Darkest Fantasies (12 page)

Read Darkest Fantasies Online

Authors: Kimberley Raines

Tags: #submission and domination, #femdom story

BOOK: Darkest Fantasies
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Esther moved,
turned over.

He froze.

When, to his
shock, he felt a hand slowly slide to his groin, it was hard to
keep back the groan that crept to his lips. But it was only when
her teeth gently began to nibble his arm did he realise she was
awake and knew exactly what she was doing. Shock kept him rigid.
Esther never instigated sex. Well, only inasmuch as she would go up
to bed, coyly letting him know she would be waiting. But her hand
was undeniably beginning to caress him, tightening his balls and
sending juices dribbling onto his belly.

He lay tense,
staring into the darkness, not knowing how to react. Esther's
caresses became more urgent, her nipping teeth more painful, and
then her body was writhing against his. His breath began to
shorten, need becoming a driving force that stole every ounce of
willpower he had left. Somehow she had moved so his hand lay
between her legs, and as she moved his fingers began to toy with
the wetness he unexpectedly discovered there. She groaned, and this
time he heard it as a low sound of animal need.

He began to move, but abruptly Esther's hand pressed his
shoulder back to the bed, and she slid herself on top of him.
Esther on top? He stared up, seeing just the outline of her above
him, the bulbous mass of her breasts, the frizz of her short hair.
For a second he had a sense of
; he had seen this alluring image before
- but where?

Then she bent
down, brushed his lips with hers, and began to kiss him.

Quite when his
shock turned to pure lust he was not sure, but within moments his
rampant cock was up inside her, and she was riding him with an
enthusiasm which made him forget who she was and where he was. It
could have been anyone, anywhere - he just needed to come so badly
it hurt. He grabbed her shoulders and used his strength to move her
more quickly up and down his shaft until it became a vibrant
volcano that suddenly erupted. She sat still on him while his
spasms died, until his breath returned, and he knew she was staring
down at him in the darkness. He opened his mouth to speak, but she
put a fingertip to his lips.

'Don't spoil
it,' she whispered. 'Don't apologise.'





Kevin walked
in a different kind of euphoria for a few days, and couldn't really
understand it himself. After the business evening he had shocked
himself not only by taking Esther in the hallway, but by the sheer
ferocity of that coupling. To his mind he had betrayed a side of
him that it was better she did not know. What on earth had he been
thinking of?

Yet what had
happened later had been even more incomprehensible. Esther must
have had a mild breakdown, or something, because of his actions. He
knew one thing with certainty: it mustn't happen again. He realised
the only way to rid himself of this awful compulsion for sex was to
go out and get another girl as soon as possible. The more he
thought about it, the more acceptable an answer it seemed to be. If
he didn't get his quota of sexual fixes he knew he would go mad or
attack Esther again, and he was terribly afraid that if he did so,
he might shock her to the extent she would leave him. Despite his
infidelities, he didn't want that.

When the new
temp, Louise, had first begun to make interested eyes towards him
he had been a bit standoffish, revelling in the renewal of marital
bliss. But things had changed. She was not his usual type; dressed
like a punk in black torn clothes, with her bright orange hair and
overpowering make-up, but she did have a bubbly and outgoing
nature. And she had quite a set of knockers, too.

After a little
bit of judicious questioning, he discovered his firm had only
employed her because the agency had not been entirely honest about
her appearance. Not that he found it unattractive; in its own way
the overtly unfeminine garb was quite a turn-on, even though it was
not what his preconceived ideas of women were all about. Yet the
more he looked at her, and the more she gave back that sly little
grin of awareness, the more attractive she seemed to become. He
found her open lack of respect for gender convention faintly
off-putting yet, at the same time, strangely compelling. She was
available, she clearly found him attractive and was making no
effort to hide her feelings, and it didn't take him long to wonder
what kind of person she was under all that make-up, and whether she
was really as open about sex as he thought she might be.

