Date With Death (Welcome To Hell) (4 page)

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Chapter Six

“Sucker!” Lucifer chuckled, an evil chuckle of course, as if there was any other acceptable kind. He did so love it when he managed to pull off subtle wickedness. The satisfying feeling. The giddy anticipation as he waited for his plot to unfold. The—

He yelped—in a very un-
Satan like manne
as an unexpected voice inquired, “Who did you screw over now?”

Clutching at his chest, he glared at his girlfriend. “Fuck, woman. Give me a heart attack
, why don’t you.”

“You’d need a heart for that,” was her dry response.

“A waste of an organ, if you ask me. Another liver so a male can drink more alcohol, now that would have made more sense.”

She shook her head. “You are such a man. And you didn’t answer my question. Who did you screw this time?”

“Screw is such a harsh term.”

“Oh for earth’s sake. Would you answer the blood
y question? I know you popped off to visit your nemesis.”

“Were you spying on me, woman?”

Unabashed at having gotten caught, she replied, “Yes.”

“You know, stalking is considered a sin.”

“I know. How turned on are you now?”

“Very,” Lucifer growled. He prowled over to the couch she lay sprawled on, but she evaded his roaming hands—even the extra pair he called into existence.

Holding him at bay with her own magic, she engaged him in conversation of all things, and not of the sexual kind.

“Since you think you’re so clever, why don’t you guess what I did
?” A plot so diabolical only he could have come up with it.

“You made a deal with Marigold’s father
, who also happens to be the favored competitor in the upcoming golf match.”

“Give the woman a prize!” he shouted. “Oh wait. You’ve already got the biggest prize of all. Me!”

“Why do I feel so robbed?” Gaia ruefully shook her head.

“Ha. Very funny. Not. You know you adore me.”

“Like a tick loves spring. So what did you get her daddy to promise?”

“Oh not much.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“Believe it, woman. Seems he’s more concerned about keeping his love child a secret from his wife than trying his hardest in the upcoming golf match.”

“Cheating again?” she asked with an arched brow.

“Blackmail isn’t cheating.”

“How do you figure that?”

“Because I said so and I’m the
lord of sin.”

“So what did you do?”

“Well, you know my plan to get Mictain and Marigold together to make me super babies?”


“After I got him to promise at least two bogey holes, I kind of revealed to her daddy they were dating.”

“You mean having sex?”

“One and the same. Apparently, he’d not kept dibs on her recently. His spies have somehow gone missing.”

“Which you kn
ow nothing about, of course.”

, me?” He batted his lashes and she snorted. “Anyhow, daddy is not happy about it and has vowed to put a stop to it.”

“How is that good? I thought you wanted
Marigold and Mictain together as part of your ultimate dating plan.”

“I do. Is there anything stronger than forbidden lust?”

“Don’t you mean love?”

“You say tomato
, I say, fucking.”

Her nose wrinkled adorably.
“That makes no sense.”

“That’s because you’re a woman.”

“With a brain.”

“Again, another wasted organ.”

Gaia sighed. “You know, it’s really not nice to toy with people’s emotions. Poor Mictain is supposed to be your friend and yet here you are, dicking him around, along with that poor girl.”

“I know. Marvelous
, isn’t it?”

A giggle escaped her. “You are utterly incorrigible.”

“Yes. Yes, I am. I am also sinfully delicious. Wanna taste?”

Lucky for him, she did, and somewhere on earth, a volcano erupted.

Chapter Seven

Even after sleeping on it, Marigold remained pissed
, and horny.
Stupid jerk.
And even stupider her. She’d thought Mick genuinely liked her. Instead, he’d wanted to know why she could see him. As if she had a clue.

Since a young age, M
arigold knew she was special. Not many children could levitate objects, or set things on fire, or see spirits. Given some of her strange abilities—which for lack of a more scientific term, she labeled magic—she even hypothesized she was perhaps not completely human. What DNA ran through her, though, remained a mystery. Her mother, whom she loved dearly, was a bit of a ditz. Blonde, giggly, and with not a serious thought in her head, she’d worked on a cruise line for years before having her and had no recollection of Marigold’s father other than he was handsome. Not even a name. Even stranger was despite her lack of memories, her mother refused to date anyone since in the off chance her mystery lover came back.

ike that ever happened. Whoever her dad was, he’d disappeared into the blue yonder and never looked back.

