Dark Wolf Unbound (Heart of the Shifter #2) (13 page)

BOOK: Dark Wolf Unbound (Heart of the Shifter #2)
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She ached for

Chapter 16

ace continued
to kiss her as he slid his hand over her hip, tracing the curve of her body with such a delicate touch it was as if his fingers were no more than a feather whispering over her skin. The turmoil inside her began to subside, calmed by his kiss and his touch, by the feel of his strong body stretched out beside her.

She spread her fingers over his chest again, losing herself in the heat of his presence and the magic of his kiss.

"Yes," he whispered, "touch me. It's okay. Anything you want to do is okay."

After a lifetime of being commanded and threatened, his words seemed to pour lightness into her heart. She slipped her hand behind his head, pulling him closer. He moved over her, deepening the kiss as he settled on top of her, his ripped body pinning her to the cot. She was trapped beneath him, but she didn't feel afraid. Jace made her feel safe, even though she knew he could kill her in a heartbeat if he heard the song. But somehow, someway, she believed he would never hurt her. There was just something about him, an inner strength, a mortal fierceness, and the ache of regret that made him stronger than anything Grigori and Lucius could throw back at him.

She wrapped her legs around his hips, drawing him closer as he continued to kiss her, his lips and tongue a beautiful array of sensuality, lust, and intimacy. She felt as though each kiss was chasing away another shadow, another memory, another horror from her past. Telling him had brought them to the surface, and his kisses were severing their grip on her, allowing her to breathe again.

He cupped her face, drawing back enough to see her as he shifted his hips, sinking more intimately between her legs. "You make me feel like the man I want to be," he said.

Her heart tightened. "All my life, I've been responsible for terrible things happening to good people. To know that I bring good into your life, even if it's just a little bit, is amazing. I didn't know I could do that."

"You do." He tunneled his fingers through her hair, bracing himself with his elbows on either side of her head. "I was ready to die that day at your grandmother's house, and you gave me a reason to live." He grinned as he shifted, thrusting inside her.

She gasped, unable to keep herself from shifting in response. It felt so incredible to be connected to him so intimately, to have him gazing at her as if he wanted them both to know exactly who they were with. Her heart ached, an ache that hurt as much as it healed. "I love you, Jace," she whispered, the words so quiet she barely even heard them. She didn't mean to say them, but they slipped out, pouring out into the space between them.

Jace stilled, his face going blank for a split second.

She caught her breath, suddenly afraid. Afraid she would drive him away. Afraid that by saying the words, by admitting to herself that she'd let herself care, that she was going to find her heart carved apart once again. It wasn't safe to love. She knew that. She didn't want to be there again, loving someone so much that she made terrible choices to protect them. "I didn't say that," she said, trying desperately to recant. "Please, I can't afford that—"

"You gave it to me. It's mine, now. I can't pretend you didn't say it." He kissed her again, deep, fierce, and claiming. As he kissed her, he began to thrust again, slowly at first, then faster, deeper, until the rhythm of their bodies became a thundering percussion of music that filled even the darkest, most hidden, most protected recesses of her soul. He was merciless and rough, but at the same time, there was such tenderness in his kiss and his lovemaking that her heart swelled in response, crying out for him, for how he made her feel, for how much he mattered to her.

The orgasm swept over her with merciless power, driving deep into her heart and shredding the last remains of denial she was clinging to. She arched back, clinging to Jace's shoulders as he bucked against her, succumbing to the same orgasm that had consumed her. His fingers sliding through her hair as he found her mouth, claiming her on all levels as the last shocks of their climax shuddered through her.

Tears burned her eyes as he collapsed on top of her, pressing his face into the crook of her neck. Abby wrapped her arms around him, holding him to her, unable to stop the tears streaming down her cheeks as the truth settled on her. It was too late. There was no going back. She'd fallen deeply, completely in love with this maddening, honorable, broken man who could doom her. If she sang to him, if she broke
soul by making him kill again, she wouldn't survive it...which meant that she would do whatever it took to protect him from her...no matter what the cost.

e liked listening
to her breathe.

