Delayed Penalty (26 page)

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Authors: Shey Stahl

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Delayed Penalty
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Her body started shaking, and that was when I stopped. Maybe I had been wrong in my assessments. It wouldn't have been the first time.

"Ami, honey, what's wrong?" I asked, my hand smoothing her hair from her face as my eyes, deep with desire, began to fill with concern. She didn't seem okay with this.

Maybe it was too much, too soon, too something. Pushing my weight to one side, I looked down at her waiting for an answer.

"Nothing," she insisted, trying to shake her fear away, and reached up to pull me back down against her.

"Talk to me," I urged, my body still as I hovered over her.

"I'm scared," she whispered, lacking the confidence in her tone that I was looking for. It was more than that. She was terrified of this. Wanting to do it and actually doing it was completely different for girls. I understood that early on.

Ami wanted this, but she was terrified of how she would feel.

"I'm just…" Her small voice against my shoulder faded. I tried to get her to look at me, but she wouldn't or maybe she couldn't?

"Just what?" I pressed when she still wouldn't look at me, my voice full of patience and understanding should she decide she didn't want to do this.

"Nervous." Ami shifted, her pelvis moving against mine, and fuck if I didn't want to move too, just a little. Shit. I had to squeeze my eyes shut as she continued, "Scared. Not scared of you," she insisted, kind of rambling. "I don't know. This is different. I know that, but I'm scared. Scared that it won't be the same after this. No longer exciting or new."

"Ami, stop," I interrupted, rolling us over to lie on our sides. I had to switch positions. "You have nothing to worry about. I'm not going anywhere. We don't have to do this. If you're not ready, we won't. As long as you need, I'll wait for you. It's more than sex for me. Yeah..." I motioned to my still straining erection against her thigh. " is on my mind a lot, but we'll get there eventually. It doesn't have to be tonight."

She lay there next to me, staring deeply into my eyes. Then she kissed me. It wasn't a let's do something else kiss either. It was let's do it kiss.

Then I panicked. "Ami..." I panted, out of breath when she reached below to grasp me, "...we don't have to do this."

"We're not. I'm not ready, but I'm ready for something more. Something I've never done."

My mouth turned up with a wicked grin, and I flipped her onto her back. "There's a lot you haven't done. And a lot I want to do to you." I winked, letting her feel my weight again.

Between my words and my touch, I was sure she was lost, and that fear was gone when she unleashed a moan at the sensation.

When my fingers moved lower and over a territory I had never been with her, she parted her legs until my hand was flat over her. I gasped, unprepared for what that would feel like. Yeah, moments ago we were just about to have sex, but this seemed much more intimate.

"Jesus, Ami," I gasped as my fingers began stroking her gently.

She cried out, not from pain, but pleasure, her hands fisting my sheets. The passionate raspy tone to her voice made me want more.

My fingers were poised at her entrance, wet, gently easing into her. I moved slowly, allowing her to adjust before I moved. The constant probing and my thumb in just the right spot firmly rubbing circles caused her hips to move with me.

"Does it feel good?" I grunted, continuing to move my fingers inside of her in a steady pace. She didn't answer, only nodded, moaning softly.

"Come on my fingers, honey. I wanna know I'm the only one that's ever touched you like this, made you feel like this," I urged, curling my fingers inside her in such a way that her body arched.

I may not have been the only man to do this to her. Fuck I didn't want to think about that right now, but I was the only one that was making her feel like this. I was sure of that.

I could literally feel her melt around me, her lips crashing to mine as her body collapsed in a blissful state as she reached her peak.

"Holy hell…" Ami panted, looking up at me.

I smirked and leaned forward to kiss the tip of her nose before rolling to my back, my arms resting behind my back.

Ami moved over me, straddling me. I could feel her wetness over me, and it was everything I could do not to slide back and forth and move my hips at the sensation it caused. I groaned a little, shifting my hips and trying to get her to move. I didn't want her to think I wanted her to do anything for me. Sure, I wanted her to, but I wasn't asking.

It took her a moment before she gathered her nerves, but then her hand slid south over my bare chest, and then farther, grasping me again.

"Fuck that's good," I groaned, thrusting against her hand, her soft, tiny warm hand.

"Is that okay?" she asked, stroking me again.

I wasn't sure if someone had told her or if she already knew how, which I didn't want to think about, but she had done this before. She used just the right amount of pressure and movement.

I didn't say much more, aside from the occasional moan as my head dropped back against the bed, the muscles in my neck tense.

She seemed fascinated by what she was doing, naturally gaining speed when my hips moved with her motions. My hands found her body, pulling her flush against my side, desperately wanting to feel her skin against mine.

I groaned deeply, and I knew she could feel me throbbing against her fingers, my movements and hers growing more harried by the second. I didn't make much noise; my face was buried in her neck when I did come, but she knew what was happening when my body shuddered against her and the warm liquid coated her hand.

I turned my head to softly press a kiss against her temple. "Thank you."

"Thanks for understanding." She sighed, curling into my side.

"Give me a minute."

After washing off my stomach, I came back to my room with a towel to wipe her hand off. I felt like I needed to say something to her, but I had no idea what. I wasn't sure that it was the right time to say anything, so instead I just held her close.

