Dark Without You (4 page)

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Authors: Sue Lyndon

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Dark Without You
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Before Alice could finish processing this revelation, Andy flipped her across his lap. “I haven’t seen much of you during the past few years,” he said, stroking a hand along her upturned cheeks. “Have you been naughty at all?”

Alice’s breath caught in her throat. “Only a little,” she confessed. “I haven’t been as bad as I was in high school. I swear.”


* * *


Only a little.

Andy continued to stroke menacing circles along Alice’s slightly reddened flesh. The handful of slaps he’d delivered to her bottom had done minimal damage. She was more relaxed than he expected. Although he’d bet she would squirm if he spanked her again.

He brushed his hand along her swollen folds. She was well-groomed in that area, almost bare and begging to be fucked again. And Andy planned to do just that—later. “It’s confession time, Alice. Tell me how bad you’ve been.”

To his surprise, she let loose with a quick list of transgressions. She’d gone on more blind dates, gotten drunk at too many parties, turned in several late assignments, intentionally flirted with a professor in hopes of raising a test grade, and gotten several speeding tickets, to name a few.

Andy was sincere when he said he’d never let Alice go. They were together for good, as far he was concerned. And as feisty as Alice could be at times, she would undoubtedly require a firm hand. He’d missed her terribly during the past few years, and she’d probably gotten away with a lot she wouldn’t have otherwise. The blind dates and the speeding tickets angered him the most, and Alice was about to get the spanking of her lifetime. He smiled when he recalled how this all started when she locked herself out of her room.

“You deserve to be punished, Alice,” he said, probing the hidden wetness between her folds.

To his surprise, she whispered, “I-I know.”

Andy continued to explore, slipping two fingers deep inside her warm entrance. The scent of her arousal was heavy. She moaned and gently grinded against the intrusion, meeting his rhythm. “You’ve been a very bad girl,” he scolded, pushing faster and deeper. Above his working hand, he had a perfect view of her shy, puckering hole. His cock stiffened and his balls drew up tight at the thought of fucking her

He began spanking slowly, covering Alice’s bottom cheeks with red handprints, rubbing them out in between blows and always stopping to stroke her glistening sex. She didn’t protest. In fact, she seemed to be enjoying it just as much as he was. Andy was rock hard underneath Alice’s lower stomach.

“I believe I promised you a real spanking, didn’t I?” he asked, repositioning Alice’s bottom higher on his lap.

“Wait,” she said. “I thought—”

But Andy interrupted with a flurry of hard slaps across her bottom and thighs. Alice howled curses at him and tried to shield herself, only for Andy to pin her flailing hands against the small of her back. The view of her bright red bottom was exquisite.

“Let me up!”

Alice was in obvious discomfort, but Andy kept going. When he laid a volley of especially harsh slaps at the base of her bottom, she seemed desperate to escape. She squirmed and resorted to begging Andy to stop, but her pleas met deaf ears. He intended to give her the heavy spanking she deserved. And after that, he would make her see stars in bed.

“This is for the blind dates,” he said, striking the same spot five times in a row. Down the line he went, naming her offenses as he punished without mercy. “And this is for the speeding tickets.” The last offense named earned her cluster of slaps on the yet-untouched skin of her inner thighs.

When Andy thought she’d had enough, he paused to rub smooth circles along her punished skin. She was breathing hard, but he didn’t think she was crying. As stubborn as she was, he doubted a session with his belt could bring her to tears.

“Please no more,” she whispered in a hoarse voice.

Andy released her hands. “Did you learn your lesson?”

“Yes. I swear.”

Before Alice could move, Andy touched the sweetness between her thighs. She was drenched within, and burning hot. He rubbed her hardened clit lightly between his fingers. She moaned and moved her hips. “You’re close to coming, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” she admitted.

Immediately, he withdrew his hand. “Be a good girl for me and I’ll let you come later.”

She groaned. “Not fair! You can’t control when I orgasm.” When she struggled to rise up, Andy tightened his grip on her.

“Bad girl. Now I have to punish you again.” But instead of spanking her bottom or her thighs, Andy’s flat palm landed firmly against her pussy lips. Ignoring her surprised yelp, he placed ten quick slaps on those tender folds.

Her neck craned around and she stared at him in shock. “Y-you—”

Andy positioned her upright in his lap, tilting her chin to force her eyes to meet his. “Do you trust me, Alice?”

“Yes, but—”

“Shh. Listen.” He placed a finger against her soft lips. “God knows how much I’ve missed you these past few years. I want you as
, Alice.”

Her eyes became glossy as she stared up at him. “I-I want you too.”

