Deadly Deception (9 page)

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Authors: Kris Norris

BOOK: Deadly Deception
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She held up her hand, shaking her index finger at him when he smiled and tried to press forward.

“Not this time, baby. I believe it’s my turn.”

He held her gaze as she ran her fingers across his chest, tracing each band of muscle, watching as they twitched beneath the pads of her fingers. He looked slightly larger than she remembered and she could only guess he’d been hitting the gym pretty hard. She moved forward, dipping her mouth to his skin, tasting the spicy combination of water and man. He cursed under his breath as she followed the path of her fingers with her tongue, gently probing every dip and plane on his torso. It wasn’t until his hands raked through her hair, pulling the wet strands off her face that she sank to her knees, holding her breath as she stopped level with his cock.

“Mallory. Darling. I’m not sure I can handle the feel of that wicked mouth of yours on my cock right now.”

She glanced up at him, allowing one finger to tease the tip of his shaft. “Are you asking me not to give you a blowjob? ’Cause as I recall, you quite enjoyed coming in my mouth.”


His head fell back on the tiles as she bent forward and licked the hood of his shaft, keeping her tongue flat to cover as much of his skin as possible. The crown flared beneath her touch, beading a drop of pre-cum on the slit. She glanced up at him. Somehow he’d managed to keep his head pressed against the wall, but still maintain eye contact, his blue eyes nearly black with desire. She held his gaze and poked out her tongue again, licking away the drop, humming at the unique flavour of him. It was spicy and salty and just the feel of his slippery fluid on her tongue eased a wave of moisture down her slit.

“Damn, darling. You look so fucking hot with my cock in your hand, your mouth watering just to taste it.” He nodded at her. “Open your knees. Let me see how wet sucking me gets you.”

She raised an eyebrow, silently reminding him this was her seduction, but relented and slid her thighs apart, baring her clit to the humid air. Despite the temperature, her body cooled and she flexed her muscles, making the tiny hood flutter. His harsh moan told her the subtle action hadn’t gone unnoticed.

She grinned again, holding his shaft even with her mouth as she parted her lips and slowly took him inside, taking him deep to the back of her throat. Sawyer made a garbled choking sound as his hands tightened in her hair. She embraced the slight sting, easing him out only to circle his head with her tongue before engulfing him again.

“So hot and wet. God, your mouth feels so good.”

His hips tilted, and he thrust forward, the slight hesitation making her smile. He was trying to let her lead, but the sheer magnitude of his need was slowly taking control. She didn’t stop him, merely angling her head a bit to accommodate his movements. They started off slow, just a small roll of his hips, but then built in intensity until all restraint vanished and he fucked her mouth like he’d taken her against the wall the previous night.

Mallory moved with him, pumping his cock as she sucked the head, swallowing every drop of fluid that eased from the slit. His shaft pulsed again, and his balls tightened beneath her hand. She closed her eyes, readying herself for that one moment when he allowed himself to be vulnerable. The one time she truly held the power. But just as his cock swelled in her mouth, he stopped, pulling himself free.

“No. Sawyer. Please.”

He stopped her protest by lifting her up and trapping her against the wall, his body squishing hers. One thigh wedged between her legs, and she didn’t hesitate from rubbing herself on him, sending jolts of pleasure straight to her core.

He reached up and palmed her chin, forcing her to look at him. “As much as I want to come in your mouth, I don’t think I’ll be ready again before we have to leave. And there’s no goddamn way I’m leaving here without feeling you come around my cock one more time.”


Her voice became a moan of ecstasy as he cupped her thighs, lifting her up and hilting himself inside her. Water splashed across her face as he pulled back, his broad shoulders deflecting the spray, covering them with a mist of rain. He rammed deep again, making her scream. Her nails dug into his back, but she couldn’t stop, couldn’t breathe past the frantic thrust of his shaft, the heavy rasp of his breath past her ear as he pressed his forehead to the wall beside her and let go.

His movements became a blur of skin and white tile as he claimed her sex, pushing her from one orgasm into another. She heard herself beg, plead with him for just one more release, knowing when it came she’d be lucky to survive it. He moved his head, capturing her mouth in his as he slammed home one more time, sending them both into climax.

