Dead Man's Bluff (16 page)

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Authors: Adriana Law

BOOK: Dead Man's Bluff
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there in his black boxers, he hesitated. Shit. What was he thinking? This was
insane. And dangerous. But hadn’t she said ‘you’re the genius. You figure it
out.’ Well, this was him figuring it out. He peeled back the covers and slid in
next to her. ♠


eyes fluttered open and absorbed the darkness. She felt a strong presence
behind her, but ignored it. During all the years she’d lived at the ranch she’d
always felt like there was a possibility the place was haunted. Although she
wasn’t an immediate believer of ghosts or spirits, sometimes she had the overwhelming
sensation like she wasn’t alone. She’d learned to deal with this by convincing
herself that if indeed there were ghost floating around the ranch they weren’t
vengeful ones, because so far they’d never hurt her or anyone else. Closing her
eyes, in a matter of seconds the feeling subsided and she drifted off to sleep


Then the mattress dipped, and a warm body brushed up
against her backside. She freaked and rolled towards whatever or whoever it was
and opened her mouth to scream, but couldn’t because of the large palm that was
placed firmly over it. Her heart raced. Her body shook with fear. A dozen
possibly ran through her head...not one of them being a dumbass stupid enough
to crawl into her bed with nothing on but a pair of boxers.

“If I remove the hand are you going to be nice?” He
asked in a hushed voice next to her ear. She was lying on her back. He was
leaning up on an elbow staring down at her with eyes that almost looked black
in the dark, his palm over her mouth, one of his legs thrown over her leg, and
she could feel his erection pressed against her hip. So this turned the freak
on? With nothing on but silk panties and a tank top she felt exposed and
confused by her excitement over the whole scenario: stranger, well practically
a stranger, gets into girls bed without permission and takes control of the
situation and her. She shook her head and muttered into his palm. “Is that a
no? Or is it a maybe?” He lifted the hand slightly, gauging her reaction.

“Go to hell!” she growled, going to sit up only to
be shoved back down, and then she was under him.   

He chuckled. “So much hatred for someone you don’t
even know.”

Giving her no time to stew in her disbelief and
anger his mouth came down over hers, and his weight settled onto her making it
almost impossible for her to move. The hand he’d been covering her mouth with
moved to her inner thigh, fingertips slowly inching their way toward the place
that oddly was responding to his kiss and touch. Oh Lord, he wasn’t kidding. He
meant to really do this. His tongue slid over hers and some noise tore from
deep within her throat. In an instant everything changed; she returned his kiss,
holding nothing back. He leaned further in on her, their mouths pulling and
nipping at each other’s as if they were long lost lovers finding each other
again after centuries apart. Their lips smacked apart in the quiet, both of
them panting about the same time his fingers slid aside the narrow strip of silk
between her legs. His mouth moved to the column of her throat as his thumb slid
over her clit showing it special expert attention. Any protest she still held
onto died in that instant.

“So wet,” his words vibrated over her flesh. She
could feel him smile. “And here I thought you didn’t like me.”

She bit down on her bottom lip and arched her back, her
erect nipples rubbing against the thin fabric of her tank top. He was watching
her reaction closely, she could feel it, but at the moment she didn’t care as
long as he kept doing what he was doing. His weight left her and he peeled back
the sheet exposing her trembling body to the cold air. She raised her head off
the pillow and watched as he slid her panties down over her quivering thighs, beyond
her knees, her ankles, giving her underwear a fling onto the floor. He gently spread
her legs wider, while smiling wickedly up at her.

“No, Chris…oh dear lord!” her head collapsed back
down on the pillow the instant his tongue lapped at her center. The guy knew
what he was doing. It was definitely the experience of a lifetime and she
intended to make the most of it. She moaned, and fought to reign in what little
self-control she had left.

