Declare (Declan Reede: The Untold Story #4) (2 page)

BOOK: Declare (Declan Reede: The Untold Story #4)
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“Of course,” she said before pulling me into one final embrace.

We walked back into the kitchen to find Alyssa and Curtis in a tight embrace of their own. Phoebe was on the floor, switching between their legs.

Alyssa’s eyes were closed, but it was easy to see she’d been crying. “I’m going to miss you too, Daddy,” she whispered.

In that instant, I had a moment of crystal-clear clarity. Despite the fact that I’d only been in her life for a short time, I couldn’t imagine losing Phoebe. Even if she was an adult, it’d be hard to say goodbye. It would be impossible knowing I couldn’t see her whenever I wanted. When Curtis and Alyssa finally broke apart, I walked over to him and offered him my hand as a peace offering.

He stared at it for a beat before shaking it with his own.

“Don’t worry, sir. I’ll be there for them both.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alyssa smile before darting off to give Ruth a hug goodbye.

“You’d better be, son,” Curtis whispered venomously the moment she was out of earshot. “Or you’ll have me to deal with. I won’t have you hurt her again.”

His hand tightened around my own. Before he could hurt me though, I responded in kind. We shook hands for a few seconds longer than was strictly necessary, both tightening our grip as much as we could. I was certain his hand would be aching as much as mine when we finally let go. I vowed to myself that I would make him trust me and when I had, I’d make him eat his words.

The visit with Josh and Ruby had gone much the same way. Truthfully, I would have been happier to have avoided it altogether, but I sucked it up for Alyssa. Instead of tempting fate, I stayed outside in the car. The temperature was well over forty, and hotter still inside the car, but it was better than the icy reception waiting inside. Not that it mattered when the goodbyes spilled out onto the front lawn and Josh shot pointed gazes and a shouted warning at me from his front door. It took everything I had not to shout at him in response, but I did flip him the bird when no one else was watching.

“Daddy, why was Unca Joshie mad at you?”

“It’s a long story, sweetheart,” Alyssa said, saving me from having to explain. “Granddad and Uncle Josh just take a while to let go of the past.”

Phoebe nodded as if that were all the explanation she’d ever need. Maybe it would be.

When we pulled up at Flynn’s, I expected the same harsh words and cold stares I’d borne the brunt of the last time I’d seen him—the same ones that were the only thing both Curtis and Josh were willing to offer me before I left—but he was actually polite, even if he barely spent any focus on me as he ensured Phoebe was fed and had gone to the loo before our drive.

As Alyssa was loading Phoebe into the car, after she and Flynn had shared a long, teary goodbye, he called me over to him. Before I could think of a few smart-arse responses to the cutting remarks I was certain he’d make, he pulled me into a hug. Shocked by the movement, I stiffened in his hold.

“I was wrong about you,” he said as I pulled away.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “What are you talking about?”

“Not long after you got here, when Alyssa was telling me all about the things that you were doing, I was so sure I knew the sort of person you were. When you came crashing back into her life, like a drunken arsehole, I thought that’s all there was to you.”

My jaw ached with the pressure I was exerting to stop myself from telling him to fuck off while I waited for him to get to his point.

“But I was wrong. I’d have to be an idiot not to see the smile on Lys’s face when you’re around.” He looked over to the car. “She loves you. But the thing that changed my mind the most is that you’ve got the same smitten look on your face whenever you don’t think anyone is watching. You try to hide it, but you can’t. You should let your guard down more often, Declan. You might be surprised by how people respond.”

I cleared my throat, uncomfortable with the intensity of the conversation.

“I’d tell you to look after them both, but somehow I think it’d be a moot point.”

Nodding once to acknowledge his words, I moved toward my car. After taking one step, I swung back around. “Thank you,” I said. The words were genuine, but they tasted funny on my tongue. I was sure my face indicated my discomfort in issuing them. “For being there for her when I wasn’t.”