The warm rush of his seed inflamed her already swollen tissues, drawing the orgasm out until all she could do was bow her head against his as her strength drained from her body. She did her best to keep her arms looped around his neck, but when he finally eased his hold, allowing her feet to touch the floor, she collapsed against him, knowing he’d somehow keep her upright.

Sawyer whispered soothing words in her ear as his hands swirled across her body, leaving a trail of suds behind. He worked his way downward, smiling at her hushed moan before angling them under the spray and rinsing off the soap. Their gazes clashed as he shut off the water and elbowed open the glass door, grabbing two towels. His gaze never left hers as he wrapped the fluffy terry around her, slinging his across his shoulder as he carried her out. He didn’t stop until they’d reached the bedroom and he’d placed her in front of a chair. She stumbled onto it, thankful she didn’t have to hold herself up as her knees buckled. Sawyer knelt down in front of her, laying his head across her thighs. Something shifted inside her as she stroked her hands through his hair, wishing they could spend the day in bed, but knowing the fragile atmosphere would shatter all too soon.

A hesitant smile touched her lips. Best start to her day in a long time. She could only hope it didn’t bite her in the ass later.


* * * *


“Bloody hell.”

Mallory looked over at Cole, watching him slam his fist on the desk. The man had become more frustrated every day they’d worked on the new case, and after a week, she was surprised his desk didn’t have a dent across the surface.

She leant back in her chair. “Something on your mind, Cole?”

He cursed again, sneering at the box on his desk before finally meeting her gaze. “I’ve been through every box of evidence a dozen times this past week. Whoever got Davies’ samples didn’t get it from the old files. Nothing’s missing—not a vial, a swab, not so much as a fucking Band-Aid.”

An unsettled lump formed in her throat as she nodded, trying not to think about the implications of his statement. That’d been their first assumption—that whoever was trying to make it look like Davies’ work had simply stolen evidence from the previous cases. Ruling that out left few options, all of them more disturbing than the last one.

She ran her fingers through her hair, thankful she’d left it down today, not that she’d had a choice. Though they’d been keeping their encounters limited to nighttime hours, Sawyer had decided to surprise her in the bathroom this morning after running out for coffee and had fucked her senseless from behind while she was bent over the counter. And despite her assurances that all was well, Cole had decided to resume his ritual of dropping by the house every morning and had already been ringing the doorbell by the time Sawyer had shouted her name, coming inside her with one last strong thrust.

She fought the smile that threatened, knowing now wasn’t the time or the place for it. She refocused on Cole. “We knew that might be the case. It just means that the samples must have been collected after he was incarcerated. At least that narrows down the possible suspects.”

“Yeah, to cops and guards and fucking lawyers.” Cole grunted. “No one visited the bastard, Mal. You know that as well as I do. So that means either the guy’s got more lives than a damn cat and more magic than
, or our killer is someone in the system.”

“Sick, but a badge doesn’t make you a saint, buddy.”

“Saint? I’d settle for somewhere close to normal.”

Mallory chuckled, pushing to her feet as she stretched her arms. Her muscles protested the movement, reminding her of how ‘used’ they felt, despite the fact she hadn’t been to the gym since Sawyer’s arrival.

A smug smile curved her lips and she looked away, afraid Cole would recognise the love-sick expression on her face. She mumbled something about coffee and headed for the lounge, hoping the break would clear her thoughts, and get Sawyer the hell out of them before he came back from grabbing them all a burger.

She walked into the room and headed for the sink, rinsing her mug before pouring herself another cup. No wonder she didn’t get any sleep. Between Sawyer making love to her for half the night and the gallon of caffeine she had ingested, it was a miracle she functioned at all.

A hand settled on her shoulder and she gasped, nearly dropping her coffee as she spun around, spilling half of it on the floor. Director Henderson grimaced, handing her some napkins as she cursed and bent down to clean up the mess.

“Sorry, Mallory. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

She sighed, standing up and tossing the soaked serviettes in the garbage. “I damn near turned around swinging, Don.”