Jace lay beside Abby, his hand on her belly, unwilling to shift positions and take the chance of awakening her. After they'd made love the second time, she'd fallen asleep in his arms, tucked up against him as if he were her shield to the world.

She was breathing in a slow, steady rhythm, the kind of deep breathing that told him that she was completely relaxed, trusting him to keep her safe. Wonder rolled over him as he brushed a kiss over her hair, still amazed by how soft and delicate the curls were. She was half his size, so small he could crush her easily, awakening in him a fierce protectiveness.

He'd always been protective of anyone he sensed needed help, but Abby was different. She called to him on a deeper level, as if she could touch the hidden part of him that drove every action he'd ever taken.

The scars on her belly were smooth and hard as he traced them. He'd thought she was a survivor when he'd first felt those scars, but now that he knew all that she'd endured before that point, he knew differently. She was the strongest human being he'd ever met, and her beautiful heart had been ruthlessly crushed until it shouldn't even beat anymore...except it did.

And it beat for him.

His fingers tightened on her belly as he recalled the moment she'd whispered those surreal words.
I love you, Jace.
She loved him. After all he'd done, after all he was destined to do, she'd gifted him with her

Jace rolled onto his back and clasped his hands behind his head, staring blankly at the ceiling while he went over that moment again. In her sleep, Abby scooted closer, tucking herself against him again, not allowing him distance.

Instinctively, he lowered one arm to wrap it around her shoulder, pulling her even more tightly against him. Since he'd killed Melissa, he'd been able to see no truth other than that he was a murderer, and a walking time bomb. He'd known it was his duty to end his life before he could be turned again...but it was different now.

Abby believed in him. She needed him, both to help her, and also to restore her faith in humanity, and men. If he died, if he let that fucking song take him, he would betray her on both levels. If he died or killed because of her song, it would stain her soul, not just his. He could not let the song win, or it would break her.

"I can't do that to you," he whispered, brushing his lips across her heart. "You leave me no choice."

She stirred in his arms and blinked at him sleepily. "What are you talking about?"

He took a deep breath. "Do you remember when you said that maybe I could build immunity to the song?"

She nodded slowly, the sleepy fog fading from her eyes.

He couldn't believe he was saying this, but he could see no other way. "Will you help me try?"

Her eyes widened, and she sat up. The sheet fell away from her breasts, but she didn't seem to notice. "You want me to sing to you?"

"Not here. Not where you aren't safe from me, but...yeah." He met her gaze. "If we're going to go after Seth, and if I'm going to keep you safe from Lucius and Grigori, I have to be able to handle the song. I swear I'll make sure I can't hurt you when you sing, but—-"

Her eyes lit up. "Yes." She nodded reverently. "Of course I'll help."

Hope leapt through him. "Aren't you afraid?"

She set her hand on his jaw, sliding her fingers along his whiskers. "Of course I'm scared," she said solemnly. "I'm actually terrified, of many things, including wolf shifters...except you. I'm not scared of you, and I never will be, no matter what."

This time, instead of cringing away from her vote of confidence, resolution flooded him, a fierce determination to do whatever it took to prevail. "Then let's do it."

Before she could answer, a heavy knock sounded on the door. "Jace." Drake's voice was low and rough. "You better get out here. Now."

till buttoning her jeans
, Abby hurried after Jace as he strode out of his room. Drake was leaning against the wall of the hallway waiting for them, his arms folded over his chest. His muscles were bunched, his expression tense, making him look every bit the deadly shifter bodyguard. His dark eyes flicked knowingly from Jace to her, and Abby's cheeks heated up.

Of course Drake would know what they'd been doing. Everyone there would have known. They were all shifters, which meant they had heightened senses. She hadn't even been thinking of that at the time, but now she realized that everyone had known exactly what they were doing, the entire time they were doing it.

Jace reached behind him and took her hand. He squeezed gently and pulled her up beside him so he could put his arm around her shoulders, clearly marking her as his as he turned toward Drake. "What's going on?"

