Defying The Alliance: ERUPTION (Novokin Alliance Invasion 3)

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Authors: Bobbi Ross

Tags: #Alien, #Novokin Alliance, #Invasion, #Action & Adventure, #SciFi, #Romance, #Suspense, #Romantic Suspense, #Paranormal, #Supernatural, #Space Opera, #3 Part Serial, #Series, #Adult, #Erotic, #Short Story, #Warbird Razor, #Galaxy, #Terran Captain, #Space Travel, #Space Ship, #Enslaving People, #Crew, #Fleet Disbanded, #Fugitive, #Outlaw, #Slaves, #Deep Proteus, #Space Station, #Barbarian Alien, #Challenge, #Authority, #Conclusion, #ERUPTION, #Headstrong, #Sassy, #Captured, #nemesis, #Failure, #Novokin Butcher, #Grand Inquisitor, #Massive Golden Alien, #Novokin Soldiers, #Separated, #Trex, #Leads Army, #Plasma Bombs, #Betrayals

BOOK: Defying The Alliance: ERUPTION (Novokin Alliance Invasion 3)
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Defying the Alliance: ERUPTION

No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.



© 2016 Bobbi Ross

All rights reserved.

Cover photos ©

© Cover Art by Cora Graphics

First Digital Edition December 2015

All rights reserved.

Written by Bobbi Ross at

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Defying the Alliance: ERUPTION






Discover the naked truth in this stunning conclusion to Captain Caspia Jones' Defiance of the Novokin Alliance!


Captain Caspia Jones has failed.
Failed hard.
Captured by her nemesis Asmot, the cold blooded Novokin butcher sends Caspia to face the Grand Inquisitor.  Can the little Terran captain stand up to the worst the Alliance has to offer?


The massive golden alien with the gorgeous green eyes is angry...angry enough to chew through an entire battalion of Novokin Soldiers and have enough room left over for desert. Separated from his one true love Trex will lead an army to save the woman who saved his heart.


Betrayals, Babies and Plasma Bombs, oh my!


Entire Novokin Invasion Series:

Defying the Alliance: HEAT

Defying the Alliance: INFERNO

Defying the Alliance: ERUPTION


Episode 5

Chapter 1




The cool water soothed the heat of my sun-reddened skin as I swam toward the base of the waterfall. His large, muscular figure silhouetted behind the face of the waterfall. A broad chest and a massive pair of arms rested over his slim, rippled torso tapering into a trim chiseled waist. An infusion of colors painted the unique water curtain that blocked his beautiful face from my view. Keeping from me the brilliant green of his eyes. I swam faster, needing to be closer to him. To touch him. To experience the joy that exploded from my core every time I was with him, near him.

The dark masculine figure broke the surface of the polychromatic water curtain that rushed vertically toward the bottom of the silver pool. My heart raced, his image gave me pause. He was magnificent. A multitude of colors sparkled against the golden surface of his skin. Underneath, perfect muscles stretched and compressed propelling him forward. My own lower muscles clenched in response. My nipples hardened against the water’s cold grasp. I gasped when he took notice of me.

Blazing green orbs sparkled in my direction. The predator’s look drawn in his gorgeous face hit me like a spear and pierced through my heart. A heated inferno erupted between my legs and a light moan slipped my lips as my arms parted the water faster.

I reached him, the water resting just above his groin. Instead of rising up, I slipped beneath the surface to do some treasure diving. The water was wonderfully clear. My body tingled in anticipation as I scanned his enormous length. I reached into his private area squeezing the heavy hard naked shaft with both hands while the tip of my tongue licked at his swollen golden head. A growl reverberated through his body and I felt a tingle in my hands. I wanted to please him. To leave him breathless the way he had, bringing me pleasure over and over again.
Just one problem. I was under the water and would soon run out of air.
My feet pushed against the sandy bottom and I exploded out of the water, still holding on to my prize.

I took a deep breath getting ready to go under again before strong arms engulfed my sides, pulling me up. Sadly I was forced to let go of my precious treasure. Shaking the water off my face, my eyes focused into his. Raw sexual need burned hot in his eyes sending my lady parts aflame. Nipples ached with want while being crushed against his steaming, golden skin. The sexual tension rose causing the water to heat and bubble around us.

