Read Death eBook 9.8.16 Online

Authors: Lila Rose,Justine Littleton

Death eBook 9.8.16 (4 page)

BOOK: Death eBook 9.8.16
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Apparently used to Connor’s shenanigans, Falcone sighed and continued, “Did they tell you why you have no memory of the event? Were you injured?” He asked with such concern, I was touched and rushed to reassure him.

“Oh, no. I’m fine, physically anyway. The doctor says I have a repressed memory, which is exactly as it sounds. My brain is protecting itself. I guess the accident was pretty bad, which is terrible to think about. I hope no one else was hurt.” Shaking my head, dread settled in my stomach. I’d been doing all I could to avoid thinking about it. I added, “The memories will return, but until then, they want me to avoid any contact with the news or media.” I winced on the inside, really not looking forward to the time they returned. For my memory to be protecting me the way it was, there was no way anything I discovered would be good.

“And now? How are you feeling since waking? Not medically, but emotionally. Is anything different?” That time it was Connor who surprised me with the compassionate question.

I was so thrown, I found myself answering honestly. “Truthfully, yes. Since I woke in the hospital, I’ve felt uneasy and….” It was hard to speak of it because I had tried to repress all my emotions since waking, or else I’d be a mess. I didn’t want to be a mess; as my mother would say, it showed how weak I was. God, why was I even holding back? I should have cried, have fallen to the floor and bawled because it was obvious something bad had happened on that train. Why had I acted as my mother had brought me up? Looking up to the men, my voice a mere whisper, I said, “My home is my safe haven, my sanity, a constant, but that unnerving feeling followed me here. I think that, along with not knowing anything, is what upsets me the m-most.” My voice cracked on the last word as I choked back the tears.

Falcone leaned forward and gave my knee a comforting touch before he spoke. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

Connor, thankfully, broke the melancholy moment. It would be embarrassing if I suddenly broke down in front of them. “Okay, Romeo, quit flirting and keep it professional, please,” he huffed.

With a slight blush, Falcone proceeded with his next question. “Were you supposed to ride home with anyone yesterday?”

“No. I live alone and meet clients in their homes or public locations that work for studying,” I answered.

“Do you ride every day? Would you know any of the other regular passengers’ names?” Falcone queried.

“Yes and no. I ride every day, but I keep to myself. Sorry, it’s just I usually use that time to edit or schedule out incoming manuscripts,” I apologized. I felt bad for not paying better attention to my surroundings over the years. Maybe if I had, I could have been more of a help.

As if sensing my remorse, Connor tried to ease my mind by asking, “Where is the last place you can recall being before this morning? We can retrace your steps from now until your memories return.”

That I could answer. “I’ve gone over it a hundred times, but I can only recall as far as tutoring my SAT prep group, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the library in the city. I can grab you Troy the Tool’s cell phone number…. Um, I mean, Troy Thompson. He was one of the students there last night.” I bit my bottom lip, annoyed with myself. “I want to help, I really do, but that’s all I know,” I said sadly.

“Well, there is one more thing you could do that would help,” Falcone corrected. “In light of your condition, we’d like to have someone stay with you until your memories return. We want to be here when they do arise. This way we can get the details fresh and act immediately if needed. Your account is crucial to our investigation.”

“Yeah, no pressure or anything,” Connor added with an award-winning smile.

The thing was, the request was actually a relief. Did I feel slightly obligated to help? Yes, but that wasn’t enough to make me open my home to a complete stranger. I didn’t have dumb A-S-S tattooed on my forehead. But I might have been ill-advised there, because I was going to agree to the asinine idea. Not for the investigation, no, but for my own selfish reason. Since the moment the detectives had knocked on my door, I had felt the comfort and safety that had eluded me since waking. I wasn’t ready to let that go.

“Is it normal to offer to stay at people’s houses?” I asked.

“N—” Connor started.

“Yes,” Falcone interrupted loudly. “At times like this it’s important.”

“But, couldn’t it take weeks?”

Falcone nodded. “Right now, this is our main case, so we have time and we pride ourselves on giving 100 percent.”

