Darkness Follows (7 page)

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Authors: J.L. Drake

BOOK: Darkness Follows
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I watched as my friends piled into the elevator, then sipped my coffee as I walked back to the room. It was nasty, but it was caffeine. When I stepped into the room, a nurse was next to Emily and stroking her arm evenly. She looked up at me with an annoyed face.

“What’s going on?” I asked as I moved closer to Emily. “Was she crying?” My stomach twisted as I glanced at the time. Had I really been gone forty minutes?

The nurse stood up and collected her things. “We made it clear she was not to have visitors until at least tomorrow.”

“Wait!” I cut her off. “What visitor?” I felt my mouth go dry.

“I don’t know who he was, but whatever he said to her certainly upset her enough that she was sobbing as he left. She doesn’t need any extra stress right now. It will set her back.”

I blocked her path as she tried to walk by. “What did this man look like?”

She huffed when she realized I wasn’t going to move. “Tall and big like you. Um, I’m guessing another officer ’cause he got by Charles. He whispered something to her right before he left that really upset her. You need to talk to your guys, because that can’t happen again.” She pushed around me and left. I caught the door before it closed.

“Charles, did you let someone in here a few moments ago?” I asked the security guard, and he stiffened when he saw my face.

“Yes, sir, but he had a badge and said he was on the case. I said no at first, but he said he could come back with my supervisor and make things worse. He knew who you and O’Brian were, so I thought it was fine. He was in and out in, like, seven minutes.”

“Did he give you a name?”

“He did, but I don’t recall it. I was more interested in the badge. He was around 5’7”, a hundred ninety pounds, with black hair and a medium build.”

“Do you remember the badge number?”

“Thirty-six something. I’m sorry. Is Miss McPhee all right?”

I shook my head. All our badges started with thirty-six. “Yeah, she is, but from now on, no one gets through this door without my personal say so.
No one
. You understand?”

Charles nodded, and then stepped back against the wall.

I paced the hospital room like a caged tiger. After I questioned a few others in the hall, I was able to identify Emily’s visitor. Why was Matthews in here to see her without saying anything to me?

Finally, after a few hours, she started to wake. I sat down next to her. I brushed her hair away from her face.

Her blue eyes found me. Damn, my breathing hitched every time I looked into those eyes of hers.

“How are you feeling?” I asked and studied her face.

“Like I’ve been kidnapped, beaten, jumped off a cliff, and bruised by rocks. So, not that bad.” She shrugged and tried to smile.

I rolled my eyes at her comment. She always deflected her pain. “Wanna tell me why Matthews paid you a visit? And why he upset you?”

Her eyes went wide and dropped toward our joined hands. I could tell she was nervous. She licked her lips. “He…he just wanted to see how I was and to offer the Witness Protection Program. But I don’t want to leave anyone I love and everything I know. Don’t make me!”

“No.” I rubbed her arm. “I’d never let that happen. You think I’d let you go?”

She slowly closed her eyes and let out a sigh as she fell back to sleep.

I was pissed that Matthews would even go there right now. Why not talk to me about it first? I pulled out my cell as soon as I was out the door and dialed Matthews again. It went straight to voicemail.





I pushed the dirty brass key into the door and turned it as my stomach did the same.

“Well, well, look who came back,” my trashy neighbor said as she bared her lipstick-stained teeth at me. “Christmas came early this year.” She flipped her jet black hair over her shoulder to show off a black eye and a visible hand print around her neck. Her black and blue choker made my tongue heavy with need.

My erection grew at the sight of it. I wished I’d made those marks on her. My fingers flexed around my bag. They ached to give her a matching eye. Emily’s face popped up, and I shrugged off the memory that clawed at my brain to compare the two women in my life. Emily’s scent filled my nose, her eyes still held mine, and the way her skin felt when she struggled under my hold made my knees weak.

I was pulled out of my fantasy when my phone started to ring.
I kicked my door open and tossed my shit on the bed. I locked the door before I pulled out my phone.

“We have a problem,” the voice chipped in quickly. I sighed and listened.

“Well, you know what to do,” I said as I grew angrier by the moment.

“Yeah, I’ll take care of it.” The line went dead.




