Deadly Lies (34 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Eden

Tags: #FIC027110

BOOK: Deadly Lies
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“That doesn’t mean—”

“No, it doesn’t.”
“But he was
when Donnelley drugged you. Right there, and he left you on the floor to die.”

Their gazes held, and she saw the horrible struggle in his gaze. He didn’t want to believe it, didn’t want to think his stepbrother
could be a killer. But she also saw that part of him—yes, part of him could see the darkness in Quinlan. Part of him suspected
the truth,
suspected for a while now.

“The SSD
find him,” she promised. They’d found her. “They’re searching all of your stepfather’s properties now and all of the properties
linked to the victims. Any place you can think of, they’ve searched.” Her shoulders
straightened. This was the hard part.
Hell, it was all hard.
“And I can’t let you get in the way of the investigation.”

His eyes narrowed at that.

Sam wouldn’t back down. Not even for him. “My assignment is to watch you, to protect you, and to make sure you don’t hinder
the investigation.”
By tipping off your brother.

“Is that why you brought me here?” he demanded, and there was a bite to his words that she hadn’t heard before, at least not
directed toward her. “To keep me
so I wouldn’t get in anyone’s way?”

Anger boiled inside her. “I didn’t make love with you because I needed to keep you distracted.”

“Oh? Then why did you?” And then he was grabbing her, his hands hard on her arms as he lifted her up on her toes. “Why the
first night? Why me?”

Because you’d been the most dangerous, go to hell-looking man in the room.
“I needed you.”

“You didn’t know me.”

And that had been one of the reasons why. Someone who didn’t know her. Didn’t know her past.

“You were running scared,” he said, voice deeper, “and you ran to me.”

. She didn’t deny his words. Maybe that was answer enough for him.

“Why now, baby? I know your secrets.” A rough smile twisted his lips. “Is it the case? Because Hyde orders you to—”

She wrenched away from him. “Hyde doesn’t order me to screw anyone.”
Stay close to him.

“He said to stay close though, right? Dante gave that order to you the first day in my house. And you’ve been
staying close… because you want to show ’em you can handle the job? Handle anything that comes at you when—”

“No, dammit!” Her voice tore across his. “I’ve been staying because I wanted to be with you!”

Time to stop being afraid. “Max, I’m not with you because of the case. I’m with you because you’re the only man I want.” A
stranger to satisfy the dark need—
at first
. But then he’d become so much more.

“You know me,” Sam told him. “Inside and out, you know me, like no one else ever has before.” All the dark places, the fears.
He knew it all, and still wanted her.

Not a victim.
Not with him. And she’d be damned if she’d be one ever again.

His phone rang then, a low vibration. She wet her lips. “Max, I just…”

He yanked the phone out of his back pocket and glanced down at the screen. “


o you want to see your brother again?” The voice was a rasp, surrounded by a crackle of static.

“Donnelley, you bastard, what do you want?” Max’s fingers tightened around the phone.

A laugh. “Everything.”

Samantha had her phone out. She’d moved away from him, and he heard her whispering urgently to someone.

“Where’s Quinlan?”

Another husky laugh. “Your agents think he’s a killer, don’t they?”

Isn’t he?
“The two of you drugged me.”

“Did we?”

“The FBI is after you, and you’d better pray they find you first!” Because Max wanted to rip the asshole’s head off. Rage
had his whole body tightening.

“If they find me, I promise…” still that low, rough whisper, “they’ll never find Quinlan. Not until it’s too late.”

Another game. “Quinlan’s been killing with you.” That
was what Samantha thought and what he feared.
How? How had things gone so wrong? Could I have stopped this? Saved him?

His mother’s image flashed before him.
W-Watch him.

Max’s teeth clenched. Dammit. To just go back—

“I went to Quinlan’s room
I dosed you…” Whispered. “And you don’t remember me dragging him out, do you? The cameras saw what I wanted them to see…
and no one saw him.”

Samantha was back. She’d grabbed her gun and holstered it at her side.