Drake glanced at Abby again, but this time, he nodded in acknowledgement, accepting her position with Jace. "This way." He turned and strode down the hallway toward the living room.

Abby started to follow him, but Jace stopped and turned her toward him. He caught her chin, forcing her to look up at him. "Never hide from what we have," he said, his voice low. "We stand together, no matter what. Understand?"

Relief rushed through her, and she smiled. "You're sort of bossy," she teased.

He stared at her for a moment, as if processing her response, then a slow grin spread across his face. "Yeah, well, I'm alpha. These things happen."

"Well, here's the thing." She started walking, and tossed him a haughty look over her shoulder. "I spent my life being bossed around by wolves, so I don't want another alpha. Equality sounds good to me."

His grin widened, and he snagged her wrist, dragging her back toward him. She bumped into his chest, but before she could protest, he sank his mouth onto hers and kissed her. It was a deep, penetrating kiss designed to make her collapse under the assault.

It worked.

By the time he drew back, her legs were trembling and her heart was pounding. He grinned smugly. "Alpha," he said. "I like it that way."

She wasn't going to lie. She rather liked him the way he was, too. But at the same time, the reason she liked him that way was because she knew that his alpha posturing was a lie when it came to her. He'd never force her to do anything, which was why she felt safe with him. So, she simply slipped her hand in his and smiled at him. "Liar," she said softly. "You like that I give you grief. I know you do."

He blinked with feigned innocence. "What?"

"You're not alpha with me, but it's okay. I won't tell anyone." She wiggled her eyebrows at him as she began to walk down the hall, towing him behind her.

After a moment, he sighed in capitulation and lengthened his stride to catch up to her. He caught her around the waist and trapped her against the wall, his eyes feral with hunger. "You make me more dangerous than I've ever been," he growled. "I want to claim you, and defend you, and not be nice about it." He slid his fingers along her jaw. "And at the same time, I want to be tender for you. Soft. Gentle. I want to be the silk that slides over your body, and the dragon who claims you for all eternity. I want it all with you, Abby. Every last bit."

Her throat tightened at the honesty in his voice, the truth in his dark eyes. "I love all those sides of you," she whispered. The words came easier this time, because she knew they mattered to him, even if he couldn't acknowledge them.

He searched her face, and then nodded. "Good." He bent his head to kiss her again, but as his lips touched hers, Drake shouted his name.

Jace pulled back, his brow furrowed. "You distract me from my duties," he said. "That's never happened before."

She couldn't summon up any regret. It just felt too good to matter to him, and to know that she affected him in a way no one else did. So, she shrugged. "It's not surprising. I'm kind of amazing that way."

His eyebrows shot up, and he grinned. "Humble, too."

"Jace!" Drake appeared in the doorway. "Now!"

Jace immediately turned away from her, but he caught her hand as he followed Drake into the living room, staking his claim on her in front of everyone. She couldn't help but grin as she followed him, feeling more secure than she'd ever felt in her life.

But her smile vanished when she entered the room and she saw what was waiting for them.

Chapter 17

he injured shifter
was on the couch, his torso heavily wrapped. He was pale, and his cheeks sunken, just as hers had been after Lucius's attack. His eyes were closed, and he was resting his head against the wall, as if the mere act of staying conscious was too much. His sister was perched on the couch beside him, her brows knit with concern. Kiernan was standing by the doorway that led upstairs, pacing restlessly. But it was the injured shifter that Abby couldn't take her gaze off. Such a short time ago, that had been her, almost disemboweled by Lucius.

Instinctively, she dropped Jace's hand and walked over to the couch. She crouched in front of him, her heart crying for what he'd endured, and what he'd suffered. "My name is Abby Collins," she said softly.

He didn't answer, but his sister did. "I'm Savannah Black. My brother is Roarke."

Abby looked over at Savannah. Her hair was bright red, tangled in matted knots around her shoulders. Blood still streaked her neck, and her shirt was stained. She looked thin and worn out, as if she'd endured hell before coming to Kiernan's. "What happened?"