He ran his hands through his hair and nodded, his mouth twisting downward into a frown. “Let me guess, that’s a thanks, but now you’re back in her life, so I can just get fucked?” He looked like he had a number of arguments against it ready on his tongue.

“Actually, no.” The words were out before I’d thought about them, and they surprised even me. “As hard as it was to accept it at first, it’s actually nice knowing she has someone else she can rely on if anything was to happen to me. Or if she’s so pissed at me that she can’t see straight.” I chuckled. “Just do me a favour when that happens and remind her of what you told me today.”

There was no point saying if, because I was certain there would be days I’d piss her off, just like there’d be days she’d get on my last nerve. Just like the night before at the New Year’s Eve party. But those moments would only be temporary, fleeting, and then we’d find our way back to the happy. I understood that now better than I ever had before.

He laughed. “Sure thing, Declan.”

I shook his hand. “Just call me Dec.”

“Don’t let her be a stranger, will you?” he asked. For an instant, his heartache flashed across his face. He may not have wanted her as a lover, but it was clear he loved her in his own way.


“And thank you, for, you know, not telling her the truth about the value of the car.”

I laughed. “Who am I to interfere with a private transaction?”

He nodded and I waved as I walked away.

“Oh, and Dec?” Flynn called from behind me. “Keep your nose clean so that you’re back on the track soon, yeah? I miss seeing your fine arse on TV.”

I choked on my spit as he burst out laughing. With a shake of my head, a smile on my lips, and heat in my cheeks, I waved him goodbye.

As I walked back to the car, Alyssa gave me a questioning look. “What was that about?” she asked as I pulled my car door open.

“You,” I said before laughing at the expression on her face.

“Are you good?” she asked.

“Baby, I’m better than good. All of my dreams are coming true.”

The trip home ended up being slower than any I’d ever taken before. Between the toddler in the backseat, and the trailer behind us, the stops were more frequent, the car slower, and the trip more tiring. In the end, just like I’d warned Phoebe we might have to, we stayed at Coffs Harbour for the night so we didn’t have to drive through the night with a cranky arse in the car—and that was just me.

In the morning, we stopped briefly at the Big Banana and did the obligatory family photo before driving the rest of the way to Sydney—to the rest of our lives.

We were a little over an hour out of Sydney when Eden, the team strategist for Sinclair Racing and one of my few friends, called. She let us know that everything was arranged for our arrival—they’d flown back on the first. Even though I’d given the key to my house to Morgan, he obviously didn’t want to risk calling when I might have him on speaker.

“Thank you for all of your help, Eden,” I said after she had given us the information about where she’d left the key.

Alyssa offered her thanks too.

“Anytime,” Eden said. “That goes for Morgan too . . . when you forgive him.”

Alyssa groaned and I stifled a chuckle. Morgan and Alyssa’s first meeting hadn’t been anywhere near as smooth as her introduction to Eden, and his assistance with my little New Year’s plot hadn’t helped his case.

“I know you love him, Eden,” Alyssa said. “But I still can’t face him yet.”

I wasn’t sure if she didn’t want to see him yet because of the email, or because she was embarrassed by how she had reacted.

“I know,” Eden said. “I’m sure you will one day.”

“Maybe,” Alyssa replied.

“And you, mister,” Eden added, “don’t forget tomorrow’s the big day.”

I groaned. How could I possibly forget that I was returning to Sinclair Racing the next day? It was the day I had been looking forward to, and equally dreading, ever since I’d accepted Danny’s offer to return. It was the day the life Alyssa and I hoped to create in Sydney would start—the real life of work and routine, of day care and dinnertimes. It scared the absolute fuck out of me even while I looked forward to every minute.

“It’ll be fun,” Eden said. “You’ll learn new things, and you know Danny will look after you. In fact, he has a surprise for you when you get in tomorrow.”

I swallowed around the lump that had taken up residence in my throat. “What is it?” I croaked.

Eden let out a titter. “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”

Alyssa chuckled. “She has you there.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “Don’t you start on me too,” I said.

Alyssa pouted. I moved quickly, grabbing her hand and pulling it to my lips. “Don’t tease me,” I whispered threateningly.