“How much is he worth?” The voice taunted. “How much will you pay? What will you do? After all, you’re the one who ruined
everything—you and your whore.”

“Don’t you say—”

“You want to be the hero? The one who saves Quinlan? Then you’ll fucking do exactly what I tell you to do.”


“Bring the bitch with you, get in the car, and I’ll tell you where to go.” A rush of static on the line. “You can trade your
life for his. Quinlan can walk away.”

Fucking liar.

“You’re dead,” Max said and meant it.

“One of us will be.” More static crackled. “Now move. If you let that bitch bring in the Feds, Quinlan will be the one who
. I’ll slice him apart, and his death will be on you, big brother.”

“Sam called.” Kim announced as she rushed into Hyde’s office. “Donnelley’s cell number just popped up on Max’s phone. She
said it sounded like he was making a demand, something about Quinlan.”

Hyde leapt to his feet. Monica had been sitting across from him, but she jumped up too.

“Did you order a trace lock on Donnelley’s phone?” Hyde asked.

“Yeah, we’re triangulating the signal now. We should have the doctor’s general location in just a few more minutes.”

Monica fired a hard stare at Hyde. “If the doctor’s on the line, then where’s Quinlan?”

She’d just gone through her entire profile with Hyde. As far as Monica was concerned, Donnelley wasn’t the key player. Too
weak. Too disorganized.

Hyde’s jaw clenched. “We’re going to damn well find out.”

The call ended with a soft
. Max swore and raced for the door, wrenching the knob.


Max didn’t look back. “Don’t come with me, baby.”

But her steps hurried after him. Then her hand was on his arm as she tried to turn him back to face her. “What did he say?
What’s happening?”

Your life for his.

“I have to go alone.” He shook his head. “He could be watching.
I have to go alone
.” Because he wasn’t going to risk her.

you can’t.
” Snapped out.

He faced her and saw the tears glistening in her eyes.

Samantha shook her head. “
, do you hear me? This is some kind of setup. You can’t—”

“Give me your gun.”

Her eyes widened. “I-I can’t. You know I can’t!”

He held out his hand. “How much is family worth?”

She flinched at that. “You know… you know what’s going to happen.”

He grabbed her and kissed her with the desperate rage that pumped through his veins. He kissed her even as his hands swept
down her body and took her gun.

No, he took the gun because she
him have it. Max’s head lifted, and he stepped back.

Sam stood before him, her lips trembling, red and swollen from his kiss. “Max, what did he say?”

“He wants me to come to him.”

“Where? Just tell me—”

“I don’t know.” But the bastard wanted her. Max had put Samantha in his sights.
He won’t touch her.
“He hasn’t told me yet.”
Hurry; no time to waste.
“Remember,” he said, “he always knew every move we made.” Just as he’d know now, because he was close.



There was no choice, not for either of them. “Some things are worth too much,” he said quietly.

And he left her.

Sam stood for a moment with her shoulders hunched and her heart racing too fast. She watched Max leave because there was no
other choice. If the kidnapper had told him to get into the car alone, then she’d make sure he went alone.

But I won’t leave you alone.

She’d given him her weapon, but she had a backup. And
no way
would she let him face the hell that was coming on his own.

Sam reached for her phone. The other agents would
need to stand down and not interfere, yet. Max would take them right to their prey, and she’d be there to make sure he didn’t
end up like Frank.

I’m coming

“We’ve got Donnelley.” Excitement had Kim’s voice rising. “The cell signal was traced to the four-hundred block of New Curtis.”
She looked up. “He’s in a motel room.”

“Get over there,” Hyde ordered, crossing his arms over his chest. “You and Dante,

“Already going, sir,” Dante called out as they ran for the door.

Monica stepped forward. Hyde saw the worry on her face. The attachment between her and Dante grew stronger every day. She’d
told Hyde the news about their engagement, and while he was damn happy for Monica—
about time she had a life outside the SSD—
he couldn’t have married agents working together in his unit.

Time for Monica to take that promotion.