It used to bother Marigold; after all, who didn’t want to know where they came from? What their roots were? But over the years, she’d adopted more of a screw him attitude. If he couldn’t care enough to even contact her then he wasn’t worth wasting a thought on.

Mick’s questions, though, resurrected a long-buried curiosity.
Who was my father? Actually, the better question is what was my father?

It also made her wonder what super powers she might have inherited other than
those she knew about and her most recent ability to spot death.
Which, on second thought, could be a totally cool ability. I could hire myself out to rich folk and protect them from death itself.

Of course, first that would entail convincing people she even had the power to do that.
But, at least I might see Mick again.

Marigold groaned in frustration. It figured her horny libido would c
ircle back to him. The guy was scum. A user. A totally hot piece of ass that she wanted to jump so badly.

That’s it. There’s only one cure for what ails m
another man. A rebound lover, so to speak.

“Tonight, after work, I’m going out and finding myself a nice, no
-strings-attached man.” She spoke aloud, which was stupid since there was no one there to hear her.

Despite her determination
,though, she spent all day thinking of Mic




Waking the next day—after having spent the night dreaming about a freckled witc
Mictain found himself at a loss with what to do with himself. Until he’d solved the Marigold mystery, Lucifer had suspended his usual soul-collecting duties. And while, Lucifer had actually figured it out himself, he’d not had Mictain reinstated in the soul collection roster. An oversight Mictain didn’t plan to correct.

However, the extra time on his hands did nothing to help him decide his next move. After the sour note he and Marigold had ended things
on the night before, it might prove awkward to just show up as if nothing happened. 
Maybe if I brought chocolate or flowers, she would forgive me?
Or slam the door in his face.

He could just storm her apartment, draw her into his arms, kiss her breathless and then proceed to seduce her body. On second thought, while that really worked for him, she might not appreciate him manhandling her, especially i
f she was still mad.

He needed advice. Dating advice
, and not from Lucifer, the world’s greatest seducer—and most reviled ex-boyfriendof females universe wid
but from someone with a little bit of respect for women. A man whose previous paramours still greeted him with a smile and come-hither glances.

Given the time of day, he doubted he’d find Felipe at the bar where he worked as
a bouncer. When calls to his cell phone and apartment went unanswered, Mictain headed over to the gym his friend liked to frequent. Sure enough, Felipe was working out, or so he assumed by the bevy of females standing around staring and tittering. Shirtless and muscles straining, the male who could shape-shift into a three ton hellcat didn’t seem oblivious to the attention.

“Got a minute?” Mictain asked his friend when he stopped doing reps with the barbell to mop his brow.

“Sure. Why don’t we hit the men’s sauna?”

An audible sigh of disappointment swept through the gathered women
, and Mictain restrained himself from snorting.
How does he do it?
The guy must have some kind of a cock or technique to inspire such a reaction.

Stripping first in the locker room, they each wrapped a towel around their loins for modesty’s sake. The sauna let out a puff of steam when they entered, and sweat immediately formed on his body. Mictain flopped onto the wooden bench with a heavy sigh.

“Dude, you look seriously bummed. Is the boss man running you ragged again with plagues?”

“No. Worse. He wants me to seduce a woman.”

Felipe choke
with laughter. “Excuse me. I think I heard you wrong.”

“Doubtful. As fucked up as it sounds, I’m to get close to a mortal witch and find out how come she can see me when I’m wearing my reaper cloak.”

“So ask her.”

“I did. She didn’t know. The boss thinks she’s hiding the truth so he thought if I seduced her
, I could get her to open up and tell me.”

“And you came to me for tips? Dude, don’t tell me it’s been so long you’ve forgotten how?” Felipe chortled and slapped his thigh.

