Demon Dark (11 page)

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Authors: penelope fletcher

BOOK: Demon Dark
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Lochlann boomed,

I claim the throne. Does any lord contest my right?

His hair shone like a golden mane, and his face was shadowed.


Absurdly, a number of glassy eyes flicked to Breandan.


His hand flexed around mine. That was his only outward show of emotion. He kept his face blank, a smooth mask of calm. To everyone but me he was in control and unaffected, but indecision came down the bond. His silver eyes bored into those who looked at him until they averted their gaze.


Kalcifer smirked, as if he had some unspoken question answered, and he slyly slid a knowing look Lochlann s way.


Breandan tugged his hand from mine.


Alarmed, I wondered what he was going to do next. Whatever he decided, I would stand by him, but would he try to claim the title of High Lord of all fairykind? He had once said he did not want to bring any harm to his brother by taking what he wanted, but after everything that had happened between them, I wasn t sure what to expect. Fairy politics were complicated in some areas and plain in others.


This was quite plain.


If Breandan wanted the throne, he would have to fight his brother for it.


Lochlann needed Breandan s obedience if he was going to convince the other leaders of demonkind he was fit to lead them into war.


Maeve made a small whimper of fear for her kin. She reached out as if she could hold them from afar then dropped her hands restlessly to her middle. Alec wrapped an arm around her waist, and murmured into her ear soothingly until she calmed. The fearful look in her eyes remained.


The shifters looked at the couple with barely disguised repugnance. All but Baako, who looked at them hard, then let his gaze brush over Wasp s distraught expression speculatively.


The demons eased back until just Breandan, Lochlann, Daphne and I remained in a ring of onlookers. The vampire sidled around to me and with a firm tug on my arm yanked me backwards until only Breandan and Lochlann were left facing each other.


Not this time,

she said flatly before I could protest. She kept a determined hold on me, muttering.

Despite what I suspect is an awful habit of throwing yourself between two brawling men, you re staying well out of it.


Indignant, I opened my mouth heartily disagreeing with this evaluation. Then I remembered when Breandan faced Devlin at the stone church, and visions of when Breandan fought Tomas made me grimace. Was I going to argue and once again put myself in the middle of two skilled warriors? Both times I d done so before resulted in my ass getting thoroughly kicked or thrown through a stonewall. What would happen to me this time if they clashed?


I rocked back on my heels, for once, leading with my brains rather than my emotions.


Lochlann eased himself back and crossed his arms in faked diffidence.

What is this Breandan? You have never before shown an interest in any honours among our people above that already entrusted to you.

Lochlann then added in a harder voice.

An honour you forswore and turned your back on just a few days past.


I know what I have done,

Breandan replied.

Do not think to scold or bring me to heel, brother. Despite what you may think, I am not going to take this from you. I have no desire to hold the throne, and even if I did, I would not fight you for it. You would give it to me and I would take it.


The crowed rippled uneasily at the barely concealed threat and its implications.


Lochlann s arms dropped to his sides. He looked at me and saw my face was as shocked as his own.

You cannot hear the pride in what you say?


Breandan slowly moved his head from side to side and gave a small smile.

You are a good man. You do whatever is right for our people, sacrificing everything and everyone close to you if it means right prevails over wrong. I could never place anything above Rae and her safety.

Breandan scrubbed a hand over his head.

If I was meant to be High Lord, you would make it so. If you believed you were meant to be mates with Rae to win this coming war you would already be with her. Nothing would have stopped you from trying to take her from me.

Breandan motioned forcefully with his hand.

And nothing would have stopped me from keeping her from you.


Lochlann studied his brother.

You know me better than I thought you did.


And you know me better than you like to admit.

Breandan held out his arm, palm up in offering.

I cannot swear myself to you, because I have no doubt you would use it to try and control my mate, but I wish you well. I will fight with you as long as she needs me to.


Lochlann clasped the hand offered to him and the magics in the air around us settled. The gloom passed and the Wyld was bathed in cool moonlight.


I breathed out a shuddering breath and closed my eyes. Sent up a quick prayer to the gods who must be watching over me.


Maeve, unable to contain her wee self, bolted from Alec s arms. She pushed her way past Breandan, only stopping to gaze up at him with adoration marred by a hint of exasperation. She spoilt Lochlann s illusion of a fearsome warrior lord by throwing her wiry arms around him and pressing a kiss to his cheek, giggling.


Lochlann coloured slightly as the demon leaders chuckled and drifted forward, sensing the danger had averted. He embraced his sister briefly then set her bubbly self aside.


One by one the demon leaders approached him and paid respect, either clasping his forearm, or with a deep bow of the head.


Distracted, Daphne released me and moved to stand before him. She held out her hand, retracted it when he stared down at her. Gathering her wits, she offered it again, but blushed, and closed it into a fist when he went to take it. She became flustered before she eventually held her arm steady for him to clasp. Lochlann stared at her hand as if it were a rattlesnake coiled to spring and bite. Instead of being insulted, Daphne lifted her chin and waited.