“Or what?” she asked, licking her lips.

“Or I just might have to punish you.” I grinned.

“That’s enough about that. I’ll see you guys later,” Eden chirped.

I chuckled. I’d all but forgotten that Eden was still on the phone, or that Phoebe was in the back seat for that matter. God, I couldn’t wait to get Alyssa home.


Never had I heard a more beautiful fucking word.

And with home came Danny’s surprise. I could barely wait to find out what it might be. Especially when Eden’s teasing reminded me of Danny’s words from the New Year’s party just days earlier. Something told me there was a lot more in store in the next chapter of my life.

Bring on the new season.




THE ALARM BLARED loudly, interrupting my peace. There had to be something wrong, because there was no fucking way in hell I needed to get up when it was still dark outside. Especially not when I’d been up unpacking the car until late the night before; the aches in my body were testament to the work.

I lifted my head off the pillow and growled at my phone, trying to intimidate it into silent submission. When that didn’t work, I unwrapped one arm from Alyssa and reached for my phone, sliding to snooze the alarm and ending the horrid sound. I groaned, dropped my head back onto the pillow, and prepared to go back to sleep.

“Come on,” Alyssa murmured beside me, nudging my shoulder. “You have to get up.”

“Don’t wanna,” I muttered as I moved closer to her side. I wanted nothing more than to pull the blanket over my head, curl around Alyssa, and forget about the rest of the world.

Alyssa broke that desire by pulling away from me, sitting up, and pushing the blanket off us both.

“Fucking hell,” I murmured. “It’s too early to be up.”

She chuckled beside me before leaning over and kissing my cheek. “You’ve just gone soft with all the sleeping in that you’ve been doing lately.”

“Fuck off!” I said. “I’m as hard as ever.”

I grabbed her hand and pressed it against my morning wood, just to prove my point.

Alyssa surprised me by tightening her hand around my length and giving it a gentle rub.

“Oh, baby, that feels good,” I moaned.

She giggled before letting go of me and climbing out of bed, tugging the blanket back up over her side of the bed. As she moved, her short baby-doll nightie pulled up, revealing her boy-leg panties. The sight of her perfect, pert arse covered by the black cotton made my mouth water.

Once her side of the bed was made, she leaned forward, giving me a glimpse down her top at the creamy skin of her breasts.

“I’m going to have a shower,” she said as she headed for the door to the en suite. She turned back around to look at me and ripped off her little dress. Her nipples were already standing to attention, begging to be licked. “You know,” she continued, “it seems a shame to waste all that room under there. That huge shower really is far too big for just one person.”

I was out of the bed and across the room in less than a second, all fatigue gone with the promise of shower sex with my personal goddess. I clasped her thighs in my hands and wrapped her legs around my waist as my mouth found hers. It was exactly the reason the alarm was set so early, so that I had a few moments to spend with Alyssa and Phoebe before I had to go to work.

Alyssa wasn’t due to start her new job for another week, when Pembletons, the firm she’d be working with, opened again after their Christmas closure.

Holding her tight, I carried her into the en suite, pressing her roughly against the wall in my desperation to taste her. Once I had her pinned securely, I took one of her breasts into my mouth and tasted her skin—she was sweetness and honey, just like always.

Releasing her from my hold, I slid her underwear down her legs, slowly following them to the floor. I paused along the way to kiss her breasts, then her stomach and one of her thighs before pulling her panties off completely. Once she was naked, I ran my tongue over her thigh.

“Oh, God,” she panted as my mouth trailed from her thigh to her pussy. She reached for my hair and guided me closer. When she shifted slightly, widening her stance, I slipped a finger into the mix. Even though I had her panting for more, she sighed and gently pushed me away.

I growled and gripped her hips tighter, refusing to let her out of my hold.

“Shower first.” She laughed as she pulled away from me. With a teasing wiggle in her hips, she walked past me and turned her back to me to turn on the shower.