A frown knitted Mictain’s brows together. “I haven’t forgotten. I was doing perfectly fine until Lucifer showed up.”

Felipe howled louder. “You had an audience. This is getting better and better.”

“Not really. I went from almost getting head to getting kicked out because she caught on to the fact I was pumping her for information.”

“Oh, dude. That is rotten luck.”

“No kidding. So here’s my dilemma. I still want to get that info, but she’s pissed at me.”

“No problem, my friend. I will seduce the witch and get the answer you seek.”

“Like fuck!” He shouted the refusal, and Felipe arched a brow. Mictain tried to shove his sudden anger back down. He didn’t understand where it came from. The offer was perfectly reasonable, even generous given Felipe had never met Marigold, yet, it didn’t sit well with him at all. The thought of Felipe kissing her and touching—Mictain clenched his fist lest he lash out. Jaw tight, he said, “This is my assignment and my fuck up. I’ll take care of it. What I need from you is advice on how to get her to forgive me.”


“With jewelry, chocolate, or flowers? Or should I do all three?”

“Why don’t you try with words?”

“You mean tell her I’m sorry? No way.” Mictain shook his head. “That seems too simple. No way is it going to work.”

Spreading his hands, Felipe shrugged. “Hey, you asked
. I’m just telling you what I’d do.”

“Does it work for you?”

“Don’t know. I don’t usually piss off my lovers in the midst of getting a BJ.”

The reminder deflated Mictain. “Any more advice?”

“If you like this girl, then just follow your instincts. Forget about what Lucifer wants. Trust yourself.”

“I never said I liked her.”

Felipe shot him a wry smile. “You didn’t have to. Your actions speak for themselves.”

Really? Then he wished they’d speak more clearly to him because he didn’t know what to make of the emotions one fragile mortal inspired. Not completely true. The lust she engendered he could easily solve—between her thighs or lips
. It was the rest of it, the possessiveness that reared its head and the urge to see her again that didn’t make sense. Like her? It seemed too simple of an explanation.

Great. Now I have a second mystery to solve.
And a second surprise date to prepare for.

Chapter Eight

“What do you want?” Marigold spoke brusquely to hide her shoc
and yes,pleasur
at seeing Mick again. Of course, she’d have felt more on even ground had she not just gotten out of the shower wearing only a towel, a state he seemed to enjoy judging by the bulge growing at his groin.

He grinned at her, not at all put out by her not-so-warm welcome. “Aren’t you glad to see me?”

Actually, she was happy he’d come back, which really annoyed her. “Gee, let me see. Happy to see a guy who faked interest in me so he could get head and information? Screw off.” Marigold went around him into her bedroom, but like most pests, he wouldn’t leave.

“Listen, I am sorry about that. I was under orders from the big man himself.”

“Yeah, well, bully for you. Now if you don’t mind, I need to get dressed.” Marigold stared at him boldly and when he didn’t leave, she dropped the towel. She smirked at his dropped jaw and then turned to dig through her closet for something to wear.

“You really aren’t like other women
, are you?” he said, a hint of wonder in his tone.

She ignored him
, although she considered his words a compliment. She prided herself on her unique nature. She stepped into a skimpy g-string, her movements more sensualthan usual. Having him watch her dress was having a disturbing effect on her libid
in other words, she was wet and not from the shower. Pissed that even after she’d pegged him for a using piece of scum, she wanted him, she decided to screw with him by turning to face him while she hopped, pulled, stretched, and squirmed into a tight pair of leather pants. The look on his face was priceless, although his smoldering eyes made her want to yank down her pants and scream, “Take me!”

Her nipples hardened at her dirty thoughts and he licked his lips, his eyes riveted to them.
She skipped her bra to wear an almost sheer top that tied around her neck and upper torso like a bikini top, leaving her back and midriff bare. The material also clearly outlined her erect nubs.

“Um, where are you going dressed like that?” he asked, his brows beetling into a frown.

“Out.” She leaned over her dresser to peer into the mirror as she applied her makeup.

“No, you’re not,” he stated
sternly. “Not dressed, or should I say
, like that.”

