Deadly In Stilettos (25 page)

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Authors: Keke Chanel

BOOK: Deadly In Stilettos
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Demi excused herself. Inside the bathroom she splashed cold water on her face and then took the acid from her purse, placing the vial—made of a material impervious to the acid—carefully inside her bra. She searched the cabinets just to see what she could fine, and was startled by a roll of duct tape. Concern about being alone in the middle of nowhere with Devin rose inside her. Now she really had to distract him before she was the one taking a dirt nap at the end of the night.

When she walked back into the living area, the lights were dim, soft music was playing, and Devin lay on the bearskin rug in front of the fire. He held his arms out to her and she sat beside him. Whatever he was up to, he was throwing a monkey wrench into her plans. He moved closer to her and kissed her hands, and then tried kissing her lips. Demi could not bear kissing those lips again, because of all the lies, deceit and heartache. So she offered to give him a massage to distract him from what was sure to come next.

“That sounds nice you still know how to appreciate a man, Demi. But first, I have to ask you an important question.”

“No, Baby, that can wait. We have all night for that.” She did not want to miss her chance. Time was ticking. Demi jumped up and went back into the bathroom. While Devin took off his shirt, she gathered the lotion she found under the counter. From the looks of all the lotions, oils, condoms, and other erotic items stored in the bathroom, Devin was a very busy man. Why would he have all those things lying around and bring her there? Unless, he was just trying to seduce her like she was sure he did with others, and did not care what she thought. His apology had just been a ploy to get alone with her. How could she have let him trick her again? Although she was in control, he had her alone, and no one knew where she was.

This could turn out incredibly wrong for her





Back in the living room, Devin quickly stripped off his clothes, mentally patting himself on the back. Although he was sorry for the way things had turned out between him and Demi, he did not regret killing the babies she carried. He never wanted children, but now that Jennifer had his son, he wanted to get back at her by getting another woman pregnant. She would be forced to share whatever he left behind when he was gone, not that he had plans to go anywhere, anytime soon. That would put a halt in her convincing ass, Devin thought.

His plan was working. Demi had always been his first choice. When he’d seen her at Charlie’s, he got ready to play the role of a lifetime, full of deception and betrayal. This would show Jennifer as well as Demi not to take him lightly when it came to getting what he wanted. And Jennifer, he truly despised that gold-digging slut, she didn’t care about anyone other than herself. They weren’t so different after all, Devin realized. She would be in for a rude awakening once Demi was carrying his seed. She wouldn’t know what hit her when he presented another child to the courts. The look on her face would be priceless. Devin looked around, wondering what was taking Demi so long.

“Baby, are you finding what you need in there?” he called out. “I’m getting lonely in here all by myself. I have been waiting for this moment so long. Don’t make me wait any longer, Sweetheart.”

Demi’s lips curled with loathing. That bastard planned the entire thing. He was not sorry she lost their babies in the least. He probably was just trying to make his ex-wife jealous by using her from the beginning. As she came out of the bathroom, Demi put on the biggest forced smile she could conjure up. She just had to make sure she got the answers she needed from him before sending his soul to hell.

“I found everything and then some. Why do you have all this here anyway? You must spend a lot of your free time here,” Demi said with a sneaky grin careful not to make Devin feel uncomfortable. When she held up what she found, Devin’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

Men are so predictable when it came to getting some pussy
’ Demi thought as she joined him on the huge rug in front of the fireplace. “Lie on your stomach so I can straddle you,” she told him.

Devin did as told. “I like the sound of that.”

The lotion felt good, Demi gathered, according to the moans escaping Devin’s lips. When she took one of the candles he had lit and dripped some of the hot candle wax on his back, he jumped. “Ah shit, what are you doing, Baby? That’s hot as hell. I think you done burned my damn skin. Let me up, crazy bitch!” His words pissed Demi off but she hid her anger. She didn’t want Devin to ask her to leave without her job being complete.

“Oh, just relax, Baby. It’ll feel better once it cools. I have a lot of tricks to show you tonight. I learned this from a sex class I attended. Now, close your eyes and enjoy the moment. As I said, we got all night. Next you can show me a few of your own tricks.” That brought a big ass smile to Devin’s face. Demi almost threw up the delicious food she had just consumed from Charlie’s. She needed to hurry things up. Once again, she poured some of the hot wax on his back. This time Devin endured the pain. “This is really turning me on, girl. What else do you have to show me, Baby? What tricks have you learned since we were together? I knew you were a freak!”

Demi nearly punched him in the face, but reframed. She began massaging his back like a professional, capturing each pressure point. Her touch was soft and tender, so as not to alarm Devin of what was coming next. Before she asked him to turn over unto his stomach, she took the duct tape and taped his hands together behind his back.

“Oh, shit now girl! What are you tying me up for? I need my hands to feel you.”

Demi resisted rolling her eyes in disgust. She didn’t want his hands anywhere near her. “Why not let me do all the touching for now? I also have my tongue that can work as a hand, or anything else I want it to. Just enjoy the special treatment, because you’ll owe me next. Plus, what I’m about to do to you, you will never forget!”

“That sounds so damn good to me! Girl, what have you been doing all these years? You are really into some kinky stuff, and I like it.” Devin licked his lips in anticipation, and then rolled over onto his back when she whispered to do so in his ear. That nearly drove him crazy. His ears were his ‘spot’ and Demi hadn’t forgotten that fact. Still straddling him, she moved a bit, giving him room to turn. His erection greeted her when he did, standing at full attention. That disgusted Demi even more. Her skin crawled when it touched her thigh. But now that Devin was on his back, he was able to see everything she did. She smiled and licked her lips, in spite of feeling sick to her stomach.

