Deceit of Angels (45 page)

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Authors: Julia Bell

BOOK: Deceit of Angels
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that so?  A judge can’t bar me from seeing my own child.”

would if I spoke up and told him what you did.”

He gave
a mischievous wink.  “Ah, but you won’t do that, will you?”

sat at her desk for a long time after he had left.  She would have to talk to
Nigel, surely her husband couldn’t intrude into her life and make a nuisance of
himself?  Then she remembered that Dave was her ex-husband by only twenty-four
hours and he was still causing trouble.  But the baby was Jason’s she knew that
for certain, she felt it.  Suddenly she remembered the wedding reception and
hurried into the ballroom.

arrived just as the guests were leaving and had to stand aside as they spilled
out of the main door.  One exuberant lady emptied the remnants of her confetti
box over him and when he finally entered the hall, he was brushing it from his
hair and clothing.

what they’re doing!  What a chuffing mess!” said Fran in disgust.  “They’ve
been told to get that biological stuff, but do they listen?  And then I’ve got
to sweep it all up.”

Anna?” he said, grinning.

she’s in the library.  Must be worn out, poor lamb.”

    He had to
admit that she was right.  Although Anna was in the best of health, she looked
very tired and there were shadows under her eyes.

don’t you go upstairs and lie down?” he suggested.

just got to finish off here first,” she said, looking down at the pile of

would have none of it and gently helped her to her feet.  “Lie down for an hour
and then I’ll bring you a cup of tea.”

put her arms round him.  She had already decided that she must tell him about
Dave’s visit and his threats to her, but not at the moment.

But just for an hour, then you must wake me.”

climbed the stairs with relief and once on her bed, fell into a dreamless
sleep.  The hour flew past and soon Jason was there with the promised cup of tea.

patted the mattress.  “Come and lie down beside me,” she whispered, shuffling
over to give him some room.

first Jason was surprised, as they hadn’t done that for a long time.  But the
invitation was very welcome and he made himself comfortable beside her.

been talking to Mother,” he said as he kissed her.  “She’s absolutely overjoyed
about this baby of ours.  She wants a grandson.”

know,” laughed Anna.  “She’s convinced it’s a boy.  I hope she’s not
disappointed if it turns out to be a girl.”

be delighted whatever the sex of the baby.”  He thought for a moment.  “I’m
going to have to tell the others soon.  And Hollie will need to know about her
little brother or sister.”

smiled mischievously.  “Would you like to see a photo and then you can decide
for yourself whether it’s a boy or girl.”

turned to face her.  “A photo?”

in the bedside table.”

rolled over, opened the small drawer and took out the scan picture.

This is him or her?” 

smiled at his enthusiasm.  “Your mum thinks it’s a boy because he’s punching
the air like you did at sports day after you’d won an event.”          

frowned.  “I don’t remember doing that.”

a mother always remembers.”

smile appeared again.  “He’s beautiful,” he murmured.  “I wish I’d been with
you when you had this done.”

came with me.  She’s been absolutely wonderful.  But there again she doesn’t
know that…” For the first time in months, Anna felt tears stinging her eyes.

noticed.  “Hey, this won’t do!”  He gathered her up in his arms.  “This baby is
mine.  I just know it.”

really hope so.”

no doubt about it.”  He gently stroked her stomach.  “This baby will have my
name and when you’re ready I want us to marry.  Then we’ll be a family.”

looked at him; her eyes filled this time with happy tears.  “Then you’d better
tell Hollie so we can buy her a bridesmaid dress.”


Anna knew she
should have told Jason that her ex-husband had visited the Grange and
threatened her.  And she had meant to when she had invited him to lie down
beside her.  But his sweet endearments and his tender kisses had proved too
much for her.  She just couldn’t spoil the moment or the absolute joy of
planning for their future once more.  She decided to tell him after dinner but
the evening had been so wonderful that she let the opportunity pass.

tossed and turned restlessly.  She had fallen asleep almost straight away but
then had awakened with a start.  Glancing at the clock she realised it was only
two o’clock.  Anna grimaced and remembered that this was nature’s way of
preparing her for all the nightly feeds.  It would be strange coping with a
small baby again.  She had really thought that her childbearing days were
over.  Anna rolled onto her side and still not able to get comfortable finally
slipped out of bed and walked across to the window.  She drew back the curtains
and let in the bright moonlight that filled the room with a silvery sheen. 
Then she wondered if Jason was awake too.

to hold back her giggles, she tiptoed down the corridor and up the short flight
of stairs.  She turned the handle gently and entered the room that seemed in
complete darkness.  As her eyes became used to the gloom, she saw him lying
peacefully asleep and hesitated for a moment.  But then closing the door
silently, she hurried across the carpet and climbed into bed beside him.

was strange feeling him close like this.  He was lying on his back and as she
watched him she remembered all the nights she had missed this closeness.  She
felt safe with him and lying next to him she felt that nothing and nobody in
the world could harm her.  Anna placed her hand on his chest stroking his bare
skin.  Her hand floated over his stomach and she felt it ripple under her
touch.  Her fingers drifted lower and he gave a low moan, hardening
immediately. This was very naughty of her, she thought mischievously, she
really ought to let him sleep.   

