Define Me (5 page)

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Authors: Culine Ramsden

BOOK: Define Me
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"Are you not going to introduce me to Mr Handsome here? Scared I might let out some secrets about you or steel a kiss for myself?"


I can't believe this girl! I swear her mother dropped her on her head when she was a baby, she says what she wants and when she wants.  I could feel my face getting red again. 


Kissing Vincent was on impulse, I wasn’t planning on it happening and I was sure not planning on falling for a guy this soon after Hunter. I felt something, I was not sure what it was, and maybe it was just lust and would disappear soon. I couldn’t open my heart again; I was not prepared to get hurt again. 


“Oh… sorry, Heather this is Vincent Pierce, he is one of the owners of Simplicity, the Health Bar arranging the volley ball tournament”


“Vincent, this in my best friend Heather Mitchell, we have known each other since we were 10”


“Nice to meet you Heather” he stuck his hand out to shake Heather's.


“Well, hello there, nice to meet you!”


I introduced Heather to the rest of the clan, I could see she had her eyes glued on Cole; she never ceased to amaze me.


“How long are you staying?”


“Well, that is up to you. Do you have a place for me to crash? My mom and dad decided on a boat cruise, seeing as I'm taking a year off, I thought I would come and hang with you for a while if that is Ok? I will pay my way of course”


“YES! Oh wow that is amazing, I would love to have you here. The girls were all stayed here with me while we prepared for the tournament, tomorrow is the finals, and it will be great.  And you are here to see us play, life could not get more perfect, I love you!”


We all chatted for another hour or two and then I chucked the men out.  It was time for us to get our beauty sleep, tomorrow was going to be a crazy day, with the finals and after the night I just spent with Vincent, I really wanted to win.  A win would mean the Face of Simplicity for the next year and that would mean spending a lot more time with Vincent. 


As we said our goodbyes; Vincent took the opportunity to pull me aside, with his hand on the small of my back he lead me to the side of the patio.  I loved the feel of his hand on my body; it felt like it was burning me, a good burn. 


"Thank you for the evening, it was nice spending it with you"


"Well, it was not just with me you know?"


"I do, but I hope that next time it would just be with you"


With that, Vincent bent down and gave me a soft lingering kiss on my mouth. 

Chapter 6


Heather and I woke very early Sunday
morning; I could hardly sleep that night.  All I could think about was the amazing kiss I shared with Vincent. 


Wow, he had woken something inside of me that I never knew existed.


I really did want to get to know him better, but was scared, scared to fall again. 


“Hey girl, what is going on in that little blond head of yours?”


“Not much” 


“Come on, that panicked look on your face says it all, you are worried about something, spill it.”


“I really like Vincent; I know we've just met yesterday. I know it is too soon to say I feel something for him, but when I'm near him I feel alive again. Hunter really did a number on me, even when we were together a little of me died every day. I was too weak to stand up to him; I let him treat me as though I were worthless with no brain. After what he said to his parents about me, I just wanted to die.  I never knew pain like that before in my life.”


“But why are you scared of Vincent?”


“I'm not scared of him. I'm scared of not being what he expects of a girl; I have only ever been with Hunter and that was only once.  Vincent is so much older than me and well with age come experience and I have none of that.”


“Oh come on, you can’t let something like inexperience stand in your way, you are amazing and sexy and any guy would just be too happy to have you as arm candy.”




"Don't whatever me; you know I'm right! Even if you don't want to believe me, you are allowed to have a little bit of fun with VP. He is freaking hot, OMG if it wasn't for you having that dreamy look in your eyes last night, I for sure would be jumping his bones! I will settle for Cole”




“Y E S, you know Vincent Pierce, I think it is a fitting nickname, you know me with nicknames, TDD!”


“You know you are crazy but thank you. I think fun is the right word, if being with Vincent means I can forget my worries for only a little while, then why not?”


“Talking about nicknames, TDD is here in Long-beach or so I think”


“Don't joke, how do you know that? Have you seen him?...  OMG I would love to see that piece of sexy ass again.” 


“I haven't seen him myself, but a lady came into Simplicity the other day. She said that she was mugged on the beach and this guy with brown eyes in camo uniform saved the day. She said one of his colleges called him Brent, so it could be him, I don't know.  The army have been around the area for weeks now, not sure why.” 


“S H I T, we are running late, I still want to go for a run this morning before the other girls get up, and I need to clear my head will you get breakfast ready for everyone? It is going to be a big day today". 


"Cool, I will do that; I can't wait to see Cole again today" 


With that I jumped out of bed and dressed into my running clothes. 


As I got out my front door, I spotted Vincent; he was leaning up against the hood of his car.  This man was perfect in every way, from his bald head, rock hard abs and gorgeous legs. . Oh how I would love to see the whole of THAT hovering over me.  There is just something about him that drives me crazy, I could have said that it was just his looks, but I felt like my soul yearned to connect with his, knowing it would be safe to feel again.


I was scared, what if I was not good enough to be with a man like him? He was at least in his late 20's if not early 30's and I was only 18, I was not woman enough and was broken.


When he saw me he straightened up and started walking towards me.  He was dressed in a pair of white running shorts, blue tight fitting shirt and a pair of white Nike sneakers.  That T-shit clung in all the right places. As I got closer to him I could feel my body heating up!  Oh I could get lost in this man.  


“Focus girl; don't let him see the effect he has on you.  Too late, there is that smirk again.” 


“Good morning, gorgeous!”


“Good morning Vincent, you are here early!”


“I was hoping to catch you on your run this morning.”


“Do you think you can keep up with me? You know I do this every morning.”


“I know.”


There was that smirk again; I wished I knew what the man was thinking. 


