Deadlands (The Healer Series, #2) (10 page)

BOOK: Deadlands (The Healer Series, #2)
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Chapter 13
The Mountain Pass


The thorn forest went on for several miles. Elirana’s sense of direction never faltered, however. Soon, the thorns became less dense, a sure sign they were almost out. They didn’t see the Acheri again, but several times the area darkened around them and Willow looked up quickly and ducked as if it was the shadow passing over them. Everyone was tense and jumped at the softest sounds. Willow swore she heard the thwack of large wings beating against the wind and tried to see if any creatures were flying above, but the canopy of thorns made it impossible to tell.

question had been burning in Willow’s mind for a while that she couldn’t contain anymore. So walking closer to Elirana she asked her, “Do you remember
the creatures your people condemned here?”

Elirana continued to make a path, b
ut she glanced sideways at the Witch and said, “Too many to count. The Historians of our people know the true answer and can recite a detailed list. I was not involved in the sieges that took place to create the Deadlands, nor was I involved with the capture and concealment of those creatures.”

Put Acheri on that list,” Chase spoke up behind them.

Elirana rolled her eyes but didn’t look back at Chase. Willow smiled and continued to listen to Elirana.
“I have heard tales of the evil here and know some of the darker beings that were banished. I just hope we do not encounter the Crust Giants or Berserkers. They fight until you die, never giving up until they destroy you. I have heard they were some of the most difficult to contain.”

“Crust Giants?” Willow asked, her voice raising an octave in shock. “What are those? Wait! Don
’t tell me, I really don’t want to know.”

They’re just giant beings that look like rocks who disguise themselves as boulders and then when you walk by them, totally unaware that they’re actually alive, they crush your bones before you even have time to scream,” Chase said and Willow turned to give him a pointed look.

“Thanks for that Chase,”
she said sarcastically, then turned back to the Elf. “So do you think some of those mounds at the start of the Deadlands may have been Crust Giants?”

“I wouldn’t doubt it,” Elirana said.

“And you wanted to take us that way?” Willow chastised her.

“Well…I thought maybe we could pass through without them noticing.
See, Crust Giants tend to hibernate for long periods of time. Berserkers, on the other hand, can be just as large but are more lethal. They do not dwell in mountains, though, so it was a fifty-fifty chance.”

Those aren’t great odds, you know,” she said gloomily.

“Ah, I see the end,” Elirana ignored her and cleared the path nearly eight hundred yards ahead of them. The orange glow custom to the Deadlands was brighter there. The group quickened their pace again, not talking, bu
t anxious to get out of the twisted thorns. Willow was thankful Elirana came with them. Her magic was useful and her sense of direction was spot on. She honestly couldn’t say if she would’ve made it this far without Elirana’s help.

When they emerged out of the thick forest,
a massive mountain range stretched before them.
Crust Giants!
Willow immediately thought and fell backwards into a hard chest ready to take off in a run. Declan’s arms instantly went around her clutching her in an embrace. She was trapped. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll protect you,” he whispered in her ear. Willow erected her back against him and tried squirming out of his hold.

Then, she heard someone laughing beside her. Chase. “Crust
Giants aren’t that big, Healer. Those are regular mountains.” Willow looked at Elirana who was shaking her head and smiling, almost making fun of her too. She felt really foolish for overreacting.

Willow twisted and Declan let her go. She knew, though, that Declan only let her go because he allowed it. He was strong and could hold her captive in his embrace for as long as he (or she) wanted. “I’m not going over those mountains. It’s got death written all over it!”

“We’re not going over them,” Elirana said. “We’re going through the
m. The start of the tunnel is there,” she pointed to a dark archway. Nothing but dark was past the entrance into the tunnel, and Willow shook her head so strongly, her auburn spirals whipped around her face.

“No, no, no!” Willow said. “
No way!”

“It’s the only way…” Chase said.

“Are you sure you’re just going on your instincts, Elf-girl? Because you seem to know exactly where to go. It’s like you’ve been here before!” Willow shouted hysterically.

“I’ve never been to the Deadlands,” the Elf gasped at the accusation. “I just have a great sense of direction. Besides, it’s not hard to find a way. The archway leading into the mountain is unmistakable.”

“Captain Obvious,” Chase put his two cents in.

your sense of direction sucks,” Willow grumbled.

“Now, now, Healer, be nice,” Chase cooed.

“I’ll light the way,” Declan said charging his magic
, ignoring Willow’s protests. They were going through the mountain. Great! Willow didn’t like the look of that archway and the pitch black depths beyond. Declan’s hands burned emerald green until a small ball of light rose from his palm to hover in front of him. “It’ll be fine, we’ll just hold hands. Willow,” he gestured with his hand out towards her.

