

I press my hand against the flutters in my tummy as I picture Landry sliding off his jeans in the boat. The way his eyes darken when he looks at me, like I'm a stack of hotcakes he wants to gobble up. He makes me feel—desired. I like that feeling.

I gasp. “Crap on toast, I've fallen for Landry.”

Maggie blinks again. “You say that like it's a surprise.”

I stand so fast I knock back the chair. “I can't fall in love with Landry. He's only interested in me as a make-out buddy. I'm gonna get my heart broken. Oh, Maggie, what do I do?”

“Keep away from him,” she says flatly.

“I can't.”

“The hole you're digging for yourself is only gonna get deeper. Like Mama says, ‘The more you stir in shit, the more it stinks.' Landry's getting riper the more you're together. I watched you with him at Munchies. Don't tell me you're just friends. The way he looked at you had nothing friendly about it. He's got strong feelings for you, and even if he can't admit it, it shows.”

“I told you, he turned me down. I offered, and he said no.”

Maggie snorts, shaking her head. “You're so naive. I can't believe you finally put aside your crush on the amazing George and start liking on the first guy who shows an interest in you.”

“What!” My throat tightens as I spit out the denial, “Why does everyone think I'm crushing on George? We're just friends. I do
like him like him.”

“Humph. Go ahead, keep believing your own lies if it makes you feel better, but everyone who sees you together knows different. There's no shame in liking him. Everyone loves George. He's like Clark Kent and Superman rolled up into one person.”

“Clark Kent and Superman
the same person, Maggie.”

She blinks twice and barks out a laugh that trails off uncomfortably. She glances up and gasps. I follow her gaze. George stands next to us. Double crap! I'm not sure how long he's been listening to our conversation, but he heard enough. Heat spreads up my chest and into my cheeks. I cross my arms to keep from fanning my burning face, playing it off. “Can I see Mama now?”

“She's upstairs. I'll take you to her room.”

The shaking starts again. The deeper into the depths of the hospital I walk, the more it feels like the ceiling and walls press down upon me. I'm being caged into a shrinking box with no way to escape. I can't stop thinking about her death vision. If what Magnolia said was true, then the future has already come to pass and it echoes through time with no way to stop it.

“Are you sure she'll be all right, Georgie?” I ask.

“Her doctor said the injuries aren't life threatening.”

“Did the guy just beat her up or did he do…more?”

George won't meet my eyes. “Bessie talked to her about that so I wouldn't know. They did a rape kit, but that's standard in these situations. Especially at the Super Delight.”

I sigh. “The motel's where she usually sees her
.” A foul taste coats my tongue while uttering the word, and my lips twist bitterly. “Do they have security cameras posted?”

“No security videos, you pay by the hour, and it's situated close enough to the highway for a quick getaway. A lot of drug transactions are handled at the motel for that reason.”

“Mama worked out a deal with Mr. Khan and rents her room by the month.”

My chest tightens as I flash back to the dream of Lainey dragging me underwater, of straining to hold my breath. Had the dream been a warning of Mama's attack? If I'd listened, could I have prevented her from getting hurt? “She got lucky, didn't she?”

“The guy tried to kill her, Malaise. He would've succeeded if Landry hadn't heard the splash.”

I nod stiffly, following George into the elevator.

“I heard your conversation with Maggie,” he says once the doors close.

“Huh?” It takes me a second to shift gears from Mama's attack.

“I wasn't deliberately spying or anything. But I heard you say you're falling for Landry.” George glares at the buttons lighting up as the elevator rises. With a jerky movement, he slams his fist on the emergency stop. The elevator freezes. “Seriously, Mala? Landry? Of all the guys—”

Oh God, why couldn't he act like a gentleman and pretend like he hadn't overheard my confession? This means he also heard Maggie's ridiculous theory about me crushing on him too?
Kill me now.

“You…you can't stop the elevator!” I sputter. “This is a hospital.”

“Are you insane? How can you associate with that asshole after everything he's done?” He steps too close, filling my vision.

I press back against the metal wall, wishing I could disappear through it. “I don't know what you're talking about.”

“He attacked you at Lainey's memorial. He's playing you against his girlfriend, Clarice—”

“Hold on there, buddy. He didn't attack me. And Clarice is not his girlfriend.”

that. They go to church together every Sunday. Clarice was with Landry in the hot tub the day I went to his house with the death notification for Lainey. They were very obviously together. Do you really think he's interested in being with you?”

Very obviously together? What the hell does that mean?
My face flushes with heat.
Duh, sex.
Now I'm pissed. I step forward, and it's his turn to retreat. “Why can't he be interested? Am I that hard on the eyes?”

“He's not your type. He's gonna play you for a fool and dump you.”

“Good to know what you really think about me, George. With all I have to worry about, at least I've got you to remind me of how worthless, stupid, and ugly I am.” This about sums up my frustration with George. He sees me as a naive little girl who needs protection from the big, bad Landry. It's not like I'm silly enough to think that Landry wants to be in a long-term relationship. So what if he's only turning to me for comfort? It's my choice how much of myself I choose to give him. Or anyone else.

I hit the button, and the door pops open. “What's the room number? I'll find it on my own. Spare you my company since I'm so unbearable to be seen with.”

“That's not what I said.”

“Yeah, it is.”

Bessie waits outside of a room at the end of the hall, and I walk in her direction.

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