Deception at Dark Hall (The Briony Martin Mystery Series) (9 page)

Read Deception at Dark Hall (The Briony Martin Mystery Series) Online

Authors: Stacey Coverstone

Tags: #mystery, #series, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Gothic, #novella

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“That’s one angle we’re looking at. It’s possible he was investigating her involvement in fraud—taking advantage of people financially—that sort of thing. One of my men turned up a couple of complaints from previous clients of Miss Dark’s, which involved money. Whealdon’s co-workers said he’d been working on a special project, but he kept hush-hush about it. The editor of the paper didn’t have any idea of what he was up to. He hadn’t given him an assignment involving Dark Hall. The co-workers only knew there was something Whealdon was anxious to shed light upon, and he hoped the exclusive would get him promoted.”

Paige stared at Daniel, but clamped her lips together. Briony could tell she wanted to shout
I told you so
to her brother-in-law.

“Maybe the sisters discovered he’d lied about his true intentions and they don’t like being lied to,” Montague said dryly. “If he wrote, or threatened to expose secrets about Dark Hall and the psychic—”

“Medium,” Daniel interrupted. “Sharlyn’s a medium, not a psychic. There’s a difference.”

Montague appear unimpressed. “Uh-huh. As I was saying, if the
feared negative attention or a police investigation into this so-called business of hers, she might have hired someone to shut Whealdon up for good. Or convinced her twin to plug him. I’ve heard twins have a bond that’s unique to other sibling relationships. Even a special language, in some cases.”

“Sharlyn wouldn’t do such a thing,” Daniel protested. “I’ve come to know her. She’s as innocent as a lamb.”

“Dressed in wolf’s clothing,” Paige mumbled.

Daniel’s lips pursed. He looked like he wanted to tell Paige to shut up. He ground his fists into the chair cushion instead. Briony was on her friend’s side. She didn’t understand why Daniel was so strongly defending a woman he hardly knew, unless he was in love with her. Not only was Sharlyn blind, but so was love, as the saying went.

Mark finally chimed in. “I thoroughly read the newspaper every day, Sergeant. I haven’t seen anything written about Dark Hall.”

The policeman shrugged his broad shoulders. “It’s just one theory. We have to start somewhere.” He closed his notebook and stood up. His gaze met Daniel’s. “If you learn anything new or learn the whereabouts of Shelby Dark, contact me immediately. I’ll let you know when we get the fingerprint results back, or if we locate Shelby.”

Daniel nodded and Mark showed the sergeant to the door. “Remember to stay low,” he reminded Daniel before treading down the sidewalk.

When the door closed, the four of them stared at each other in silence. A few moments later, there was a knock. Sergeant Montague had returned. Mark welcomed him back inside.

“As soon as I got to my car, I received a call from headquarters on my radio. More interesting information has come to light with regard to Dark Hall. I’d recalled another case years ago that may have had some connection to Dark Hall, so I had my people go back and check our cold cases.”

“Cold cases? What did your people find?” Briony asked.

“Five years ago, a man was discovered dead of a drug overdose in the red light district of town. Turns out he was a client of Sharlyn Dark’s. According to the old files, those closest to him that were interviewed at the time mentioned that he’d gone to the mansion on numerous occasions. After a couple of months, he’d fancied himself personally involved with Miss Dark. In love, they said.”

Briony glanced at Daniel. A strange intensity streamed from his eyes.

“Do you think that man was murdered?” Mark asked. “And his death might be connected with this one?”

“It’s something we’re going to dig into further.” Montague snorted out short breaths, reminding Briony of a bull ready to charge. He glanced around Mark’s shoulder and met Daniel’s gaze. “Mr. Collier, take heed of my earlier warning. Steer clear of the Dark women until we know more about these two men and whether their connection is coincidence or concrete. If the twins are murderers, you have no idea what you’re up against. You’re already someone’s target. Could be Shelby. Could be Sharlyn.”

A vague nod tilted Daniel’s head, and he sunk into a chair looking as if life had been drained out of him.

Once again, the sergeant bid them goodbye.

“This is too much,” Paige cried, throwing herself into Mark’s arms.

After a long awkward silence, Daniel stood up and walked toward the kitchen like he was in a trance.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Mark shouted to his back and threw his hands into the air.

