Days of Rage (91 page)

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Authors: Bryan Burrough

Tags: #History, #United States, #20th Century, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Radicalism

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Gerson, Ivan, 400
Gezork, Jim, 321, 322
Giannotti, Richard, 373
Gilbert, David, 85, 111, 127, 219, 331–32, 493, 504, 542, 543
in Brink’s robbery, 502, 505, 507, 508, 510
Ginsberg, Allen, 24, 266
Giovanni, Nikki, 49–50
Gittens, Ignae, 202
Glover, Clifford, 310
Gold, Ted, 85, 93, 101, 102
103, 104
in Townhouse explosion, 106–7, 110–11, 115, 120, 168–69
Gonzales, Lawrence, 481–82
Goodman, Walter, 448
Goodwin, Guy L., 153–54, 164, 233
Grace chemical factory, 436–38
Grathwohl, Larry, 71, 97–98, 113–14, 133
Gray, L. Patrick, 234–35, 379, 495
Greater Maine Committee to Secure Justice for Prisoners, 416
Green, Woody, 241
Greene, James, 205–6, 249, 542
Greening of America, The
(Reich), 155
Greenleaf, James, 528
Gresham, Mike, 485
Gros, Pat, 407–8, 417–18, 422
425, 429–32, 434, 435, 437–41, 443, 513–17, 519–21, 523–26, 530, 534–35, 544
capture of, 535–36
FBI and, 532–33, 535
panic attacks of, 525
Stoddard and, 443, 514
Grubert, Arthur, 217
11, 17
Guevara, Che, 43–44, 63–66, 68, 82, 84, 238, 260, 264, 272, 273, 450, 466
Levasseur’s admiration for, 411, 414–17
Gulf Oil, 315–16
Gumbo, Judy, 164
Guthrie, Richard, 515
Hahn, Richard, 376
Haldeman, H. R., 379
Haley, Harold, 267
Hall, Camilla (“Gabi”), 276, 292, 302, 303, 306
Hamill, Pete, 474
Hampton, Fred, 73, 84–86, 94, 225, 431
Handelsman, Leonard, 373, 546
Hard Times Conference, 364–65, 367–68
Harold and Maude,
Harper, James M., 247
Harris, Emily (“Yolanda”), 277, 283, 295–96, 298–300, 304–5, 307, 333–38, 340–44, 349–51, 547
Harris, Bill (“General Teko”), 276–77, 283, 285, 294–96, 298–300, 304–7, 309, 333–44, 347, 349–51, 355, 547
Harvard University, 150
Hayden, Tom, 40, 41, 57, 60, 266
Hayes, Robert “Seth,” 252
Haymarket Square, 79, 149
Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC), 465–66
Hearst, Catherine, 285
Hearst, Patricia, 284–96, 351, 447, 547–48
capture of, 344–46
in Hibernia Bank robbery, 292–93, 345
kidnapped by Symbionese Liberation Army, 4, 283, 284–90, 357
life with Symbionese Liberation Army, 290–96, 304–7, 333–44
lost year of, 307, 333
trial and sentencing of, 348–50, 357
Weed and, 285
Hearst, Randolph, 284–88, 294, 349
food program and, 287–88, 305
Hearst family, 305
estates of, 349, 350
Heinlein, Robert, 355
Hells Angels, 85
Helms, Richard, 132
HHC (Health and Hospitals Corporation), 465–66
Hibernia Bank, 292–93, 345
High Times,
Hill, Norma, 506, 507
Hill, Richard, 176
Hilliard, David, 49, 52
Hilton, Fred (Kamau Sadiki), 204, 205, 237–38, 242–44, 249–51, 474–75, 542
Hinton, Johnson X, 33
hippies, 26–27, 85, 116–17, 121, 156–57, 159
see also
youth culture
Hirsch, Phoebe, 370
Ho Chi Minh, 62, 84, 259, 372, 457
Hoffman, Abbie, 149, 168–69, 228, 236
Hoffman, Dustin, 108
Hogan, Frank, 174, 214
Hogan, Philip, 241
Hogue, Harry, 323, 327
Holder, Mark, 190, 202
Holland, Kernal, 254
Hoover, J. Edgar, 58, 65, 70, 71, 132, 147, 188, 196–97, 203, 335, 447, 495
Black Panthers and, 49, 50
death of, 233, 234, 329
FBI’s illegal activities and, 133, 134