Standing with another growl, I followed her under the now-running water. Without giving her the chance to spin, I dragged my fingers up the length of her thigh before cupping her arse. I couldn’t help myself; I pulled my hand back and gave her a quick, gentle slap. “That’s for teasing me,” I whispered against her neck.

My morning wood had turned into a full, raging boner, and I needed her. I made short work of my now-wet boxers. In the time it took to strip them off, she turned around and grinned at me. In two steps, I had her in my arms then claimed her under the water. I pulled her up and slid my cock into her ready pussy.

“Fuck, baby,” I whispered into her neck.

With my lips on hers, I pushed her against the tiles in the shower. A small squeal left her and her nipples hardened even further as the cold pressed into her back. I took one into my mouth and bit down gently. Alyssa gave a small cry of pained pleasure. Pinning her in place with a kiss, I pressed harder against her, slamming my cock into her and pushing her body flush against the wall. The sounds of our bodies slapping together under the water filled the room like a fucking symphony. Dipping my head, I ran my tongue up between her breasts, sucking in some of the water as it cascaded down.

I wanted to enjoy Alyssa some more—the pace my body was setting was much too fast—so I sank to the ledge in the shower, pulling her down with me. She climbed on top of me and slid over my cock. Her hips rose and fell in a slow, steady rhythm. I used the extra freedom to explore her body more thoroughly with my hands. My fingers found her nipples and they danced there for a moment, pulling, rolling, and gently twisting them.

She gave a delicious groan when my thumb brushed against her clit.

I ran my hands around to cup her arse before pushing her hips down harder on me while pushing up with my own. I brushed her clit again, and she brought her eyes to mine. The love and passion I saw there filled me with confidence. It was exactly the boost I needed to face the day ahead—my first day back at Sinclair Racing.

The day was going to go well, but I would miss the hell out of her. My time in Brisbane had spoiled me with late nights, sleep-ins, and lots of uninterrupted time with both of my girls. Getting back to reality was going to be tough.

Wanting to enjoy the precious moments we had before real life came crashing into my day, I moved my thumb against her clit softly, no longer caring for my own needs or desires. I wanted to make her feel good. I wanted to show her how much I fucking loved her. While she moved her hips in a delicate pattern, I continued gently thrusting. My other hand cupped her face and guided her mouth to mine. I pushed my tongue forward to meet hers and closed my eyes, relishing her body’s response to my touch.

Her hips swivelled against my hand and dick as she found her way to her climax. I kissed her long and hard until she was unable to contain her orgasm any longer, and she dropped her head back to moan softly into the water. When that happened, I simply moved my attention from her mouth to her breasts. Her hands clenched around my shoulders, and her nails dug into my skin. My tongue flicked across her nipple as my thumb grazed her clit one final time before she found her release around me.

“Fuck, baby, you’re so beautiful when you come.”

She dropped her head to my shoulder as she came back down to earth. Once her breathing was almost back to normal, I stood, pulling her up with me. I kissed the tip of her nose and smiled at her. I turned to grab the shampoo, but when I turned back with a dollop in my hand, Alyssa grabbed hold of my dick and began to stroke lightly. All thoughts of actually getting clean in the shower flew out the window as I got lost in her touch. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the glass of the shower wall.

The next instant, I felt her warm mouth close around me, and I whimpered with pleasure. I felt my balls tighten almost immediately. My fingers found her hair, running back and forth through her wet locks as she sucked my length in and out, and my knees grew weak as the sensation overwhelmed me. The intensity was too much for me to bear, and I soon grunted as I found my own release, collapsing back against the wall.

“Wow!” I panted. “Good morning.”

“Good morning to you too,” Alyssa said, a huge grin on her face.

“So, do I get a wake-up like that every morning for work?”

She swiped at my shoulder with her hand playfully before answering, “Maybe not

It was the best start to the day I could have asked for. I was feeling so blissed out that nothing could bring me down. We finished our shared shower and got dressed before waking Phoebe up. She was starting at her day care in preparation for Alyssa’s return to work the following week. The reasoning was that it was better to have Phoebe get used to full days while Alyssa was available to pick her up early if it was absolutely needed.