Willow gawked at him.
“Why do I have to hold your hand? Can’t Chase or Elirana?”

Hold my hand now Willow Tree,” he scolded, but a smirk passed across his face, like he knew he was being demanding
that he’d get his way.

Willow gave a loud annoying sigh as she took Declan’s hand. Controll
ing, overbearing, psychopathic Warlock! Then, she felt someone gently twine their fingers through her other hand. She didn’t even have to turn to know who the culprit was. Chase! Chase then turned to Elirana and winked. Elirana snarled as she took Chase’s hand. “Just what I’ve always wanted,” he said as they walked under the archway, led by Declan’s ball of light, “two hot babes holding my hand.”

“Will you be quiet?” Willow hissed as
the darkness encompassed them. “Something might hear us.”

“Ouch!” Chase gave a small yelp behind her. “Elirana zapped me!”

“You go, Elf girl,” Willow said and heard Elirana’s smile through her words of thank you.

They traveled quietly for a while, always going straight. The mountain was dark and stunk of rich dark soil. Water was dripping off the ceiling and running down the sides making the walls of the mountain wet. I
t was hot and humid. The tunnel dropped to deeper depths. The glow of Declan’s light illuminated the path that went further into the mountain pass. It looked frightening.

Declan tightened his hold on Willow’s hand and started the descent down. The slope didn’t go down as far as she thought when they came to land at an im
passe. Five tunnels jutted out in all different directions.

“Elirana?” Declan whispered. “Which way?”

“The second to the left,” she spoke up. “That is the most northeast, I think.”

“You think?” Willow asked concerned. “You’re not sure?”

“Healer, I am going off pure intuition right now, okay?” Elirana said. “I’m not omniscient. You must realize that all of this is as foreign to me as it is to you. The direction is harder for me to determine down here. It’s dark.”

“You’re doing great, Eli,” Chase piped in.

Willow rolled her eyes in the dark. “Are you trying to earn brownie points or something, Wolf-Boy?”

Chase snickered. “
Mmmm brownies. They’re so delicious, I could eat them whole. My pack one time had this competition—”

“Shut up, Werewolf,” Declan said
roughly and took off in the tunnel that Elirana suggested. As they walked further, the ground became extremely mushy and mucky. Willow’s feet sunk into the softened ground and the walls grew narrower. It was wet and slippery, making it hard to walk, especially in the dim lighting.

“I don’t think this is the right way…” Ch
ase trailed off, squishing in the mud and slipping slightly. Since they were holding hands, it helped to keep everyone upright if someone started to fall.

The sound of rushing water echoed through the walls.
It was soft at first, but as they went deeper, it grew louder. Was that really water or something else? Willow opened her mouth to speak.

“What’s that—AHHHH!” Willow screamed when the ground
suddenly caved in and they were free falling down into the mountain. She felt the guy’s release their grip on her hand as gravity shoved them down into nothingness. “Declan!” She screamed trying to reach him in the dark. She heard their cries grow fainter and fainter. A cold wind rushed in her face hitting her body like a thousand knives until BOOM! Willow hit something hard, and then she kept sliding on the slippery slope she fell on.

Willow screamed as she realized she h
ad landed on some kind of mud slide. Her clothes were drenched with water and slop as she took off at incredible speeds flying down the slope. It was so steep! Down, down, down, she went sliding into the chasm. Mud flung out and splattered all over her. Her arms flew in her face trying to block the oncoming spray of goo and gunk that was pummeling her. And then she skidded to a dead stop.

Thick mud covered her hair, arms, and clothes as she sat up. She supposed her face was covered in mud as well. “Lucerna,” Willow
’s shaky voice uttered the spell to create light as Declan had, only it was a different light, turning into a yellow halo around her instead of green. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest. She stretched out the light. Nobody was here. Where was everybody? They were falling just like she had! And yet, there was no sound or sign of them. Willow panicked as a gut-wrenching horror clung to her like the squishy mud. She was all alone in a black pit, dirty from her head to her toes.

Something scurried to her right.
It was a distinct sound of squishing feet. She whipped her head around. A pale form moving fast through the shadows. It vanished. “Who’s there?” She asked attempting to stand to her feet. Terror descended on her. Nobody answered her. If it were her friends, they would’ve spoke up by now! Something was down here! Tears formed in her eyes and traveled down her face. Her stomach twisted into knots. The squish of mud came from behind her now. There was definitely something down here with her. “Hello? Declan? DECLAN!” She screamed. “Where are you?” Her voice trembled. “Please don’t leave me…I need you,” she ended up whispering.

