Read DarykRogue Online

Authors: Denise A. Agnew

DarykRogue (37 page)

BOOK: DarykRogue
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Only a few feet away Aknada kneeled in the sand near Marc.
Marc lay on his back, eyes closed and unmoving.

Aknada’s dark eyes were filled with twisted pain.

Before Xandra could speak, she saw Arcos descend on the
ship, a scream of pure rage coming from the creature. Perhaps it new Marc was
injured. Faster than she could blink, the dragon hovered over the ship, wings a
sparkling radiance in the sunlight. The dragon’s sharp mouth opened and fire
shot free, fueling the raging fire consuming the deck fore and aft. Sails were
consumed and destroyed in the orange and yellow flames. The dragon rose higher
in to the sky and away from the ship.

“It is done,” Xandra whispered.

A blinding flash lit up the sky. Rayder shoved her to the
ground and covered her with his body, his arms shielding her head. The ship
splintered outward in a horrendous blast, rocking the ground beneath them.

It seemed forever before the explosion subsided, and Rayder
levered himself off her body. “Are you hurt?”

She coughed. “I’m fine.” She cupped his face, concern
punching her in the gut when she saw the blood dripping down his face. “You’re

“No matter. Whatever it is, I’ll heal.” He smiled, as if
humor was the only emotion he could find at the moment.

“Marc.” Aknada’s panicked voice rose above the other women
chattering and the men who’d fought on the ship and huddled around them. “Marc.
Answer me, you bastard!”

Above them, Xandra heard Arcos’ cry. The slave women

“Don’t fear him!” Xandra gestured at the women and stood up.
“He is Marc’s dragon and won’t hurt you.”

Looking doubtful, the women continued to eyeball the animal.
Xandra turned away from them, her concern for Marc building.

Rayder had moved to kneel next to the man. “He’s
unconscious.” Rayder checked for a pulse and breath. “Where else is he hurt?”

“He’s been stabbed.” Aknada’s dark eyes swam with tears.
“When we broke into the slave quarters, two of Aramus’ men attacked. Marc
jumped one and killed him, but not before the man stabbed him in the side.”

Rayder hastily ripped the bottom of his tunic and used it
for a bandage. “Xandra, hold pressure to his side as tight as you can.”

Xandra didn’t hesitate.

“We have to get him back to the healer at Marc’s compound,”
Aknada said. “But the jungle trip will take too long.”

Xandra had an idea. “Could we tie Marc to Arcos? Could both
of you ride him?”

“Yes.” Marc’s eyes popped open and he smiled. “I can ride
him. Aknada can make sure I don’t fall off.”

Aknada didn’t look amused. “Bastard. You scared the shite
out of us.”

Rayder laughed. “Abuse him after he’s healed.”

Marc smiled broadly and gave a loud whistle. “Let’s get
Arcos and get the hell out of here.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

One week later

Marc Gampia’s compound


Xandra couldn’t hold on to her control any longer. She’d
wanted to taunt and torment Rayder, but his achingly slow thrusts were driving
her to the edge of madness. He lay behind her on their bed, his cock moving
slowly and deeply inside her channel. She throbbed, frantic as an orgasm teased
her. He’d kept her this way for long minutes, refusing to thrust harder,
drawing out the insanity as his thickness pushed deep to touch her womb then
drew back to caress her.

“Come,” he said, his voice a rough command.

She’d already come twice.

Shaking with need, she whispered, “Yes.”

As if that was all the incentive he needed, Rayder thrust
harder, one hand clutching her hip to anchor her. The headboard banged against
the wall as he powered into his motions. Climax hurled her upward, erupting
through her body with furious speed. She cried out, uninhibited as her body
clenched tightly over the cock still thrusting hard inside her. With one last push,
Rayder stayed deep inside her, growling as his body shook. His hot cream
flooded her. She gasped as the pleasure swirled in her belly and tingled with
ever-spiraling intensity.