Once he began
to imagine her without clothes on, it took even less time for him
to make the mental jump to actually figuring out how he was going
to work it. With a confident smile he realised he was back on
track. He preened inwardly; Kevin the stud was going to break
another ride.

It took a
couple of days of insinuations and a couple more of adventurous
groping before Kevin finally took the plunge. Accidentally bumping
into her on the way out to the car park, he put on his best
charming smile. 'I can't help noticing you're a really attractive
young lady, Louise,' he gushed.

She gave him a
sidelong glance. 'I know what you've been noticing, mate, and there
are two of 'em, thirty-eight D. But you're not bad yourself, for a
smart-arse banker. Got a nice tight bum, too. I like that in a

He was
slightly taken aback, but passed it off with a chuckle and a sly
comment. 'Do you always check out men's bums?'

'Same way as
you check out women's tits, banker.'

'My name is

She grinned.
'Okay, Kev. Your place or mine?'


'Come off it.
You want a bit of fun, I want a bit of fun, so how about now?'

He was almost
disconcerted at the abruptness of her; he wasn't used to that at
all. For a moment they carried on walking, then Louise stopped by a
2CV that had been painted by hand, bringing Kevin back to earth
with a thud. What was he doing? If she was always this casual, how
many other men and clambered inside her knickers? It didn't seem
that much clambering was required. Hell, they would probably fall
off if he crooked his little finger. His prick, however, knew no
such hesitation, and he found himself speaking again. 'How about

'Sounds fine
by me.'

'I know a nice
little hotel...'

'My place is
better.' She gave a broad smile, and winked. 'Plenty of room for
innovation, and we won't be disturbed by room service.'

'So where do
you live?'

'Meet me at
the supermarket car park over there, lunchtime on Saturday, and
I'll drive. That way no one will see your car at my place. I know
you're married.'

'Don't you
mind that?'

'Hell, no.
Older men are usually less prudish than the young studs, and
married is safer. I'm not stupid enough to get myself tied to some
lovesick teenager when I'm just nineteen.'

Older men?
Kevin was slightly hurt by the assumption that she considered him
old, and slightly shocked to find she was only nineteen, but as his
eyes greedily devoured her generous bosom, he found himself
becoming even more excited by the prospect than he had been before.
If Esther hadn't been waiting for him he would have quite happily
followed her home right away. 'Two days' time, then,' he said, with
a certain amount of gung-ho bravado.

'Okay stud.
I'll see what you're made of on Saturday. TTFN, stud.'

He strutted
back to his car as she zoomed off. Bloody hell - nineteen and
fancying him. In that moment everything he had learned over the
past few weeks went straight out of the window. He would give the
little whore a rogering on Saturday she would remember for a long


By Saturday
Kevin's excitement had been dulled only slightly by the fact that
he had lied to Esther about a weekend meeting in the city for the
first time in ages. She had smiled happily and waved him off, but
there had been a kind of sadness in her gaze, almost as if she knew
what he was doing. But how the hell could she know? One thing he
prided himself on was his discretion. He had never once let Esther
know he had not been faithful to her. He really didn't want to hurt

And there he
was, sitting in his car in the supermarket, feeling slightly
miserable, wondering if Louise was indeed going to turn up, or
whether she'd got cold feet. He would feel pretty silly booking
himself into a hotel for a lonely night if she didn't come, because
he wouldn't dare go home till Sunday.

Then a horn
blared behind him. Still dressed in black, but this time with
fluorescent green hair, she was grinning like a Cheshire cat as she
leaned over to unlock the passenger door. 'Hi there, get in,' she

He pressed the
remote that worked the central locking system on his company car,
and squeezed himself into the bucket seat by her side. The whole
car smelled of something sweet and probably illegal, and he
wondered, once again, what the hell he was doing.