I studied them. Who was I kidding? There was no way I would say no to them. Sighing, as if I were put out, I said, “Fine, but be warned I’m taking pictures of your big booties trying to sleep on that loveseat. I could even post it on the Internet,” I joked.

“Oh, joy,” Connor grumbled, eyeing the seat as if it offended him.

Falcone chuckled. “We will need to settle things at the office, and one of us will grab a change of clothes first.”

“I’ll walk you out,” I offered, smiling with true ease for the first time that day. As I followed, I noted their backsides were just as nice as their fronts. “Bet you could bounce a quarter on that,” I mumbled, not noticing I’d said it aloud until Connor gave his leather-clad hiney a shimmy and responded, “Never tried, but you’re welcome to give it a go. I have cracked a walnut though. Just watch the shells, those suckers are sharp.”


Chapter Three





I paced the main meeting room on our apartment’s floor, my skin crawling with restlessness. I thought if I kept moving my feet, the deep dread inside the pit of my stomach wouldn’t overcome me. I wished to Christ my other brothers would hurry up and get their asses back home. I wanted… no, I needed information on Julie.

I rubbed the back of my neck, unease swirling in my gut. I didn’t like what I’d found at the train wreck site. In finding no wandering souls, Warren’s and my suspicions had been pretty much confirmed.

Kayne had somehow been released and was wandering the streets, leaving destruction in his path.

“Will you sit the fuck down? You’re giving me a headache,” Warren said with an annoyed growl from his seat on the couch. I turned to him; his grim face mimicked mine.

“How in the hell can you just sit there?” I asked, throwing my hands up in the air in frustration.

“Easy,” he replied, and then the smartass leaned back further and closed his eyes.

“Don’t play with me, brother. You’re just as fucking furious as I am.” Though I doubt he was as anxious as I was to hear about the survivor. I fisted my hands at my sides as I continued my pacing.

“It may not even be him,” Warren said with a hint of hope.

“Bullshit, and you know it,” I clipped out. “Where in the hell are they? They should be back by now.”

“They’ll be here—” Warren paused when the door opened. “—soon.”

Falcone and Connor walked in with their brows drawn and frowns upon their faces. Without words, they each sat in a chair and leaned forward, resting their elbows on their knees.

“Well?” I snapped.

“She doesn’t remember anything,” Falcone said.

My heart galloped hard behind my ribs as he mentioned her. My body hummed, my skin fucking tingling at the thought of Julie. Why was the survivor bringing that type of reaction from me?

my mind whispered.

No. It couldn’t be.

My brothers and I had gone centuries on earth without finding our destined ones.

We’d all come to the conclusion the prophecy had been a myth.

“Dean,” Warren barked.

I jumped and turned to my brothers.

“Tell them what you found at the site,” he prodded.

Nodding, I said, “There were no traces of the dead.”

“Fuck.” Connor sighed.

“Do you…?” Falcone started.

“Yes,” I answered. “We all know of the one person who can take souls and leave nothing behind. If it was any other case,
there had been tormented souls flying around mourning their sudden deaths, then we wouldn’t worry. But there was nothing, no traces of
. It has to be him. It has to be our brother Kayne.”

“What are we to do?” Falcone asked, his brows low, body tense, and his voice thick with a worried tone.

“We hunt. We find. We destroy.” Hardness formed Warren’s words.

“Warren, he
our brother,” Falcone whispered. He was always the one with a full heart.

“Do you want this destruction to continue, Fal? Do you want our brother to keep killing innocents? We have no choice,” Warren told him.

Falcone closed his eyes and slowly nodded. We all knew he would do the right thing to save innocent people. The humans.

But how did that one
, the one woman survive?

“Did you get anything from Julie Michaels?” I asked, eager to know more. Even saying her name caused my stomach to dance.

Connor smirked at me. “Yeah, we got that she is smoking hot, loves a man in leather because she sure loved looking at my ass, and—”

He didn’t get to finish. I was on him in seconds. Dragging him over his chair, I pinned him to the wall by this throat.

“We’ve got to stop meeting like this,” Connor taunted. Obviously I wasn’t choking him hard enough if he could still tease. My grip tightened, and he turned an ugly shade of red.

