Darkest Fantasies (20 page)

Read Darkest Fantasies Online

Authors: Kimberley Raines

Tags: #submission and domination, #femdom story

BOOK: Darkest Fantasies
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After a couple
of seconds he eased up, allowing her to gasp for breath. Then he
leaned his hands on the branch, slid his limp penis from her mouth
and began to move her hips for her, rubbing her against the rough
branch below until her sighs became desperate gasps of need. He
didn't stop until eventually she shuddered dramatically on the
craggy bark, wracked with satisfaction and fulfilment.

'Oh, baby,
you're something else,' her captor whispered.

Ester frowned.
Surely she knew that voice. 'Who—?' she began, but the packing was
suddenly thrust into her mouth. 'Nnnng!' she yelled, trying to spit
it out, but it was followed by the inevitable sticky tape.

princess,' he said in his strong northern accent, 'I have to get
back to my job. I think I'll pick you up again some time, though.
You enjoyed it too much for it not to be repeated. From now on
you'll be looking over your shoulder for me. You'll be waiting with
anticipation, but you won't know when I'll come, and you won't know
when you're walking near me in the street. But I'll know you. Oh,
baby, I'll remember you all right.'

Esther could
not say all the rude things she wanted to say, and was bundled into
the back of the van and roughly but efficiently put back into her
bra and T-shirt. When she tried to lift her hands to her face to
rip away the sticky tape he slapped them down hard.

'Do that,
darling, and I'll dump you out of the van without your clothes,' he
warned. She gave in, knowing that anyone prepared to kidnap her
would not be afraid to carry out such a threat. When her top half
was clothed he tied her arms behind her back, before pulling her
jeans up and fastening them. Then he crossed her ankles, tied them,
and roped them to her wrists behind her back, effectively hog-tying

'You sexy
little whore,' he said, before climbing out and slamming the rear

In spite of
everything that had happened, Esther found the constriction of her
present situation as satisfying as all the rest, and wallowed in
weary pleasure.

The man didn't
speak to her again.

She only
realised she was back at her car when the door was opened, the rope
on her hands was cut, and she was dragged and dumped on a seat. By
the time she'd freed her eyes to discover she was in her own car
the van was just a couple of red lights disappearing down the exit
ramp. And by the time she'd removed the gag and managed to untie
her feet, she knew he would be long gone. There was no point racing
after him.

Her first
thought was to call the police. But what would she tell them? She
hadn't been harmed and she had no evidence that she'd been

Besides, she
thought with a sly grin, she knew deep down it was Kevin, and the
dear love had certainly fulfilled her fantasy and made her year -
let alone her day!





Madam Tisset
was not amused by Esther's adventure in the country, because she
couldn't comprehend that her most promising pupil had actually
enjoyed the experience.

'My dear
girl,' she said grimly, 'I think the time has come for you to have
another learning experience. I have a gentleman for you to dominate
thoroughly today. He's a civil servant - he thinks I don't know
that - and he needs a really painful session to keep him on his
toes at work.'

She led Esther
through to where a tall thin man sat, knees together primly. 'Get
up,' Madam Tisset snapped, jolting him out of a daydream. Whatever
it was about he'd been enjoying it, judging by the rather obvious
bulge in his trousers.

'Sorry, Madam
Tisset,' he stuttered nervously, his pale eyes watering slightly.
'I didn't hear you come in.'

'You will be
sorry,' she said grimly. 'Now, say hello to your dominatrix for
today. She's my latest pupil, and she'll be taking this

Esther almost
felt sorry for the puny man. She felt an immediate sense of power,
and gave a dazzling smile as her eyes raked him. 'Scared?' she said

The taunt
worked. He pulled in his belly and puffed out an inadequate chest,
and spoke directly to Madam Tisset, ignoring Esther with all the
disdain he could muster. 'I'll try her out, Madam Tisset, but I
warn you, if the session is not good, you'll get no fee.'

'You can give
him twenty extra lashes for that,' she retorted instantly, turning
to Esther. 'On his dick, if you can find it. He should know better
than to threaten me.'