But Louise
clearly knew no such misgivings; she slammed the car into gear and
screeched away with an acceleration that surprised him. 'This is
going to be fun,' she said. 'I've been looking forward to this. I
know your type. You like to dominate, don't you? I can see it in
your eyes. I brought these in case you wanted to use them.' She
indicated a pair of handcuffs that were sitting openly on the

Kevin blushed
slightly, grabbed them, and put them on his lap, out of sight of
other drivers. Louise had her eyes on the road, and didn't seem to
notice his awkwardness.

'I've got just
about everything in the pad. Restraints, gags, beaters, you name
it. The place has got a fantastic beam, too. Ideal for bondage.'
She elbowed him in the ribs. 'Nearly there, just round the

'The pad'
didn't look like a residential building, and Kevin found himself
swivelling in the seat with apprehension. It looked more like a
dockside warehouse than a place someone lived. However, there were
a few more cars in a small car park, and when they entered the
foyer he realised the warehouse had been turned into flats. Huge
flats. The blossoming realisation that Louise's accent and choice
of clothes and car were not indicative of her financial status was
proven as she opened a rather functional door into a vast room,
which was ablaze with sunshine. Great banks of windows down one
side looked out over a river area which had once been docks and was
in the process of being turned into a leisure complex, and the
inside of the room was obviously and outrageously

'Daddy bought
it for me,' she said, throwing her woven ethnic bag onto a leather
sofa, and joining him at the window. 'Great, isn't it?'

swallowed his irritation. Why should she have all this just because
daddy bought it for her, the little cow?

Louise pressed
a button and blinds began to roll down electrically over the
windows, shutting out the daylight. She pressed another switch, and
red light filtered down from the high ceiling. She wandered over
and lit a couple of josticks, and the room instantly became a
whore's boudoir.

Kevin said, impressed despite his jealousy. Louise grinned at his
awe, and pressed another switch. There was the small whine of a
motor and a hook descended from one of the beams. He was under no
illusions as to its intended use. 'Now let's get this straight,' he
said. 'I'm the one who's going to be dominant, here? Right?'

She bent over,
pulling a box from under her bed. 'There are wooden structures by
the stairs which can be useful, especially that half-banister.
There's the bed, there's the beam, and there are various
attachments on this wall. The rest of the stuff is in that chest.
Would you like a drink before we start?'

'Yes, please,'
he said fervently, not feeling at all sexy. It was too organised,
somehow, and turned him right off.

She opened a
cabinet which was filled with every kind of drink under the sun.

'Whisky - on
the rocks,' he said. 'Why in hell do you temp when you've got all
this?' he asked.

'Because I
enjoy it. Christ, I'd get bored sitting at home all day. Anybody
would. God knows how women can do that. Must turn them into
mushrooms.' She knocked back her gin as if it was water.

Kevin thought
guiltily about Esther. There had been a couple of times she'd
indicated she'd like a job, and he had laughed at the idea of his
wife needing to work. Did she feel like that? He liked his wife to
be not working; it made him feel much more like the provider, the
man of the house, but it hadn't really occurred to him that a woman
could be bored with being a housewife. It was what they were
supposed to be, wasn't it? And he'd often said he'd give his
eye-teeth for the chance to sit at home and do nothing. For the
first time, he wondered if that was true.

The whisky
began to warm his insides. He wasn't used to drinking spirits in
the middle of the day. Come to think of it, he wasn't used to
having steamy sex in the middle of the day, let alone bondage

Louise was
standing there with her hands on her hips, her head to one side.
'Are you getting cold feet, buster? Aren't your balls big enough
for this? Are you only capable of bonking silly bimbos in hotel

you're a mouthy little thing, aren't you?' Kevin snapped,

'I've heard
the rumours. That was why I thought you had more spunk.' Her foot
began to tap on the floor, then she turned and flounced to the
door. 'If you don't want to do it, fine. Just walk on out of here,
and maybe just after you're gone I'll give your sweet little wife a
call to say how you can't get it up any more. Who knows, perhaps
honey-bunch will be pleased.'

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