They lay for a long time, breathing hard, not moving, his
cock still hard and buried within her. Instead of pulling from her, he kissed
her neck and snuggled closer. He reached between her legs and softly caressed
her tender button with the gentlest of caresses.

She gasped as the soft touch sent new sparklers of pleasure
darting from her. “Rayder.”

“Mmm,” he murmured against her ear. “I think there is
another one in there.”

“Another one?”

“If you were finished, if it were too much, you wouldn’t
want me to touch you here right now.” He swirled his fingers over her spot and
moved his hips. Excitement rioted in her belly and her pussy. “I think you need
another release.”

“Oh my god.”

“Yes.” His deep voice whispered in her ear. “Do you want

She could barely speak as his hips pumped against her with
the barest stroke, caressing a spot inside her that sent pleasure dancing
inside and made her flesh tremble around his cock. “Yes.”

His sex teased her, refusing to allow her rest. She’d never
imagined such pleasure until she met this man—never understood any touch could
destroy her and bring her together again. She released all inhibition and
opened her body and mind to the beauty of their lovemaking. It didn’t take
long. She climaxed, screaming harshly. With a soft groan he shuddered and came.

For long moments they relaxed, and she almost fell asleep.
Eventually he pulled from inside her, and Xandra turned toward Rayder. She
curled into his side and allowed a smile of sexual satisfaction to bloom across
her face. It had been luxury to sleep at his side without worry. A week had
passed since the events on Aramus’ ship. So many things had changed, and most
of them for the good.

Rayder’s arms came around her and he kissed her forehead.

“More than I could ever have imagined.” She sighed.


“I am concerned about Aknada though.”

Silence surrounded them until he cleared his throat. “She’s
all right.”

“She is not. She is morose and quiet and… Ever since Marc
was injured she hasn’t been the same.”

“Marc is healing. He’ll be fine.”

“That’s what I told her. He should be well in no time at

“My sister has much healing to do. She needs time to work
through everything that happened to her three years ago.”

“Have you healed from knowing what Aramus and those men did
to her?”

“Aramus’ death gave me peace.”

“Even though Yoanda killed him instead of you?”

Rayder sighed. “More so. There has been so much death,
Xandra. For once justice was served and it came from somewhere else besides me.
A Daryk One didn’t have to take Aramus’ life in retribution. I feel the better
for it.”

Satisfied, she said, “Marc and Aknada love each other.”

He laughed softly. “My beauty, are you sure? They certainly
do not act like they are in love.”

She snorted softly. “You do not see it because you are…”


“A man.”

He chuckled and his arms tightened. “All right, I admit it.
I know there’s something between them. I saw it in my sister’s eyes when Marc
was hurt. I saw how she hovered around him. How she bullied him to drink and
eat and not exert himself. And when she was hurt, he did the same. But I don’t
know if they can overcome their differences.”

She didn’t know either. Only time would answer that

Rayder said, “On another matter entirely, I heard news


“Grimnald Castle suffered a great loss. Their ruler was

She levered up on one elbow and looked down into his serious
face. “How does that affect us?”

“The new leader is Dane Charger.”

Her interest leapt. “Ketera Aldrancos’ Daryk One.”

“The very same. They are to rule the castle and its people
from now on.”

“But this is a good thing, isn’t it?”

“It is, and I hope we can visit them soon. But I also heard
other news.”

Even in the short time she’d actually known him, she’d
learned to read his expressions well. He looked concerned. Her heart sank.
“What is it?”

“There is much talk of war.”

“Isn’t it always that way?”

“This time I fear it’s more serious. A messenger from
Bardannia Castle arrived. They were attacked by Leadios Castle, which is in the
Imekland region. There were many casualties.”

She frowned. “That’s where Eryk Gauth is, correct? He’s your

“Whether he thinks of me as a friend is doubtful. Perhaps he
heard that we destroyed Aramus and his minions and thinks better of me.” He
gazed into her eyes with an intensity that told her what he had to say next
serious indeed. “He sent a message asking for my help if I would give it. Your
friend Mia Griffi was with Eryk at the castle.”

