December (The Page Sisters Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: December (The Page Sisters Book 1)
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A smile spreads across my face when I cuddle closer and my knee brushes his hard-on.

He releases a heavy grunt, shaking slightly. “Stop while you’re ahead, December.”

“What are you going to do?”

Danny press his warm firm lips to my ear. “I’ll make you ache more, but I won’t let you come. Then I’ll play with you using my tongue and fingers. And that, my bad little kitty, will be frustrating.”

Biting my bottom lip, I graze his hardness again. “That sounds fun.”

“I can promise you the after effects won’t be,” he says, pressing my arms into the mattress and using his knee to spread my legs.
























Danny feeds me breakfast in bed. I’m relieved that I didn’t wake up with a hangover from hell. I believe this is because of Danny. He takes good care of me. That’s something I can admit without hesitation. He’s been taking of me for most of my life. He’s everything I need him to be at one point in my life. Danny’s been my friend, my brother, and something like a father. Now he’s my lover.

He feeds me a slice of apple as I slip my ring finger into the golden band around my neck. It doesn’t fit. The band is too big.

“Why don’t you want to get it resized?”

His brown retinas stare at me. “There’s no need.”

“But look,”–I lift my finger up to his face, showing him the ring is just too big–“it doesn’t fit at all. We should get it resized.”


My brows furrow and I frown at him. “Fine. Whatever.”

“We have a lot to discuss,” he says, feeding me another slice of crisp green apple.

“Okay. Where do you want to start?”

“Why did you feel the need to lie to me the night I took your virginity?”

I stare at his magnetic eyes for a moment, then turn to look at flurries freely falling everywhere, coating the tall green pines in sugar-white snow and the vivid pink-orange sunrise streaking the vast sky. “I wanted to hurt you, I guess. Time and time again I’ve been at your mercy. I wanted you to feel pain this time. I wanted you hurt and vulnerable. I wanted to give you a taste of what I had to live with for years. I wanted the power this time. So I took it and used it.”

He cups my chin, directing my gaze to his. “I never imagined your first time like that. It did hurt me. It nearly killed me.”

“Why did you leave me after?”

“I didn’t know what else to do,” he confesses quietly. “I was going to lose my mind if I stayed any longer. You have this relentless power to get under my skin and soak into my bones. Though, you use your powers to prolong my suffering, there’s not a thing I would change about you. I only hate when I stare into those pretty brown eyes, a scorn woman stares back at me. I never wanted you to be like that, December.”

“I don’t understand you sometimes,” I whisper as he traces my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb.

“Ask me anything you want. I’ll answer as honestly as I can.”

“Why do you keep Piper between us? I don’t understand it. You sleep with her on my sixteenth birthday. You tell her goodbye when you’re deployed. And you leave me hanging both times.”

He sets the tray of food on the bedside table, then runs his fingers through his messy hair. “Piper,” he begins, “she’s a sore subject. But I don’t want to shy away from it. Piper has sacrificed herself each and every time. She’s done a lot for me and Josh.”

“So why did she divorce you?”

His eyes are bleak before he blinks it away. “She didn’t want to burden me.”

My expression is utterly perplexed. “Burden you how?”

“There is another side of this story you need to make sense of it all,” he replies quietly. “You need Piper’s side.”

“I don’t get it. Why can’t you just tell me her side?”

“Because you need to hear it from her,” he answers. “As much as I want to tell you everything about Piper and me, I can’t. I can’t tell you what you wish to know because it isn’t mine to share.”

“Fine,” I mutter, getting frustrated. “I’ll just ask her.”

He gives me a tender smile. “Good. I’m sure she’ll give you all the answers you’re looking for.”

“Right,” I mumble, lifting a brow at him. “So how long have you been without sex?”

“Since you’re sixteenth birthday,” he says without irony or any playful indication.  

My jaw just about hits the floor. I can’t compose my shocked expression. “You haven’t had sex in six years?”

He rubs his hand over his beard. “Yeah. Since you, it’s been years.”

“So that’s why you where horny when you came home?”

Danny laughs, smiling hard. “I’m a man, December. I’ll always be horny. But you can say my sexual arousal level was amplified when I got home and saw you. You have a wicked little body, December. You’re all tits and ass and legs. You have a lot of hair, which I love. All I could think about was dragging you down to the ground and marking you like a wild animal.”

“Dirty. I like it,” I say, laughing when he pulls me close to his chest and begins to lick and bite at my neck like the wolf he is.

“I had a feeling you would.”

