Darker (7 page)

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Authors: Trina M. Lee

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Werewolves & Shifters, #vampire, #urban fantasy, #paranormal romance, #werewolf, #vampire romance

BOOK: Darker
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How long ago was this?”

At least a month or so.”

That was before the incident with Lilah where she told Shya he’d never be more than underworld scum. He’d been so sure that he could exchange my blood for a place as her second-in-command when she returned to her dark throne. She had spurned him like he was dirt. He likely wasn’t taking that so well.

Do whatever it takes to keep him away from you,” I said, gesturing to Brogan. “Maybe Brogan can help. Get your house blessed by a priest if you have to. I don’t care. But, don’t let your guard down. Shya’s already decided you have power he’s interested in using to his advantage. He’ll be back for you.”

I know.” The color drained from Gabriel’s face.

Shya’s a collector of people with power, especially rare power. Trust me, I’m one of them.” I dug in my bag for the cross Kale had given me as a birthday gift. Maybe it was time to get it blessed. A thought gripped me, and I turned back to Gabriel nervously. “When you touched me earlier, did you see something?”

His gaze dropped to the floor, and he shuffled his feet. “I really need to get home and make sure my mom is alright.”

My heartbeat quickened. “Tell me what you saw.”

He couldn’t bring himself to meet my eyes. Bracing himself, he shoved by me and ran for the front door calling back over his shoulder, “You don’t want to know.”

* * * *

I stared up at the church. It was overwhelming in its size and structure. Large white pillars stood at the top of a high stone stairway. A set of wooden double doors beckoned as I made my way up. Several cross-topped steeples perched atop the brick building. It emanated a palpable energy that both welcomed and intimidated me.

The stone steps beneath my feet hummed with vast power. The ambiance was light and breathy, like an unseen breeze that promised cleansing, and it drew me like a caged bird catching my first glimpse of freedom. Could I find a way to ward off Shya and withstand Lilah in a place like this, or was it just wishful thinking?

I grabbed the door handle and gasped. My entire arm lit up with pins and needles until I swung the door open and stepped inside. Shaking off the strange sensation in my hand, I took in the immense interior of the church.

It was breathtaking. I stood in a foyer that looked into the sanctuary of the church. Taking slow, steady steps, I moved beyond the foyer to gaze in wonder at what lie beyond. Paintings of saints and angels adorned the place from floor to ceiling. An elaborate crystal chandelier drew my gaze. It seemed to sparkle with an iridescent shimmer.

Can I help you?”

A man sitting in the front pew stood up and raised a hand in greeting. A fair distance separated us. I made my way down the aisle toward him. He wore a priest’s white collar and dark attire. I judged him to be about fifty. Though physically he was in good shape, his eyes aged him. As I drew closer, I saw the deep lines and shadows evident of a man who has known many sleepless nights.

I hope so.” I smiled, fearing just a little that he’d see right through my human exterior to the monster within. “I came to ask about getting an item blessed.”

I withdrew the cross from my shoulder bag, hesitant to hand it over. He accepted it with a raised brow.

Fascinating.” He turned the cross over in his hands, studying it closely. “This looks very old. It must be quite valuable to you.”

Sentimental, mostly.”

May I ask why you’re seeking a blessing?” Curiosity shone in his eyes.

How much should I tell him? Could I trust this man? He was a stranger to me but a stranger who just might believe me if I told the truth.

I’m experiencing a dark time in my life. Dark forces,” I offered. “I could use a touch of light.” I cringed inwardly. The same light I sought was supposed to live inside me, but all I felt these days was Arys’s darkness.

The priest’s face lit up in a gentle smile that radiated kindness. “I’m Father Andrew. Would you like to sit down and talk?”

He sat down on the pew, and I reluctantly joined him. In the grand building, I couldn’t shake the expectation of bursting into flames. I sat awkwardly beside him as he said a prayer over the aged necklace. It struck me then that it might be all that I had left of Kale, and hot tears pricked the back of my eyes.