eyes flickered open and he gave a gasp.  “Who’s that?”

sniffed indignantly.  “Should I be offended at that question?”

reached out and switched on the light.  “Good God!  What are you doing here?”

pulled a face.  “I was sleep walking and when I woke up I found myself in your

smiled and pulled her closer.  “And in my bed it seems.”

cuddled down against him.  “I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep.”

you thought you’d wake me up too.”

your baby keeping me awake.”

adjusted his position.  “Well, you’re very welcome.”

don’t mind me sharing your bed tonight?”  He raised himself up on his elbow and
his eyes flickered over her rounded shape.  She noticed and suddenly felt
embarrassed.  “That’s unless you find me very ugly and repulsive.  In which
case, I’ll go back to my own room.”

tried to sit up, but he gently pressed her back against the pillows.  “There’s
something very erotic about a pregnant woman,” he smiled.  Slipping his hand
under the covers, he caressed her over her nightdress, passing tenderly over
her breasts until he reached the new life growing within her.  “I’ve imagined
being with you every single day,” he murmured against her ear.

thought he would die from happiness, that his heart would burst.  Life was
about giving and loving and everything he and Anna shared.  And seeing Anna
smile up at him was all he wanted.  They enclosed each other in their arms and
for what seemed a long time they didn’t speak.  They were content to kiss and
caress, allowing the tender enjoyment of their lovemaking to linger for as long
as it could.   


They stared at
him in surprise hardly believing what he had just told them.  For the last
month they had steeled themselves for meeting the new lady in his life and
instead they were hearing something completely different.

Anna you’re seeing?”  said Ben incredulously.

nodded.  “Yes, she been living at the Grange with my mother.”

come you didn’t bump into her when you visited?” said Mrs Wilby.

let out a breath.  “She didn’t want me to know she was there.”

she playing hide and seek?” chimed in Hollie, her dark eyes sparkling with

sweetie.  I guess she was.”

jumped up and danced round the kitchen.  “Yes, yes, yes.  Anna’s coming back! 
Anna’s coming back!”

tried to stem her exuberance.  “I’m not sure about that.  At least we’ve not
discussed it.”

took her seat a little more subdued.  “But this is her home, Daddy.  She has to
come home.”

she’s working for Grandma Harrington planning the weddings and she’s very busy
at the moment.”

gave a chuckle.  “Planning the weddings.  That would suit her.”

when will she be unbusy?” Hollie was determined to keep to the point.

decided to divert her attention.  “We’ll be visiting the Grange in August as
usual and then you’ll see her again.”

seemed to pacify her.  “That’ll be nice.”  She jumped down from her chair. 
“I’m going to play in my Wendy house.”

was glad when the adults were left alone, now he could tell them the rest of
his news.

there’s a little more to it.”

thought so,” said Mrs Wilby.  “I could tell by the look on your face you hadn’t
told us the whole story.”

cleared his throat.  “Anna’s expecting a baby in early September.”

news was like a bombshell and at first they didn’t know how to answer.  Jason
prayed that they would assume the obvious and not ask any questions.  And he
breathed a sigh of relief when they did just that. 

Wilby gave him a hug and Ben shook his hand.  “Congratulations,” he said and
then added, “Although I’m rather disappointed that we can’t get rid of old
misery drawers!”

gave a laugh.  “Sorry, but you’ll have to put up with her for the foreseeable


Anna adjusted
her position.  She was seven months pregnant and for the last week, the baby
had insisted on kicking her beneath her rib cage.  The only relief she could
get was by pressing her hand over the place and stopping her ribs from moving
up and down with the tiny punches.

waiter suddenly appeared.

you like a cushion?  You could put it behind your back.”

smiled and took it from him.  “That’s so kind.  I’m waiting for my fiancé but
he’s a bit late.”  The waiter nodded in sympathy.

appointment at the hospital had gone well and she and Jason had agreed to meet
up at the restaurant for lunch.  She was waiting for him at one of the small
tables by the bar and had already received a call on her mobile to say he would
be another ten minutes.  But sitting on the hard chair was causing her

see you’re pregnant,” said a husky voice behind her.

turned to see Deborah smiling at her.  But the smile looked false like one a
snake might give before devouring its prey.

I’m due in two months.”

the father?”

was caught off guard.  “Jason, of course.”

I was told that your husband, or should I say, your ex-husband could be the

suddenly began to feel faint.  “Who told you that?” she whispered.

have my sources.  Does Jason know that he might not be the father?”

didn’t want to answer.  “He is the father,” she said quietly.

smile widened when she saw Jason coming towards them.  Anna rose to her feet
and he put his arm round her, his face showing concern that Deborah and Anna
were alone together, like an angel and a demon. 

I’m late, sweetheart.”  He turned to Deborah.  “Hello Deborah.  Are you eating

lunch, but just leaving.”  She glanced towards Anna.  “Congratulations.  I see
you’re going to be a father again.”

you, but we must go.  Our table is booked for one o’clock.”  He quickly guided
Anna away.  Deborah watched them for a few seconds. 

haven’t finished with you two yet,” she murmured.


Anna was acutely
aware that she had kept many secrets from Jason in the past, but Deborah’s
remarks to her in the restaurant, could not be ignored.  And so Anna decided to
tell him about it.

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