“You have no idea how sexy you are right now,” he
said in a hoarse voice, and then the tip of his tongue was plunging inside her,
tasting, tickling, pleasuring…

Her fingers bunched up the sheet covering the
mattress, clutching, searching for something to grab onto as her climax began
to build with an intensity that frightened her. Suddenly, like magic there it
was…his hand …something for her to hold on to.

“Oh no, oh no…” she started, crushing his fingers
with her grip.

“Let go babe...don’t fight it.”

Just like all the times she’d made herself come, she
slapped her free hand over her mouth to muffle any noises that dared to escape,
the drawbacks of sharing a house with so many people. But never before had she experienced
such an explosion of sensations. She closed her eyes and did as he instructed
and let go. As the last wave of her orgasm tapered off her body went slack, her
breaths coming out quick, complete and total embarrassment settling in hard.

sanity returned.

just let Christopher Blackwell eat her out. Oh. My. God!

Dropping an arm over her eyes she refused to look at
him knowing a smug expression was bound to be present on his face. It was too

“You liked that, didn’t you?” he was blabbering.

She removed her arm to get it over with. Yep, smug
expression present. “Can you please get out of my bed now?” she snarled.

“Oh, I’m not finished with you yet.” He moved like a
predator over top of her, smirking. He inched up the hem of her tank top with a
large hand and applied gentle kisses to her sensitive lower stomach, circling
her belly button with his warm tongue. His palm slid up her belly, under the
tank, in-between the peaks of her breast. “I think you should lose the tank top
though, it’s only in my way.”

He slowly positioned himself between her bent legs
and started nudging her with his erection. Her hands moved to his ass of their
own accord, her nails digging shamefully into flesh wanting him press against
her harder.

“Shit,” he shuddered out, panting. His eyelashes
fanned down as he pushed up the fabric of her tank top, a thumb skimming over a
nipple. Her body betrayed her by coming back to life, wanting more of what he
was obviously wanting to give her. What the hell, you only live once.

“That’a girl” he praised as she raised up and worked
the tank top up and off over her head.

She wanted to touch him everywhere: his shoulders,
his biceps, his lower back, his chest. He sucked and licked one of her breast
and then the other, grinding his hard-on against her. She could feel the head
of his penis attempting to slide inside her only to be stopped by the tented fabric
of his boxers. Her hips lifted urging him in deeper. She was so turned on she
found herself brave enough to do anything. All logic was gone. Rising up she
flicked her tongue over one of his hard nipples, circling it, teasing it with
her teeth as her nails scored flesh.

“Oh hell, keep doing that and I’m definitely going
have to fuck you.” He said all husky and tortured like.    

“Wasn’t that what you planned to do from the start?”
she grinned seductively. He groaned. She enjoyed being a temptress. She could
feel the power she had over him and she liked it.

As if to answer her question he quickly rose up and
shed his boxers from his body and was back over her in the matter of a second.
He took hold of her wrist pinning her arms to the mattress above her head. Her
teasing mood dissipated the instant she felt the head of his penis nudging into
her. She closed her eyes her entire body tensing, waiting for the pain everyone
said would go along with her first time. Surprisingly she wasn’t afraid. She
convinced herself it was the right thing to do: with him there would be no
expected commitment, no confessions of love, no heartbreak. She didn’t have to
worry about trying to impress him, or doing something that would cause her to
lose him…because with Chris, it didn’t matter. Plus, it would be over with, the
dreaded first time that was always hanging over her like a sooty cloud.

He pushed a little deeper. “Shit…so tight…” he ground
out through gritted teeth as his grip loosened on her wrist and his hands slid
up, his fingers lacing with hers. It was a sweet gesture, like he’d switched
from someone using her mode to someone who actually cared mode. His body was
covered with sweat as he collapsed down on top of her. He groaned next to her
ear, “Please, tell me you’ve done this before?” 

Her eyes flew open, her hands tightened on his as
she thought he was about to let go or change his mind.

He lifted his head, his tortured eyes skimming every
feature of her face, while he waited for an answer.