After passing the cross back to me, Father Andrew sat quietly. “Are you all right? Anything you say will be completely confidential. If you’re in trouble or something…”

Oh, Father. I’m not sure you’d even believe me if I told you.”

Try me.”

For a moment, I was tempted to take him up on that. Instinct demanded that I keep my mouth shut, so instead I mumbled my thanks and rose to leave. Father Andrew’s hand snaked out to grab my arm. I turned quickly, defenses ready. My gaze fell to where his shirtsleeve had ridden up a few inches, exposing the tip of a dragon tail. A dragon tail that perfectly matched the one I also bore.

I met Father Andrew’s eyes and saw the knowing glint within. Jerking my arm from his grasp, I stepped back and gathered my power. I was ready to use it, man of the cloth or not.

You’re one of Shya’s corrupt priests,” I hissed. “I should have known. Is there any place in this city that he hasn’t tainted?”

I walked backwards down the aisle between the pews. Killing a priest was something I’d rather not do. If he insisted on giving chase, I’d do whatever I had to.

Alexa, wait!” He called, advancing on me slowly, hands held up in surrender. “It’s not what you think. I got sucked into his games. Just like you. I’m a victim.”

The truth of his words was undeniable. I slowed my pace, glancing around suspiciously. Could Shya pop into a place like this? I’d seen him in a church before, but it hadn’t felt the way this one did.

How do you know him? What do you know about me?” I demanded. Was there anyone in this damn town that Shya wasn’t after?

I know you’re a Hound of God. A creature meant to combat evil.” His voice echoed throughout the church. “Rare and absolutely vital.”

I don’t want to talk about that.” My voice wavered. “Tell me why you have Shya’s mark.”

Father Andrew stopped several feet away. Guilt and confusion curved his features into a frown. He tugged the sleeve back down over the dragon’s tail.

I made a deal with him to save a friend,” he said bitterly. “But, I was too late. The demon was already inside his head. He took his own life.”

I’m sorry. That was very selfless of you. Something a true friend would do.” It was something I had also done for a friend. Taking Shya’s mark to save Kale had done neither of us any good. I had done it so Shya would spare his life, but he was dead anyway.

I gave myself a shake and fought back another threatening surge of tears. Crying blood in front of the priest was hardly going to fit his expectations for a Hound of God. I didn’t ever want to let myself cry over Kale; then I’d have to admit he was gone. That it was real.

It didn’t save him though.” Father Andrew shook his head; the weariness in the hunch of his shoulders conveyed more than any words.

What is it that Shya hopes to gain by making a deal with you? I know he doesn’t do anything unless it benefits him.”

There was a moment of quiet while the man gathered himself. He looked so forlorn and frustrated when he forced out, “Access to a relic meant for no demon. Something secret that needs to stay that way. Powerful and deadly. That’s what Shya wants from me.”

Holy shit. Sorry,” I added, suddenly self-conscious of my potty mouth. “Do you know where it is? Or, what it does?”

There is plenty of speculation about what it does. Nobody seems to know for sure. If a demon wants it, it can’t be good. It’s here somewhere, in the city, hidden. I have no intention of helping him find it. I’ll let him kill me first.” Father Andrew shrugged, resigned to his fate.

My mind raced. “He wants something from me, too. But why? What’s he up to?”

He’s building an army to serve him. People like you are his link to the human world. If he controls you, he controls it. Watch out for him and the fallen angel.” His tone became pleading. “Don’t let them corrupt you. You’re a Hound. One of the last.”

I threw my hands up and turned on a heel to go. “I can’t listen to this. I’m sorry. I’m a killer. A monster. That’s all.”

If anyone has a chance to stop him, it’s you.”

Father Andrew’s voice followed me out of the church, but I didn’t look back.

Chapter Five

I don’t believe it,” Jez announced. “I refuse. Kale can’t be dead.”