I had been stuck in this room for hours. I was in a battle with my nightmare and my reality. It would be easier to give in and endure the fear, but then that meant he’d won again. I pressed my cheek to the cool wall and let my mind relax. I wanted to go home. Oh no…One moment I was there, then the next I was back in that godforsaken hellhole.

moved quickly around the cold floor and dragged the chair to the wall. I shoved the window, but it only budged a little. I threw my body weight into it, and it popped open further. I squeezed myself through the tiny opening and cried out in pain, but nothing mattered. Suddenly, I fell backward into the basement, and when my eyes opened, I was met with a pair of dirty boots and a set of eyes that glowed.

“You’ll never be free of me, darlin’.” He reached for my hair to pull me up.



I woke to someone’s hands on my wrists; they had me pinned down.

“Open your eyes, Emily,” Seth whispered to me. I looked up and saw him inches from my face. The morning sun peeked in through the blinds. “You were dreaming again.”

“Sorry.” I felt some tears slip out.

“For what?” He looked baffled as he slowly let go of me.

“Did I hurt you?”


“Did you get much sleep?” I asked, looking at his tired eyes.

“Enough.” He studied my face for a few moments before he hopped off the bed. He had brought me some breakfast. “You feel like eating?”

“Mmm…hmm.” I pushed the button on the bed to raise myself into a seated position. He had a hot bowl of oatmeal, sliced fruit, and a glass of apple juice. It looked perfect.

“So, remember what the doctor said. If you can hold your food down again today, you can go home this afternoon. Not that I agree with him.” I rolled my eyes. Of course he wouldn’t
“As long as you are sure you feel up to it.”

“I do. I need to get out of here. Two weeks in this room was long enough. Besides, I’m sure someone can use this bed more than me.” I dug my spoon into the oatmeal and took a small bite. My stomach was pleased to have something good to work on. I eyed Seth’s hand, and then looked over to my bag where it sat on a chair. “Could you pass me my bag?”

“Of course.” He set his coffee on the table in front of me and went to retrieve it. My mouth watered at the smell. I quickly grabbed the Starbucks cup and let the liquid gold rush over my tongue. I let out a small shiver as the warmth traveled down into my belly.
Oh, how I’ve missed you, caffeine.

“No!” Seth scowled at me as he tried to hold back a smile. “You are not allowed to have that. Doctor’s orders.” He went to take it, but I managed another small sip. He snatched the cup away and batted at my hand as I reached for it again.

He chuckled as he sat back down on his chair. That sound was more healing to me than the past two weeks in the hospital. Seth’s playful laugh made me feel like I could get through this.


I stood in front of my mirror to examine the faint bruises on my ribs. My face was almost back to normal. If you looked hard enough, you could see a small discoloration over my left eye, but other than that I looked like myself again…at least on the outside.

It had been four days since I’d come home from the hospital, and eighteen days since I was in the basement. The dreams were more intense, but at least when I opened my eyes I was at home in my own room.

Seth and Garrett had hovered around me and made sure I was all right. I tried to reassure them, but I knew they weren’t convinced. Frankly, neither was I. I scared myself sometimes when I slipped into a dark place, a place I knew I could get lost in if I wasn’t careful.

“Em, Detective Michaels is here to see you,” Garrett called from my bedroom door.

“Okay.” I moved my heavy body down the stairs.

“Thank you for seeing me,” Detective Michaels said as he rose from a chair. “I promise I’ll only take up a few minutes of your time.” I gave a tiny smile, and then saw Johnnie come in the door. He waved and nodded at Seth.

“Connors, may I speak with you in private, please?” Johnnie said as he pointed off toward the kitchen. Seth gave me a kiss on the cheek and followed him out.

“McPhee, I know you gave your statement to us at least four times, and I’m sure you are done talking about your escape. But I have to ask you now that you’ve been home for four days, can you retell your story just one more time?”

Oh God.

He placed his silver recorder on the coffee table and gave me a pleading smile.

“All right.” I couldn’t help but sigh.




I poured a cup of coffee and handed it to Johnnie, who sat at the table. His demeanor was a little strange.

“Thanks.” He wrapped his hands around it and let out a breath. “Look, man, you’re a good friend. That’s why I feel I need to talk to you about this.” I slowly sank into the chair across from him.

