Deep in the Woods (5 page)

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Authors: Annabel Joseph

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Deep in the Woods
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Oh god.
One hand moved up her back to twist in her hair. He pulled hard, sending thrills of stinging pain down the back of her neck and around to her flushed face. She arched her spine and moaned against his lips. It was not in her nature to beg, although she wanted to at that moment. She wanted to plead for what she wished. She wanted to prostrate herself before him. She wanted to surrender to the intensity and fire of his touch. His touch, his touch…his fingertips were trailing back down her arms, then to the hem of her dress. She broke away and looked around. The light.
Not in the light.
She pushed at his hand and he stopped and pulled back.

“What’s wrong?”

“I…can’t we…the light is so bright and…and your dog is staring at me. It’s kind of freaking me out. Can’t we…? I’m sorry…”

“Turn out the lights?”

She blushed, feeling like an idiot. “Can we please?”

“I would like to see you, Sophie. Your lovely body. Your beautiful eyes.”

She bit her lip, hating this moment, hating everything about it. She could run. She could just run out the door and… No. She didn’t want to run. But she couldn’t show her body to him, not at this moment. Later. She would deal with it later. And if he rejected her when he saw the scars, at least then she would have had one night to be with him.

“Please, Dave. I’m just shy. It’s been so long and…” She looked over at Cerby again, who was helping her case by gawking at them from a couple feet away. “Your dog is sweet but—”

“You’re telling me you’re embarrassed to get naked in front of my dog.”

Yes, and please believe me. Please just go along with this.

Dave sighed. “That’s really the problem? It’s not that you don’t want to get intimate tonight? Because hey, we just met. I’m fine with waiting. Really, Sophie, I am.”

“No, I want to. I’m just… I’m weird that way.”
I’m weird. I’m weird. Don’t make me show you just how weird I am.
“Maybe…maybe the first time would be better in the dark. So we can really feel each other. You know?”

He nodded, his fingers caressing her hip. “Depend on our other senses?”

“Yes, exactly.”

“Well, you realize I’m a photographer, that I’m very visual. We can always shut Cerby out of the bedroom. In fact, it would probably be a good idea.”

“I guess. I mean, we could. But something about me is that I really… I really like the dark. I really, really like darkness, especially when I’m feeling…”

“Scared?” he supplied when her voice got too tight to continue. “Are you feeling scared right now, Sophie?”

“Nervous,” she whispered. “Because I really want to be with you.”

He looked down at her trembling hands and then back at her face, and something in her expression must have caused him to relent.

“Okay. Only because the first time is always slightly scary. My bedroom is really dark with the lights off, you’ll like it. We can get to know each other by touch alone.”

Chapter Three


Dave was fairly sure she wanted sex. He had scrutinized her, analyzed every signal. She was obviously aroused. Her cheeks were flushed and her body language was open and willing. He was ninety-nine percent sure she wanted sex.

And he was one hundred percent sure she wanted it in the dark.

Well, it would be a new and novel experience for him, sex in the dark. He liked girls under 500-watt photography lights. He liked to see everything, every mole, every muscle, every secret place. He liked to expose girls. He liked to make them see there was nothing they could hide.

But this one, she clearly needed to hide, at least for now. She would need to be introduced gradually to his particular brand of exposure. He would train her to it.

Now was not the time.

Her hand trembled as he led her into his bedroom and shut Cerberus out. He ignored the dog’s indignant whine. Cerb was never allowed in when Dave was with girls, because he sometimes took umbrage when Dave played rough. His canine instincts, while finely honed, could not always differentiate between moans of pleasure and pain. The first time the dog had nipped at Dave to stop him from “hurting” his partner, Dave had understood and hadn’t censured him. But for safety, he locked Cerb out now every time.

