Dark Splendor (17 page)

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Authors: Andrea Parnell

Tags: #romance, #gothic, #historical, #georgia, #colonial georgia history, #gothic romance, #colonial america, #sensual romance, #historical 1700s, #sexy gothic, #andrea parnell, #trove books

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Roman’s hands gently cupped her face as his
breath caught in his throat.

“There are other monsters a woman should
fear,” he whispered, lowering her to the pillow. “Monsters that
make a man want to know all there is of a woman.” Like a warm
promise, his breath caressed her throat.

“That monster is not one I fear,” she
whispered, placing a finger on his lips.

His gaze skimmed over her like a soft breeze
rippling the air. The sheer gown she wore hid little from his eyes
as they hungrily searched for every secret. The dark peaks of her
breasts strained the gossamer fabric and wielded a torturous satin
touch against him. Roman moaned at the delectable crush of the soft
mounds on his chest, delighting in the sweet, wonderful feel of her
in his arms. He kissed the top of her head and combed his fingers
gently through her hair, arranging the dark tresses in a flow of
curls over the pillow.

Her heart fluttered as wildly as the wings
of a young bird about to make its first flight. When Roman
stretched out beside her, the heat of his body was a draft of pure
nectar warming her skin. Nymphlike, she wrapped her arms about him,
tracing the swell of powerful muscles in his back and seeing how
the patina of his skin caught the candlelight like beaten gold in
the sun.

“You are not a monster,” she whispered as he
cradled her in his arms. She nuzzled her head to his shoulder,
breathing in his spicy male scent.

He answered with a kiss and stilled with his
embrace the tremor that shook her flesh. A moment later, the length
of his body pressed against her and she could feel her skin
tingling where they touched. Passion flamed in his eyes, and his
hands roamed freely to her hips, easing the silky gown upward over
her thighs. He slipped it beneath her hips, uncovering the flat
satin plane of her stomach to his gaze. A dark forest covered the
gentle swell where his hand rested for a tormenting moment.

Silvia met his eyes and smiled softly as he
made gentle work of easing the filmy garment over her head and
quickly tossed it carelessly to the floor. Desire consumed her as a
slight tremor shook his shoulders when he touched her skin, soft as

Silvia had no fears now; only the searing
burn of desire flooded her veins. Roman’s eyes feasted on her
curves, delighted in the beauty of her charms. His hands treasured
them all with touches that drove her to soft, yearning sighs.

Roman’s breath was a low rumble in his
throat as he lifted her ebony tresses and sought the curve of her
neck. His mouth wandered to the soft valley between her breasts as
his hands cupped the full, sensuous mounds. Moving lightly, his
teeth teased at the tight buds with gentle nips that left her
trembling, but soon he raised his mouth to hers and branded her
lips with his fiery kisses. His hands stroked her skin, finding and
bringing to life every inch of her until she writhed with

He rolled to his side and pulled her against
him, his hand wandering over the curve of her waist and onward to
the flare of her hips. She felt the manly thrust of him against
her, and her mind spun, excitement building with each arousing
touch until she knew nothing but the press of his lips, the
delicious demand of his kisses. A soft and wanton sigh escaped from
her lips. He pressed his hand to her thigh and ignited a sweet,
burning ache in her loins. His kisses devoured her and his eyes
became a burst of blue lights as passion raged unfettered within
his loins.

Carefully, reverently, he eased Silvia to
her back, kneeling above her for one poignant, burning moment. She
saw him clearly now, his heated manliness, the untempered desire in
his face. Roman braced his arms beside her shoulders, his open
mouth searing her lips with raging kisses as he lowered his weight
upon her. A gentle nudge eased her thighs apart and she felt his
thrust, a heated fusing that brought a brief flash of pain.

She cried his name out but soon was lost in
the mounting pleasure he brought to her rapturous body. It was a
mystical, unfolding world of wonder, an expanding ecstasy that
flamed within like a thousand fiery suns lighting the sky. She soon
learned to match his ardor, meeting his thrusts with delectable
fury as her passion built to a torturous level of white heat.
Wrapping her legs around him, she lifted her hips, pressing herself
even closer to him. She felt him moving inside her, and as she
arched her body, felt her breasts brush against his chest. Roman
groaned, and placing his hands beneath her buttocks, crashed
against her, igniting her flesh until an explosion came in a moment
of heat and pleasure as intense and beautiful as the birth of a new

Blissfully they rested together in the glow
of shared passion, their bodies entwined, his head beside her
shoulder. Silvia’s hand rested on the damp gleaming skin of his
back, and her eyes shone with a look of surprise and elation. His
eyes had cooled to a sapphire blue, shining with a new emotion as
he kissed her softly.