When I was just about to say something, she grinned. "I hope you beat the Red Wings tonight."

She was definitely my girl.



Hooking – The act of impeding an opponent by placing the blade of a stick into their body.


Quarter Finals (Game 1) Nashville Predators

Friday, April 16, 2010

(Home Game)



It was hard to focus on the game when my attention was constantly drawn to the stands and those douchebags sitting behind the girls. Every play they were mouthing off and had something to say.

I knew Callie could handle herself, and unfortunately her own mouth had a way of getting guys riled up at times. When they started in, so did she.

When the Predators scored, the crowd hung their heads, dejected that we might lose. That was when the chirping of those fans picked up.

Leo and Remy both noticed; their heads kept turning to watch when we heard the commotion. One of the guys had shoved Callie, and I wasn't standing for that.

I took the end of my stick and hit it against the boards, scowling at the guy. He looked up, stunned, holding his hands up, and then flipped me off. Well played. What he didn't see was the security guard behind him.

That game was horrible. Not only were the fans distracting us, but we played poorly and for no reason. It was the start of the playoffs and we weren't starting off good.

Granger, a player known for his aggression and dirty hits, had it out for Leo all night. He finally got him near Nashville's goal. It was a chip shot right at the crease and knocked Leo out cold. Remy and I both went after Granger for that one.

That wasn't the way we wanted to start off the series, and every guy on that team understood that. We had something to prove, and goddamn it if we weren't going to prove it.

To try and ease our frustrations about the loss we headed to the bar.



"Hey, man," Remy nudged me. "Pay attention." I looked over to the group in the back. They were standing around a high top table listening to their left wing, Trey Swartz, tell a joke when Ami walked by from having used the bathroom. They must have made a few crude remarks because she raised her hand to flip Trey off and then spun around, making her way back over to us. Her scowl told me she wasn't pleased, and fuck if I wasn't livid instantly.

If he touched her, I would fucking kill him. That was just who I was at that point. They still hadn't found the guy, and every time someone looked at her, I wondered. When I'd been drinking, that wondering twisted on me and I was ready to defend her.

Hockey players were notorious for bar fights. It seemed the aggression on the ice had a tendency to carry over. I wasn't an exception, but I liked to start them, and then everyone else got involved.

If you were to get five hockey players in a bar and then they started talking shit—that was a pretty potent combination if you asked me. Get two rival teams in a bar, and you were asking for trouble.

Here was the thing: people liked to shove each other and acted like all around dicks in the bar. Some chose to ignore it, some didn't.

If you did that shit around a hockey player, we were going to turn around and lay you out. We didn't give a fuck.

I'd been in my fair share of bar fights, even before I was twenty-one, but I I'd been with Ami since I'd turned of age and didn't want to be away from her. Now here we were, inside a bar, and the guys were being dicks.

I was by no means a badass, and more times than not my mouth got me into situations my fists couldn't get me out of. I was a skilled fighter when I needed to be, but there were several times I had my ass handed to me. I liked to think I could hold my own with Trey.

I caught Trey's stare when Ami came back over to us, and he knew what he'd done. His eyes stopped on me, lighting up with surprise that maybe he'd pissed on my territory. He fucking lived for shit like that.

He nodded, gestured with a tip of his head to Ami and then winked.

I didn't know what made him think we wanted him to come over to us, but he did and started to make conversation, conversation I wanted nothing to do with. I shoved him, letting him know, physically, he wasn't welcome on this side of the bar.

Catching himself against the table, two of his teammates were beside him. He looked at me, bent that I'd killed his chance to score. What he didn't realize was his chance to score belonged to me.

"What's your fucking problem?"

"My fucking problem is you." I gave him a threatening smile. "Get lost."

"Hey, man, I'm not looking for anything
. Just a quick introduction to the twin cities," he said, looking to Ami again.

"I'll introduce you to twin cities all right," I snapped, Ami's eyes immediately shooting to mine. I could feel her staring at me, wondering where this was going to go.

"Relax, Mase," Trey drawled, his lips twisting into a smile. A look of defiance crossed his face. He turned to me, his back facing Ami. "She'll be back on your dick tomorrow. What's a little fun for one night?"

"Hey, fucker, think your team can win if you're in the hospital?" I taunted, getting in his face.

Ami was in my face then. "We should go." She sprang forward, latching onto me. "Please?" she pleaded in a soothing voice, reaching her hand up to cup my chin, trying to turn my head to make me look at her. Rather than fight against her, I backed off and nodded when Ami added, "He's an asshole and not worth it."

Wrapping my arms around her, in a protective manner that couldn't be denied, I pulled her away from Trey and his buddies, my hand resting on the small of her back.

Surprisingly enough, I wasn't the one that laid the fucker out. Remy was.

"Okay, hot shots," Callie teased merrily, a friendly grin on her face reminding me to take it easy. I let my guard down just a little, even if I was uncomfortable.

"What's his deal?" she asked, looking over at Trey one last time.

"We got drafted the same year." I sighed. "Any time you get two hot shot rookies looking for notoriety, you go head-to-head on the ice a lot."

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