“I know you love Emily, but do you think it’s a good idea, getting so wrapped up in a person you’re trying to protect?”

I shot him a look. I didn’t care for people’s opinions on my private life. I swallowed past my comment that wanted to lash out at him. I shifted and made the chair squeak under my weight.

“Hear me out. I fell in love once, hard. She was being harassed by an ex. He was crazy. I let my guard down for only a minute, and I almost lost her.” His hand ran over his smooth head as he took a moment to stare at his steaming mug. “I realized I was being selfish by being with her. She needed someone to protect her, not someone to sleep with her.” He paused again. His jaw flexed, and I could see he was in a struggle with his emotions. I pretended not to notice and kept my head down. “So, I let her go. She hated me for it. I hated myself for breaking her heart. But at least she’s alive, with her sister in New York, and the asshole is behind bars. It’s for the best I stay away. It’s complicated.” He glanced at the door, and the corner of his mouth twitched. “Just think about this. What would you do if he took her again because you were lying in bed with her instead of keeping your head clear?”

I felt sick. My guilt about how I left Emily at the cabin weighed on me heavily.

“You and I both know that girl loves you more than anything. She’ll understand once this is all over. But for now, you really need to step back and do what’s best for her.”

I cupped my mouth to remove the bead of sweat that broke above my lip. Push Emily away again? The thought had my stomach running in the opposite direction.

“This is different.” The words barely passed my tongue before I knew how stupid I sounded. Here was Johnnie, who trusted me to tell me something personal, and I ignored his rational warning with a dumbass response. “Umm,” I fumbled. Fuck, I hated this. “Yeah, I hear what you’re saying.”

He leaned back and gave me a slight nod. “Now, how are we gonna catch this fucker?”




I watched as Michaels scribbled a note in his leather pad. He reached up and rubbed his forehead before he spoke.

“Okay, so you broke free and were looking around…”

“Wait.” A memory box opened on the edge of my brain. I replayed the last day over again and tried to open the box further.

I held up a finger as Seth and Johnnie came in from the kitchen to let them know I was onto something. I stood and paced the room. I was closer, so close. The images flipped in front of me like someone was ruffling a deck of cards. Then it stopped, and my eyes flickered to Garrett as the picture got clearer. “There was a laptop he was watching from the first day I got there.”

“Is that what you were squinting at the day you broke free?” Garrett asked and moved closer like he was there in the room with me.

I nodded as I remembered it. “Yes, I could see flashes of light on the keyboard the whole time I was there. I didn’t understand what it was, maybe a live news feed or something. When I broke free, I turned it around to see it was a camera pointed at you guys, but from a completely different angle than the screen I could see. Garrett, you were moving in front of a window. That was what was making the light dance around. It was like it was hanging off a chair or something because now and then it would waver like someone moved it.”

“Like on a jacket or a bag?” Michaels leaned toward me as he tried to put the pieces together.

“Jacket. I could make out an arm. It was black.”

“That could be our OPD jackets,” Seth said. “But there were so many people in and out of that room. Even the staff were in and out. Anyone could have planted it.”

“Jesus.” Johnnie rubbed the back of his neck. “Do you think he has more people working for him?”

“Yes!” I blurted out. I wished I hadn’t said a word when I saw their faces drop.

“And why do you think that?” Seth gave me a strange look.

“Um…call it a hunch.” I looked at Michaels. I needed to get out of here. I promised Matthews to stay quiet. “I need to study. I have school in two days. If I think of anything else, I’ll let you know.”

I looked at Seth’s shocked face. I had failed to mention to him that I planned to return to my classes already.

“You don’t actually think it’s a good idea to go back to school so soon.” Seth followed me into my room. “What if…” His voice trailed off. “He’s out there, you know that, right?”

I turned to glance over my shoulder. “Seriously?”

“Yes.” He was on my heels as I entered my bedroom, and he watched as I started to pull out a textbook. His hand stopped me. “Em, look at me.”

I did.

“What are you doing?”

“I need to get on with my life. I’m finally caught up in my classes, and I don’t want to fall behind again.”

“I don’t think it’s a—”

“I know you don’t agree, but we all need to move forward.” I leaned up to give him a kiss on the lips, but he stepped back.