Savannah slipped her fingers through her brother's. "Lucius kidnapped me a few months ago. Roarke came after me." Tears filled her eyes. "He saved me."

"Lucius?" Abby asked, her voice breaking. Savannah had been held prisoner by Lucius, just like her? "Is that who attacked Roarke?"

Savannah nodded, and Abby's stomach churned. Perspiration beaded on her forehead and fear slithered down her spine like a ghoul preparing to strike—

Jace walked up behind her and set his hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently. The tight grip of fear eased at his touch, and Abby took a deep breath, grounding herself.

Roarke's eyes cracked open, and he gazed at her through slitted eyes. "Yeah. It was Lucius." His voice was rough and hoarse, as if the pain had made him scream for hours.

Nausea churned in Abby's stomach. She'd been so concerned over Jace that she hadn't taken time to find out what had happened to bring Savannah and Roarke to Kiernan's. Guilt washed over her, along with empathy so stark she could barely breathe. She stood up and pulled up her shirt, showing her stomach. "Me, too."

"Oh, God." Savannah sucked in her breath, and even Roarke made a grunt of surprise. His gaze went to her ravaged belly, and stayed there for a long time. As he stared at her stomach, his fingers tightened around his sister's, as if he could keep her safe simply by holding her hand.

"I'm so sorry," Savannah whispered, her face pale, her hand going to Abby's belly.

Abby stiffened at the touch, but to her surprise, Savannah's touch was soft and warm, somehow easing the sting of her scars. It had been amazing when Jace had accepted her body, but she'd thought he would be the only one. But Savannah didn't recoil. Instead, she was reaching out to comfort her, not afraid of being tainted by the ugliness of Abby's body.

Tears filled Abby's eyes, and she swallowed hard, trying to keep her composure.

"He said he would do that to me if I didn't do what he wanted," Savannah whispered, her eyes shining with unshed tears as she looked up at Abby. "He's a monster."

Roarke squeezed her hand. "He didn't get you." His voice was low, barely a whisper, but even so, the strength of his words was like a solid wall of steel wrapping around them all. Abby realized then that Roarke was the same as Jace, dangerous, powerful, and intensely loyal. He'd nearly died saving his sister, and she knew he'd do it again.

Jace's fingers dug into her shoulders just enough to let her know how difficult it was for his wolf to allow her to lift her shirt in front of another man, but he didn't try to stop her. Or maybe the tightening of his grip was because he knew how hard it was for her to show her damaged body to someone else, and he was supporting her. Maybe a little of both. "He doesn't get to do it to anyone again," Jace said, his voice as hard as Roarke's. "It ends now."

Roarke met his gaze, and nodded, a silent communication between the two shifters.

Drake moved closer, standing beside Savannah's side of the couch. His movement was subtle, barely noticeable, except that Abby knew he was now within reach to act if anything went south. Unlike Jace and Roarke, who emanated power and dominance, Drake was like a quiet, dangerous predator lurking in the shadows. Unnoticed, unheralded, undemanding, and yet, equally dangerous. He was understated and quiet, saying only what needed to be said, the champion who would lurk silently in the shadows until he erupted from the darkness to take down the enemy. "Savannah and Roarke saw Seth at Lucius's place."

Abby tensed at Drake's words. The blood seemed to drain from her body, and her legs gave out. She fell to her knees in front of Roarke and Savannah, her heart suddenly thundering. "Seth? You saw my nephew?"

Savannah glanced at Drake, as if looking to him for reassurance. At his nod, she turned back to Abby. "Not too long ago, Lucius brought a young boy to the same place he was holding me. He put the boy in my cell, and told me to take care of him."

Jace sat on the coffee table, his knees on either side of Abby's hips, his hands on her shoulders. "Describe the boy."

"Dark brown hair. Bright blue eyes." Savannah's face was etched with sympathy. "He never said a word to me, but I tried my best to help him. He slept on the cot with me, and I shared my food with him."

