Day, Xondra - Our Dirty Little Secret (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (9 page)

BOOK: Day, Xondra - Our Dirty Little Secret (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Jeff pulled a six-pack from the refrigerator and placed them on the countertop. He pulled two away from the pack, putting the rest back inside. One for him, and one for Mike. Mike, who had given him some funny looks throughout dinner and on into the evening.

He detested that word but felt quite comfortable with its meaning.

Mike was eyeing him. It was so obvious. Ann didn

t seem to notice, or if she did, she didn

t care. But the question was did he care?

His experience with Marcus had been limited, nothing more than a blow job, and as the years passed, he hadn

t thought about it much.

Right now, standing there with two beers in hand, he thought about other things, like Mike touching him and possibly kissing him. He

d never kissed another man, not even Marcus, and he wondered how it would feel different from kissing a woman, if at all.

I take it one of them is for me?

Mike walked into the kitchen, holding out one hand.


For a minute, he was dazed, his mind on other things that caused him to blush.


He handed Mike a beer.


s Ann?


s gone to freshen up. Or in manly terms, take a piss.


He shifted from side to side as Mike stared at him.


are you from the area?

Yup. Born and bred in the city, and so were my parents. Our roots run deep there.


s a big move, to come all the way out here.

Mike opened his beer.

Like I explained earlier, I have my reasons.

He shifted again, his eyes moving to something, anything that wasn

t Mike. He finally settled on the coffeemaker.

Jeff, do I make you nervous? I know it can be difficult for straight guys to be around someone like me.


he snapped, far too quickly.

Not at all.

Seriously. You can relax. I

m not going to hit on you.

That was the problem. He wouldn

t have minded if Mike did hit on him. And that

s what scared him. That

s what made him nervous. He wondered how he would react if put in that situation.

* * * *

Ann returned from the bathroom to an empty living room then heard the two men talking, their voices coming from the kitchen.

The party’s moved in here,

she said, walking in to see them standing near the island, beers in hand. She was glad they were getting along. After Mike

s announcement, she wasn

t sure if they would.

Mike was just telling me about his plans for renovating the house. He has some great ideas.

She winced at the bright overhead light. Red wine never mixed with her well. She was getting a headache.

Sounds great. Listen, you two, I think I

m going to head off to bed. My head feels a bit off.


s too bad,

said Mike.

Thanks for a wonderful dinner.

It was my pleasure, but you don

t have to go. Jeff’s a late-nighter. He

ll be up for a while yet. He can entertain you.

I am,

said Mike, with a nod.

After a few last words, she made her way upstairs.

Chapter Four

Shutting the door behind him back at the house, Mike leaned against it and shook his head, amused at the night’s events, especially Jeff.

That man reminded him far too much of Jackson, and the attraction he had for him was crazy. He wasn

t the type of guy to go for a married or straight man. Hell, he would have admonished anyone else for doing the same thing. Plus, Ann was a darling, a friend. He felt like a bastard for even thinking about it, period.

Walking down the hall, he kicked off his shoes and pulled off his shirt. Once in the bedroom, he threw that on the bed and slipped out of his pants.

Now, just in his briefs, he laid back and looked up at the ceiling, the fan spinning slowly overhead, cooling him.

Mike closed his eyes, his right hand moving down to his cock. Jackson came into his mind. Their first meeting had been hot, a night that would last with him forever. He allowed his mind to drift back to that moment, the time when he discovered cock.

* * * *


A mistake, that

s what it was. He didn

t belong here and he didn

t fit in.

With his heart beating hard enough to choke him—that had to be the cause of the lump in his throat—Mike made his way through a crowd of men to the bar. A drink would help. A drink would force him to relax. He hoped.

A bartender dressed in some leather bondage getup leaned over the bar towards him, his eyes tracing Mike all over.


ll it be, handsome?

he asked.

A beer


he stammered.

Sure thing.

The bartender returned with the beer and took his money.

I haven

t seen you in here before. You must be new. I

d remember any man who looked like you.

How was he to respond to that?


Grabbing the beer, he turned away from the bar.

In front of him loomed the largest dance floor he

d ever seen. Men of all shapes, races, and ages danced, some with each other and others by themselves, to the thunderous beat of some song he didn

t know. It sounded a bit like Cher, yet he wasn

t certain.

A young guy walked past him, rubbing against his arm.


said the guy, with a wink and a wry grin. He stopped and stood a short distance from Mike with his slender arms folded across his chest.


d best give it a shot. That was his point in coming here, to meet other guys like himself.


m Mike,

he said, raising his voice to be heard over the loud music.


They shook hands, and the young guy moved in closer to him, close enough that he could feel his body slide against him. The large crowd around them didn

t help.

Standing room only,

he said. The guy, Ethan, was getting far too close to him.

s what his mind told him.


re so fucking handsome,

said Ethan, nearly groaning it out into his ear.

I bet you fuck like a stallion.

A hand slid to his crotch.


Would you like to take me home and fuck me? I bet you would.

Was this guy for real? This had to be a joke. If it was, it was a sad one.

Take you home? We just met,

he replied.

For a hundred bucks you can do whatever you want to me. Even the kinky stuff, if you

re into it.

Ethan squeezed his crotch harder.


he pushed Ethan away from him.

I didn

t come here for that, and I don

t pay for sex.

Ethan shrugged.

Cool, man. It

s on you. But you could have had one hell of a time with me. Your loss, buddy.

He walked off into the crowd.

An hour passed and three beers later, he was ready to call it a night.

Outside the bar, the night air hit him like a ton of bricks, dulling his buzz. He looked up to the dark sky and marveled at the many stars littering it. He loved autumn.

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