She had said it.
She had finally uttered the words out loud, and a strong, resolute feeling established itself inside of her. The words felt right. She needed Declan. She needed him so much she couldn’t think, couldn’t function without him! But where was he? When he was with her, she denied she needed him. And now that he was gone, she needed him more than ever. How could she be so stupid? He still wanted her. Their relationship wasn’t over.  

A soft noise came from her left. She turned and cast the light
there. Nothing. Maybe she was imagining things. No. There it was again! Something white against the dark background of the mountain walls! What was it! What could it be? 

Willow started walking blindly in front of her, her fear made her teeth chatter. It was spine-tingling, something’s after you, run for your life, heart stopping fear. She was overwhelmed with it. It was consuming her. She cried harder. Where was she? She shrunk into herself, hugging her arms as if tryin
g to hold herself together.
! A noise crashed behind her. She turned. “SCUTUM!” She thrust her hands in the air and created a shield around her. That should stop anyone from coming too close. She saw the pale form again. “SHOW YOURSELF!”

“As you wish
,” a slithery voice whispered near her ear making her jump out of her skin. She turned to see a blurry face and then her light went out. “Lucerna,” Willow whispered again, but she was shaking in such fear that her magic couldn’t be channeled properly. A sputtering puff of light was the only thing that radiated from her hands as her shield faltered. She needed to concentrate! She needed to focus so she could defend herself! Whispering the words with stronger confidence, her light shone brighter.

There was a face
inches from hers staring at her in the dark! She screamed bloody murder as the thing clutched her throat. Her breath cut off as pain lanced through her, going straight to her head. He choked her, tightening his grip on her neck. Black spots. Mud. Spell. Disarm. Pressure.

“You’re mine,” a deep voice said.
Red eyes were all she saw before she blacked out.


Chapter 14
The Incubus Lair


A soft, warm breeze across her stomach woke her up. Willow snapped her eyes open. Quickly observing her surroundings, she found that she was strapped to a small cot in nothing but black lacy lingerie. Dread overwhelmed her. She wasn’t covered in mud anymore. In fact, she was completely clean all over. She looked above her. The ceiling was made of dozens of pale orange stalactites. The area was warm, and the cracking and popping of a small fire came from the right, heating the room and making the atmosphere thick with smoke. Even though she was practically naked, she didn’t feel exposed because of the warmth surrounding her.

Willow is that you?” a small voice asked desperately beside her. She turned her head to see Elirana staring back at her. She was stripped in nothing but her bra and underwear like Willow, and her arms were strapped above her head as well. She was on a small cot too.

“Elirana!” Willow whispered
, tears flooding her eyes. “What happened? Where are we?” She hissed.

“I don’t know,”
she said. “One moment I was falling, the next I am here.”

“Where’s Declan and Chase?”

“I am not sure. I fell and hid my head and woke up here. I did not see them after I fell.”

“Why are we in lingerie?” Willow asked
looking down her body. There was a small pink bow in the middle of her bra, but everything else was black and nearly see-through. She tried lifting her head to see the one responsible for this. Fear clenched her stomach. They weren’t alone. A man was standing with his back to theirs in a small kitchen carved out of the rock face. There was a chair and tables beyond that, an oven, and cupboards and a small wardrobe. It was a makeshift apartment in the tunnel deep in the mountains. But who lived down here? Who would want to?

The man’s head lifted and he took a large breath
as if smelling for something. He turned around and met Willow’s stare and completely blew her away. WOW! He was gorgeous! The man was pale, shirtless with rippling muscles and wore pants that hung low on his hips, showing how flat and defined his stomach was. Sexy as hell, the young man ran his hands through his fairly long brown wavy hair. She looked at his face. Big mistake. Dark red eyes flashed with need when he saw they were awake.

“Hello,” his smooth as butter voice caressed over her. Heat pooled in her belly as a fire ignited inside of her.
Feelings of want bubbled inside of her while uncontrollable lust tore through her body, her eyes searching for the one responsible for causing such an amazing reaction to her body, and landing on the man. She swallowed thickly as the man’s eyes glowed red for an instant, then returned to normal brown. Willow let out the breath she didn’t know she had been holding. The atmosphere was thick and heady with desire. Willow’s heart sped up as the man sauntered over to them.

Don’t look him the eyes Willow,” Elirana whined as she too was watching the tall shirtless, perfectly shaped man coming towards them. “He’s an Incubus.”