“I have claimed you, love,” he whispered,
covering her mouth with silken kisses, “as mine and mine alone.”
Her lips were soft and warm, the taste of her sweet and heady like
wine and honey.

“I would belong to no other, Roman,” she
whispered as her heart swelled with joy at his words.

He rolled to his back and she nestled her
head on his shoulder. His arms held her in a quiet embrace, her
tangled black curls spilled over his chest, and she heard the
thundering of his heart. Silvia lifted a hand to caress his cheek.
Her breathing had slowed but the feel of his body joined to hers
lingered like a phosphorescent glow delectably warming her heart
and soul.

The sun had begun a rosy climb in the sky
when they stirred again. Roman lay on his back, Silvia cuddled in
the crook of his arm, her breasts rising and falling in slow, deep
breaths. Minutes ticked away as he gazed at her, overcome by the
tantalizing display of her beauty, reveling in the knowledge that
she had given herself to no other man. He saw her lips, full and
tempting, the bloom of color on her cheeks. A surge of fullness
ebbed in his chest, a possessive, protective tide of emotion
willing him to keep her forever at his side.

He had made no conquest, he knew. In truth
he had been conquered by soft lips and silken skin, ebony hair and
eyes like wild honey. He sighed and bent over her, kissed her
forehead, buried his face in the curtain of her hair, drinking in
the faint lavender perfume of the dark, silky curls. He wanted
nothing more than to take the place in her heart that she had taken
in his. Roman’s brow creased thoughtfully. Would she feel as he
did? A long finger curved beneath her chin, lifting her face to his
lips. He kissed her eyes open with a soft brush of his mouth.

Silvia sighed sleepily.

“Wake up, little love. I’ll take you to your
room before it is common knowledge you spent the night in my

Rising quickly, he crossed the room to find
a pair of breeches and a shirt. His tousled golden hair hung lankly
over his forehead and the length of it swung loose, almost reaching
his shoulders. Silvia propped herself up in bed and modestly pulled
the sheet up as she watched him cross the room.

His shoulders were wide and his waist
narrow, his hips trim and lean. He walked with the leisurely grace
of a tiger, the corded muscles beneath his gleaming golden skin
rippling with each step.

While Silvia watched in fascination, he
donned a pair of blue breeches and pulled a loose-fitting shirt
over his head. A sprinkling of laughter rewarded her modesty as he
walked back to the bed, combing his hair through with his

“Up, love,” he whispered. “Back to your room
before the sun rises.” He found her gown in a heap on the floor,
shook it out, and sat beside her. Suddenly his lips began a series
of tantalizing kisses, starting at her earlobes and rambling
provocatively to her mouth. The touch of his lips was light and
feathery but grew in intensity until his mouth was crushing hers
and his tongue was thrusting hungrily against her own.

Silvia moaned softly, dizzied by the sweet

Reluctantly Roman pulled away and caught her
by the arms, lifting them high over her head. As he did, the sheet
fell to her waist, revealing pink-tipped orbs. At the revelation of
such a delectable prize, Roman stifled a ragged groan. He looked at
her longingly for a moment, but forced himself to slip her arms and
head through the proper openings of the gown. With a sigh, he slid
the sheer garment down, coursing his hands over her back and
letting them come to rest on her waist.

Silvia trembled beneath the warmth of his

“Have you no voice this morning, love?” A
devilish gleam lit his eyes and his lips curled into a teasing
smile. “Am I truly a monster, that I have rendered you

He threw the covers back and lifted her from
the bed, setting her on her feet in front of him.

The silk gown cascaded over her legs as she
took an unsteady step and staggered drunkenly against him to catch
her balance.

“Nay, Roman.” She found her voice, though it
was small and shaky. “My monster is a sweet golden god, and I am
bewitched to find him so.”