Reaching up, I stroke his beauty mark. “How do you spend your days? You got pissed when I implied I worked hard and you didn’t.”

“I was wondering how long it was going to be before you asked,” he says, grinning down at me. “I own a studio where I teach underprivileged teens hand-to-hand combat. I also help them with homework. You know how good I am with that.”

“Do I ever,” I say, leaning in to kiss his happy accident. “I feel like shit now. There’s a whole side of you that I don’t know. What you do is amazing.”

“I try,” he says humbled. “My brothers help out a lot. We feed them five days out of the week. I send them backpacks full of food on Fridays to get them through the weekend. I love my boys. You should come and see them in action.”

“I’m so down,” I squeal in glee. “I want to help, too. What can I do?”

Danny pounders this for a moment. “They all could use a good female presence in their lives, but I’m sure some of my boys like animals. You can show them around the Sanctuary. They’ll love that.”

“Oh, Mia and I can give them a private tour and we can have a pizza party after.”

He aims his brilliant smile at me and it’s dazzling.

“Now that we’re less complicated, do you want to shower together?” I ask, straddling him and entwining our fingers together as I lift his hands above his head. “I can wash you and you can wash me.”

“That sounds like my kind of mornings.”







The Oliver and Page clan play a game of cards. We’re once again in Miles’s and May’s cabin. They have the best cabin, so we take advantage of it. I’m mellowed out and content in this moment and I haven’t even touched a drop of alcohol.

Gray and January can’t seem to take their hands off each other. Miles and May have been affectionate, passing kisses and embraces all night. Jarvis and July is different story. He glares at her whenever their gaze meets. She ignores him, but then looks at him longingly when he isn’t aware of her eyes on him. Jarvis is hot and cold towards July. He’s insanely protective of her, yet doesn’t want her. I’m confused by his actions and I can only imagine how July feels.

I shift on Danny’s lap because he’s grown hard under me.

His hands grip my hips with punishing force. “Stop moving.”

“I can’t help it,” I whisper. “Your boner is poking me.”

“Can’t help that, either,” he whispers back. “You smell mouthwatering and your ass in my lap.”

“Want a quickie in the bathroom?” I suggest, squirming purposely. 

“I’m going to be upset if we lose this game because of you and there is no telling how far I’ll go for revenge.” He bites me behind my ear and I jump, stifling a moan. “Concentrate.”


I try hard to focus but fail in doing so.

We lose the game of spades.

Oh, well.

I’ll just have to live with Danny’s retribution.








Danny age twenty-five

December age sixteen






  Finally I’m sixteen. Today is the day I’ve been waiting for. I’m sixteen years old. I can hardly believe it now that my birthday is here. Danny has the entire day planned out. Thank God it’s Saturday and not a weekday. That means I won’t spend my birthday like I did last year—doing homework. That was depressing.

A box wrapped in silver wrapping paper sits on the middle of my bed. It was waiting here when I got home from the Lazy Ville Sanctuary. I approach the box warily. Danny hasn’t told me much of anything. I don’t know what he has planned. Lifting the lid, I feel inside. It’s a zebra beanie with a smooth small white card that has Danny’s bold handwriting slashed across it.


Here’s a special hat for my little lady.

I met you when I did because of the zebras.

We owe the zebras.

Meet me in your favorite place at six.

And wear this hat.



My gaze slides to the blue clock on my wall. It’s five-forty. It takes twenty minutes to get there. “Mom, I need you to drop me off at the Sanctuary,” I say through a massive smile that takes over my face. I stuff the note in my jean pocket and put on the hat. The hat fits perfectly. The ride to the Lazy Ville Sanctuary is relatively short.  I spend most of the time, gazing at the snow covered streets, daydreaming about Danny.

When the vehicle stops, I barely tell my mom bye. Once my feet are earth bound, I’m one way, running. I run inside the building, past the entrance where two employees are smiling like they know what’s waiting for me.

I’m running as fast as my feet carry me. I’m running to something. I’m running to Danny. My lungs are about to burst when I skid to a stop.

Danny stands in front of the enclosed zebra exhibit. A hand is shoved into the pocket of his dark jeans. Danny made the effort to dress up in a nice navy blazer and white button-down shirt. His gaze is directed at the thick plated glass and what’s happening behind it. He’s watching the zebras.

I wipe at the wetness on my face as I take slow steps towards him. He turns to face me, smiling like it’s the first time he’s seen me in years. His smile is dazzling and as white as the snow outside. I hook an arm around his waist and collapse against his strong body. He holds me tight against him when I begin to cry. My entire body is shaking from the force of my sobbing.