“There, no more staring dog,” he said, turning to Sophie with a grin. She returned his smile and looked around his bedroom. It wasn’t huge, but it didn’t need to be. He let her see it in the light, gave her a moment to look around. He watched her take in the king-sized bed that took up the lion’s share of the space. And yes, the photography lights rigged in the corner. Cerberus’ dog bed, completely unused of course, took up another entire corner. A door on the right wall led to a bathroom. He went in to get some condoms, showing them to Sophie before he placed them on the bedside table.

“If we need them they’ll be there. We can do as much or as little as you like. I mean that, no pressure. I actually didn’t ask you here expecting you to fuck me.”

She looked away and then back at him, blushing. “I didn’t really come here to fuck you. But to be totally honest, there’s nothing in the world I want more right now.”

“To be totally honest, I hoped to God you would say those exact words.”

She giggled. She was so sweet, so beautiful. He thought of the terrible things he’d learned about her last relationship, and wondered how anyone could harm someone like her. He took her in his arms, his hands sliding around her slender waist to rest at the small of her back. He kissed her, reveling in the soft, tentative way she gave herself to him. He drew away to take one last look at her eyes before he turned out the lights. He saw so many things there in that luminous violet gaze. A jumble of emotions—fear, excitement, lust, happiness, sadness. He traced his thumbs over her delicate eyelids before dropping a kiss on each soft surface. Her long black eyelashes fluttered. Beautiful lost princess. Snow White in the forest.

“Sophie, you can trust me. I promise you can.”

“Okay.” Her voice trembled a little.

He turned out the lights and they both stood still. Darkness. It was true and total darkness. There was no moon to cast even soft light, just black empty space. No, not empty. He could feel her there beside him like a magnet. Elemental pull. His hands went to her of their own accord, drawn to her soft skin, her womanly curves. His fingers traced over her shoulders to grope for a zipper at the back of her neck and she bowed her head toward him. He felt her forehead come to rest against his chest. In the black darkness all his other senses were heightened. He could smell her fresh, flowery scent and feel the lightest brush of soft hair against the side of his chin.

He drew the zipper down and opened his hands on the skin of her back. His fingers nudged the dress down and off. He could barely make out the outline of the black bra against her pale skin as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He reached for the clasp and undid it. She didn’t stop him, but he could feel she was tense. He stroked his fingers across her breasts, then cupped their weight. As the pads of his thumbs teased the taut peaks, he was finally rewarded with a shivery moan and the feel of her relaxing against him.

He skimmed her tights down over her hips, taking a moment to explore her curvy ass with his palms. No panties, just bare, smooth skin. It was impossible for him not to give her a couple tentative slaps. She gasped and pressed herself closer, reaching for him in the darkness. Her hands seemed at a loss for what to do, fluttering against him like lost birds. He took them hard and whispered, “Put them behind your back. Keep them there.”

That seemed to settle her. She did as he asked and stood still, her breathing even and measured. He took a few more moments to explore her exquisite ass cheeks, landing a few more smacks. Then he resumed pushing her tights all the way down her legs, his fingers tracing down thighs, knees, calves, ankles. Going by feel in the dark only made him appreciate the exquisite sensations more. He breathed in the faint scent of her arousal. Without thought, he used his thumb to probe the folds of her mons, finding hot slickness. She gave a low moan as he slid the pad of his thumb against her clit and then pressed and teased the sensitive nub. She reached for his shoulders and made a small hip movement forward.

“Hands,” he reminded her. Her hands left him and returned to the position he’d told her, but not before she sighed, “Oh, Dave…”

“Go get in bed.” He turned her in the right direction, guiding her with firm hands on her shoulders, then set to tearing off his own clothes, letting them fall in a heap at his feet. He slid in beside her, finding her by touch and scent. He clasped her, aligning her body to his. He trapped her hands behind her and found her lips in the dark.

God, she tasted wonderful, sweet. The way she kissed drove him mad, alternately tentative and eager. His cock poked against the front of her and she arched her hips forward in response. Dave was bursting. He had to be inside her. He explored her full breasts and hard nipples, then stroked down her thighs and parted her again. She was so wet. She moaned almost inaudibly as his fingers smoothed across her slick center. He wished he could see her eyes.