The man smil
ed. Fangs. Willow’s insides trembled. Whoa. They would feel nicely trailing down her body, wouldn’t they? Oh, yes. It would feel really, really good. And then, she bit her lip as she once again scanned his perfect form with her eyes.
I want him
, she thought and then shook her head to get rid of the lust-filled daze she was in. Wait! Stop! What was happening to her? She didn’t want this! As if under a spell, her eyes made their journey back up his form and stopped on his face again. She couldn’t help it. Something was drawing her to him, she couldn’t look away. His eyes were glowing red again, and as they met hers, desire coursed through her being. She let out a breathy moan.

Then, the man turned away from them and
walked away to continue whatever it was he was doing. She felt normal again. The feelings of want slowly dissipated. The man had given her some kind of erotic high, but when he wasn’t looking at her, it died. What was happening to her? Her body was a tight wad of need and want. She had never had sex with a man before. Heck, she was only sixteen years old! That stuff really didn’t matter to her since she was so involved in her Witch training. But now, with the burning desire of wanting a man, her thoughts automatically strayed to Declan. If she was to ever give herself completely to a man, she would choose him in a heartbeat. She wanted him to be her first…and last.

“Don’t look him in the eyes,”
Elirana scolded her again. “I’m going to burn this rope,” she said and twisted her wrists uncomfortably. The Incubus was instantly at her bedside hovering over her. He had heard her plan to escape. Elirana squeezed her eyes shut. His face was inches from hers, his lips hovering over her lips, taking in her shallow breaths, and blowing it back in her face. He was breathing her in and giving it back to her, and Elirana’s body went taut as a wire. Willow heard the Elf whimper in discomfort.

I’ve never had an Elf before,” the deep voice of the Incubus said to her. He let out a deep groan in his throat. Willow didn’t know why that small groan filled her body with need again, but it did. His voice was a gentle caress. She didn’t want gentle, though, she wanted rough. Wait! What the hell? He wasn’t even at her bedside!

“You’re so beautiful.
” He reached out and touched a blonde section of Elirana’s hair curling it ever so slowly through his long fingers. Her eyes were still shut tight. “Come on, beautiful, look at me,” his voice soothed. Elirana’s eyebrows relaxed. Her eyelids fluttered. She was about to look at him!  

“Don’t do it!” Willow cried
looking at the scene before her. It was disgusting watching the Incubus seduce another, yet she found herself totally enraptured. The Incubus snapped his head up and met her eyes. Blood red irises pulsed straight into hers and Willow bucked on the bed screaming with passion. She was wet and she was aching, with just one look. Willow couldn’t help but moan as pleasure wrapped around her body.

“Please!” she begged the Incubus and looked at him again when the bolt of pleasure receded. That felt so good!
She wanted more! He was still concentrating on getting Elirana to look at him. “Not her! She doesn’t want you!”

“Everyone wants me,” the Incubus
said and pressed his lips against Elirana’s. She instantly opened her mouth to him as he seductively inserted his tongue into her mouth. She was kissing him back! Willow watched the process in burning rage and jealousy. She had to escape! But the desire was too much to handle. Hated tears fell from her cheeks. She didn’t want this! She didn’t want to feel like this! He was raping them!

Dread coursed through her again.
Elirana opened her eyes and the Incubus was right there staring red eyes into hers. Elirana moaned and her body wriggled uncomfortably. The cuffs she was in rattled against the railing of the bed. He was giving her pleasure, pleasure that Willow wanted!

“An Elf and a Witch,” he said and then laughed,
making his way over to Willow. “Such a yummy treat for such a lonely soul as I…” He trailed long fingers across Willow’s stomach, making her body tingle. She felt the Incubus magic caress across her skin sinking deep into her tissues and everywhere he touched left her wanting, pleading, and needing him. Her healing ability was failing to work with these sensations because he wasn’t injuring her. She wasn’t being physically hurt. No. He was doing just the opposite, pleasuring her. Those talented fingers, wow! Suddenly, her muscles clenched as a fierce orgasm ripped through her body, wracking her with tremors. She screamed in pure bliss as the Incubus swallowed her cries with his mouth.

The kiss sent h
eated desire tearing through Willow’s body as he sent another orgasm cascading through her core. The kiss turned almost animalistic, jaws opening wide, lips smacking, tongues dancing together. Willow bit on his lips, making the Incubus moan as he continued assaulting them, eating her, tasting her. His tongue was smooth and nearly touched the back of her throat the kiss was so deep. Willow bucked again when the Incubus’s fingers trailed dangerously low on her hips, hooking his thumbs on her panties. “More, more,” Willow moaned through the kisses as another orgasm crept up, threatening to explode inside of her. He was an aphrodisiac snack for her to devour. She was helpless, pinned to the bed like some kind of sex slave, only feeling what the Incubus made her feel.