'Oh, I'll find
it,' Esther said, in a tone filled with husky promise. 'In what way
do you suggest I punish the subject?'

'The little
tart likes to dress as a woman, don't you, whore?'

'Yes, Madam
Tisset,' the man said, his eyes beginning to darken at the mere
sound of her vitriolic scorn.

'And then he
likes me to fish beneath his skirt and pull out the offending
article, and punish it for being there, doesn't he?'

'Yes, Madam
Tisset,' he gasped.

'The little
boy thinks it's a dirty object which really should be there,
doesn't he? So I have to try to pull it out at the roots, and it's
really got to hurt the dirty little boy, hasn't it?' She walked up
close to him and was breathing into his face, her lips curled back
into a snarl of disgust.

Now he didn't
answer, but was staring at her, almost panting with

'Go and wash,'
she snapped, turning away. 'And use the scrubbing brush really
hard. I'll be watching.'

He obediently
trotted out of the room, and Madam Tisset's severe demeanour
slipped instantly. 'Would you like a cup of tea, my dear, while he
gets himself psyched up, or would you like something stronger?'

'A glass of
wine would go down well,' Esther said, knowing her cupboard was
well stocked.

yourself, my dear. Now, you really mustn't be apprehensive. He's
the same as all the other inadequate little men I get in here.
Whatever authority he thinks he has comes off with his clothes.
Don't you worry about hurting him, you just worry about not
pleasing him, because I don't want to have to sue him for my

Esther looked
shocked. 'You wouldn't?'

'Damn right I
would, and he knows it. I've got him by the short and curlies. At
least, I would have if I wasn't honest. That's why he keeps coming
back to me; he trusts me. So do all my clients. It's the single
most important thing next to being good at what you do. They have
to feel safe when they're back outside in the big bad world. They
have to believe in your professional discretion. That's why I don't
have any trouble getting my money out of them. They want to come
back for more. They know, more than anyone, what a useful job we
do. It's a bit like the coalition, my dear, which was an
institution run by a few old men afraid of enjoying themselves. If
the ban on prostitution was lifted everyone would be a damn sight
happier.' She slumped onto a chair, slipped off a shoe and rubbed
her foot. 'Oh my, these shoes will be the death of me. Now, get out
of your togs.'

'What should I
wear?' Esther asked.

'You can keep
your clothes on if you want, but you might get rather warm. He
likes to be hooded, and judging from the hard-on he gets, he's got
a good imagination. He gets quite a pressure build up, does this
one. Surprising, really, he doesn't look capable of it. But then,
things are seldom what they seem at first glance.

'Now, you go
to the dungeon, get ready, and I'll bring him to you.'

From the
dungeon, a dark room lit by flickering candle-bulbs, Esther heard
Madam Tisset giving orders.

'Harder, you
disgusting little slut, scrub harder! Let's see it really glow.
That's much better. Now get your frock on - parading it about like
that as if you're proud of it, you perverted worm. Now shut your
eyes, how dare you look at your betters? Now run your hands down
the frock, make sure it's nice and tidy. All over, that's right,
and again, see if you can flatten it a bit more down the front...
Now, put this collar on, you filthy beast. From this moment on
you're a prisoner of the Turks, and you know what they do to little
boys, don't you? They take their balls and squeeze them in a vice
until they go black and drop off. Then they can sing like canaries
and pee like little girls. That's what you really want, isn't it?
Come along, my associate is waiting for you.'

Madam Tisset
walked in leading the man by a chain. He wore a short white dress.
It pinched his waist in, pushing his chest and bottom out. The
gathered but very short skirt lifted out over a pair of white
hairless legs. He had his eyes tight shut as ordered, which was
just as well, because it was all Esther could do not to giggle. But
a warning glance from her tutor made her concentrate.

'Now,' Madam
Tisset said to her, 'a nice thick belt, please, the one with wrist
restraints at the back. That's right. Now, breathe in hard, slut,
your waist isn't quite as small as it should be. You haven't been
doing your exercises, now have you?'

