Deceived (8 page)

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Authors: Camilla Isles

BOOK: Deceived
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Chapter Seventeen



The Hell Hounds clubhouse was an abandoned building eight miles from town. The Hounds didn’t have a nice warehouse to store their goods or a tavern to let loose in like the KOBMC. But they were coming into their own when they started dealing cocaine.


So far, the club had used the money to buy all new Harleys for the members and fixing up the abandoned building, adding furniture and hooking up running water and electricity. It was a far cry from a year ago when the members only rode crotch rockets and were scraping by selling hot auto parts.


When Zane took over as president, the Hounds discovered new growth and more money coming in than they could ever imagine. Zane was a no nonsense type of leader however. He had no trouble cracking heads, whether it was someone on the street giving him lip or one of his own. He didn’t tolerate dissension and he would make damn sure his men understood that whether he had to beat them into submission or burn their balls with a lighted cigarette.


So it was no problem for him to cut the girl’s face the other night. Three of his men grabbed her outside the Tavern. He told them he didn’t care which of the bitches they got; it didn’t matter to him, as any would do. When they brought him to her, she was out cold. Once they got her in the van, one of the members clocked her to shut her up. It did the trick.
, Zane had thought. I don’t have to hear the bitch scream while I carve her up.


So he went to work, slicing through the delicate skin. He was impressed with his handy work as blood dripped down her face and onto her red blouse. When he was finished, he told his men to take her back to the Tavern so the KOB could admire his work as well.


This should keep them from messing with me
he thought as he sat in their clubhouse with three of his men. The rest of the Hounds, about five of them, were on a run. He would need to do more recruiting soon if his missing guys didn’t show up.


Even if they weren’t responsible for his missing men, he took pleasure in slicing up the bitch, he thought to himself. The KOBMC is just a bunch of pussies anyway.


This was one of the last thoughts he would have before the bullet punctured his lung.






Lexi worked through lunch and finished her reports around 5pm. She couldn’t believe Carl hadn’t come back at some point, but she was glad he hadn’t. It allowed her to catch up on her work and fortunately it had taken her mind off the fact Carl was around.


Lexi decided to call it quits for the day. If Carl wanted to see the reports, he’d have to wait until tomorrow when she was back in the office. Lexi’s back ached from sitting too long in her chair. All she wanted to do was to take a nice long bath and sip a glass of wine.


Lexi walked into the restaurant’s kitchen to speak to Raul, the cook.

“Raul, I’m leaving. If Carl Richards comes back looking for me, tell him I’ll see him tomorrow, but that the reports are done.”

“Can do Momma. Have a good evening.”

“I plan to Raul. See you tomorrow.”


Lexi headed for home. She couldn’t wait to see Eli this evening and feel his strong hands working out the kinks in her shoulders. She might tell him about Carl tonight. She hadn’t decided yet. But circumstances beyond her control would give her no choice.






Rose slipped out the back of the warehouse so Dog wouldn’t see her. Her vehicle was still in the Tavern’s parking lot where it had remained since she was abducted and brutally disfigured. She stealthily got behind the wheel and drove out of the lot before any of the KOBMC could see her. She had a job to do and she didn’t want any interference.


It hurt to leave, knowing in all likelihood she’d never see the Tavern or the people she’d come to love again. Tears stung at the still fresh cuts on her face. She’d removed the bandages, wanting to ensure her wounds were the last thing they’d see on this earth. The two pistols and cartridges of ammo lay on the car seat next to her. One of the members had taken her to a shooting range a few times about a year ago. He remarked on good a shot she was. Rose liked how the gun felt in her hand and the power it instilled in her. Now she was ready to put her skill to work.


She knew where the Hell Hounds clubhouse was located. Most people knew and kept their distance. Not a difficult thing to do since it was located far out of town without any nearby neighbors, just the way the Hounds wanted it.


Rose parked her vehicle past the building about half a mile. She pulled into a wooded area where her car wouldn’t be seen from the roadway. Rose loaded the cartridges into the guns and made sure the safety switch was off.


She walked towards the building, making sure to stay at least 20 feet from the road in case she needed to duck out of sight. Once she got near the building, she scoped it out. There were four Harleys parked in front so that meant approximately 6 or 7 were gone. Fuck! Rose wanted the entire crew there, but she knew they probably wouldn’t all show up until dark and she was in too much pain to wait that long.


However, the main person she wanted was there. She could tell Zane’s bike anywhere. His had the skull and crossbones painted on the Harley’s gas tank. HE was here and that made up for the other missing club members.