“So don't just stand there, I have a crazy day today, winning the tournament and all.” 

With that I started running, Vincent very quickly fell in next to me, close e
nough that I could smell him. If I swung my arms just all little more I would for sure have been touching him.  It felt good, I felt safe. 


“So you think you guys will be the winners today? You are very sure of yourself; the team you are up against have played College Volley Ball together for two years now.  You think you guys are up for it?”


I was a bit insulted that he didn’t think that we had it in us.


“Yes I think we can do it! I've played Volley ball for 3 years already. My partner has not but I do believe we stand a very good chance of beating them.” 


I picked up my pace, little pissed at Vincent.  It didn't seem to register with him that he had just upset me because he continued. 


"I can see you are fit and know what you are doing. Sam on the other hand; she will be your downfall, if you and Brook played together it would really spice up the match"


I could not do that to Sam; ditch her at the last minute just because I wanted to win. 


“I know Sam is not as good but what she lacks in talent she makes up in willpower and determination.” 


I knew he was right in what he was saying but it still wasn't nice to say it. 


“So tell me more about your Volley Ball, when did you start?”


“It started on this beach, about two years ago. Heather and I came here for my 16th birthday. I fell in love with the sport.  When we went back home we decided that volley ball was the thing for us.  I received player of the year in my final year." 


“I can see in your form that you know what you are doing, good luck for today.”


It was getting late and I needed to get back to the house, the girls must have been wondering what had happened to me. 


On our way back, Vincent picked up his pace we were in a full sprint to see who would get to his shop first.  Of course he beat me, with those long legs it was a given. 


“I won, so for my prize, I want you to join me for a quick breakfast.”


“I can't… I need to go get ready."


"Get ready… You stay five minutes away for here and I know you haven't had breakfast yet.  Come I will quickly make you something; it will give you just the right amount of energy for today. Please, my treat, I know the boss, he won’t mind"


"Ok, I will, but it must be quick, the girls are going to wonder where I am and I left Heather in charge of making breakfast.  Not too sure if she went back to bed though"


"Great, let’s go"


As we stepped into the shop I saw Rebecca, she was a little taken back when I walked in with Vincent's hand on the small of my back. I saw a flash of jealousy on her face. 


“Morning Rebecca, this is Caitlin, she's one of the girls taking part in the finals today.”


“I know Caitlin; she is here almost every day for her fix”


“Hi Rebecca, how are you doing?”


While Rebecca and I were talking Vincent went behind the counter and whipped up something.  I was trying to see what he was doing; it was like he was deliberately putting his body in the way so I couldn’t see. Hell the view I got of his behind was much better anyway.  I was a little distracted, half listening to what Rebecca was saying about a meet and greet or something.  My mouth must have been open, when Vincent turned around.  He was talking to me but my brain was not functioning. I quickly looked away but Vincent caught me ogling his ass and was smirking at me again. 


“Do you like what you see?”


Rebecca turned around to face Vincent with a puzzled look on her face; I went blood red, shook my head and turned away.


Vincent came around the counter and sat next to me, handing me the cup. 


“Here you go, drink up, you don't have much time, lots of exciting things happening on the beach today.” 


“Besides the finals and the beach party, what else have you got planned?”


“Before the game starts, we have arranged for Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh-Jennings to come and do a meet and greet.”


“OMG, I love Misty she is my hero. Wow that is amazing; you really know how to do your marketing.”


“Cole is very good at the marketing; I'm more behind the scene type of guy. I like working with the food and nutrition of the shop, that’s more my thing. That is why I'm always the one opening up the shop; I like to go to the market early in the morning so I can be sure to get the freshest produce for the shop.”


“Oh wow! I never took you for a chef.”


“I'm not a chef; I just like food, healthy food.”

While we were talking I spotted the morning newspaper,
it was open on the sports page. I lifted it and saw the photo that was taken yesterday at the beginning of the tournament.


“Hey look at this, we made the news.”


I lifted the newspaper to show Vincent.  “It is great for your business.”


I looked so stupid standing next to this giant of a man, but Vincent was not looking at the camera, he was looking at me.  We must have both realized this at the same time because when I looked up I looked straight into those aqua eyes.  He was so close I could almost feel his breath on my face. The next thing I heard glass breaking, and Rebecca apologising.  When I looked up I saw her glaring at me.  What the hell was this all about? 


“I better be going, thank you for this, it tastes amazing.”


“Let me walk you out.”




I could not get out of there quick enough but Vincent insisted on walking me home.  When we got there, Heather was already standing on the patio looking at us with a steamy cup of coffee in hand.  I just knew what she must have been thinking.  I just needed to get away from Vincent; this was all moving too fast for me. I was not too sure but there was something going on with Rebecca and Vincent. I could feel the tension coming from her. 


“Hello handsome, how are you doing this morning? You know my friend has a busy day today and you are distracting her, she can't focus with you around.”


“HEATHER! Enough now, are the girls up did you do breakfast?”


“Yes BOSS, everyone is up and ready for the day.”


“Morning Heather”


“Caitlin, I will see you later, good luck.”


And with that Vincent walked away, I was still staring at him when Heather put her arm around me. 


“What is wrong, what has you so spooked?”


“There is something, I don't know what, it scares me. There is a photo of us in the newspaper; it was taken yesterday before the games started.  Vincent wasn't looking at the camera like everyone else he was looking at me and that look on his face... I want to believe that he is interested in me but I am just not sure, we have just met!  How can I think that …” 


"Girl, just have fun, what have you got to lose?  It might just help mend your broken heart, you know the best way to get over it is to find something or SOMEONE to take you mind off it.”

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