“Do you like when I touch you, Sophie?”

She sighed in reply.

“Yes or no?” he prompted. “Answer me.”

“Yes.” The word came out as a gasp.

“Touch me. Take my cock in your hands.”

He released her hands, felt her shift, felt her fingers trace down across his hip to wrap around his throbbing cock. He drew in his breath. Every sensation was deepened, intensified by the darkness they moved in. He heard her breathing quicken as her fingers moved on his member, stroking it, caressing it. He shuddered, feeling pleasure, yes, but something more. Something deeper. He felt so connected to her, as if they had shared a lifetime of intimacy, not just one evening. He thought, for a moment,
This is going to get complicated.
But it was not in his power to stop and grasp for distance. She pressed closer to him, eager and warm, and his cock swelled under her enveloping touch.

“Oh Jesus, Sophie. I need you. I need to have you, right now.”

Her arms came around him. “Please take me. Please…”

He groaned and pulled away to grope in the dark for a condom. He sheathed himself and pushed her back, nestling between her legs. He grasped for control. He didn’t want to hurt her, even though some primal instinct made him want to thrust wildly inside, possess her as his own. He held back, entering her one inch, then another, then another. As much as he wanted to impale her recklessly, he also wanted to enjoy every moment of this new joining, draw it out. Her hands tightened around his neck and he pulled them away, pinning them to the bed.

“Be a good girl. You’ll get what you want.”

“Oh god.” She squirmed as he drove deeper in a slow, deliberate movement.

“You like that? You like the feel of my hard cock filling you up, don’t you?” Her low whimper registered in his balls before it registered in his brain. He withdrew and pressed forward again, gritting his teeth against the hot pleasure of her walls clenching his dick. “Jesus, Sophie.” He tightened his grasp on her arms and pressed his forehead to hers. Her hands squeezed his as he held her down, entering her again and again in a rhythm as old as time. Her hips arched and seemed to cradle him perfectly. The darkness held both of them like a magic spell. Sex magic. Dark, pure ritual come to life to electrify them both. Each time he sank inside her again she shuddered and made sounds that made him feel wholly powerful and male. Her hands clenched and unclenched in his grip.

“Sophie…” he groaned on a long breath.

“Dave!” Her cry was high and frantic. “I can’t— I can’t take this—”

“What? What’s wrong?”

“It’s too much—” She shook her head against his cheek, trembling against him. “It feels too good. Every time you move in me—”

Dave stroked her hair back in the darkness and then twisted it in his fist with an intensity of feeling that came over him like a surprise. She was shaking. Her lips opened, searching for him. He kissed her deep, and each time he thrust in her she gasped into his mouth. Her pussy gripped him so he almost lost his mind. Just when he thought he couldn’t hold on another second, he felt her begin to tremble.

“Oh…oh,” she cried. “Please. Please…”

He bit her lip and drove deeper, harder. Her limbs shook and she tensed, her breath irregular and fast. One hand still held her arms pinned above while the other held her thigh hard, held her open as he sank into her, possessing her, branding her as his own. “Yes, come on. I want to feel it.”

She came unwound in his arms, struggling against him, caught in the throes of her orgasm. He held her down and felt his own essence, his entire being empty into her. She wrapped her legs around him and milked him until he was drained. He collapsed on top of her, never wanting to move. Her breathless gasps tickled the hair that had come loose from his ponytail. He rolled with her onto his side so he wouldn’t crush her, but he didn’t withdraw from her. Not yet. He wanted to stay joined with her another moment, just one more moment. She, too, seemed unwilling to pull away. He felt her chest rise and fall against his. She was so small, so feminine. Perhaps that was why his protective impulses were in overdrive. All the sensations—skin, hair, scent, subtle movements, the slick heat between her thighs—all of it multiplied in the dark. Without sight, his other senses were so much more acute.

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