“Dean, what the fuck are you doing?” Warren yelled from his seat, not bothering to get up and rescue his brother.

Ignoring him, I leaned closer and hissed in Connor’s face, “Say one more word about her and I will gut you like the pig you are.”

Connor gasped out a laugh. I threw him to the floor while he caught his breath and then kept on laughing.

“Someone fucking tell me what this is about now?” Warren bellowed. “We have never fought each other, only side by side, so I want to know
what is causing this shit when we have bigger issues to fucking deal with,” he commanded.

Connor, still chuckling, slowly stood and announced, “I believe our dear brother Death here, has found his mate.”

“Could it be?” Falcone smiled. “Wow, it has to be. Why else would Dean be ready to defend a woman he hasn’t even met?” Falcone stood and started his own pacing as we all watched. Connor smiled while Warren appeared curious. Meanwhile, I was still furious from Connor’s words. Falcone continued his ramblings, “It had been foretold so many centuries ago. I never thought it would take so long, which is why I never believed it. Though, Dean is obviously showing traits that this woman is his mate—”

“What traits?” I demanded.

“A sudden change in attitude, like aggression. You’re edgy. You feel a protective need for the survivor. You have an urge to be around her. And I’m sure that’s only a start.”

“He’s definitely aggressive over her. Nearly ripped my fucking throat out.” Connor sniggered.

“Fuck,” I growled.

I have a mate. A mate. What does it mean?

“You’ll need to stay away from her for now,” Warren stated.

I spun to face him. “Why? What in the fuck for?”

“You need to concentrate. We need your head in the game.”

“Fuck that. I
to see her. I
to meet her,” I yelled and then took a deep breath to continue in a calmer tone. “She
my mate, Warren. I can feel it inside me. I can feel
inside me. She’s my other half and I need her to see this, to feel what I’m already feeling.”

“This will fuck it all up,” Warren bit out. “Decay is out there, brother. We need our heads on straight, not thinking about some slut warming your bed.”

Moving swiftly, I took Warren to the ground. I wanted to hurt him. Satisfaction curled through me when my fist collided with his face as I straddled his waist. Falcone and Connor grabbed my arms before I punched again, and dragged me from Warren. A deep snarl left my chest.

Warren sat up slowly with a smug smile on his scarred face.


I had just proven my head was definitely not on straight.

“You see what I mean now, right?” He didn’t wait for an answer, just kept going. “Which is why Falcone will go back to her. He’ll be the one to protect her and watch her, wait for her memory to refresh itself.”

“What? No!” I roared. My hands itched to clock my brother over the head a few times more. But Falcone and Connor still had hold of me.

Falcone cleared his throat. “Under the circumstances, I think it may be best if Dean did go to her house.”

Grinning at my brother, I nodded, thinking fast. “This aggression may ease if I’m around her.”

Connor and Falcone released my arms and stepped away. I kept my eyes on Warren, and we all turned toward him. He was our leader. He was War. When he instructed, we listened.

“No,” he snapped.

Most times we listened.

“Fuck you,” I yelled.

“Brother,” Connor started. I turned toward him. “This is all new for you, but it’s also for all of us. How about you just see how it goes for one night. If the
”—he smirked—“to go to her, to protect her gets stronger, then I say go to her. But be gentle. You could freak her out more than she already is. For now, brother, let us protect her
for you
. Falcone will stay inside. I’ll even stay outside so you know my good looks and amazing personality won’t sway her to my bed.” I growled. “I’m kidding. I’m kidding.” He waved his hand in front of him. “One night, brother. One night where you and angry boss man here can go out and get some answers, and we’ll defend your girl with our lives.”

I turned my head slightly to the side, my questioning gaze landing on Warren. He shrugged and answered, “One night may be all we need.”


Fight to go to her

Christ. I wanted to. I wanted to take them all out just so I could go to her. Shaking my head, I knew I had to give this a try, not just for my brothers, or for her even, but for the humans out there who could easily be destroyed by Kayne. With my jaw clenched, I hissed through my teeth, “Fine. One night, but
stay away from her, Con.”

“I will, Scout’s honor.” His raised two fingers to his forehead in a salute.

BOOK: Death eBook 9.8.16
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