He flashed her a smile. “Then I’ll consider a splash of putrid coffee a godsend.”

“You’re here late.”

He scowled at her as he grabbed a cloth and dabbed the small stain on the front of his shirt. “You should talk. The three of you look like zombies. Are any of you getting any sleep?”

She felt a hot blush creep into her cheeks and turned away, using the coffee machine as a convenient excuse. God help her if he only knew how she was spending her nights. “Some.”

He cleared his throat, looking at her with that arrogant grin when she dared to glance at him over her shoulder.

She huffed. “A little. But need I remind you that you did instruct us to put all of our resources into finding this creep.”

“Resources, yes. Digging yourselves early graves, however…”

She sighed, feeling the inklings of guilt tease her conscience, though she knew it wasn’t warranted. Even if Sawyer wasn’t making love to her for half the night, the nightmares would’ve taken his place.

Don released a loud breath, leaning against the counter beside her. “I suppose I do owe you an apology.”

She arched a brow. “For what?”

“For not killing Sawyer. You’ve been a model agent where he’s concerned.”

Another flash of heat burnt her cheeks. Model agent? Though she wasn’t certain of the exact criteria, she was pretty damn sure stripping the man naked and begging him to fuck her against the wall until he shouted her name as he creamed her pussy wasn’t part of the equation. She fought the grin tugging at her lips. “The case isn’t over, Don. Don’t thank me, yet. I still have time to be a complete embarrassment to the Bureau.”

Emphasis on bare and ass

He studied her then shook his head. “I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt for now. Besides, Cole tells me you’ve allowed Sawyer to sleep in your spare room all week. Doesn’t sound like the workings of a killer to me.”

“On the contrary, it gives me more time to properly plot his murder.”

The smile he gave her said all she needed to know. Damn, she was going to have to talk to Cole about improving his poker face.

Don walked over to the doorway, stopping at the threshold. “As long as you strangle the man on your own time…” He turned then seemed to change his mind, glancing over at her as he hovered half in and half out of the room. “Off the record, Mallory. I gotta know. Did you and Sawyer really get married?”

She couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across her face this time as she moved over to him, pausing beside him. “Off the record, I think the real question should be…are we still married?”

His eyes widened in shock before he swore under his breath.

She patted his shoulder, stepping through. “Don’t worry, sir, I have no intentions of destroying your plausible deniability.”

Mallory was still smiling as she ambled back to her desk, the heady scent of grilled beef gaining her attention. Her stomach growled as she moved in behind Sawyer, thanking him when he handed her a burger and fries. He nodded at her, mumbling something about how she’d eat all of it if she knew what was best for her, before sinking into his chair. Cole already had half the burger devoured and was making headway on the fries by the time she popped one in her mouth, savouring the salty tang on her tongue. It reminded her of the spicy taste of Sawyer’s skin when they made love.

Cole looked over at her, chewing on a mouthful of burger. “Hey, you okay? You look flushed.”

She felt Sawyer’s gaze on her and knew he’d seen through her façade. “It’s just the spice on the burger.”

Cole gave her a funny look then shrugged, taking another mouthful. She chanced a glance at Sawyer, instantly wishing she hadn’t. His eyes had darkened slightly, the promise in them stealing her breath. God, what more could the man do to her that he hadn’t done a hundred times in the past couple of nights? Hell, he’d licked her pussy so much she swore she had an imprint of his tongue on her clit.

A hysterical giggle threatened, but she tamped it down, enjoying the brief reprieve as they ate in silence. Somehow they’d managed to maintain a platonic relationship at the office, and not even Cole had questioned her about their living arrangements, though she suspected that was an oversight he’d eventually put right. But until then, they’d play the roles the Bureau expected them to.

She was halfway through her meal when her phone rang. The sharp sound startled her, and she laughed when she jumped in her seat, nearly knocking over her drink. Cole shook his head and nodded at the phone.

She flipped him the bird as she reached for it. “Reeves.”

“Hey, Mallory. It’s Fisher.”

“Goddamn, what now?”

“Nice to talk to you, too. Oh, I’m fine. Thanks for asking.”

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