Darque Wants (82 page)

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Authors: Diana Steele

BOOK: Darque Wants
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From then on, Dorian took command, grabbing hold of her arms and pinning them back to the couch as he bent his lips towards her neck, sucking and nibbling and kissing. She moaned delightedly, the touch sending ripples of shivering sensations all through her body.

With one swift movement of his hips, he snapped them forwards and entered her, rolling back and forth with slow, deep thrusts gradually becoming more insistent and powerful as he built them both up to their inevitable climax; sweaty bodies rolling in a heap of limbs and kisses, suppressed moans held back by lips on skin.

“I…I think I love you,” Thena whispered tentatively.

“I love you too,” Dorian murmured back. It was surprising how easy the words seemed to trip off his tongue, but Thena didn’t mind in the slightest. “Maybe we’ll actually make it to the bed someday,” he joked.

She smiled softly and reached up to touch his cheek.

She wasn’t sure how much time they’d taken in total; how long they’d been kissing before the clothes started to come off, how long the act itself had lasted, or how long they’d silently laid there cuddling in each other’s arms, but after a while, as they were still tangled up somewhat awkwardly together on the sofa, her mind wandered back to what she’d seen…just before he took the necklace off.

Why had he reacted so quickly and so suddenly? Was that a flash of guilt she’d seen cross his handsome features? The little niggling sensation took hold at the back of her mind, and she couldn’t get rid of it. Was Dorian hiding something?

She scrunched up her eyes and pushed it away. Not now. Not now.

Thena sighed quietly and nuzzled up against him. Things would be better now.


Relic of the Pharaoh

Book 2



Psychics in London

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This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.



Please don’t be stupid and kill yourself. This book is a work of FICTION. Do not try any new sexual practice that you find in this book. It is fiction and not to be confused with reality. Neither the author nor the publisher or its associates assume any responsibility for any loss, injury, death or legal consequences resulting from acting on the contents in this book. Every character in this book is over 18 years of age. The author’s opinions are not to be construed as the opinions of the publisher. The material in this book is for entertainment purposes ONLY.  Enjoy.


Two sweaty bodies writhing around intertwined with one another, breathing heavily and gasping in pleasure at their shared intimacy; deep and powerful psychic visions plunging them both further into the unknown, exploring and uncovering past mysteries they never thought were possible.

Conspiracy, excitement, a murder.

The man with the knife.

Athene Keene gasped and brought herself out of her daydream. It was happening all too frequently lately. The mystical and charming Dorian Quinn, the billionaire psychic who was now her new boyfriend, was all she could think about.

She rubbed her eyes and tried to get on with her cataloguing at the museum, but everything seemed so boring and dull now that Dorian was no longer popping in every morning.

“Touch this one with me….what do you see?”

Their fingers brushing over one another as they clasped another artefact from the Tutankhamen exhibition, holding objects, getting visions from them, furiously writing down everything to try and put the gigantic and very confusing puzzle pieces together.

Athene shook her head and picked up her coffee. She’d been delaying getting down to actual work for as long as possible, but she couldn’t just sit there all morning thinking about Dorian, wondering what their next step would be in the ‘investigation’. They knew the name of the murderer, they knew where he lived; Dorian had even been to see him. A frail old man by the name of Harvey Jenkins, a mere pawn in the game of some shadowy figures in darkened offices that the pair of them had only caught glimpses of in visions. What would their next step would be in their new and blossoming romance? When she would hear from him again? Would he call that night? Maybe they could grab some dinner together, that would be nice. She needed to forget about things between her and John for a while.

Speak of the devil, there he suddenly was, behind her, looming over her shoulder like some ghost who had just stepped out of the shadows. He had a dark, brooding look in his narrowed eyes, practically scowling at her as he tossed down some documents onto her desk.

“File those.”

There was no please, no thank you, no nothing. Just anger, bitterness. She supposed it would be like that for some time. She could hardly blame him. She felt terrible for having slept with Dorian whilst her and John were still officially ‘in a relationship’ and after that, she just couldn’t continue with him, knowing they’d be living a lie, that her feelings for John weren’t the same as John’s feelings for her. She couldn’t bring herself to tell him about the affair though. It would only break his heart further, and what good would that do now?

“It’s not a curse, it’s a gift.” Dorian had said that to her. For years that was how she’d thought of it, until she met him. He’d changed everything.

“Sure,” she looked up at John and smiled.

The smile wasn’t returned.