Nixon and, 132, 135
Weatherman and, 113–15
Horn, Stephen, 376, 378
Horowitz, David, 82, 157, 266
Howard, Alan, 105
Hoy, William, 245
Huffman, Ronald, 355–60
Huston, Tom Charles, 133
Hutton, Bobby, 48, 51
Ideal Roller and Graphics Company, 436–38
Imperato, Carlo, 242–43
Imperato, Vincent, 242–43
Innis, Cyril, 187, 188
Irwin, John, 264, 266
ITT, 310, 315, 356
Jackson, Andrew, 189, 190, 202
203–4, 206, 207, 208
239–40, 248–49, 251
Jackson, George, 213, 223, 224, 252, 262–69, 272, 274, 275, 290, 417, 429
background of, 263
Blood in My Eye,
Cleaver compared with, 263
death of, 223, 268, 415
Soledad Brother,
223, 259, 266–67, 269, 272
Stender and, 265–66
Jackson, Jonathan, 150, 267–69
Jackson, Wilbur “Popeye,” 347
Jacobs, John “JJ,” 64–68, 72–75, 77, 81, 82, 86, 88, 92, 94, 103, 104, 111, 116, 154, 312, 371
death of, 123
Dohrn and, 65–67, 77, 122
expulsion from Weatherman, 122–23
at summit meeting, 120–23
Weatherman paper written by, 67–68, 122
Jakes, Williams, 250
James, Daniel, 389
JFK airport, 490, 498
Jimenez, Dickie, 388, 480, 487
Jimenez, Maximo, 252
Johnson, Christine, 297, 298, 300, 302
Johnson, Tito, 190
Joint Strategy for Social Action, 396
Jolly, Thomas, 183
Jonathan Jackson/Sam Melville Unit, 340, 433
Jones, Bernice, 196
Jones, Jeff, 66, 67, 70, 74–77, 79, 82, 87, 91–93, 97, 104, 115–17, 124, 125, 128, 138, 142, 144, 145, 148, 154, 158, 160, 163–64, 220, 221, 227, 264, 289, 310–11, 313, 315, 334, 361–68, 370, 372, 496, 546
Dohrn’s relationship with, 77, 222
driver’s license of, 163, 166, 167
FBI and, 163–68, 390
Stein’s relationship with, 222, 372
summit meeting of, 120–23
truck of, 117, 120, 163, 164, 165
and, 366
Weatherman taken control of by Dohrn and, 116
Jones, Joe Lee, 253
Jones, Thai, 91, 144
Jones, Waverly, 175, 191, 192, 203, 211
Joseph, Jamal, 494
Joseph, Peniel E., 34
Justice Department, 235, 374, 376, 379, 489
Kansas City Times,
Kansas State University, 149
Kasky, Frank, 332
Kearney, John, 134–35, 233, 376–78, 379
396, 397
Kearney, Melvin, 242–44, 252–53, 255
Keenan, Arthur, 507, 508
Keith, Damon J., 234, 374
Kelleher, Tom, 404–6
Kelley, Clarence, 335, 378
Kelly, Daniel, 511
Kelly, James, 502–4
Kelly, Joe, 72
Kennedy, Eleanore, 115, 143, 163, 547
Kennedy, John F., 36, 58, 62
Kennedy, Michael, 93, 115, 142–44, 146–47, 163, 230, 370, 496, 546–47
Kennedy, Robert F., 61, 62
Kent State University, 121, 132, 148
Kerr, Clark, 57
Kiernan, Edward J., 197
Kilgore, Jim, 307, 334, 336–38, 340–43, 345, 547
Killen, Andreas, 237
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 28–29, 31, 34, 35, 37–39, 68, 281, 374, 412
assassination of, 50, 51, 61, 62, 412, 414
Kirchenbauer, Michael, 376
Kissing Case, 30
Kissinger, Henry, 150
Kleindienst, Richard, 234
Koch, Ed, 401, 466–67
Koch, Michael, 509
Kopp, Quentin, 348, 352, 357
Kowalski, George, 202–3
KPFA, 280, 286, 287
Ku Klux Klan, 26, 30, 286
Little and, 31–32
Kunstler, William, 143, 428
Laaman, Jaan, 514–17, 521–24, 533, 534, 536, 542, 544
Lacot, Antero, 450
LaGuardia Airport, 4
Lamerdin, Bill “Red,” 485–86
Lamonaco, Philip, 518–21, 523, 544
Landry, Paul, 522
LaPrade, Wallace, 378
Latimer, Karen, 97
Laurie, Rocco, 210–14, 217, 239, 255, 542
lawyers, x

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