Rose took a deep breath, trying to calm the hammering in her chest. She didn’t want her nerves to mess up any shots. She knew she wouldn’t leave alive, and she had resigned herself to that hard truth. Now if her heart would just oblige. She took a couple more deep breaths and her heart rate lowered.
, she thought.
Let’s do this


First, she listened to ensure no other bikes were coming down the road. Then she climbed the front concrete stoop that run the length of the building. She peeked in the dirty window. It was hard to make out, but she saw the backs of two men that were sitting at the makeshift bar. Tables and chairs filled the rest of the room, with one long table located on the very right. At the end of the long table sat Zane. He wasn’t doing anything, just staring off into space in deep thought she guessed.
Where’s the other one
, she thought. She waited another minute, continuing to peek inside the window, hoping the fourth guy would show up.
He’s probably in the shitter
, Rose thought disgustedly. Then she heard voices. She peeked in once more and saw the fourth man walk up to the two men sitting at the bar. She looked over at Zane; he ignored the men and simply sat there.


Rose gripped the guns, one in each hand. They felt good; strong and powerful. It was time for her vengeance and the only thing she hoped for was a quick death.


She walked in front of the window. Nobody from the inside noticed her shadow as she did so. The next few seconds were a blur as Rose entered the front entrance and immediately started shooting. She knew exactly where each man was and where to aim. With her right arm, she aimed towards Zane and with her left towards the three men grouped together. Through the smoke of the gunfire she saw Zane slump so she turned that gun towards the other three. Before she knew it, her ammo was spent, although she kept pushing the trigger.


Rose stood perfectly still. The quiet in the room was deafening after the earsplitting gunshots. She waited as the smoke drifted lazily towards the ceiling. Finally, she made out the three men clustered on the floor. Blood was oozing out onto the floor from multiple wounds. She had aimed down to hit their chests or backs, larger targets she thought, but she hadn’t accounted for the steps leading down into the main room. So instead, the bullets had entered through the heads of two of the men, and the neck of the other. They were all three dead almost instantly.


Then she heard a gasp. She turned immediately towards Zane, pointing the empty guns at him. His head lay on the table and he was looking straight at her. He was attempting to get his gun in his pants, but was too weak. Blood leaked from his mouth and onto the table. Rose had shot him in the lung and he was suffocating to death.


Rose walked over and removed the gun from his pants.

“Looking for this?” Rose said.


“You’re dead bitch,” Zane gasped.


“Well here’s the kicker. Unlike you, I don’t care if I die or not. So I figured, why not just take some Hounds along with me? And guess what, I got the biggest Hound of all.” Rose swung the business end of the gun in Zane’s face.


“I’m glad I cut you.” Zane sputtered blood as he tried to talk. “I only wish I had murdered you instead.”


“Well you know what they say; hindsight is always 20/20. But here’s the thing. You didn’t kill me. Instead, you left your mark on me for everyone to see. So I’m going to return the favor in kind.”


“Stupid cunt bitch!”


“Oh now, is that any way to talk?” Rose said as she removed a pocketknife from her jean’s pocket.


She pulled his head up by his hair and started carving her initials on his cheek. Zane started gasping and moving violently in the chair. Rose let go of his head, which fell back onto the table. She didn’t have the stomach to do it anyway. Shooting someone; that she could do. But the needless carving. Fuck it. She put Zane’s gun to his head and pulled the trigger.


Rose stood back and looked around. She hadn’t planned on living through this blood bath, but she had. The thought of ending her life by her own hand crossed her mind, but she couldn’t do it. It was then she realized, scarred or not, she did want to live. Suddenly her heart rate shot up and she felt almost faint.

Get it together
, she thought.


Rose climbed the steps to go back out the front entrance. The door had remained open during the shooting spree. She peered out and listened for any motorcycles. When she heard none she ran to her car. She still had the guns, even Zane’s, and threw them on the front seat. She felt nauseous but she told herself she’d puke later. Key in the ignition and the engine purred. She backed out onto the road and hoped she wouldn’t pass any of the remaining Hell Hounds down the road. She lucked out. Not one Harley did she pass.






Chapter Eighteen



Lexi relaxed in her soaking tub, allowing the warmth of the water to permeate her tired muscles. She lay with her head on a towel and a wine glass on the edge of the tub, taking sips from time to time. She needed this. Some time alone so she could think without being bombarded with reports and the presence of Carl Richards. Her eyes closed, she drank in the tranquility of a quiet house and how warm the wine felt going down her throat.


Suddenly her cell phone tinkled. She dried off her hands with a nearby towel and reached down to pick it off the floor where she had laid it. It was Eli.


“Hello handsome. I’m laying here naked in a tub. Where are you?”

“Sounds like I should be there,” he chuckled. “Now you’re getting me all hot and hard with that statement.”


“Then you better hurry because the water’s getting cold.”


“Wish I could darlin, but we’re running a bit late. The guys and I just finished up with the shipment and need to head back to the club. I should be there in a few hours or less.”

“Okay, if it has to be that way I think I can wait,” she said with a smile.

“I love you,” Eli said.