“Can I ask you something, Devin?” she asked in a pouty, sexy tone. Careful not to raise his suspicions, she leaned over and lightly kissed his lips. She touched his chest, pinching his nipples gently. His manhood jumped next to her thigh. “Do you think that I’m stupid?” she asked, still in a sweet voice. “Tell me what you’re really up to. I promise I won’t be mad. I just need to know the truth if we have any chance at a future. I am not into games, so just spell it.”

Devin opened his eyes, searching Demi’s face for any signs of lying or anger. He took a deep breath after seeing she was sincere in wanting to know. “You promise you won’t be upset?”

“I promise, Baby.” Demi pouted again, even though she was raging inside.

“I knew you would come for me someday. I waited and finally you came. I knew I was still in love with you the moment I saw you walk into Charlie’s. I wasn’t going to go through with this, but when you started acting all cold with me, I wanted you to pay. I planned to get you drunk, seduce you and get you pregnant, marry you, then divorce you and take the child. I knew my ex-wife would have a cow, and that urged me along. Believe it or not, you do mean a lot to me. I just can’t afford to live like this anymore. She took everything from me, even you. I don’t have my practice anymore, I lost my job with the Titans, and no one wants to even meet with me because of who Jennifer’s father is. I just cannot sit back and let this happen without someone suffering. I know that what I did to you back then was wrong, but honestly, I don’t regret it.” By this time, Devin was getting upset. He asked Demi to remove the tape from his hands, so she knew she needed to take control of the situation. If her plan was to work, she had to get him to relax again. She leaned down and kissed him passionately on the lips, allowing her tongue to part his lips. It pained her to do so, but she did what she needed to do.

“Baby, it’s okay. I’m not upset with you. Relax! Let me make it all up to you. Let me take care of you. It’s not your fault what she did to you. That Bitch will pay!” Devin smiled at Demi and wanted to make love to her right then and there. She kissed him again. He returned her kiss, and she could feel him slowly relaxing. “Now close your eyes, Baby. Can I finish your massage so that we can move on to the main event?” He never saw when Demi slipped the special container out of her bra strap.

She moved her hips on his swollen member, and Devin oohed and ahhhed until he saw her holding something in her hands. “What are you going to do with that?” he asked with a mischievous smile. “Oh, I have a very special surprise to give you, Baby.”

Demi scooted down his body until she was sitting on his thighs. The excitement on his face was priceless. She was almost tempted to capture it with a picture, but thought better of it. No one could know she had been with him after what she was about to do. She showed him the container again. It looked like some edible massage oil, which she only led him to believe. Devin closed his eyes anticipating what she was about to do next. Arching his back, expecting to receiver pleasure, he groaned when she dropped a small amount of the acid on his thigh.

“Ooo, Baby what is that? It feels kind of funny.”

“Shh, relax and enjoy the moment. Once you get used to the sensation of it, it will feel much better.”

“I hope you right because that shit is still burning,” he bucked trying to move the leg that Demi had dropped the acid on. Her sitting on it prevented him from doing so.

Reliving the painful day when he had beaten her, Demi allowed her stored up rage to overtake her. She dropped acid on his other thigh seeing the skin disappear. Devin growled in pain. “What are you doing to me that shit hurts?” His voice was hysterical. His eyes watered from the burning pain the acid was kissing up on his body.

“You took them away from me. I didn’t deserve that, they didn’t deserve that. I loved you Devin. I wanted to spend my life as your wife, become the mother of your children, but you used me.”

Demi dropped acid on his stomach, watching as the acid swiftly burned his flesh to the white meat. She dropped acid on his nipples. They melted away just like the candles burning in the backdrop. He howled with pain, but Demi didn’t care. He didn’t care when she screamed and begged for her life as he kicked her over and over. She treated his feet, his arms, and his forehead, with acid until he passed out from the pain. Demi got up off his legs removing his pants. After that, she went into the bathroom and got a glass of water. Dashing the water on Devin to bring him back to consciousness, Demi smiled at him. “Wake the hell up! You don’t get to blackout. I want you to feel every ounce of pain that is inflicted on you, just as I did.”

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it,” he cried.

“Oh, save it! It’s too late for sorry now. Because of you, my life will never be the same. I will never get a chance to feel what it’s like to have a child growing inside of me. You stole that from me!”

Devin tossed and turned trying to free himself. He knew in that moment that his scheme had backfired. If he had any chance of survival he had to get away from Demi. The bitch was a lunatic. He thrashed back and forth. He tried to free his hands, but the duct tape did not give. The only thing he could do to try and rectify the situation was to beg. “Please!” he screamed. “I never meant to hurt you. Please, let me go. I won’t tell anyone about this. Just let me go!” Devin was now sobbing like a baby for milk, but it didn’t faze Demi one way or the other. He was about to die! She was not moved at all by his pleas. She walked back over to his now naked body, and began dropping acid all over his flesh until he welled in pain. She moved up closer to him and bent down next to him. She stared intently into his eyes as she removed some acid from the container. She looked at his most prized possession and smiled.

Devin seeing the look on her face tried moving again, but because his body was severely eaten away by the acid, he wasn’t able to move much. Blood poured from his person, and the smell of burnt flesh filled the air. Just as he thought things couldn’t feel any worse, Demi dropped acid all over his genital area, watching it melt away like butter, leaving pus and blood oozing freely unto the floor beneath him. She watched as a hole appeared in the place his dick used to be, able to see the floor below him. Devin screamed to the top of his lungs. She almost felt sorry for him, but thought about her babies, and continued to drop acid on him. After a while, all Demi was able to hear was the sound of sizzling flesh. His body was now a huge blob of unrecognizable chaos.

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