She cinched
the belt in hard until he winced, then buckled his wrists into the
small of his back. Then standing back slightly, she lifted the hem
of his skirt and showed Esther that he certainly had an

Then she
handed her the lead. 'He's all yours. Deal harshly with him, he
deserves it.' She winked, pointed to a leather hood hanging on a
hook, and left.

For a moment
Esther was at a loss, but then her hands reached out for the hood
almost of their own accord. 'Kneel down, slut,' she said as harshly
as she could. 'I have to hood you so you don't look at that
revolting penis of yours.'

She pulled the
hood over his head and buckled it onto him. It was probably his
own, she thought, judging from the perfect fit, and seeing how the
leather straps were marked in all the right places as she pulled
the fastenings tight.

'Now, open
your mouth.'

To Esther's
surprise, her voice had almost instantly attained a quality of
command Madam Tisset herself would have been proud of, and her
final feelings of unease fled as she squeezed a large ball gag into
the man's mouth. 'Suck on that,' she ordered, buckling the gag
tightly around his face, pulling his cheeks back into a fixed
smile. He gave a gurgle of complaint.

'What? Do you
want me to take it back out? Do you want me to hand you your
clothes and send you away from here right now? No? Then thank me,
you ungrateful slut, and spread your legs!'

'Nnnng,' he
groaned, quivering with anticipation.

After a moment
her subject was standing to attention, his hands buckled firmly
behind his back, his legs parted with a spreader. A chain from the
ceiling fixed to his gag kept him immobile, and his thin dick was
dripping like a leaky tap.

'Now you're
mine, you dirty little whore,' Esther whispered. 'Now I can do what
I want with you, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.' As her
hand slid up the inside of his thigh he jerked, vibrant with
expectation, and his dick pulsed just once, then his whole body
tensed, quivering.

She ran her
hand up his other thigh, squeezed his balls tight, and twisted. He
jerked again, making low growling noises in his throat. Recalling
what Madam Tisset had said about pulling it out at the roots, she
realised that this man liked to be punished. Armed with this
knowledge, she bound his balls up tightly in a complicated mesh of
straps designed for the purpose.

He was moving
slightly, his hips grinding from left to right, and she realised he
was gone, descended into his own private world, and that she did
not need to speak any more.

Taking a thin
cane from the wall she ran it softly up and down his legs, lifting
the skirt and letting it fall again. Then she drew her hand back
and slashed the cane down. The sound of it on naked skin far
exceeded the force with which it was propelled, and he jumped, for
the first thing he knew about the target was the sting of the
cane's arrival.

Satisfied that
this was what he wanted, Esther drew her arm back and chose a new
target. After a while she fell into the swing of it. Instead of
wondering whether the man was enjoying himself - though she had no
doubt that he was - she began to warm to the action, choosing her
targets carefully to avoid the growing criss-cross of lines up and
down his legs, and finding virgin skin to mark as her own.

Once she had
claimed almost every inch of bare flesh on his legs, she moved in
to smooth her hands over the ridges, to feel the tiny raised weals
he now wore on his legs up to the hem of his skirt. She rubbed up
under his skirt and felt tantalising fresh ground beneath it.
Quivering with a strange pleasure, she lifted the skirt and tucked
it into the belt around his waist, digging her fingers hard into
his already constricted middle.

Now his
excitement became increasingly evident in the urgent thrusting of
his hips and the rampant erection that thrust from the confines of
the cock straps.

She gently
tapped the erection with the cane and saw it bounce upward eagerly.
Gosh, Madam Tisset really did mean she should hit him there!
Tentatively at first, then with increasing skill, she began to
target the long finger of veined skin. The noises the man was
making were a mixture of strangled grunts and gasps, and she was
sure his cries of anguish were the result of hanging on to his
control for as long as he possibly could.

though, his willpower began to wilt under the wicked onslaught. On
a normal part of his body the cane would have stung, but on his
engorged penis it must have seemed vastly more destructive. As she
watched, entranced, he rose upward onto the balls of his feet,
looking as if he was going to explode with the effort. And explode
he did. Esther was standing to one side, but almost with vindictive
and subconscious knowledge he seemed to sense her position, and
turned towards her as his spunk erupted from his turgid cock.

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