Thankfully, Phoebe had been excited about her new “school” when we told her about it. So excited, in fact, that she’d picked out her outfit while I was unpacking the car. Apparently, she’d pulled one outfit out of her suitcase. Then another. And another. Finally, she had worn herself out so much that she couldn’t make any more choices and had fallen asleep. That was where Alyssa had found her the night before.

After we woke Phoebe, she picked a new outfit. Then, an hour and three more last-minute clothing changes later, we finally had her wrangled and in the car.

She chatted animatedly while I drove, and Alyssa held my hand in the passenger seat.

Truly, life couldn’t get any better.

We arrived at the day care earlier than we had planned, which turned out to be a good thing as Phoebe sobbed into Alyssa, refusing to let her go. All of the previous night’s excitement had fizzled away and only fear remained. Finally, one of the caregivers had to simply pull Phoebe away and try to distract her with some toys, while I tugged Alyssa away.

Once we were back in the car, Alyssa sat staring at her hands. “I shouldn’t have left her there. She’s going to hate it. They’re not going to look after her properly. They . . .”

“Alyssa, baby, shhh,” I whispered, trying to infuse my voice with as much calm as I could. “She’ll be fine. We looked at the options, remember, and Eden checked it out for us. We picked this one because they had the best caregivers.”


“No buts. She’ll be fine.”

She gave a little nod before turning to me. “Okay. I’m all right now. Thank you.”

We drove on to Sinclair Racing headquarters. As soon as we pulled into the car park, I was the one who needed to be calmed. The building loomed into view and my hands began to shake.

Pull yourself together, fucktard

My thoughts did shit all to calm me. I let out an uneven breath as Alyssa and I climbed from the car after I had parked it. With my hand shaking, I dropped my car keys into her hand.

“You’ll be fine,” Alyssa whispered, kissing my cheek.

“Of course I will,” I lied.

“I’ll be back later to pick you up.”

I nodded. “Promise me you won’t go pick Phoebe up early,” I said.

She looked at me innocently. Too fucking innocently.


She narrowed her eyes at me, but nodded. “I promise.”

I pulled her to me and kissed her tenderly. I filled my mind with her scent and the feel of her touch so I could get through the day without her by my side. This was us, living in the real world. I walked up to the glass doors, pausing briefly to take a deep breath. I reached for my security card to gain access, but then I remembered I didn’t have it anymore. Danny had destroyed the old one and had refused to give me a new one until I actually started back at work.

After sucking down one more breath, I pressed the buzzer and waited for security to come to the door. It was the height of fucking embarrassment, waiting for someone to escort me in. I swore that if anyone even so much as smirked at me, I was going to beat their fucking arses.

Luckily, the security guard was quick and didn’t seem to find my situation amusing in the least.

“Declan,” he greeted me with a nod. He led me straight into his little security office, snapping a photo of me for my new pass. Within minutes, he’d printed the card.

When he handed it to me, I cast my eyes over it quickly. After a moment, I looked again, because there was something unexpected on the pass. “Wait . . . there’s a mistake here,” I said.

Under Employment, it had,

The guard cast his eye over the page in front of him, and then looked at his computer. “Nope, that’s what I got.”

Maybe it was a practical joke, but there wasn’t an ounce of amusement in his voice.

“But it says driver,” I said, my voice pitching slightly higher than normal. I tried desperately to shake the hope that maybe, just maybe, Danny had already changed his mind and was letting me back behind the wheel of a ProV8.

“Yep, that’s what I was told,” the guard said. “If there’s a problem, you’ll have to take it up with the boss man. I’ve got instructions to take you straight to him anyway.”

After giving a small nod to let him know I’d heard, I stared at the card in front of me. The word “driver” was printed in letters so small they may have seemed insignificant, but they leapt off the card and danced in front of my eyes with such promise that I couldn’t help but grin.

BOOK: Declare (Declan Reede: The Untold Story #4)
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