Despite this admission, Andy could sense her reluctance. He trailed a finger along her jawline and studied the confusion playing across her pretty face. “What are you thinking?”

She bit her lip, and appeared deep in thought for a while. “Are you always going to be like this in bed?”

He chuckled and put his mouth to her ear. “In and out of bed, my pet. Can you handle it?”

“It’s not what I’m used to.” She leaned against him and took a deep breath. “But it did—turn me on a little.”

“Just a little?” he asked as he sought out her wet pussy again.

She pulled back, blushing deeply. “Okay, okay, more than a little.”

“Good, because I’m not done with you yet.” He glanced down at the messy covers. “On your knees,” he ordered, and guided her into the proper position on the bed.

Andy rolled on a condom and came up behind her. He thrust his cock deep between her moist lips. He took her in a heated frenzy, fucking her fast and hard while his fingers dug into her hips. Their moans mingled together amid the sound of sticky slaps. By the time Andy climaxed, a thin sheen of sweat glistened over their bodies.

He took her several times that night, their desire exploding again and again as he claimed her as his. He permitted her to come a handful of times, and found the power of holding that much authority over her intoxicating. They finally fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms as the rising sun peeked through the curtains.

It was Andy’s own version of heaven.





Chapter Four


“I’m fine! You’re being a bossy jerk.” Alice couldn’t believe Andy was forcing her to see a doctor. She hated doctors. And the timing of her illness couldn’t have been worse. It was a Monday, only three days after her wonderful sex-filled night in Andy’s hotel room. They’d spent all the days since then driving to Miami, Florida and hadn’t had much privacy. Since two shows were scheduled in Miami, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday, they would’ve had four blissful nights together in the comfort of a nice hotel. Pissed off at the universe for hating her, Alice tore a path through the carpet of the waiting room. At least no one else was waiting and she could vent to her heart’s content.

“Sit down, Alice. Now.” Andy glared up at her from his chair, his patience obviously wearing thin.

“All I need to do is take some NyQuil and grab a few hours of sleep. I don’t need to see a stupid doctor.” She ran a hand through her hair and glanced once more at Andy. He looked none too pleased with her behavior. Knowing she’d answer for her actions if she didn’t calm down, she swallowed hard and sank into the seat next to his.

“Have you forgotten what we talked about the other morning?” He cocked his head, waiting for her response.

Alice stopped breathing for a moment, overwhelmed by his nearness. She hoped she hadn’t pushed him too far. “I haven’t forgotten.”


As they waited in silence, her mind spun around and around. After crushing on Andy for years and finally falling into his bed, he’d dropped quite the bombshell on her the morning after their romp in the Chicago hotel. He believed in domestic discipline, even in the case that they weren’t technically living together, and had no qualms about taking her over his knee if she misbehaved. Hell, he even believed in maintenance spankings and had introduced her to her first one on Saturday. Strangely enough, Alice was familiar with these terms. Maybe it was Andy’s constant threats to spank her, or maybe it had nothing to do with him personally, but she’d read a few erotic romance stories with spanking themes over the years. It was all so intriguing, but she’d never sought out such a relationship before. None of her previous relationships had lasted long enough to build up the high level of trust needed for her to feel comfortable enough, but she’d known Andy for years and trusted him with her life.

Would he really punish her if she disobeyed him?

She glanced at his profile, admiring his strong jaw and the blond stubble covering the lower half of his face. Yes. He would. Deep down she knew Andy Steele was a man of his word, and she didn’t have the slightest inclination to test his resolve. The weekly maintenance spankings had her nervous enough, though she had agreed to them, and she didn’t think she could bear to see disappointment reflected in those dark blue eyes.

A door swung open and a tall African American woman smiled across the room at her. “Alice Grove?”

Alice nodded and rose out of her seat and headed toward the nurse. When she heard a noise behind her, she looked over her shoulder. Dammit. Mr. Bossypants had to come along too. The man had no limits. Her heart swooned at his attentiveness, but her mind screamed at his invasion of her privacy. She decided to voice her objections later. No sense making a scene in the middle of a doctor’s office. Taking a deep breath, she resigned herself to the nurse’s questions and repressed a groan when it was time to check her vitals. Of course she had a high fever—102.5. No surprise there.

After waiting inside a patient room with Andy for a small eternity, a balding, middle-aged man entered wearing a white lab coat. He had warm eyes and a calm bedside manner, and Alice didn’t dislike him as much as most doctors—but she still wasn’t happy with Andy for dragging her here in the first place.