“I need to speak to Michaels before he goes.” He turned and left, which left me with a cold chill.
Wow, what the hell was that?

After a hot shower and laying everything out for tomorrow, I crawled into bed. Seth’s icy chill still lingered above me, and I pulled the covers up to my chin and took a deep breath. I told myself that he was just nervous to let me out of his sight. Seth needed control, and ever since this whole storm started, he hadn’t had much. I understood. That helpless feeling was still raw for me. It sat on the surface of my skin as a reminder that he could pop out at
any time
and take me. What a fearful way to live.

“Live,” I whispered. The light of the moon cast a soft glow over my comforter. I twisted my body so when I closed my eyes it would brighten my eyelids. I didn’t want to see the darkness right now, even though I was incredibly tired. I pushed back the nerves and forced my mind to focus on the positive. How would he win? By not allowing me to live. Beat him at his own game. Move forward.

Sleep took over pretty much right after that conclusion. Sadly, it came with nightmares of the basement and yellow, glowing eyes.


I rolled out of bed, anxious to get my day started. I had missed my classes and my friends. I got showered and dressed in record time. My ribs still ached slightly, but all things considered, I was excited to get back into my daily routine.

I smoothed my hands down my gray pencil skirt, which complemented my plum silk blouse nicely. I sat on the corner of the bed and watched the news. There was hardly any mention of what had happened to me. The FBI had done a great job of steering the media toward the manhunt for Lasko. They said he had abducted a young female, but she had managed to get away. They urged high schools and universities across Orange County to beef up security on campus. Seth and Garrett were nervous the media would find out it was me, but my name was never mentioned, nor was there any description given.

“Seriously?” Johnnie pointed at my heels as I walked into the kitchen. “Does it not hurt your calf?” He referred to my bright red scar.

“Nope, I’m all good.” I plastered a smile on my face, wanting to seem as normal as possible. “With whom do I have the privilege of driving to school this morning?”

“Connors and I are taking you.” Garrett came out of the laundry room. I nodded as I sipped my coffee. It was odd that Seth had given me the cold shoulder the last few nights. He’d made an excuse for why he couldn’t come to bed. What the hell had happened when Michaels showed up?

“Something on your mind?” Garrett gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Nope. I’m just looking forward to my classes.”

On the drive to school, I barely spoke two words. I got anxious as we got closer. I knew I had been under Seth’s watch for a few weeks, and that was a big comfort, but now it set in he wouldn’t be with me. I told myself everything would be okay, that as long as I was with someone at all times, I should be safe.

I caught Seth’s face in the mirror. He studied me carefully. When I caught his gaze, he gave me a sad look. Then a mask fell over his face. Was it just me, or was he pulling away? I shook my head. He wouldn’t push me away again, would he? No, not after the last time, not after he’d said all those sweet things that made me fall in love all over again. I hated that my insecurities about relationships crashed down whenever I got nervous. I closed my eyes briefly and tried to clear my mind.

Don’t over-analyze this, Em. He’s probably just nervous about letting you out of his sight.

He opened my door and offered me a hand out of the car.

“Check in with me hourly, okay?” He spoke over my head as he scanned all around me. “Don’t leave campus, and call if you need anything.”

His voice was different, almost unemotional. Like he was talking to a witness rather than his girlfriend. I immediately got my back up and stepped away from him.

“Right. Got it.” I mirrored his tone. His gaze shifted down to mine. I thought I saw fear flicker in his eyes, but I couldn’t be sure. “That it?” I snapped.

“Yeah.” He stepped toward me and kissed my forehead. I held perfectly still, not sure what to make of all this. He nodded at someone over my head. I turned to see Erin come up behind me. When I turned back around, Seth was in the car. Garrett gave me a small wave and then eyed Seth. I could tell he was just as shocked by his behavior as I was.

“Ready?” Erin asked as she linked arms with me. “’Cause I would sell my left kidney not to have to sit through ninety minutes of our philosophy class. Sweet Jesus, that man will be the death of me. Like, literally, I sit there and plot my

This made me laugh. Erin always had such a great way of bringing me out of a funk. We headed toward our torture.

The second hand on the clock above the whiteboard moved at a ridiculously slow speed. My eyes followed that tiny needle all the way around the numbers, hoping someone or something would make time jolt forward and save us from this ‘
I want to ram a fork in my cornea’

Erin dropped a paper on my book, and I glanced down to read it.