She sighed, “No, I haven’t done this before, but…”

He released her hands. She could feel the heat flare
in her cheeks. This was awkward. He’d made no move to push deeper inside her.
He just kind of hovered there, over her, analyzing her way too much for her

He exhaled a breath. “I’m not looking for a relationship.”

“Good. I’m not either,” she replied. He raised a
brow as if he didn’t believe her. “Well, not with you anyways.” She cleared her
throat. “I love Griffin, not you, so relax. He was supposed to be my first…it’s
why I’ve waited…”

He had the nerve to laugh at her. “You don’t love

“Yes. I do.”

“Trust me, you don’t. If you loved him… the head of
my dick wouldn’t be inside of you right now.” He moved a little bit as proof,
wearing an infuriating smug grin.

She shoved at his chest causing him to slip out and tumble
over onto the mattress. “I think I’ll stick to using a vibrator! You can leave
now!” She reached for her tank top tugging it back on over her head. Leaning
over the side of the bed she felt around on the floor for her panties, doing
her best to ignore his steady laughter.

“I think you might be a little crazy,” he offered.

“Crazy for allowing you to touch my body,” She returned.
She tried not to glance at the naked guy stretched out on his side watching her
slide back on her underwear. It was already bad enough. She made a show of
being close to gagging. “Gah, I feel like I’m going to throw up.”

“Gee thanks. Why did you?”

“Why did I what?”

“Let me touch you?”

Her gaze flew to his. “Don’t forget you came into my

“I haven’t forgotten,” He mumbled as his gaze
dropped to his fingers, which were picking fuzz balls off her cotton sheets. It
was distracting. She wanted to reach over and grab his hand to make him quit.
But then again maybe what was distracting was the fact that he’d made no effort
to put on any clothes and his simple-minded actions drew her gaze to his bare
chest where muscles flexed under tan smooth flesh. She’d licked that chest like
a wanton shameless slut not more than a couple of minutes ago. The taste of his
salty skin still lingered like a bad case of the runs.

Her body was in limbo. “I’m not going to lie. I was
kind of enjoying it… a little.” One of his brows shot up. “Okay a lot. I didn’t
want to stop, then I started rationalizing what we were doing, thinking you might
be the perfect solution to my problem.”

He chuckled. “Which one of your bazillion problems
are you referring to?”

Her back teeth ground together. She pushed it aside
and ignored him. She wasn’t choosing him because of his personality. She was
basing her decision to honor him with her virginity solely on his appearance.
Luckily, for both of them he excelled in that department. She explained, “I realized
I could be going about this all wrong by waiting on the right guy, maybe the
reason Griff hasn’t tried anything is because he knows I’m inexperienced. Maybe
it intimidates him. I want you to help me gain a little experience.”

“You want me to bust your cherry to hopefully help
you get some other guy?”

Appearance over personality, don’t muddle the two.
At least he’d abandoned his collection of fuzz balls and was now completely
focused on her, although he was frowning.

“Yes. That’s what I said.”

First he was shocked, he quickly moved on from shock
to being pissed. “Congratulations. You’ve stolen the number one spot on the
list of people who have made me feel like a worthless fuck,” he snarled and started
digging around in-between the sheets, then nodded in the direction of her butt.
“Mind pulling my boxers out from underneath your ass?”

“What are you doing?” she asked as she slung them at
him, wishing they were something heavier and sharper.  

“Getting dressed.”

“Then what? Is that a no?”

“That’s a HELL NO!” He stood up bedside her bed and
retrieved his tailored dress pants from the floor tugging them up. He zipped
them up rather forcibly and worked on fastening the top button as he glared at

She scooted up against the wall, resting her back
against it hugging her knees to her chest. “You’re acting as if I’ve said
something that hurt your feelings. You yourself said you’re not wanting a
relationship.” When it came to giving other people advice, she was a genius. But
when it came to her own life she allowed emotions to cloud her judgment. Advice
was easy to give, but hard to apply to yourself. 

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