Lexi’s heart jumped. He had never said that before. While he said it for the first time over the phone and not face to face, she took that as Eli’s vulnerability. He had to be strong for his club, but she was glad he felt close enough to her to show his weaker and less self-assured side to her.

“I love you too Eli,” she said.


There was a slight pause, like a sigh of relief, and then Eli said, “Okay babe, I’ll see you in a bit.”

He sounded so upbeat
Lexi thought as she hung up the phone. She couldn’t wait to see him.


By this time, the water was cool so she pulled the drain and got out of the tub. She dried off, lathering her body with a lavender smelling lotion. She put a housecoat over her naked body.
No sense in putting on too many clothes since I’ll be shedding them quickly when Eli gets here
, she thought.


Lexi poured herself another glass of wine and sat down in the living room to browse through a magazine. After about 20 minutes, a knock came at the door.


“Wow, that was fast,” she said as she opened the door without looking out the peephole. She expected Eli, but was surprised to find a drunken Carl Richards holding her reports in his hand.






Dog was busy most of the day in the Tavern, cleaning and taking inventory of the various wines, beer, and alcohol. He wanted to check on Rose, but thought it better to leave her be after what happened that morning. He felt bad for her, what she had gone through because of the club. It wasn’t fair. She didn’t ask for this. Sure, she could be a bitch from time to time, but he knew under that tough exterior was a soft heart that just wanted to be loved.


Once I get this inventory done I’ll check in on her
, he thought. A few customers had dribbled in, the regulars, and most of the club members were out. Dog thought he could slip away and see how she was. But he wouldn’t have to, because at that moment she walked through the front entrance of the Tavern.


Rose wasn’t wearing her bandages so the two red H’s shown like beacons on her porcelain cheeks. She looked haggard, like she was ready to faint. Dog ran over to her and grabbed her around the waist.

“Rose, where have you been?” Dog asked in a concerned voice. “Come here and sit down.”

He led her to a table where he sat down next to her and held her hands.


“What’s going on Rose?”

“I did something,” she whispered.

“What did you do Rose?”

“I killed Zane.”


Dog looked at her not sure whether to believe her or not. He knew Alice had given her some drugs for the pain a day ago, but he wasn’t sure if she was still on them or not.


He grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

“Let’s go back to the warehouse where we’ll have more privacy.”

She followed him out the door from the Tavern and into the warehouse.


“What do you mean you killed Zane Rose?”

“Just what I said. I killed him and three of his men for what they did to me.”


Dog was still trying to wrap his brain around what she was telling him. She seemed lucid, not spaced out, but strangely calm.


“I don’t understand Rose, how could you have killed Zane and three of his men?”


“With the guns and ammo I found here in the warehouse. Here, I’ll show you,” she said as she walked towards the back of the warehouse where the box of guns lay. Dog followed her as she led him to the rear of the warehouse. He looked at the opened wood box with the tarp laid to the side.


“I took the guns from here and the ammo from over there,” she said pointing towards another box. Dog looked dumbfounded. There was security on the warehouse along with an alarm. But the club never thought that one of their own would partake of the weapons hidden there.


“Where are the guns now Rose?”

“In my car. I also have Zane’s gun.”


Dog grabbed Rose’s hand and walked to the parking lot. He wasn’t about to let her out of his sight again.


He looked inside her vehicle and sure enough, there laid three guns. Two of them were from the warehouse, and the other was a .45.

“Fuck me,” Dog said. He grabbed the guns and led Rose back into the warehouse.

“I need to call Eli,” he said.






“What the hell Carl?” Lexi was so startled to see the disheveled man she didn’t hold back. “What is wrong with you?”


“I wanted to go over the reports with you,” he slurred. He burst by Lexi into the house.

“Well gee, come on in then,” Lexi said with a sarcastic tone.

“Sit down while I go change.”


“Do you have anything to drink?” Carl asked as he plopped down on the sofa.

“I think you’ve had quite enough,” Lexi yelled from the bedroom. “How did you get here? You didn’t drive did you?”

“Of course not. I took a cab.”

“How did you know where I lived?” Lexi asked as she pulled on an oversized t-shirt along with her jeans.

“Company records.”

Shit! Yep that’s how he got it
Lexi thought.


Lexi walked out of the bedroom and confronted Carl.

“You’re drunk. There’s no way we can go through the reports with you like this.”


“We could find something else to occupy our time,” Carl said with a devilish grin.

“In your dreams Carl. I’m calling you another cab,” Lexi said as she reached for the phone.


“No, not yet,” Carl pleaded. “Sit down and let’s talk. I think we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot and I want to work things out.” He talked slow and slurred his words making it difficult to make out what he was saying, but Lexi got the gist of it. She was afraid he’d pass out any minute and she didn’t want that.


“How about I make a pot of coffee and we can talk?” Lexi thought it would sober him up enough to get him out before Eli came.


“Okay,” he muttered.

Lexi headed into the kitchen to put on the coffee.




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