His lips were surprisingly cool when he kissed me. A possessive, all consuming kiss, that left me dry and wanting. Strong arms braced my waist and slid me down into his throbbing length. He thrust the hard tip into my soft opening delving deep and filling my sheath. Sparks of electric energy coursed through every part of my being, rousing a loud moan that filled my chest while my body trembled as he thrust again and again. Waves of pleasure crashed over me and I surrendered, screaming his name.

In the midst of my orgasmic
my enormous barbarian pivoted me around and placed my back against the rough rocks at the waterfall's edge. Colorful rivulets cascaded down his shoulders, bouncing off his skin with every thrust. Now painful thrust. The hard tips of the rocks bit savagely into my skin bringing tears to my eyes.

I opened my mouth to say something but my throat was so dry I couldn’t speak. What happened to the water? In panic I looked to my golden barbarian, his image rapidly darkening. Everything went black.
What happened to the sun?

Chapter 2




My stomach roiled and somersaulted as everything around me spun out of control. Splaying my hands out on my sides I clutched onto a cold, gritty metal.
Where was my hot barbarian? Where was the waterfall?
I managed to scrape open a dry eyelid. The stale white light cut into it like a knife.
How did I end up on the praking floor?
Why this was dignified. Captain Caspia Jones, single-handedly crawling the Protectorate back to its former glory. I just wish I knew where in the eight infernos I was.


I winced as my stupid senses started to go online one by one. I didn't need to know anything. Seriously, I was just kidding. As if deliberately ignoring my quest, my nose was immediately assailed by the scent of ammonia – some kind of heavy cleaning solvent maybe. I licked at my dry lips, and was forced to wonder when they replaced my tongue with a razor blade. The world tuned out again.

I don't know how long I was out this time, or how my hands had found their way up to my face. They clumsily palpated at my split and swollen lips. However, the pain in my face a mere ChuChu buzzfly annoyance compared to the sharp spear-like sensations that assaulted my left side with each breath. I'd like to believe I howled in fury, but I'm pretty sure I moaned like a birthing pink Bivonium plow cow.

Genius that I was, I deduced two solid truths from my situation: one, I wasn't dead. Well, I couldn't be dead. After all, I hurt too much to be dead. There was no way on the Goddess's green Astoria that there could even be this much pain after death. Two, I wished I were dead.

I briefly wondered if I could find a light panel. I recalled there was light in here the first time I woke up. Then my fingers brushed over the soft skin covering my eyeballs.
Hey! Another revelation!
My eyes were closed. Opening them was akin to the same joy as going to the Toothtist after five years of eating Grinolium mud worms and not brushing your teeth. Blinking the world into existence brought with it a new cascade of sensations. This time a bright white thunderous headache boomed in my ears like a mad conductor and his disjointed symphony. Hopefully, it blocked out any girly whimpering I may or may not have let slip.

"Whoa there Captain, take it easy," a female voice pleaded in low tones.

Soft hands took hold of my shoulders, and gently coaxed me into a sitting position. I was too weak and it was too darn painful to fight back, so I let the hands take control. That is, I tried to help but the symbol players in the orchestra started crashing their part of the concerto in my head.

"Here this will help," said the familiar but hard to place voice.

I winced as the smooth, cold edge of a cup was pressed against the cut on my lower lip. A brackish water trickled out. I greedily tried to gulp down what I'd been given, regardless the stale, metallic taste and the faint odor of decay. I’d pay for treating my body to the foul liquid later.

A blurry figure with its head on fire smiled down at me. My reply was less than kind.

"Julie, what the prak are you doing here?"

She didn't answer right away. Instead she took the cup over to a small broken pipe jutting out of the wall. She crouched next to it, maneuvering the cup under its dripping mouth.

The air was fetid and thick. It churned my gag reflex and bile burned my throat. I appeared to be in some kind of holding cell.
Big surprise there.
The walls were all black, welded metal made evident by mismatched seems and chaotic rivets. Rusted in some places and stained with something I chose not to focus on in others. There was no bed, cot or even a blanket. The only other thing of note in the room besides Julie and me was a small chiseled out hole in the middle of the floor, which appeared to be for waste products. Situated way too close to the dripping pipe Julie collected water from.

