Death by Divorce (12 page)

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Authors: Jaden Skye

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #General

BOOK: Death by Divorce
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“What a long day,” Dalia said loudly. “There was so much to take care of at the gallery, I couldn’t even get half of it done. Thankfully, Nina is working hard. She’ll be over in a few minutes with the rest of the paperwork I need to go over tonight. ”

Dalia came over, to where Rosa was standing. “Sweeping out here? At this time of day? ” she asked, surprised.

Rosa said nothing, just grabbed her broom tighter and began sweeping fervently.

After Rosa left, Dalia plopped down on the lounge chair beside Cindy.

“You can find her in the oddest places,” said Dalia. “Don’t let it bother you. Sometimes she gets it into her head that a place needs sweeping, and there’s no way you can stop her. ” Then she threw her head back on the lounge chair and took a deep breath.

“It’s fine,” said Cindy.

“What’s fine?” said Dalia. “Nothing is fine. We’re not getting any closer to finding Ames. It’s over a month now that he’s been gone. ”

“I’ve only been here a short while,” said Cindy.

“But we don’t have forever,” Dalia’s voice was beginning to have that rough edge. “Soon the rains will come. It’ll be harder then. They wipe everything away. ”

Cindy took a deep breath. Ames had been missing for quite a while before Dalia called her down on the case. She couldn’t expect her to have all the answers in such a short time.

“You went to see the Captain today,” Dalia turned up the pressure. “What did he say? What do you think? ”

Cindy had no intention of telling Dalia all that had happened today. She wasn’t going to tell her about being roughed up by the crew, about Mattheus coming, their trip, or the call to Tomale. Cindy wanted to be more clear herself, before she threw doubt and suspicion into Dalia’s mind.

“Yes, I went to see the Captain today,” Cindy said lightly.

“And?” Dalia seemed annoyed. “I don’t want to have to pull teeth. Tell me what he said and what you think? ”

“I’m not purposely withholding from you,” Cindy said then, “I’m just being careful until I’m clear.”

“Is he filled with revenge?” asked Dalia. “Furious for being fired? Out to get me? ”

“No, not at all,” Cindy said calmly.

Dalia looked amazed. “I don’t believe you.”

“He seemed sad,” Cindy answered, “a little drunk. Why was he fired? ” That tremendously important point hadn’t been made clear to her yet.

“You didn’t ask him? He didn’t tell you? ”

“I thought you could tell me,” Cindy said.

“But I was interested in what he thought!” Dalia’s voice rose a pitch.

“Why was he fired, Dalia?”

“I told you before, there was a question of drugs on the boat. Rumors. But down here, drugs equal disaster to a business. ”

“Ames thought he was involved in trading drugs?”

“Ames didn’t fire him directly,” she said. “He couldn’t do it, didn’t want to.”

That stunned Cindy. “Really? Who did? ” she said.

“It’s not important,” said Dalia.

important,” Cindy insisted.

“Dale did it,” Dalia said. She paused. “It had to be done, so Dale did it. He’s a partner, heavily invested in the fleet. If the drug cartels got involved with the business, they’d take Dale down along with everything else. So, Dale did it a week before Ames went missing. I’ve even been thinking lately that Ames could have gone into hiding after that happened, because he felt lousy and ashamed. He couldn’t face the Captain. He loved that guy. ”

This was a whole new possibility. Not that Ames was in hiding, but that the drug cartels had taken him out. She wondered why Mattheus hadn’t brought up that possibility, why he was so focused on Elizabeth? Now Elizabeth’s relationship with Ames seemed like a diversion. Cindy felt she had to find out more about the cartels, and about Ames’s shipping partner.

“Will Dale be at the festival?” Cindy asked.

“He wouldn’t miss it for the world,” said Dalia. “The festival is fantastic, beautiful, amazing. Yachts come from all over the world. The days are filled with contests, laughing, drinking. The night is filled with parties, dancing. The gallery sells more in the next few days than all year long. Of course he’ll be there. He’s always here for the festival. He has the biggest Yacht of all. ”

Cindy knew she had to see him. And if she had to wait for the festival, then she would. Without that, she felt a crucial piece of the puzzle would always be missing. “You’ll like Dale when you first meet him,” Dalia went on. “He can be charming, captivating. He’ll like you, too. He likes all the women. ” Her tone wavered and she seemed upset.