“I suppose you’ll be seeing your creepy boyfriend for lunch,” he muttered.

“I…I don’t know…I don’t think so.”

It wasn’t that she didn’t care for John. He was a decent guy and he deserved someone who could give him more attention than she could. Thena was far too occupied with her work at the museum, her ancient history obsession, and Dorian of course, who virtually stole her heart from the very moment they met.

“You bitch!” John’s hurtful words from the night before.

The cup hurling across the room and smashing against the wall.

Thena had never seen John so angry, and for a moment, it made her glad that she’d broken up with him. She’d made the right decision.

“Well whatever, have fun with him.” He turned sharply on his heel and stalked off, leaving Thena alone in the office.

She let out a small sigh, her shoulders sagging. These next few weeks at work were going to be extremely difficult, or were they?

Her inbox pinged with a new e-mail.

She expected it just to be spam at first, it usually was. But as she clicked on the tab to open it up, she saw with excitement that it was from the British Museum in London.

Two weeks previously she had sent out her CVs to several large museums both in Britain and abroad, wanting to further and develop her career; move on to bigger and better things and finally get out of Dorchester. Not that she didn’t like the city. It was the place where she’d grown up and she’d always have a soft spot for it but still…one couldn’t stay in the same town forever, or at least Thena couldn’t.

She eagerly clicked on the e-mail, half expecting it to say ‘Sorry, but we don’t have any vacancies at the moment’ or ‘Sorry, but you’re not what we’re looking for.’

She gasped as she read the words.

‘Thank you for your CV. We would like to invite you to come for an interview…’

She almost squealed, right then and there in the office. Her heart thudded loudly. She gripped the arms of her chair.

This was it.

Maybe this was just the opportunity she was looking for. A new break. A chance to start fresh, in a new city, with a new job, and away from John. It was fairly obvious they weren’t going to have the kind of break up where they could ‘stay friends’, so there was no point sticking around.

The only thing making her stay was her twin sister Deme, and Dorian.

But Dorian was a psychic and an author. He wasn’t tied to a nine to five job at one particular location. Surely, he could move around? It wouldn’t matter if they went to London. They, she was already thinking of them as a ‘they’, as a couple, and it was official now, seeing as he’d asked her out. They were officially dating. She just hoped he felt the same way as she did, and that he wanted to make a long term future with her.

That lunchtime, she didn’t go to the museum canteen like she usually did. She’d arranged to meet Deme for lunch.

“Well, this is unusual,” her twin said brightly as they sat down together over a sandwich in one of the local cafes.

“Yeah, well…I don’t really want to be in the canteen anymore,” Thena sighed quietly, taking a sip of her tea.

“Ahhh…because of John,” said Deme knowingly.

“Yep, I  can’t be dealing with him enquiring into my private life or making all kinds of awkward and bitter remarks.”

“Can’t say I blame you. Break ups can be hard. Are you sure you’ve made the right decision?”

“Yes, definitely,” said Thena firmly. Deme had been a big fan of John and slightly sceptical of her relationship with Dorian, but Thena trusted that she’d come round eventually. She changed the subject by telling her about the interview offer.

“That’s great news, Thena,” Deme grinned. “You’re going to go for it, right?”

“I…I think so.”

“You totally should. You have to, it’s a great opportunity.”

Thena’s phone beeped with a text message, and her day was further brightened when she saw it was from Dorian.

‘Dinner tonight at yours?’ it read. ‘I’m thinking takeaway.’

‘Sounds great,’ she immediately replied.

“Who is it?” Deme asked.


“You and him are definitely dating then?”

“Yep definitely.”

Another message came through. ‘Is seven ok for you?’ he asked.

‘Yes, that’s fine. See you then. x’ she text back.

With a dinner date with Dorian arranged, the rest of lunch and the remainder of the afternoon went by much quicker with the thought of being able to see him later that evening, but at ten to seven, when a knock came on the door, it wasn’t Dorian, as she had expected, but John, carrying a large, empty rucksack.

“John, I…”

“No need to talk,” he mumbled, pushing his way inside and shouldering past her, heading straight through to the bedroom. “Just come to collect some of my things, then I’ll be out of your way.”

“This isn’t really a good….time.” She sighed. He had already gone and obviously wasn’t listening to her anyway.