Briony followed Daniel into the kitchen. He ripped his fedora from the peg on the wall and jammed his arms into the sleeves of his winter coat. “You can’t go back to Dark Hall,” she said.

He fixed her with a stare so palpable it froze the muscles around her mouth.

“Try and stop me.”






Briony was determined to do her best. She grabbed his arm. “You heard what the sergeant said. One or both of the twins could be murderers. You can’t risk going to Dark Hall again.”

Daniel stared at the hat in his hand and sighed. His mouth relaxed.”Why didn’t Sharlyn tell us this morning that the police had questioned her last night?”

She shook her head. “I know you feel something for her, but I believe she’s playing games. She could be hiding Shelby. In fact, I’d bet my life on it. I hope Sergeant Montague will be able to get a warrant to search Dark Hall.”

He tossed the fedora onto the kitchen table, and his lips pulled back. “I shouldn’t have gone to meet Shelby for drinks.”

“Why did you?”

A bitter laugh escaped his throat. “I’m a fool. Aren’t all men? I was immediately and profoundly attracted to her. She’s unlike any other woman. And I’ve been lonely. I thought…” The obvious dangled on his lips.

Her disappointed gaze clamped onto him. “Shelby and Sharlyn are identical twins. How could you be attracted to one and not the other? Besides, I was under the impression you were in love with Sharlyn. Why would you take a chance at ruining something with her for one night with her sister?”

“You wouldn’t understand. You’re not a man. You don’t have the urges and desires of a man. Shelby came across as a woman who wasn’t afraid of those desires. Sharlyn, on the other hand, is an innocent. She’s pure. Do you get my gist?”

Briony felt a blush creep back into her neck. “I think I do. However, I also think you’re wrong about Shelby.”

“What are you talking about?”

She didn’t want to spell it out, but apparently, she’d have to. “In my opinion, Shelby only invited you to her place for drinks because I was with you and she hoped I’d come along.”

His head angled, uncomprehending.

The blush warming her neck moved into her cheeks and flamed. “I don’t think Shelby is interested in men, Daniel. You’re an educated person. Surely you’ve read about homosexual relationships in literature.”

When understanding lit his eyes, he threw his head back and laughed. “You thought Shelby was interested in

“Is it so unbelievable?” Although unintentional, her voice cracked like a whip. “I’m not a slimy lagoon creature with scales and one big eye in the middle of my head, you know.”

His laughter halted. “Of course you’re not, Briony. You’re quite a pretty girl, actually. But what makes you think Shelby was attracted to you and not me?”

“She flirted with me, Daniel. Blatantly. You were too mesmerized by her charming figure and sultry looks to notice, but it was obvious to me.”

A muscle in his jaw ticked. “I thought those kind of women were masculine looking. I never would have guessed...”

“Don’t be silly, Daniel. From what I understand, masculinity has nothing to do with it.” An idea suddenly occurred to her. She snapped her fingers. “I just thought of something. What if Andrew Whealdon didn’t show up on Shelby’s steps by coincidence last evening? If Shelby and Sharlyn had figured out he was a reporter and was about to expose Sharlyn of fraud or pushing drugs, or whatever she’s into—”

Daniel interceded. “Drugs? You now think Sharlyn is a drug dealer?”

“I’m only talking aloud as to the kinds of criminal activities a news reporter would want to uncover. Stop taking offense at everything I say about Sharlyn. I’m trying to figure out what’s going on at Dark Hall and keep you from becoming its next victim.”

Daniel snapped his mouth shut.

“Now, as I was saying… I wonder if Shelby contacted Andrew Whealdon yesterday after meeting us and asked him to meet her at the brownstone shortly before you were to show up at seven. She might have enticed him by suggesting she wanted to get back together. The perfect plan would be for her to kill him and then leave you unconscious next to his dead body. You’d be the perfect scapegoat.”

Daniel shrugged. “Don’t get offended, but your idea sounds a bit naïve. If that were her strategy, she would have placed the gun in my hand after knocking me unconscious. My fingerprints would have been all over the weapon, and I’d probably be in a holding cell right now charged with murder.”

“Mmmm. That’s true. There’s definitely a learning curve that goes with detecting.” Solving puzzles was difficult. She rubbed her temples. “I’m getting a headache.”

He opened a cabinet door and handed her a bottle of aspirin. “I’m sorry to have gotten you involved in all of this. Thanks for trying to help. You’re a good detective.”