Cindy looked at her sharply. “I’m not interested in dating anyone right now,” she said.

Cindy got up and went to her room, lay down in bed for a moment, and then to her relief, almost instantly fell into a deep sleep.

It was about three in the morning when there was a loud crash and splattering of glass, waking Cindy with a start. She jumped up in bed instantly, flashed on the lights and looked around. A rock had come flying through her window. She got out of bed, ran over and picked it up. A note was tied on it, YOU’RE NEXT.



Cindy couldn’t sleep the rest of the night. Mattheus was right. She could be in danger. Who sent the note? And why now? Obviously, someone and was threatened. Did it have to do with her trip yesterday, with Tomale, or had Elizabeth somehow found out that her divorce settlement was being made public?

Cindy knew she had to tell Dalia about the rock and the note, but was reluctant. It would be smarter to inform Mattheus. After she heard from Tomale, she’d call Mattheus and tell him about both things.

The phone rang promptly at nine. It was Tomale, earlier than he promised.

“Okay, got the info,” he said. “Thanks for getting the money to me so fast.”

“Great,” said Cindy. Obviously, Mattheus had taken care of that.

“Here’s the story,” Tomale spoke fast, “the divorce settlement’s complicated. It’s up for re-negotiation every two years, cost of living increases and things like that. Anyway, about a month before Ames disappeared, he and Elizabeth had been in court. He said he didn’t have any more money to give her. She didn’t take that well. They’re in the middle of a nasty fight. ”

Cindy took a deep breath. Had Ames turned into a deadbeat dad, copping out on his financial obligations?

“Why wasn’t there any more money?” Cindy asked. “I thought he was doing well.”

Tomale guffawed. “We guys got to pay you gals off forever?” he asked. “You know how much this sucker already gave her?”

“How much?” asked Cindy.

“More than anyone could ever need for ten lives. This was one greedy bitch. ”

“Was Ames in trouble financially?” Cindy pressed on.

“We’re all in trouble,” Tomale said. “

“I thought Ames’s partner Dale had big money,” Cindy continued.

Tomale made a low, snorting sound. “Even people with big money can get sick of throwing it around.”

Cindy wasn’t sure what he meant by that.


Cindy filled Mattheus in on what Tomale said, as soon as she hung up the phone.

“There’s one more thing, Mattheus,” she said then. “Someone through a rock through my window last night with a note tied to it.”

“WHAT?” he said, horrified.

“The note said YOU’RE NEXT,” said Cindy.

“JESUS CHRIST,” said Mattheus, “that’s what I was afraid of. I’m coming right over. I want to see the rock myself and I want to see the note. ”

“It’s connected to what happened to Ames,” said Cindy.

“Yeah, of course,” said Mattheus. “And it’s also connected to you. They’ve got their eye on you now. ”

“Who?” said Cindy.

“Believe me,” said Mattheus, “I’m gonna find out, and fast.”

Dalia walked into the kitchen, just as Cindy was hanging up the phone.

“Who’s that you were talking to?” she asked lightly, in passing, as she gathered papers to put in her briefcase.

“Mattheus,” said Cindy lightly. “I just wanted to see if anything new had turned up.”

Dalia frowned and tossed her head back and forth. “You have so much faith in Mattheus,” she said, “have more faith in yourself.”

Cindy felt irritated being criticized by Dalia. She remembered how Dalia always had something nasty to say about everyone, couldn’t really keep her friends. Now, she understood why. She’d be your best friend one minute, the next find something wrong.

“You got feelings for that guy, Mattheus?” Dalia asked then. Clearly it had been bothering her that Cindy was speaking to him.

Cindy stood up and walked over to her.

“Mattheus has been giving me a helping hand.”

“That’s all? He’s a great looking, rugged guy, charming as hell. Lots of women down here have gone after him. To no avail. Don’t waste your time. ”

Cindy flushed and stood up. “Dalia what are you talking about? Clint hasn’t even been gone for six months. ”

“So, it’s normal to be lonely. What’s so bad about that? You’re not staying here waiting for him to come back to you one day, like I’m waiting for Ames. ”

Cindy felt punched in the heart, as she realized with horror that Dalia was right. Clint wasn’t coming back. Why did it take so long to realize that? Somewhere within she hadn’t fully accepted that Clint was gone for good. Perhaps she’d even come down here as a way to say goodbye to him. The thought of it was dizzying. She hadn’t yet come to terms with what had happened to Clint or how life could sweep away all that was most precious in a few moments. Cindy also didn’t fully understand how it was possible that the man you loved and thought you knew, had a life totally hidden from you. Even though she’d never found out things about Clint that were remotely similar to Ames, still, in both cases, they lived in a separate world that their wives had no knowledge of. It made her feel insecure.