“What’s up with all those tears? Huh?” he asks, gently stroking my back.

“I thought you weren’t going to be here,” I mumble into his chest, pressing my face into his nice shirt to hide my tears.

He has to wrench me back from him. I don’t pull away without a struggle. Danny cradles my face with both of his hands. He tips my chin so he can look into my watery eyes. Danny has the most spectacular brown eyes I’ve ever seen. I love his irises because they’re able to penetrate through my shell and see down into my soul.

“Why wouldn’t I be here? I’m not going anywhere. There’s no place I’d rather be, December.”

“I thought you would leave me because I’m late,” I sniff, wiping at my nose.

“I’m never going to leave you. I won’t be the man that ever hurts you, December. Not ever,” he vows solemnly.

I break free of his hold, swinging my arms around him to embrace him with urgency I’ve never felt. “I don’t know why, but it felt like I was losing you. It felt like I had to cross an ocean just reach you. I thought you would disappear, like I was one second away from losing you.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he assures. “I’m never going anywhere. But if I had to, I know you’d cross an ocean for me. And I’d cross a desert for you. Nothing will ever keep me away from you, December. Do you believe me?”

I nod against his shoulder, my eyes still leaking.

“Then have some faith in me,” he whispers in pleading tone. “Stop with the tears, little lady. You haven’t lost me. I’m right here with you.”


He takes my hand in his. “Let’s eat.”

“Eat?” I ask, rubbing my eyes.

“Yes. I have dinner for you,” Danny replies, leading me to a candlelit table with dinner already laid out. He pulls my chair out and everything. I sit and stare down at my plate. We’re eating pizza. I love pizza.

When I reach for a slice of pizza, Danny slaps my hand away and picks it up to feed it to me. Oh my God. He’s feeding me, like, hand feeding me. I can’t stop smiling.

“I know you’ve had a lot of questions and I’m to answer them.” His brown eyes are radiant from the yellow flames of the flickering candles. “So ask me.”

“Is Piper your wife?”

“No,” he says simply. “She’s my ex-wife.”

“Do you love her?”

His brown eyes flicker over my face, watching me carefully. “Once I love someone, I never stop.”


He still loves her.

My entire face frowns.

Danny pinches my nose and feeds me a slice of pizza. I obediently take a bite and then sit back in my chair.

“Do you love me?” I ask blatantly, looking into his eyes.

“I do,” he answers bluntly. “I’ve loved you since I saw you, December.”

“I love you, too.”

“I know,” he says through a smug grin.

Leaning over the table, I stare at his mouth with an urgent need to kiss those lips. “Why can’t we be together then? You and I make sense. We’re perfect together.”

Danny leans over the table as well, meeting me half way. We’re nose to nose and our lips are less than a breath away. “You know why, if it wasn’t for the age difference I would take your virginity right here on this table. But since there is a very big age difference, I need you to sit back and be Danny's good girl.”

I shiver from the rumble of his voice and the intensity in his deep brown eyes. Danny feeds me until I'm full. All I can do is look at him. Danny is the most beautiful man I've ever known. I want to touch his stunning face and kiss his luscious lips. I want to become familiar with his beauty in every way imaginable.

“I’ve a gift for you, but you have to promise me something first, December.”


He stares deeply into my eyes, his alluring gaze penetrating the depths of my soul. “I want you to promise yourself to me.”

My breath leaves me and my heart slams painfully against my ribcage. “You want my virginity?”

He doesn’t smile when he says, “Absolutely.”

I try to mask my excitement and play it cool. “If I give you my virginity, then I want something in return. What do I get?”


“I want all of you.”

Danny’s brown eyes darken into the color of a moonless night. “I vow to give you every part of me, December, even the not-so great parts. You can have it all, if you keep your promise.”

My fingers involuntarily clench the linen tablecloth as I stare into his hypnotizing gaze. “I vow to give you every part of me, Danny.”

His solemn expression softens. “Good.” He pulls a small black velvet box from his pocket, then slides it across the table.

I stare down at the box and then back at him, my stomach filled with butterflies. “What’s this?”

“A gift. Open it.”

With shaky hands, I lift the lid and peek inside. It’s a solid golden band. I can’t conceal my smile. “You got me a ring?”


My eyes become huge, my heart beating out of my chest. “Are you going to ask me to marry you?”

Danny smiles at me. “Not today.”

“Oh,” I say, looking down at the ring. I pick it up and slip on my ringer finger and frown. “It’s too big. It doesn’t fit.”