Finally, the Incubus stopped and stared dangerously into her e
yes. “You are so sweet,” he growled breathlessly. “And you’re already wet for me. I want to taste the sweet juices you’re giving me. They are mine.”

“Stop it
Demon!” Elirana screamed, apparently given time to recuperate as Willow’s head met the Incubus’s lips again. The Incubus pressed his body over Willow’s and her body was so on fire that any contact he gave her sensitive flesh made her cry out for more. Suddenly the Incubus stood on his knees, his waist sitting right on Willow’s hips as he thrust once. They were still clothed, but Willow felt his hardness through his pants and wished her hands were untied so she could touch him.

The Incubus did something completely unexpected, however. He leaned over and with incredible strength, pulled Elirana’s bed over to line up against Willow’s
, make one giant bed. Oh god, this was too much. He stretched over and kissed Elirana’s belly, licking her around the navel. Elirana moaned in pleasure. While the Incubus’s fingers were playing with Willow, he was tantalizing Elirana with soft kisses to her body. Both girls were crying out in pleasure. Was it possible to die from orgasm? If so, that was a hell of a way to go!

“GET OFF THEM!” enraged voices screamed and suddenly the w
eight of the Incubus left them, the sudden rush of movement created a soft wind to blow Willow’s hair from her shoulders. She moaned, left in a puddle of want and desire, but willed her eyes to see who had barged in on them.

The Incubus was standing
frozen at the end of the bed. He was completely immobile. Someone growled fiercely and she turned her eyes to see Declan and Chase. Declan’s hand was outstretched towards the Incubus, keeping him frozen in place with an immobilizing spell. Chase drew his sword and ran full force at the Incubus, raising his arms in the air and chopped his head off easily and effortlessly. Willow relaxed immediately on the bed as she was released from the spell. The Incubus was dead.

Declan reached her seconds later and untied her from the bonds. Willow
was still in lacy lingerie, but she didn’t care. She wanted Declan. She couldn’t believe he was here saving her again! She needed him! She needed him and she was being stupid and stubborn not to admit it. The ropes left her arms and she wrapped them around Declan’s neck in an aggressive hug crying out for him. His hands splayed over her sensitive flesh igniting a passion that only Declan could bring her. She knew his touch, craved it above all else. The Incubus didn’t hold a candle against Declan. He was hers, and she was going to let him know. Right now.

Declan helped her off the bed and put her on her feet. He started to let go, but Willow protested. “Are you—”
he began to ask when Willow took him completely by surprise and pulled his face down to hers and kissed him with fervent passion. Declan moaned into her mouth and kissed her back. He was hesitant at first, unsure. But Willow coaxed his mouth to open and slid her tongue to meet his easily. Declan’s hands squeezed her hips, which did something to Willow’s control. She pushed him hard and walked him backwards into the mountain wall and pressed her whole body against his.

Willow realized that what she was feeling with the Incubus Demon was purely physical.
Sure, it felt great, but she wasn’t a cheap slut. She didn’t want that kind of desire. The connection she had with Declan was all emotional with added physical pleasures. She knew Declan, and he knew her. He would do anything for her, protect her, love her and be there for her no matter what. He would always come for her and never gave up on her. Only Declan could make her feel completely whole and loved unconditionally. Only Declan could make her desire ignite into flames of ecstasy.

Delicious c
hills ran down her spine as Declan’s hands moved over her body, rubbing her back, kneading her hips. Willow ran her fingers through Declan’s soft hair and pulled. She almost smiled at Declan’s reaction to that as he gasped and moaned against her lips. It only deepened the kiss. She was thinking about jumping into his arms and wrapping her legs around him when he pulled back.

She still ached from the physical state she was left in and needed much, much more.
She was consumed by him. Declan was her drug. She was addicted to him like a raving addict. It was like she needed a fix of him before she could do anything else. She opened her eyes and saw his hazel ones burning with desire for her. She felt like a seductress and Declan was her prey. His lips had sheen to them and were plumped out from being kissed so strongly. His tongue licked his lips briefly and Willow watched in awe.

leaned his head back against the wall breathing heavily and looking at her through sleepy lids. He looked very, very well-loved. The corner of his mouth lifted in a sexy grin, and Willow couldn’t take it. She rocked her hips against his to emphasize her want of him and went in for more kisses.

This time, Declan turned
until she was pressed against the wall. She smiled. He needed her as much as she needed him. He lifted her up slightly supporting her weight so their heads were even. Declan ran kisses down her jaw and she gave an impressive sigh, making him suck harder near the soft spot on her collar bone. She felt his warm tongue jut out to taste her and she bit her lip in passionate bliss.

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