“Stay on guard!” Monica called out as the agents slipped into the elevator. It was a warning they didn’t need. But Dante looked
back at Monica, and his green eyes softened.

“This isn’t right,” Monica whispered. “Donnelley doesn’t fit the profile of our lead kidnapper.”

Hyde agreed. He’d read Donnelley’s file.
Drug use
. The guy was lucky to still have a medical license.

But Donnelley had been working privately for the Malones for years. You could learn a lot of secrets when you were that close
to a family. Secrets worth killing for.

“Quinlan is the one we need,” Monica said, her voice calm and certain, even if her hands had clenched into fists. “The links
all circle back to him.”

“Then we’ll find him.” The phone on Kim’s desk rang, a long, low peal.
He hurried forward and grabbed the phone. “Hyde.”

“He’s gone!” A rough edge hardened Sam’s voice. “Max is going after Donnelly, and I’m not letting him go alone! I’m—”

“Sam, we’ve got Donnelley’s location. He’s in a motel on New Curtis. Dante and Daniels are on their way to apprehend him now.”

“If Donnelley is there, then there’s no way he’s watching us now.” Soft, muttered, almost as if she were talking to herself.
“I’m going after him. I’m not letting Max get caught in the crossfire.”

Hyde’s fingers tightened around the phone. “Turn on the GPS in your car.” Instinct and fear drove the demand. “In case we
lose phone contact, make sure we can track you.” Because he’d be damned if he ever lost her again.

“Yes, sir.”

“And Kennedy?”

A door slammed in the background, and he knew she was already on the move. “Sir?”

“Keep him safe.”

Max’s rental car raced out of the garage. Good thing Samantha had gotten another agent to bring it by early that morning because
he really hadn’t been in the mood to steal a ride.

His phone vibrated before he’d even reached the street.
Swearing, he glanced down. Different number, one he didn’t know. He picked up the phone.


, okay?”

“Put the bitch on the line.”

Ice froze his blood.
Not watching, not yet, or he’d know—

“She’s not with you.” Anger snapped in the whispered words.

“No, she’s not, and you’re not getting her.” Max braked the car, heard the squeal of tires, and demanded, “Now tell me where
the hell you are.”


Where are you?

“Get on the highway.” A whisper. “Go West.”

Max drove forward.

“Take the second exit ramp.”

Max’s teeth were clenched so tight that his jaw ached.
How had it come to this?

“You’ll pay for not bringing the whore.”

His foot slammed on the gas.
No, you’ll be the one who pays.

Sam wrenched open her car door, jumped inside, and revved the VW’s engine. In less than three seconds, she was out of the
garage. Just in time to catch the flash of Max’s taillights.

Her heart thundered in her chest, and her sweaty palms gripped the steering wheel. She wouldn’t lose Max.

The VW flew out onto the highway, and Sam realized they were heading the wrong way. New Curtis was toward the east, just a
few moments away.

But Max was heading in the opposite direction.

.” She fumbled with her phone. This was wrong. A setup. She had to warn the other agents.

His phone rang again a moment later. Max still had it gripped in his right hand. He punched the screen. “What?”

“4219 Willow Way.”

His breath hissed out at the familiar address. The agents wouldn’t have searched that old cabin because it wasn’t Frank’s;
it was his. Left to him by his mother.

“Now roll down your window and throw your phone out.”

He hesitated. It would be so easy to just call the Feds, to call Sam and tell her the address.

But if he did, would the guy be long gone before he arrived?

“I can see you….”

His gaze swept around the highway. All he saw was a swirl of cars. Was the bastard watching now? Or lying again?

“Throw the phone out.”

Max hit the button for the automatic window. It lowered with a whir of sound, and he tossed out his phone.

The maid was shaking as she unlocked room 203 at the Highline Motel. Luke grabbed her arm and pulled her back the second that
the door squeaked open.

“Federal agents!” he yelled. “Nathan Donnelley, we’re coming in!”

He kicked the door open the rest of the way and went in
with his gun drawn. Moving soundlessly, Kim was right at his back.

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