She sat upright, excitement at hearing that her other friend
was alive erasing other concerns. “She’s alive?”

“She is. But when the castle was overtaken, Eryk wasn’t
there. Mia is in the castle alone with the men who took over Leadios Castle.
Eryk needs our help to rescue her.”

Her heart sank. “Oh no.”

“It will be a hard fight. We’ve also heard that Drakus is
mobilizing his men and intends to destroy Felican Castle before joining with
Leadios Castle. He’ll reinforce with the men who control Bardannia Castle.”

“Overall war and domination.”


“And if Drakus succeeds, his forces will attack Magonia and
enslave the entire population.” He drew her down into his arms and kissed her
softly. “I sent a message back to Eryk. I know how much Mia means to you. I
will help him save her. And if I know Dane, he’ll want to help too.”

Her heart warmed at the same time new fear rose. “It will be


What else could he say? Perilous times lay ahead. The beauty
of the moments they’d shared started to fade and she fought with worry.

Perhaps she should tell him her news in light of what he’d
revealed about Mia. Happiness soared inside her, because this news was better
than anything she could have imagined. “Rayder, I have to tell you something.”

He kissed her forehead softly. “What is it, my beauty?”

“My…courses are very late, and they are never late.”

The silence was deafening.

Rayder released her and sat up. His eyes had widened, his
mouth open. She hoped that was happiness she saw in his eyes. “You’re with


Disbelief colored his face. “It’s not possible. You drank
the potion. How could it be?”

“The healer told me that in a small number of cases the
potions don’t work.” She waited as dawning happiness replaced his amazement.
She couldn’t contain her next words. “I feared you wouldn’t want me after you
learned I drank the potion. Even though you haven’t said anything to prove it,
I still worried.”

“You did what you had to do, Xandra. You were saving
yourself and any children from that evil man.” He scooped her up, a whoop of
joy escaping his throat as he crushed her close. “By Draconus and all that is
good. I never believed it possible.” He kissed her deep and hard until she was
breathless. “My life is complete. I want for nothing more. I would have gone
anywhere and anyplace for you when I thought we couldn’t have a child. You are
what matters. But this makes our time together that much more precious.”

“Peace on Dragonia and Magonia perhaps?”

“We’ll have that and our lives too. I swear it to you.”

Tears shimmered in his eyes, and wonder glowed in her heart.
In a thousand years she never imagined seeing this big, tough warrior melting
like this. Guilt she’d harbored for so long disappeared. Tears fell from her
eyes. “Rayder, I am so happy. No matter what comes, I am so happy.”

“I love you, my beauty.” He cupped her face. “No matter what
happens, don’t ever forget that. You’re my wife. My love. Forever.”

About the Author


Suspenseful, erotic, edgy, thrilling, romantic, adventurous.
All these words are used to describe award-winning, bestselling novelist Denise
A. Agnew’s novels.
Romantic Times Magazine
called her romantic suspense
Dangerous Intentions
Treacherous Wishes
romantic suspense”. With paranormal, time travel, romantic comedy,
contemporary, historical, erotica and romantic suspense novels under her belt,
she proves her gift for writing about a diverse range of subjects. (Writing
tales that scare the reader is her ultimate thrill.)

Denise’s inspiration for her novels comes from innumerable
sources, but the fact that she has lived in Colorado, Hawaii and the United
Kingdom has given her a lifetime of ideas. Her experiences with archaeology
have crept into her work, as well as numerous travels throughout England,
Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Denise currently lives in Arizona with her real
life hero, her husband.


Denise welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email address on her
author bio page





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Also by
Denise A. Agnew


Through the Mist


Daryk Hunter

is the Night 1: Dark Fire

Deep is the Night
2: Night Watch

Deep is the
Night 3: Haunted Souls

Cavemen: Dreams of the Oasis II

Cavemen: Tales from the Temple IV



BOOK: DarykRogue
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