"But he was okay? He wasn't hurt?"

She shook her head. "No, he didn't seem to be, but he was so quiet. Too quiet. When Roarke came to rescue me, he tried to get the boy, but Lucius attacked him. He couldn't, I tried—" Savannah sighed. "I'm so sorry, Abby. We couldn't get him out. Roarke was barely conscious. Lucius was hunting us. I just—"

Abby nodded, blinking back tears. "It's okay. I understand." She wrapped her arms around her waist, nearly staggered by the news that Seth had been with someone kind all this time, that he'd been taken care of, that he was, as of a few days ago, okay. But now Savannah was gone, and he was alone with Lucius. A tear trickled down her cheek. "He's survived this long," she whispered. "He can make it another day, right? Until we get there?"

"Of course." Jace wrapped his arm around her, drawing her back against him. "Savannah, could you find your way back to that place?"

Abby's heart leapt at his question. Would it be that easy? Could Savannah and Roarke direct them to Seth? She leaned forward, searching Savannah's face, hope hovering in abeyance, so fragile and desperate.

Savannah paled, but she nodded. "Yes, of course."

Elation leapt through Abby. "Really? I—"

Roarke's eyes snapped open. "She's not going back." His voice was low, but unyielding, cutting ruthlessly through Abby's rush of hope. He was so angry that Abby half-expected him to rise off the couch in defense of his sister, despite the fact he was barely alive.

"No, of course not," Jace agreed easily, setting his hand on Abby's arm to steady her. "But can you
us where it is?"

Savannah shook her head. "It was in the middle of the woods. I can't describe it, but I could find my way—"

"No!" Roarke struggled to sit up, sweat beading on his brow as he swayed. "Jesus, Savannah, that's how they got you last time, trying to be a hero."

"I won't let her go, Roarke." Drake interrupted.

Roarke glanced up at Drake, searching his face. After a moment, he appeared reassured, because he nodded, and slumped back to the couch. He closed his eyes, his breathing shallow and weak. Abby knew how dangerously close to the edge he was. It had taken weeks under Kiernan's care before she'd been sure she was going to live. Roarke had had only twelve hours of healing, and his injuries appeared to have been as severe as hers, if not worse.

Savannah glared at both of the shifters, then looked at Abby.
I'll go with you,
she mouthed.

"I heard that." Roarke hadn't even opened his eyes.

Savannah rolled her eyes, and Abby couldn't help but laugh in commiseration. Shifters were very difficult to outsmart, no matter how close to death they were. "I'm not going to let Seth stay there, Roarke," Savannah said. "It's not your right to decide who lives and who dies."

The affection in Savannah's voice when she spoke of Seth drew Abby's notice. During their time together, a real bond had built between Savannah and Seth. How had Lucius let that happen? Why—

Oh, no. She knew why. With a sinking feeling, she looked over her shoulder at Jace. "He was going to have Seth kill her after he'd bonded with her. Forcing Seth to kill someone who'd nurtured him would be devastating to him. He would never recover from that."

Savannah looked at her sharply. "What are you talking about? He was going to have Seth
me? Never. He is a sweet boy. And he's
There's no way he could kill me."

"Not until he hears my damned song." Anger rushed through Abby, chased by disgust at what she'd allowed herself to become. How had she stood back for so long and let her voice destroy so many? Just because she'd been afraid. Screw fear.
No more.
"What a bastard!" She stood up, furious. The fear of Lucius was gone, replaced by a fierce revulsion for everything he was. It ended now.
"We have to go, Jace. Seth's birthday is in thirty-six hours."

"I know." Jace held out his hand, his voice steady and calm. "We will. Come here. We still need to figure out logistics."

She knew he was right, but she was too agitated to stay still. "I can't sit." She strode away from him, toward Kiernan, who was still pacing on the far side of the room. He was tense and restless, his muscles rippling as he walked. He was still in human form, but there was a predatory nature to his movements that meant that his wolf was close to the surface. "Kiernan? Are you okay?"