“Don’t worry about the size. I have something that’ll help.” He reaches up to unclasp a thin golden rope chain from his neck. “Here.” He hands me the necklace. “Loop the ring through it and wear it around your neck for now.”

After I thread the rope through the ring, Danny gets up to lift my hair and put the thin chain on me. Something as sure as fate and as inevitable as destiny locks into place once the ring hangs around my neck.

“What is this?” I ask him, squirming in the chair from the weight of the ring and intense look in his eyes. 

He sits back down and grins at me like he knows something I don’t. “What is what?”

“This feeling. I feel like you’ve just branded me for life with this ring.”

His dazzling grin broadens into a striking smile. “I have. As long as you have my ring around your neck, I am yours and you are mine.”

“We belong to each other?”

“Very much so.”

My stomach dips and I can’t stop smiling. “I like that.”

His eyes twinkle like dark gemstones. “Good.”

He reaches over the table to clasp my hand in his. We talk quietly and watch the zebras graze. Eating dinner with Danny inside the zoo and watching zebras feed is magical. This is the best day of my life. I don’t want this day to end.

An employee dressed like a waiter, brings out a stunning frosted colorful cake. The cake is lit with many burning candles. I’m immediately giddy with joy. Danny watches me blow out my candles and make a wish. I cut the first slice and scream in happiness. Inside the cake are many tiers. Each tier is a different color. Red. Orange. Yellow. Green. Blue. Purple. I have a rainbow cake.

I glance at him, then back at the incredible cake. “This is the gayest cake I’ve ever seen. I love it.”

“I had a feeling you would.”

“Tell me if it’s as good as it looks?” I say, forking up some and lifting it to his mouth.

He opens his mouth and presses his lips over the fork. I die at least twice watching his sensual mouth work as eats. His mouth is full. It’s like his lips are sculpted to be kissed and to kiss. I have never been more envious of a fork.

Danny nods. “It’s sweet.” He takes the fork away from my hand and scoops some more cake up. He holds the fork to my lips, grinning. “Try it.”

My heart thuds like thunder in my ears. Danny watches me intently as I eat from the same fork as him. He used this fork. And now I’m using it. It’s like kissing him.

“Thank for you today.”

He gives me a soft smile. “You’re welcome, little lady.”

His phone chirps. Danny pulls it from his pocket and then stares down at.

“I have to take this,” he says, keeping his distracted gaze on his phone as he rises from the table. “I’ll be back, December.”

The minutes are endless. I sit here alone at the table and watch the yellow flame of the candle burn. Once the all the wax is melted from the candle, I get up and search for Danny. He’s nowhere in the zoo. I exit to the parking lot.

His truck is gone.

Confused, I make my way back to the table. After a while I get bored and smash the half eaten slice of cake on my plate. Our fake waiters begin to clear the table. They box up my rainbow cake and set it in front of me.

I wait and wait and wait.

Deciding to finally get up to call my mom, I walk to the main lobby area. Gray comes through the doors, his golden eyes aimed at me.

A sickening feeling washes over me.

Is something wrong?

What happened to Danny?

“Let me guess. You’re here to take me home.”

He looks guilty. “Yeah. Let’s get you home.”






It’s nine at night. I sit in my room. My eyes dart to the house phone, hoping Danny rings. He doesn’t. Irritation spikes through my veins. Fuck him. It’s my birthday. I will not sit alone in my room, longing for him when he’s the one who left me. Tears burn in my eyes at the thought.

Danny left me.

Why would he do that?

It doesn’t make sense.

He has never left me.

Danny has never abandoned me.

But he did tonight.

After I wash my face, I get dressed and put on my zebra hat. If Danny doesn’t want to be with me on my birthday, I’ll be with someone who does.

My mom is asleep and my sisters are out. No one will miss me right now. Josh lives a few blocks over. He doesn’t live far, so I walk to his house. It’s a twenty minute walk. It’s snowing and cold, but the journey is worth it. I bring my boxed up cake Danny gave. I want to surprise Josh. We haven’t spent much time together lately. I miss him. We can play video games and eat cake for the rest of the night. Danny has no right to get mad at me whenever he finds out.

I’m smiling when I reach the front steps of his porch. The lights are on in the living room and the blinds are open. But I stop short. I don’t reach the door before my eyes land on Danny and Piper. They’re naked and sprawled out on the couch, the same couch I was on when I was drugged. He’s on top of her, between her legs, which are wrapped firmly around his hips.

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