Darkmoor (2 page)

Read Darkmoor Online

Authors: Victoria Barry

Tags: #children's fiction, #9781780888910, #Darkmoor: The Darkness Discovered, #Victoria Barry, #Matador

BOOK: Darkmoor
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ter Two

Moving in day

“And here we are,” Matthew’s dad said welcoming Matthew into
their new home. Matthew’s dad forced open their new front door. The combined smell of dirt, damp, dust and rot encompassed them. Matthew grimaced, “Lovely.”

With one deep breath, Matthew unwillingly stepped foot into his new house. It was even worse than he’d first thought. From the outside the old building looked picturesque, with ivy hugging the crumbling walls.

The inside did mirror the tired look of its exterior. Bare walls with patches of different types of wallpaper revealed several years and tastes of previous occupant’s. Woodworms had feasted on the window panes creating holes everywhere. Green mould indulged itself on the hallway carpet and had started to creep into the other rooms.

There was one redeeming feature however, the spiralling stone staircase. It stretched the depth of the building, strong in character, the back bone of the old vicarage.

“So, what do you think?” his dad asked pacing up and down the hallway with excitement, “gorgeous isn’t she?”

‘Was he looking at the same house?’ Matthew thought.

Not wanting to dampen his dad’s enthusiasm Matthew agreed, “Yeah she’s really something alright.”

“I know it needs a lot of work,” his dad said optimistically. Matthew whispered under his breath, “It doesn’t need any work, Dad it needs a flipping bulldozer.”

“But I think,” Matthew’s dad continued, “we can definitely put our own ‘Khan-McKendry’ stamp on the place.”

“Yeah, Dad anyway, come on we better start unpacking before it gets dark,” Matthew said heading off outside.

Brushing past the withered Willow trees, Matthew meandered along the front path, which took him back towards the driveway.

Approaching the driveway Matthew was startled by a rustling sound from a row of hedges.

“What the?” Matthew said hearing the noise again.

Slowly bending down, Matthew listened more intently. Moving closer and closer he could just about see an outline. There appeared to be an animal hidden within the bushes.

“Oh hello,” Matthew spoke gently, not wanting to scare the creature, “You made me jump.”

Taking a closer look Matthew could see what had surprised him.

“Oh, hello Mr Crow!”

The crow hopped out from his resting place and joined Matthew on the driveway. The crow looked Matthew up and down, in a curious manner to who was passing by.

Matthew felt nervous as the crow moved closer. Not wanting to alarm the bird he said slowly, “I have just moved in here, well I say moved in we’re actually moving in today, me and my dad that is,” Matthew stopped himself suddenly realising he was in fact talking to a bird.

Laughing out loud he looked down. “What am I doing talking to a crow? Like
know what I’m saying.”

Unsettled with Matthew’s remark, the crow cawed towards Matthew. He wasn’t just ‘a crow’. He was Clever Crow who had been resident at number 21 for over ten years!

Taken back by the crow’s response, Matthew asked, “Did you just caw at me?”

Once again the crow echoed his call.

“Ok now I am losing the plot,” Matthew smiled walking towards the removal van. The crow hopped along behind him.

Turning back Matthew asked, “Are you following me now?” Then tilting his head Matthew continued, “can’t believe I’m asking this, but what do you want?”

Clever Crow lowered his beak close to the ground. Matthew watched closely and then suddenly he noticed that the bird’s foot was bleeding.

“Ah that’s what you want,” Matthew said, “you want me to help you.” Matthew crouched down so he could see what was causing the crow to bleed.

Clever Crow wasn’t nervous or scared of Matthew, and trustingly hopped closer towards him.

“Well you are a clever crow, now let me just have a look,” Matthew reached down to grab the injured foot, “oh there it is, a tiny splinter of wood, have you been playing too close to some...” And with that Matthew quickly removed the splinter from the crow’s bleeding foot.

Clever Crow thanked Matthew in his own way and cawed gratefully for his act of kindness.

Stretching out his silky black wings, the crow hopped up into the sky. Freely soaring high above the vicarage, he then disappeared off into the distance.

“Come on, Matthew, those boxes won’t move themselves!” his dad shouted as he raced past Matthew towards the back of the van.

Looking back at Matthew he asked inquisitively, “What have you been doing out here anyway?”

As Matthew started to help his dad unload, he began to tell him of his encounter with a very clever crow.

After unloading all of their belongings, Matthew began to wander around his new surroundings.

On either side of the hallway were two good sized sitting rooms. Across the back of the house was a farmhouse style kitchen. Cold slabs lay unevenly on the kitchen floor, and piles of dust appeared on every work top. A stable door was hanging crooked on its rotten rusted hinges.

“It just gets better,” Matthew commented sarcastically running his fingers along the worktops, creating a plume of dust.

“Let’s hope upstairs is better than down here,” Matthew said in a rather unconfident tone as he headed upstairs.

“Your room, Matthew,” his dad called, “is at the front of the house, just past the bathroom.”

“Ok Dad,” Matthew gently replied.

Matthew climbed the spiralling staircase and walked along the landing towards his bedroom door.

Gently pushing the door open, Matthew was greeted by the dazzling sunlight which flooded through the doorway.

“Not a bad size and certainly not as dirty as downstairs,” Matthew said stepping into his bedroom.

Clever Crow was perched outside his window on a tree branch. Matthew stood against his window and gazed out at the crow.

“Hello again,” Matthew smiled.

Suddenly, a knock at the front door disturbed his thoughts. Hearing his dad’s voice, Matthew raced along the landing, and to the top of the stairs.

Matthew could just about make out an exchange of words. Wondering who his dad was talking too, Matthew quietly stepped back downstairs.

“We live just across the way, number 23,” spoke the stranger.