He looked over at her, and she froze. His eyes had gone wolf, a haunting silver she'd never seen before. "They're close," he said.


"Lucius. They're hunting you. I can feel his urgency."

Abby tensed, glancing up at the ceiling. "Are they up there?"

"They never left. They're trying to get through." Kiernan's voice was low. "My safeguards will hold for now, but the threat is high. My wolf is close to the surface. I'm not sure how long I can hold it back."

Kiernan never shifted. Ever. Something had happened to him a long time ago, something horrible, and he'd never shifted since. She didn't know what it was, or what would happen if he shifted, but she knew it would be bad. "What can we do?"

He met her gaze. "They're here for you. You need to leave soon."

Her mouth dropped open. This was the shifter who had stayed up for weeks without sleep to heal her. He'd been her rock, the only lifeline that had kept her alive. To have him kicking her out was like being gut punched. "If I go out there—"

"I know. He's waiting for you," Kiernan said, regret heavy in his voice. "He's in the house. He's ready."

Jace walked up beside her. "How else can we get out of here, besides going through the house?" He sounded completely calm, as if being forced into the jaws of a waiting psychopath was an everyday occurrence. It was aggravating, but at the same time, his calmness seemed to weave a protective shield around her that enabled her to think.

Kiernan looked at him, assessing him. "There is a way," he said.

"What is it?"

Kiernan ignored him. Instead, his gaze settled on Abby. "My sweet girl," he said softly, regret in his eyes. "You have a beautiful spirit." He touched her cheek. "Your energy is a rare gift. I wish you life, not death, but your enemy is relentless. He won't let you go. I can feel the depravity of his need for you."

Jace put his arm around her, pulling her away from Kiernan. "How do we get out?" he repeated.

Kiernan dropped his hand, his gaze settling on Jace. "You're not ready. I'm not releasing you."

Abby tensed. Leave without Jace? It would be suicide. There was no way for her to defend herself against Lucius.

Jace tightened his arm around her. "I'm going."

"No." Kiernan shook his head. "The silver is still in your body. It will take several more treatments to cleanse it fully. If you were to get hit again, it would kill you. Your ankle is fragile as well. Another injury could create too much damage for me to heal."

"I don't give a shit. If Abby's leaving, so am I."

Kiernan growled low, and he turned away, bracing his hands on the wall. He took several deep breaths, his massive shoulders straining. Abby felt the strain on his control, and she realized that his wolf was reacting to Jace's show of dominance. Kiernan was definitely alpha, and yet he didn't have a pack or any social connections. He was a loner who spent his days and nights healing anyone who managed to find him.

For some reason he'd never explained to her, he resisted healing, as evidenced by the fact he hadn't gone upstairs to help them when they'd first arrived. But, if a person in need found him, he never,
turned them away, no matter what the cost to himself. Just as Jace's mission in life was to protect the innocent, Kiernan's was to heal anyone who asked for help, regardless of whether they were innocent or the worst harbingers of evil, which was why he'd worked for Grigori's pack for so long. He was literally unable to turn away a request for healing. Grigori and Lucius had victimized so many that there had been no shortage of healing opportunities, until one night, several years before Abby had been attacked, Kiernan had disappeared in the dark of night. No one had heard from him again, until Abby's grandmother had tracked him down to save Abby.

She'd never revealed how she'd located him, and Kiernan had never spoken of his time with Grigori's pack, or the circumstances under which he'd finally left. He was an enigma she couldn't decipher, even after all the time she'd lived under his roof with his healing energy pouring into her.

"Leave under the light of the moon," he finally said, his voice rough. "It's the only time that exit is accessible."

Jace glanced at his watch. "Twelve hours."

Abby closed her eyes. Twelve hours until they had to leave the safety of Kiernan's lair. Twelve hours until there would be nothing between her and Lucius except distance that would be closing quickly. Thirty-six hours until there would be no turning back for Seth. Twelve hours was too soon to face Lucius and Grigori, but it wasn't soon enough to go after Seth.

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