“I don’t recall wanting to kill myself as a selling point for this class.”

I smirked and shifted as my ribs started to ache from sitting so damn long. I twirled my pen through my fingers before starting to write.

“What? Didn’t you know? That’s why I signed up. You gotta love a class that motivates you take that next step off the ledge.”

She held her hand over her mouth as she sputtered a laugh. She grabbed her pen and started to scribble.




I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “There’s five more mins,” I wrote.

“Exactly. So, we can leave.”

Suddenly the professor checked his watch and yawned. “That’s it, be sure—”

He wasn’t even through his sentence and the place pretty much cleared out. Erin nearly trampled an older lady as she ran through the door to freedom. I was close behind, eager to get a glimpse of fresh air.

“What a waste of time!” she hissed as I threaded my arm through hers when we reached the bottom of the stairs.

“I know.” I sighed and wondered why I decided to come back today.

Lauren and Brad, two of our friends, joined us at The Goose for lunch. They were excited to see me and caught me up on all their drama. It felt so good to be back with friends who didn’t have any idea what I’d been up to. Erin knew, of course, but she could always be depended upon to keep quiet. She was pretty shaken up by the whole thing. She had visited me a few nights, and I knew it was hard for her to see me that way. I pulled out my phone just as it buzzed.


Seth: Where are you?


I sighed inwardly; it had been less than an hour since our last text.


Emily: At The Goose.


Seth: How are you feeling?


Emily: Fine. How are you feeling?


Seth: Let me know if you need anything.


I figured I’d test the waters.


Emily: I need YOU.


I waited. There was a pause. I felt my stomach twist. He really was off; it wasn’t just me over-thinking things. The waitress set my salad on the table. “Thank you,” I murmured.

Brad was deep in conversation when I found myself zoning out. What was up with Seth? Erin flinched, and it caught my attention. Her eyes went huge and her jaw dropped open. Then I heard it…

“There she is!” The voice traveled up my spine and made my heart stop mid-beat. “There’s my beautiful baby!” she shrieked.

Oh, hell no!

Everyone in the bar turned to see a 5’6” blonde woman in a canary-yellow, tailored sundress bouncing toward me. I thought I was going to be sick. I rose and glanced at Erin, who shook her head to let me know she had had no part in this.

“Mother, what are you doing here?” I managed to spit out. She tossed herself into my arms dramatically. I flinched as she squeezed a little too hard. This was Mom when she wanted to impress people. This was not the unemotional, disinterested mother I got behind closed doors, the mother who would rather sit up in her office at my seventh birthday party and work because other people needed her more than her own daughter.

She pulled away from me and looked me up and down. Her eyes narrowed in on my waist.

“It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that when you’re not in class or at the library, you would be here. It wasn’t that long ago I was in college, dear.” She started to scowl at me. “You’ve lost weight. You aren’t eating enough. Is school too stressful for you? I cannot imagine your classes are that hard.”

Mother was always good at the ‘compliments.’

“I’m fine, Mother. I just had the flu last week.” She sat in my chair before I finished my sentence.

“Flu! You should see the horrible diseases I see in the run of a day.” She wrinkled her nose at the thought.

I bit my tongue and pulled up another chair. Lauren shifted over to give me some room to sit.

“Jenny, would you like a drink?” Erin tried to steer her attention off me. I was grateful. Erin was well aware of Jenny McPhee and her oh-so-loving relationship with me.

“I would. Thank you, dear, for asking.” She eyed me. She stuck her hand up in the air and loudly called over the waitress. Oh dear Lord. The poor waitress looked surprised, but she came right over and dealt with her politely. I made a mental note to apologize to her later and make sure to tip well when we left.

My mother monopolized the conversation as per normal, which was fine with me because I didn’t want to talk. I turned my phone over and saw Seth still hadn’t texted me back.

I understood it was traumatic for all of us when I got taken, so maybe he just needed some time. I sighed and leaned back. After a very long hour of my mother and her story after story of how many lives she’d touched and about the village she helped to build, I had finally had enough.

I stood and made the conversation halt. “Sorry, everyone, but I need to head over to the station.”

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