“I’m Dr. Zimmerman,” the man said, shaking both their hands. He studied a chart for a minute, and then busied himself with Alice’s examination. He felt around her throat, listened to her deep breaths with a stethoscope, swabbed her poor sore throat, and peeked inside her ears. The verdict was a sinus infection, ear infection, and strep throat. “A triple whammy,” the doctor joked.

Alice ignored Andy’s sharp, I-told-you-so glance, still upset he’d accompanied her inside the room and directed her gaze at the doctor. “Can I just get a prescription or something?”

“I’ll write you a prescription for an antibiotic and some painkillers. There’s a CVS a block away I’ll send the ’scripts to. You’ll also need lots of rest and fluids.” He smiled and disappeared into the hallway.

“Last time I checked, NyQuil didn’t cure the
triple whammy
,” Andy said, raising an eyebrow. “You really should take better care of yourself, Alice.”

She melted under his disapproving stare. “Have I mentioned how bossy you are?”

He frowned. “You’re going to take your medicine and get lots of rest. We have four days at the hotel here and you’ll be spending the majority of the time in bed.”

Waving a hand dismissively in the air, she said, “Oh, please. I’ll be fine in day.”

The nurse chose that moment to interrupt their argument by bustling into the room with Alice’s discharge papers. “The ’script was send in via computer. You can pick it up in about thirty minutes. Hope you feel better soon.” She smiled warmly, mostly in Andy’s direction. Ugh.

“Let’s get you in bed first, and then I’ll pick up your medicine.” Andy lifted Alice off the examination table and folded her under his arm. Too exhausted to argue further, she allowed him to guide her to the taxi waiting outside. The driver looked up from a newspaper and started the car. How long had he been waiting?

Alice struggled to remain awake during the short drive back to the hotel. The buildings and streets were a blur of images, and it saddened her that she couldn’t enjoy the beautiful day. Despite the bright sun and the heat, shivers racked her body. By the time Andy tucked her into bed, she felt like a zombie. Her insides fluttered as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead, his lips lingering for a long second. She wasn’t sure what she’d done to deserve Andy’s loving attention, but she wasn’t about to question it. Vowing to try her best not fuck this relationship up, she let her eyelids drift shut and fell into a deep, much-needed sleep.


* * *


“What do you think you’re doing, young lady?” Andy’s question was a growl, and his patience teetered on the edge. He cared about Alice, but sometimes she pushed his buttons in a bad way.

“I’ve been in bed for three days, and I’m feeling better. I’m going to the concert tonight.” Her lip protruded out in a pretty pout as she clumsily slipped into a pair of black heels. The low-cut, tight black dress she wore fell halfway above her knees. No way in hell was she going anywhere dressed like that—or going anywhere to begin with.

“Your fever didn’t break until yesterday afternoon, Alice. I want you to use this last night in the hotel wisely—by turning in early and getting at least eight hours of sleep before we hit the road tomorrow morning.” He crossed his thick arms over his chest, daring her to press the issue further. If she didn’t watch her mouth, she’d be going to bed with a sore bottom.

“This is ridiculous.” She rolled her eyes and moved toward the bathroom. “I’m going to the concert,” she called, then shut the door behind her.

Andy’s anger boiled to the surface. She’d been a difficult patient and her defiance had passed the point of reasonable tolerance. When he heard the sound of a hairdryer blowing, his fists clenched and he swallowed hard. The little imp. Glancing around the room, he moved toward the shopping bag on the dresser. He’d picked up a few supplies at the CVS other than her medicine, including a thermometer. A plan formed in his mind as he tore the slim object out of its package. Alice wouldn’t dare defy him again anytime soon.

The hairdryer cut off, and he steeled himself to be firm. Desire surged through his senses as he anticipated administering her punishment, but he pushed it down. Oh, he’d pound his cock hard and fast into her pussy before the night ended, but it wasn’t time for that yet. Now was the time for Alice to experience a healthy dose of humiliation, pain, and eventually, remorse.

“I’m all ready to leave.” She avoided his gaze as she gathered her purse.

“Alice Marie Grove, the only place you’re going is over my knee.” His tone was quiet but deadly.

Her posture stiffened and disbelief spread across her face when she met his cold gaze. “Oh come on, it’s just a concert.”

“I’m done arguing with you, young lady. You know you’re behaving badly. You’ve done nothing but talk back and roll your eyes at me for the past few days. It’s time to face the music.” The bad, ill-placed pun almost made him cringe, but he stood his ground, glaring down at the naughty girl whose backside he planned to tan a deep, pretty pink.

Alice tossed her purse on a chair and took a tentative step forward. “You know what? I think you’re right. Maybe I should go to bed early.” A timid smile crossed her face, her eyes wide and pleading.