Although her and John had never lived together, there were occasions when he stayed over at her place or her at his, and so they had each left a small amount of clothes and essentials at each location. Thena knew she would have to collect her own from John’s flat at some point, but it was the last thing on her mind currently. She didn’t really feel like going round there after the break up.

She sat down on her sofa and stared at the wall, turned off television, just waiting and listening to the sounds of John rummaging around in the bedroom, hoping he’d get on with it and leave quickly before Dorian came round.

Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be.

Dorian was slightly early, and before she knew it he was knocking on the door too, and coming right on inside.

“John’s here,” she whispered, almost apologetically, a grimace on her face.

Dorian leaned in and kissed it away. “It’s ok,” he whispered. “I’ll stay away from the bedroom.” He winked and made his way lightly over to the sofa.

She went to sit down beside him and the two of them waited patiently, holding hands, until a couple of minutes later, John came back out of the bedroom with his now full rucksack hoisted over his shoulder. He stopped dead when he saw the two of them together.

“Couldn’t even wait for me to leave the flat before you invite him over?” he snapped scornfully.

Thena turned to look at him and stood up. “It wasn’t like that. Dorian was already coming round anyway. You’re the one who turned up uninvited.”

“Moved right in on my territory straight away, hasn’t he? The little shit!”

Thena could see the anger building up inside him, the tensing of his shoulders, the way his neck was sticking out, a vein bulging on the side, his eyes wide and his jaw clenched. He had been the exact same way two nights previously when she’d broken up with him.

“John, please…” She said soothingly, attempting to diffuse the situation as best she could. “You’ve got your things. Why don’t you just – “

“Go. Yeah, I get it,” he spat, grabbing the door handle and flinging it open. “This won’t be the last of it!” He warned, pointing a finger at the both of them and practically frothing at the mouth with fury. “I’ll get my revenge on you…bitch! On the both of you!”

With that last disturbing warning, he stalked out, slamming the door loudly behind him. His footsteps could be heard running down the corridor and a moment later, a car started up outside and sped away, leaving Dorian and Thena standing in the quiet of the flat; Dorian silently clutching onto Thena protectively.

He wrapped his arms around her as she crumpled into his chest and began to cry. “Why does he have to be so horrible about it?” she sniffed.

“I don’t know, sweetheart,” he murmured, kissing her hair. “But don’t worry about him for now, mm? He’s all talk. He’s not going to do anything.”

“I don’t want to go into work tomorrow. Not with him there.”

“Then don’t. You don’t have to. Call in sick. You can spend the day with me instead.”

“Don’t…don’t you have other things to do?” she asked tentatively, pulling back from their embrace to look up at him.

“Not really,” he shrugged. “Just some writing for my new book, but that can be done anytime. I’d much rather be with you. Besides, we need to talk about where to proceed from here on the uh….the thing.”

Yes, of course. The thing. Neither of them really knew what to call it. ‘Investigation’ sounded too official, and besides, they weren’t detectives.

“We can talk about that tonight, if you’re staying.”

“I’ll stay if you want me to.”

“I’d like that,” she nodded. “Just in case he comes back.”

“He won’t. I promise you. Now…” He kissed her on the cheek and smiled. “How about we order that takeaway and you tell me all about your day at work?”

Dorian knew just how to cheer her up; every time, and soon, she had forgotten all about John and his little hissy fit. After all, Dorian was right, he wouldn’t actually do anything about it. They were just empty threats said in anger. They ordered a very large pizza with pepperoni and extra cheese, her favorite, and Thena told him excitedly about the e-mail she had received back from the British Museum.

“That’s great, Thena,” Dorian grinned, throwing his arms around her and giving her a big hug. “That’s fantastic news! I always knew you had it in you.”

“Well, it’s only an interview. They could still say no.”

“But an interview’s a good sign. And I’m sure they won’t stay no when they see you, when they meet you and see how knowledgable you are.”

She blushed. “You think I should go for it then?”

“Of course you should. You’d be mad not to. This was the opportunity you were looking for.”

“That’s exactly what I said to myself this morning.”

“You wouldn’t have applied if you didn’t want the position.”


“Of course you should go for it.”

“But…” She hesitated.

“But what?”

“But what about you?”

“What about me?” Dorian shrugged. “I’ll come with you, if you want. I don’t mind in the slightest. London’s a great city.”

“You will?”

“Course I will. We can even stay at mine. I’ve got a place there, right in the city centre. Only ever use it when I’m down. Beats having to book a hotel though. We can stay the weekend, make a bit of a trip of it.”

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