Cindy wondered about Dalia then. What would she do when she found out the truth? Who would she turn to? She wondered where Dalia’s family was, and if they would be supportive?

“Do you stay in touch with your family, Dalia?” Cindy asked suddenly.

“What family?” Dalia said, surprised. “You know my mother died before I graduated high school.”

“Your dad? Your brothers?”

Dalia threw her head back and ran her hands through her long, auburn hair. “Look, I have work to do. Why are you asking me these questions? My family hates me, they’re all jerks. They were then and are even worse now. ”

Cindy remembered Dalia’s brother as being lovely boys.

“My father married again and so did the boys. They couldn’t stand either of my husbands, practically broke up my marriages. I had no intention ever of introducing them to Ames. They didn’t deserve to meet him. Ames is my family now, and the people down here. Nina is my sister.

“And you,” Dalia continued, “if things go well between us, you can become my sister too.”

Cindy didn’t know if that was a threat or back handed gift.

“Life has been pretty rough with all of us,” Cindy replied.

Dalia suddenly seemed to feel threatened, as if the conversation had gone too far.

“Speak for yourself,” Dalia said, “life has been Great to me. A fabulous husband and a villa in paradise. You don’t see me complaining about anything,” Dalia was on the war path again.

“I didn’t say you were complaining,” Cindy felt defensive.

“So tell me more about you and Mattheus,” Dalia was now going on the offensive. “What’s he filling you in on? Why haven’t you been telling me?”

Cindy paused, unsure how much to say at this point.

“If you ask me, the two of you are much too cozy. But you work for Me!” Dalia suddenly snapped. “Not for the police! I’m the one who hired you! You better know what your place is and where your loyalties belong!”

Cindy was taken aback by her anger. She decided it was best to appease her for now.

“Mattheus and I are working on Elizabeth,” Cindy said.

“What about her?” Dalia’s eyes flashed.

“Going over her divorce settlement with Ames, trying to put the pieces together. He’s helping me think it through. That’s all. ”

“What’s there to think through?” Dalia seemed pissed. “It’s up for re-negotiation every two years and he gives her whatever she wants. It’s as simple as that. I could have told you. ”

“How do you know?” asked Cindy, “I thought the settlement was sealed.”

“Ames tells me everything. He doesn’t have one secret from me. Never did and never will. So, what are your conclusions at this point? ” Dalia asked forthrightly. “Do you think Elizabeth’s involved?”

Cindy decided it was time to speak the truth. “If you really want to know what I think, I think Ames may not be coming home.”

Dalia’s face turned white. “Why?”

“I haven’t wanted to say it before or upset you.”

“I hired you to tell me the truth.”

“Well, that’s what I think. There are drug cartels on the island, you know that yourself. There’s the question if there were drugs on the fleet. If there were, these guys are ruthless. ”

“I know,” Dalia said quietly.

“And there’s also the question of the relationship between Elizabeth and Ames. Who knows how much money she kept wanting? Who knows how she would react if he said no? ”

Dalia liked hearing that. She moved closer to Cindy now. “And I’d stopped giving Ames as much money of my own, recently,” she said quietly.

Cindy was surprised to hear that from her. “Really, why?”

“For one thing, I’m running out,” said Dalia. “For another, I got sick of him funneling whatever I gave him to her. She asked and she got. It wasn’t fair. ”

“Didn’t he get all he needed from Dale?”

“Dale’s money went right to the fleet. It wasn’t set up so Ames could get his hands on it. That money wasn’t for his personal use. And Ames loved money. He needed it, used it, threw it around. It made him feel like he was worthwhile. I told you he came from a very poor home. ”

“So he might have been facing a financial crisis,” Cindy said. “That can do all kinds of things to a person.”

“What are you suggesting?” Dalia suddenly said, ice-cold.

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