“You will go to bed early—after I give you a much-deserved spanking.” He closed the space between them and tilted her chin upward to meet his unforgiving gaze. “Go get ready for bed first. You have ten minutes.” He sent her toward the bathroom with a single, hard swat to her bottom, admiring how the tight dress accentuated the curves of her ass. To his surprise, she returned in about five minutes, dressed in a pair of flannel pajama shorts and a snug white T-shirt.

“I’m really sorry, Andy,” she said, biting her lip. “I promise to go bed. Please. You don’t have to spank me.”

Toying with the thermometer still in his hand, he crossed the room and grabbed her elbow, leading her toward the bed. “Let’s get this over with.” He ignored her whimpers of protest as he guided her over his lap, but was pleased she didn’t resist physically. Her sweet, albeit reluctant, submission was a precious gift, and it moved a previously unaffected place in his soul. The profound depth of his feelings for Alice at this moment caused his heart to skip a beat as he rubbed soft circles on her back. “I’m going to take your temperature first,” he said, his voice thick with emotion and lust.

“Um, what do you mean?” Her innocent question brought a smile to his face.

“Pray you have a fever, Alice, because it’s the only thing that’ll postpone this spanking.” He yanked down her shorts and panties, letting them bunch around her thighs. When he placed a finger between her crevice, searching for her bottom hole, she tensed and one hand flew back. Grasping her wrist, he pinned it against the small of her back. “Hold still,” he scolded.

“What’s that?” she asked as he placed the tip of the thermometer at her entrance.

“I told you I’m taking your temperature. Now hold still.” Without further ado, he slipped the tip into her puckering hole, pushing it deeper than necessary. The sight of it sticking up between her cheeks caused his pulse to quicken.
Oh, fuck yes
. His cock shifted and pressed against his jeans and her stomach. If she wasn’t an anal virgin, he would’ve planned to pound into her ass after this punishment, but he feared causing her harm. He wasn’t in the mood to be gentle. “Hmm, no fever,” he said, pulling the thermometer from her little, quivering hole. He placed it on the nightstand and refocused his attentions on her ass, rubbing and squeezing her smooth, pale flesh.

Her breath hitched as he continued fondling, exploring, and teasing her by prolonging the beginning of the spanking. He reached for her free wrist and clamped them both together against her back to prevent her from blocking any blows.

“You need to take better care of yourself, Alice. I’m also disappointed in the way you’ve handled yourself lately. I won’t tolerate eye rolling and talking back, just as I won’t tolerate direct disobedience. I know this type of relationship is new to you, but I won’t let you get away with bad behavior. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.” The smallness of her voice and the way her posture relaxed moved that previously unaffected place in his soul again. She was submitting to him, surrendering like a good girl.

“After your spanking, I’m going to fuck your little pussy hard.” He raised his hand and delivered a firm slap to her right cheek before she could respond. Building a momentum, he alternated sides and didn’t pause between smacks. She flinched and gasped a few times, but to her credit she didn’t attempt to dodge any blows. By the time he finished, her bottom glowed and she was a very sorry girl, sniffling and mumbling incoherent apologies. He cradled her in his lap, holding her close to examine her face. Only a hint of moisture brimmed in her eyes. No tears had fallen. For some reason, she’d always kept a careful control on her emotions. Even when he’d witnessed Rich telling her about their parents’ fatal car accident, she hadn’t had any kind of outburst. Assuming it was denial or shock that held her together, he’d kept a watchful eye on her for weeks after that fateful day, only for her to remain stoic—except when she drank too much and let loose with her friends. He suspected all her pain was stored in a tight ball inside, and her method of dealing with the hurt was to act out in dangerous and irresponsible ways.

“I’m sorry, Andy.” She blinked and the moisture in her eyes vanished, as if it had never existed.

“You’re forgiven, pet.” His fingers delved into her silky hair, and he kissed her forehead.

“Should I lay down on the bed now?” His mind still lost in the past, he raised an eyebrow in question. “So you can fuck me,” she clarified, her expression subservient and completely serious.

Holy shit. If Andy had any doubts of how perfect Alice was for him, they vanished in this moment. Adoration and pure, raw desire collided until his hands involuntarily tightened in her hair. God, he wanted her bad. “No. I want you bent over the bed.”

Head lowered, she climbed out of his lap and he directed her into the proper position, slipping her pajama shorts and panties off in the process. He guided her legs apart until her pussy lips peeked out from between her well-punished bottom and upper thighs. Andy’s cock sprang free after he unzipped his jeans, and he fisted it in his hand as he approached Alice from behind. He placed his solid length against her moist folds and harshly pulled her hair, tipping her head back so his mouth was at her ear.

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