She popped two pills into her mouth and washed them down with tap water. “I appreciate the compliment.” Her thoughts flashed to John. Even if she weren’t quite Nancy Drew, wouldn’t he be proud when she told him how her investigatory skills had improved?

From upstairs, they heard Amanda cry. “Excuse me, Daniel. What I need right now is to forget about murder and go cuddle that baby. But promise me something, will you?”

“What’s that?”

“Stay home. Don’t slip out when you think no one’s looking. You might get yourself killed, and that would put a damper on Amanda’s christening on Sunday.”

He smiled his promise, and she went in search of Paige.

~ * ~

After feeding and playing with the baby, she helped Paige bake cookies for the christening brunch. Then she tried to rest. However, nightmares involving ghosts, blood, horned rams, and witches made for a disturbing nap.

When she woke, she slipped on a sweater and went downstairs. The house was quiet. Perhaps everyone else had nodded off, too. She stepped outside hoping the fresh air would chase the bad dreams from her mind. Colder than she expected, a stiff breeze sliced through her clothes. The sunless afternoon felt as cold as a witch’s breath.

Although she’d come to Chicago to relax and spend time with Paige and her family, Briony had gotten involved in a mystery involving murder and some strange people living in a mansion. Now it was all she could think about. She’d awakened from the nap wondering how long it would take the police to get the fingerprint results back from the door and mail slot. She searched the dry ground around the front door for footprints, but of course, there were none.

A flock of birds scattered across the dull sky, reminding her of Maine and the seagulls that swooped and glided over the sea. A smile played on her lips as memories of John stirred within her. It had been a chilly autumn day when they’d first met on the ferry. It would be a wintry Valentine’s weekend when they saw each other next. She’d always hated the cold. But if all went well with John next weekend, perhaps from now on she’d associate the coldest months of the year with him, making fall and winter her new favorite seasons. A heartstring vibrated in her chest, momentarily taking her mind off of Dark Hall and the trouble Daniel had found himself in.

From inside the house, she heard the telephone ring. Perhaps she should answer it, if everyone else was sleeping. She hurried through the door blowing on her hands to warm them and saw Daniel reach for the jingling phone. He smiled and nodded hello when he caught her eye.

“Hello, Collier residence. Yes, this is Daniel. Sharlyn! What a surprise.” After a pause, his smile faded. “What’s happened?”

Briony stepped closer to listen to the one-sided conversation.

“Shelby’s at Dark Hall? What’s going on? Who’s screaming in the background?” Daniel listened for a moment, and his brows furrowed in confusion. “Griggs? Who the devil is Griggs?” As he waited for the answer, Briony could hear sobbing through the phone. “Griggs is the butler? What? Did you say he’s taken poison?” Daniel’s eyes enlarged.

Terror strummed Briony’s nerves like a madman playing violin.

“Have you called an ambulance?” he asked. “Yes, yes. Stay calm. I’ll be right over.” He slammed down the receiver.

“That was Sharlyn? How was she able to dial the phone to call you?” Briony asked.

“I don’t know. I suppose Shelby dialed for her. She’s there.”

she’d try to hide at Dark Hall,” Briony said, feeling her chest expand with satisfaction. “What on earth is going on?”

He plowed a hand through his hair. “The butler at Dark Hall has swallowed poison and left a suicide note, confessing to have murdered Andrew Whealdon, Todd Brandt, and Oliver Dark.”

She gasped. “Who’s Todd Brandt?”

“I have no idea, but Sharlyn is beside herself. She was very close to the butler, apparently. I have to go. She needs my help.”

“Wait.” Briony gripped his arm. “Did they call the police and an ambulance?”

“I’m not sure. I could also hear a woman crying hysterically in the background. It must have been Shelby. They probably aren’t thinking straight.”

Conflicting emotions clawed at Broiny’s stomach. Foreboding rose like a full moon. “I think we should call Sergeant Montague before we go. He can meet us at Dark Hall.”


“I can’t let you go by yourself. But I’m scared. This could be a ploy. Remember, someone has threatened you. Most likely it was someone at Dark Hall. We need to contact the sergeant. The butler may not have committed suicide. It could be another murder. Or maybe he’s not dead at all. Everyone in Dark Hall might be in a conspiracy together, or the girls might be faking their distress.”

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