“I’m sorry, you are?” Matthew’s dad asked curiously.

“Oh of course, I’m Pete and this is my wife, Julie.”

“Hi,” Julie said waving.

“And this,” Pete continued, “this is-” but before Pete could finish, Catherine eagerly interrupted.

“I’m Catherine it’s very nice to finally meet you mister,” Catherine held out her hand as she waited for the response.

Towering above Catherine, Matthew’s dad introduced himself, “I’m Mr McKendry, but you may call me Jack. It’s very nice to meet you Catherine,” he said shaking her hand affectionately.

Noticing that Matthew was now present, Jack turned.

“And this is my son, Matthew.”

Catherine was rarely lost for words, but after taking a double look at Matthew, she found herself speechless.

Matthew walked towards her with his hand held out. Just then, Catherine began to giggle nervously.

A little bemused by her funny giggle, Matthew shook Catherine’s hand gently.

Matthew’s olive skin glowed radiantly in the sunlight. His dark hair was gelled perfectly around his face and his eyes were sky blue. He too towered above Catherine, making her feel tiny.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Matthew,” she said managing to stop her nervous giggle.

“It’s ok,” Jack said ruffling Matthew’s hair, “lots of girls giggle at our Matty, don’t they son.”

“Give over,” Matthew said pushing Jack’s hand away.

Opening the front door wider, Jack kindly invited the three of them in for a drink. Much to Catherine’s delight, Pete and Julie accepted.

“Son, why don’t you show Catherine around? I’ll sort us all some drinks.”

Jack, Pete and Julie strolled down the hallway and through into the kitchen.

Coughing to clear her throat Catherine asked, “Your mum, is she moving in later?”

Matthew bowed his head. He didn’t feel comfortable talking about his past with a stranger. Without answering her he walked into the sitting room.

Catherine quickly changed the conversation sensing Matthew’s unwillingness to talk about his mum.

“How did you find out about this place?” asked Catherine.

“My dad said he saw it on the internet and just put in an offer,” Matthew said in a matter of fact manner.

“You’re joking,” Catherine blurted out.

“I know, but that’s
dad,” Matthew said shrugging his shoulders.

To Matthew’s surprise, Catherine spoke passionately of the building.

“Well I think you are really lucky, I love this old building. I have lived here my whole life and not a single day goes by without me wishing I could live here.”

“Why?” Matthew asked sternly, not to sure whether Catherine was being truthful, or sarcastic. “What would anyone see in this dump?”

Catherine didn’t respond to Matthew’s abrupt question, she was just too overwhelmed to be finally in the place that had captivated her for so long.

Trying to contain her excitement, Catherine went from room to room studying every nook and cranny. Matthew involuntarily followed behind.

“And this is my room,” Matthew eventually said nudging the door open, thankful that it was the last room of his tour.

Catherine entered the room and instantly felt the sun light touching the freckles on her face. Looking beyond Matthew’s bedroom into the garden, Catherine could see that clever crow!

Overjoyed to see him, Catherine turned to Matthew.

“Have you seen a crow?” Catherine asked.

“Yes I met him earlier,” Matthew answered.

“What do you mean you’ve met?” Catherine said, slightly shocked by Matthew’s casual tone about Crow.

With Catherine’s full attention, Matthew once more told the story of his encounter with Clever Crow.

“Well I was going to unload the van when...” Matthew started.

1st May

Dear Diary,

Well it’s now 10.30pm.

Mum, Dad and of course me have just come back from visiting the Old Vicarage. Mum didn’t want to go across, but thankfully Dad is just as curious as me. The new neighbours are Jack and Matthew. Dad got on so well with Jack that he’s invited them to come to the car boot with us tomorrow.

I got to have a good look round. It’s not what I imagined it to be, not as mysterious as I always thought it would be. Sure needs a lot of work doing on it. Apparently Jack and Matthew are going to live there, do it up, then sell it on (to me I hope lol.)

Matthew is gorgeous and is only two years older than me. He doesn’t talk much, but that will change when he gets to know me. Don’t know what’s going on with his Mum, maybe she is with someone else, or maybe she’s dead.

Oh and you will never believe who is still living there, Crow! Acting like he still owns the place. I couldn’t believe he let Matthew touch him. Still at least he’s ok.

Anyway early start tomorrow-6am,

Good night.

Oh almost forgot...

Mum and Dad had an almighty fight this morning, Mum accused Dad of having an affair. Dad would never do that.

Also there are
missing kids hiding in there. Lol

Chapter Three

Car Boot mayhem

“Come on Catherine sleepy head, Matthew will be waiting,” her
dad, Pete, whined at Catherine trying to get her out of bed.

“Oh,” Catherine moaned “6 o’clock is too early,” she barked.

Pete prowled up and down the landing like a lion hunting its prey, “Come on Cathy!” he roared.

“Ok! Ok! I’m up,” finally Catherine yawned.

The thought of spending the day with her new handsome neighbour, Matthew, did make getting out of bed a little easier.

Throwing on her black leggings and her stripy blue-grey jumper, she quickly noted,

2nd May

Dear Diary,

Just a quick note as it is 6.15 in the morning! Setting off to the car boot soon for the first time in ages, I can’t wait. I get to spend the whole day with Matthew. Wait till I tell everyone at school, they will be so jealous, especially Abigail.

Bye for now xxxx

Catherine placed the diary in her colourful fabric bag.

“Hair brushed, check, teeth cleaned, check, best clothes on, well we are going to a car boot, leggings and jumper will do, looking good? Check.” With that, she threw her bag across her shoulder and skipped happily downstairs.

Pete, Julie, Jack and Matthew were stood waiting for her.

“Hi everyone,” Catherine said trying to sound lively.

“Hi Catherine,” Jack replied. Matthew just nodded his head.

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