Marigold, her lipstick poised in front of her mouth
, gazed at his reflection in the mirror and snorted. “You can’t give me orders.”
But damn you’re hot when you’re acting jealous and possessive.

“It’s not an order. More of a request.”

“And the answer is still no.”

“Is it because I didn’t bring flowers or chocolate?”

She snorted. “You can’t buy forgiveness.”

“I hear some men do with diamonds.”

“I don’t wear jewelry.”

“You really aren’t going to make this easy.”

“Why should I? I’m not the one who pretended to like someone just so I could gather information.”

“Does it help if I admit I wasn’t pretending?”

Her heart fluttered, but she held firm. “No. Now, if you don’t mind, please leave. I have plans to go out.”

He barred her way.
“Listen, I came here to make things up to you. Can’t we just stay in and...

For a moment
, she allowed herself to picture his mouth having an intimate conversation with her lower set of lips. Her sex quivered and she mentally shook herself.
Down, pussy. We’ll get some action soon.
At his expectant look, Marigold uttered a full-throated laugh. “Talk? Oh please, I wasn’t born yesterday. You can forget a repeat oral performance. I am going out whether you like it or not, and if I’m lucky, I’ll be the one getting a tongue lashing,” she said with a wink. Pushing past him, she dug through her front hall closet for a pair of heels.

She left her apartment with him trailing after her, a big, dark masculine presence that made her almost reconsider.
We could stay home, and I could let him prove to me just how sorry he is. I bet he’d look great on his knees pleasuring me. And over me, fucking me hard. And...

Marigold scowled.
No, I am not falling into his seductive trap again.
He’d fooled her once into thinking he liked her. She wouldn’t fall for it a second time.

er high heels clacked on the pavement as she headed toward the club a few blocks from her place, which she frequented every so often when she needed to blow off steam.

, where are we going?” he asked, flashing her a white smile.

She scowled at him. “Go away.”


She tried to ignore him, but her pussy wouldn’t
, and a throbbing started below her waist. In her tight pants, she couldn’t feel the moisture, but she’d just bet it was there, dammed in her sex and waiting for an eager mouth to gush onto.

aster she walked, and the jerk, as if he knew, laughed, his rich baritone making her shiver. He mistakenly believed it was her lack of a coat causing the chill and he draped an arm around her, tugging her into his body. He was hot, and not just in the good-looking sense. His whole body radiated heat and she didn’t pull away. It felt too damn good.

All too soon they reached t
he lights and noise of the club. She slipped out from the warm cocoon of his arm, the cooler air making her want to duck back into him. Head high, and hips swishing, she strode up to the doorman manning the lineup. The gorilla in a t-shirt and jeans smiled when he saw her.

, Mari. Did you bring me the stuff?”

Marigold returned Frank’s smile and handed him a package. They’d come to an agreement a
while ago. She gave him a free tonic to keep his bald pate hairless and shining, and he let her into the club whenever she wanted no matter how long the lineup.

Before stepping through the doors, she turned and blew a kiss to Mick, stuck outside with the other wanna-be clubbers.
Frank will never let him through.
For some reason her spirits sank and she sternly told herself it wasn’t disappointment at the knowledge she’d managed to lose Mick for the night.

Forget him. There are plenty of other men who are just looking for the same thing I a
a good time.
Turning her back on him, she resolved to have fun—and forgot he existed.

Marigold let the noise and heat of hundreds of bodies thrashing to music flow over her. The hard, heavy beat
proved hard to resist, and she gyrated her way onto the dance floor already crowded with writhing people. In no time at all, a male body brushed up against her rear, and tingles shot through her.
Damn, I must be really fucking desperate to get aroused just from the touch of a sightless stranger.

She kept dancing, waggling her bottom at her unseen partner
, whose brief touches set her blood boiling. She’d get a look at him when the song ended and see if he met her visual requirements. In other words, not paper-bag-ugly. She didn’t care if he was interesting, smart, or rich. She just wanted to get laid, and judging by the tingles, she’d found her guy.