Her red lips twisted into a scowl. With a vigorous headshake, she huffed. I had anticipated her reaction. Disbelief still held me in its grip as well.

We sat on one of the couches at The Wicked Kiss, looking on to the near empty dance floor. After the disturbing evening I’d had so far with Gabriel and the priest, I decided to follow through with my plan to close the club for a few nights. Only regulars were allowed in, which meant more action in the back than out front.

Briggs can’t be that good of a liar,” I replied, watching a middle-aged man offer himself to a vampire. The man had more visible bites than I could count. These people must get damn good at hiding the truth behind their daytime personas.

Says who? He’s a government drone. They mess with mind control. Just because he believes it doesn’t make it true.” Jez’s haughty green cat-like gaze landed on me. “You don’t believe it either. Otherwise, you’d be a total mess.”

I scoffed. “Give me a break. I care about Kale. The last thing I want is for anything bad to happen to him. But, I’m not this lovesick puppy you insist I am.”


I turned my attention to a loose thread on my sleeve. I’d been wearing a lot more long sleeve shirts than usual these days in order to cover the dragon etched into my forearm thanks to Shya. The ugly demon mark drew a lot of unwanted interest.

If he’s not dead, then where the hell is he? He’s been missing for too long. It can’t be good.” My stomach flipped a few times in response to the anxiety-riddled scenarios that played out in my head.

I bet they still have him,” Jez mused, chewing on a long, tapered fingernail. “Locked up somewhere in that hospital of horrors. We have to know for sure, Alexa.”

Are you saying you want to go in there? Jez, trust me, you don’t want to see the inside of that place.”

She fixed me with a pointed look. “Let’s just say there’s a possibility he’s in there. How can you live with not knowing for sure? He would go in after either of us. If he is alive, we can’t just leave him there.”

Such seriousness was rare for the fun-loving leopard. Jez was far more worried about Kale than she let on. Of course, it was possible. I’d entertained the idea more than once myself, but trespassing on FPA turf wasn’t going to go over well.

The chance of getting in there undetected is slim to none,” I warned, but I could see the determination in her eyes. She was set on this.

Then let’s not go in undetected. They want you to become an informant so use that to get us in. Tell them you’re willing to negotiate.”

That would be a lot more believable if I hadn’t attacked one of their agents.”

Your sister is there. That gives you some leeway.”

Jez wasn’t having a hard time convincing me. Perhaps I didn’t need much encouragement. I wanted to believe Kale was alive. Going into FPA headquarters was dangerous. No matter what I told Briggs to get in the place, he still wasn’t going to let me search the building.

Fine,” I relented. “I’ll try to get us in there, but let’s not do anything rash. I don’t want to give the FPA any more reasons to keep me on their watch list.” After my last experience inside the haunted old hospital that the FPA used as their local headquarters, I was reluctant to go back.

I reached for the bag containing my laptop, itching to get cozy with Veryl’s secrets. Butterflies beat a steady nervous rhythm against my ribcage as the computer went through the start-up process. I looked longingly at the bar. Having a whiskey in hand would be nice. Staying alert meant staying alive, so I dismissed the thought immediately.

The moment of truth, huh?” Jez fidgeted in her seat. “Think there’s anything on there about me?”

We’ll find out in a matter of minutes.”

I stared at the list of files, unsure where to start. So, I started at the top. Most of the folder names were random letters and numbers. Others had a name mixed into the mess. Kale’s, Jez’s and mine all jumped out at me right away. My palms grew moist as the first one opened.

It was a brief bio on Falon, of all people. I was intrigued. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as juicy as I’d have liked. Falon took his leap of disgrace long after Lucifer’s exile. There was much speculation as to what drove Falon to it. Some believed it was a human woman. Other studies concluded that he’d strayed on the promise of power and glory. Regardless, his reputation had always been shady. Nobody but Falon knew why he fell. Whatever it was, it had made him a nasty thing alright.

Can’t say I’m surprised Falon is documented as an asshole,” I commented after both Jez and I had read it.

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