“Ahh,” he said, and laughed. His eyes
twinkled merrily as they bathed her in adoration. “It is you who
have bewitched me, love.” He took a robe from a peg beside his bed
and wrapped it around her shoulders. “And we will have to decide
what is to be done about it,” he said in a voice clear and gentle.
“But for now, you must go.”

Roman laid an arm on her shoulder and led
her to the door. Stretching his hand to the knob, he opened it
slowly and cautiously peered out to determine if anyone was in
sight. Finding the way clear, he led her to her room, where her
door still stood open. Roman stepped inside briefly and looked
around. Finding nothing amiss, he led Silvia in and gently kissed
the tip of her nose.

“We’ll talk in the garden after breakfast,
love,” he said softly. “Sleep awhile now.”

She found a joyous satisfaction in the tone
of his voice and a comforting reassurance in the gentleness of his

“That is best,” she whispered, pressing his
hand to her lips and kissing the golden-brown knuckles. Her face
bore a radiant glow as she gazed dreamily into his eyes. “There is
much I wish to tell you.”

He stepped away, closing the door lightly as
he left. Silvia quickly turned the key in the lock and hurried to
her bed. Thoughts of the terrifying intruder who had roused her
from sleep faded from her mind. Whatever, whoever he was, a dream
or a ghost, he had sent her into the arms of the man she loved.
That single thought overpowered all others. Roman, the man she had
thought she despised, the man who had taunted her mercilessly, had
captured her heart.

She slept restfully, a smile set on her lips
and the glow remaining in her cheeks. She had not slept well in
this house since she arrived, but now the lightness in her heart
brought a calm and welcome repose.

She awoke to the sound of knocking on her
door late in the morning. Startled, she sat up hurriedly. The sun
was high and birds were chirping loudly in the trees outside.

She hesitated a moment, then exhaled a
contented sigh, realizing she had slept through breakfast and Roman
was most likely wakening her. Her heart was bursting with
happiness, and without hesitation she jumped from the bed and
rushed to the door.

“Ro...” Her dark lashes flew up quickly and
she took a sharp breath.

But Vivien’s dark form greeted her from the
doorway. An irritated frown twitched at Silvia’s lips as Vivien’s
eyes narrowed slightly.

“Mr. Schlange is recovered well enough to
see you,” she stated flatly. Her eyes took in every detail of
Silvia’s appearance and her face held a look of mockery. Vivien’s
lips formed a hard, cold smile as she glanced quickly at the bed
where Roman’s robe rested across the foot. Silvia had forgotten to
hide it beneath the bedcovers.

“I’m so glad he’s better,” Silvia stammered
in surprise.

Uncomfortably she crossed her arms over her
chest and shivered as if she felt a sudden chill. What made her
dread seeing Mr. Schlange? She felt as if she had been tossed from
a soft, feathery cloud and was plunging headlong toward the hard,
unyielding ground. Had she thought a night in Roman’s arms had
changed her? She was still a bond servant, Mr. Schlange’s bond
servant. She was not free to give her heart, not free to give her
love to anyone until her five years of indenture ended. The thought
wounded her as surely and sorely as a bullet.

She had to look away from Vivien’s hawkish
gaze. A slow flush of despair swept over her. Roman might not feel
the same about her after today. She had told him she was a bond
servant, but he hadn’t believed her. Everyone seemed to think she
was someone else. Even she had begun to believe it herself. Where
was her common sense, and what could be the purpose of her despair?
She sighed. There was nothing for her to do now but see Mr.
Schlange and appeal to his mercy. When he learned of Roman’s
feelings for her, he would surely make allowances.

Sadly Silvia dropped her gaze. Her hands
were clenched at her sides in tight little fists and her nails bit
sharply into her palms. There must be a way to solve it all. She
crushed down the heaviness in her heart and let herself be cheered
a little. A man as generous and kind as Mr. Schlange would he
softhearted about such matters. Like a ray of sunshine following a
storm, a wisp of a hopeful smile chased the cloud from her

Vivien’s brows flicked up curiously.

“Anna will bring a breakfast tray and come
to help you with your toilette.” Vivien walked to the armoire and
took out a voluminous dress. “Wear this green.” Her voice was flat
and cold. “Mr. Schlange expects you in an hour. I will come for you

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