The song wound down
, but before she could twirl and eyeball her partner, a muscular arm snaked around her waist and a familiar voice whispered, “This would have been a lot more fun naked.”

freaking way.
Marigold broke Mick’s hold and turned to glare at him. “Will you go away? Guys will think I’m taken if you hang around me.”

“Exactly,” he said unabashedly.

With a sigh of exasperation, Marigold pushed past him to the bar. She needed a drink, a large one right now. The bartender, who also knew her, handed her a frothy piña colada replete with an umbrella and cherry. Marigold took the drink with thanks and then turned to lean her back against the bar as she sipped. She almost choked.

Mick hadn’t followed her to the bar
. Oh no, the sexy bastard who’d set her blood on fire danced with not one, not two, but three bimbos! Marigold simmered even as she knew her jealousy was unreasonable.
So much for him wanting me. That jerk seems awfully happy surrounded by those sluts. Good, that means he won’t bother me anymore.

Marigold forced herself to look away
, but couldn’t stop the anger, and inexplicable jealousy. Determined to prove to hi
and hersel
that she didn’t care, she grabbed the nearest man and dragged him out to dance. She intentionally faced away from Mick and dirty danced with her new partner, who grinned at his stroke of luck.

With a critical eye, Marigold took stoc
early twenties, good teeth, decent build. All in all, a decent sort. Unfortunately, he wasn’t Mick. No matter, she’d make do. She rubbed herself on the blond stranger and then flipped to spoon dance him. This gave her a direct view of Mick, who stood still, glaring at her across the dance floor. Pleased she’d gotten his attention, she smirked and ground her ass harder against her dance partner.

When Mick began pushing at people in a straight beeline toward her, his face a dark thundercloud, she debated waiting for him, but then thought better of it. She grabbed her guy’s hand and dragged him to the exit.

“Hey baby, where we going?”

“Let’s get some fresh air.”

” The guy’s inflection left no doubt as to what he thought she meant, however, Marigold had no intention of screwing the stranger she dragged out of the club. Not anymore. Despite his decent looks, something about him repelled her, and she always trusted her instincts. Hell, under normal circumstances, she would have never led him to believe she was interested. She did, however, want to antagonize Mick by making him think she was. A great plan until she got outside with the blond Ken doll and he suddenly turned into Mr. Grabby. She slapped at his hands and dodged a sloppy kiss.

wrong with you?” he demanded angrily.

“I changed my mind,” she retorted
, and turned to walk away. But Mr. Grabby apparently didn’t grasp that no meant no. He clamped thick fingers around her arm to stop her from leaving. Marigold dug her hand into her purse and flung some magic powder in his eyes, her version of pepper spray.

Unfortunately, he didn’t react like a normal man would. Then again, that might have had a lot to do with the fact he wasn’t human

freaking moly!

Her blond Ken doll shed his human guise kind of like the alien in
Men in Black
. He sloughed off his human skin off to reveal a very ugly creature dressed still in jeans and a t-shirt strategically ripped to allow its spines to poke through. With horns protruding from his forehead and the red glow of his eyes, it didn’t take a genius to point out she’d just met her very first demon.

Marigold lost a few precious seconds to shock. After all, it wasn’t everyday she ran into a denizen of Hell. By the time she ordered her feet to run, the demon had already grabbed a hold of her and leered. Or grimaced, it was hard to tell with all the pointy teeth and hanging drool.
Eew, no wonder he hides behind a mask.

“Give me a kiss, baby,” it hissed, flicking out a forked tongue.

“Oh, like, no bloody way,” she said, unable to stop the disgust in her tone.

“Teasing slut,” it roared before pitching her. Marigold had a moment to enjoy flying for the first time before she crashed into a wall hard and slumped down, spots dancing before her eyes.

Dazed, she could only sit on the ground and watch as two sets of blurry legs approached and stopped in front of her. For a moment, she wondered if the demon had cloned itself. She blinked and her double vision cleared. That was better, only one pair of legs. Her ears rang, but even through that annoying sound and the nausea churning her stomach, she had no trouble recognizing the sound of a zipper lowering.

That doesn’t sound good.

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