My stomach roiled again, just as Julie was coming back to sit next to me. She presented me with a cup and a halfhearted smile. My stomach went into Vertusian Olympica backflips.

"I like to get the lay of the land wherever I’m at." She rubbed my back while I retched between sips. Obviously this wasn't going to be a quick story so I settled in. "Periodically I liked to walk the corridors of the Razor, so I'd know where everything was in an emergency without having to think about it. Reflex reaction rather than panic. At least that's what my dad used to say. The other night I saw you toting crates of something heavy into cargo bay two. Which was weird seeing you struggle like that considering your boyfriend could probably lift a tank and he’d do anything for you.”

I arched an eyebrow at her use of the word boyfriend as she obviously meant Trex.
Was he my boyfriend? Not quite.
We hadn’t made any sort of commitment to each other. We didn’t get to it. Didn’t get the chance and now I probably never will. An overwhelming sadness, an unbelievable sense of loss filled my existence and a tight fist squeezed my heart as realization set in. That I’d probably never see him again. The icy grip tightened. I’d never see Trex again.

Unaware of the emotions she’d stirred up inside me Julie continued on, “Anyway, on your last trip, I snuck in after you."

I nodded in understanding, and was quickly gifted with another wave of nausea. I probably had a concussion. Maybe more than one. Hell, I probably had a whole family of concussions, with little baby concussions and maybe a weird old uncle concussion that just sat there on the couch unable to take the hint it was time to go home.

Julie held my face steady in her hands. “Captain you don’t look very well. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“I’ll be fine,” I said, gently pushing her arms away. “Please go on with your story. It helps me to focus on something else.”

"Well, after you finished loading the fighter, which as I mentioned was very odd, particularly by yourself and at a time when most of the crew was asleep. So, I took a peek inside. I saw the
Ratrium you loaded the ship with
and looked it up in the Razor’s database. Loading the small fighter with enough explosives to bring down a small moon felt wrong and foreboding. I knew you’d need my help and here I am. I couldn’t leave you alone Captain.” Her rosy cheeks blushed and her lips pulled into a heartfelt smile."

She took a piece of cloth she'd torn from her own shirt and let it sit under the pipe. She wiped what I was sure was blood and grime from my swollen face, and not drool and snot from my recent open-mouthed floor nap.
Hmm, what a nap!
I closed my eyes as my senses were filled with him, bringing me peace and calm. If only for a moment.

“Ouch! Easy there fireball!”

“Sorry Captain. I’ll try to be more gentle. As I was saying, I took some of the explosives out, so I could fit in the cargo hold. If you were going somewhere, I decided I was going with you." I held back a smile because the truth was my face hurt too much to smile, but I was grinning inwardly at her moxie.

"I made sure to be hanging around the lower decks the next day. When I first saw you walking with Trex, it didn't set off any alarms. When I heard him banging on the wall screaming bloody murder, I figured you were making your move so I crept into the cargo bay and hid inside the ship. Captain you've done so much for me, you saved me. I couldn't let you do whatever you were planning alone.”

"Great," I managed to eke out. "Now you can die with me."

She snorted. "No Captain, now it's my turn to save you. You'll be glad I'm here soon enough. Trust me."

I glared at her like she had just peed in my ear and told me it was hot rain. Her eyes unfocused on me as she spoke, the look on her face almost whimsical. "That's just it. They roughed you up on the way in here, but I didn't even get so much as a bruise. The sub commander was holding my arm the entire time, and he wouldn’t let any of the soldiers near me."

I narrowed my gaze at her. My sister's recent betrayal swam through my mind Gelarpian barracuda style. A slat in the wall opened and a tray was slid through before it was slammed shut again. It was a tray of gray gruel.

I turned to Julie who had her nose wrinkled up. She waved me off. I sniffed it and a chemical scent scratched at the inside of my nostrils.
No way. How stupid did they think we were?

I palmed the bowl gritting through the pain and hurled it at the dirty panels that had apparently been part of the door.

"Seriously?" I yelled even though it rattled my head. "Gruel? I know you have food replicators."

Leave it to the praking Alliance to destroy the one thing I've always held sacred – breakfast.

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