Stood in the crush of bodies wanting to congratulate the new fairy lord, Wasp suddenly was at my side. The impish sparkle had left her eyes. Her lips were pressed together, and her skin deepened in pigment. Her scarlet dreadlocks wilted, and her long limbs usually taut to reflect her aggressive nature rested limply at her shapely sides.




That one word carried enough malice to stand the hairs on the back of my neck on end.


Unable to help myself my eyes darted to Daphne, thinking of what she had told me about Cael and Gwendolyn.


Wasp caught the look and turned her head slowly. Her height allowed her to see above most of the heads in the small crowd and single out her target.


At that moment, Lochlann reached cautiously to take Daphne s arm and accept her tribute of congratulations.


The tortured shriek that erupted from Wasp made me reel back whereas Breandan was already reaching to restrain her. He was moments to late. The cunning fairy slipped from his reach and navigated through the crowd with stealth and ease that terrified me.


Breandan yelled a warning to his brother, an orb of power manifesting in his palm. He demanded everyone move from his path, and pushed Maeve out of the way so he had a clear shot.


Lochlann s back was to us, but he heard Breandan s call and acknowledged it with an abrupt twist of the head. Without looking for the threat, he yanked on the forearm he clasped, pulling Daphne into him. He quarter turned and raised his hand, long fingers splayed. His back straightened, and his legs slid shoulder width apart. Struggling, Daphne was tucked into his chest, his arm pressed into her neck to restrain her.


Daphne fought to get free, her instincts calling forth her vicious temperament. Her fangs ran out. She clamped her mouth down on Lochlann s forearm and her eyes flashed black.


Hissing, Wasp flung herself bodily at Daphne, hair flying, limbs spread-eagled. Her dagger rose high for a downward blow.


Slashes of brilliant light leapt from Lochlann s palm as Breandan hurled his glowing orb.


Lochlann s attack smacked the lunging fairy dead on her torso. She was snapped back by the force of his magics then pushed forward as Breandan s power slammed into the small of her back. Deftly prying Daphne off, Lochlann caught Wasp s shoulder. In the blink of an eye, he grabbed her throat, and alternated her aimless direction by forcing her down to earth with a stomach-churning thud.


The leaders of demonkind growled. Fairies hissed. Those present at the Meet murmured uneasily at the display of brute force, and were wise enough not to intervene.


Wasp was dangerous.


Daphne stood ready at Lochlann s curved back. Blood dripping from her pale lips, she hissed at the fairy, braids jiggling around her small shoulders as she trembled under the onslaught of her anger.


I moved to stand by her side, as did Breandan, keeping an eye on Wasp who laid deceptively still. Her eyes sparked with fury, and tracked Daphne s agitated movement like a predator does her prey.


Lochlann s mauled arm healed ripped seams of skin blended effortlessly. The evidence of Daphne s vicious bite was the drying splash of blood on his skin. He wore her fang marks but barely glanced at the scars. As unconcerned as he tried to appear, he shifted off-kilter a fraction, winded. I wouldn t have noticed had Breandan not tensed and focused his attention solely on his brother. Blinking rapidly, shaking off whatever had made him pause, Lochlann raised Wasp s upper body one handed then slammed her back down, cracking the hard-packed earth.


Her eyelids fluttered. The lethal gaze she so often wielded was unfocused and confused.


Lochlann shook her back to her senses.

Look at me,

he demanded gruffly.


She did, and I watched them battle through sight alone.


Lochlann won.


So you protect her kind now?

Wasp spat and halfheartedly pushed him, more to show her resistance than breaking free of his punishing hold.


Lochlann lowered his face until it was a hairsbreadth away from hers. His hair fell like a veil about his angular face.

You do not know it was she who ended him,

he explained with quiet rage.

Fairy law demands we raise no weapon at the Meet and you have broken this most sacred of covenants. You go too far.


Then why did the Priestess look to her when I asked her to name the one I plan to tear apart with my bare hands?

She struggled, her own words riling her up again.


I swallowed hard, and rather than be spoken about as if I wasn t there, said,

I was thinking about Daphne, not laying blame.


Said vampire laid a hand on my arm, and I fought hard not to flinch. The tension was wearing on me.

It s not your fault,

she murmured before raising her voice so all could hear.

I captured Devlin, and I would have given him a warrior s death, but I was ordered to take him alive. I did not kill him. When I was able I gave his body a proper burial, by fire.


Lochlann turned his head as if to look over his shoulder at her but stopped himself.

You subdued him? Alone?


Daphne slanted a look down at him let her scrutiny linger longer than I thought normal. She looked almost & hungry.



Devlin had been powerful, and excepting one, the beings that had stood a chance at destroying him in a fair fight were present at this Wyld Meet. From his pensive expression, Lochlann realised the vampire diminutive in size was a power he should reckon with.


Wasp cackled. The sound was not her usual bitter mockery but hollow with grief.

I d watch my back if I were you High Lord.

She sneered at him and knocked his hands away. He let her. She was broken, and continuing to fight her was pointless. Getting to her feet, Wasp flicked her dreadlocks over her shoulder.

She took down one lord, she may take another.

Wasp pinned Daphne with a glare.

You say you captured him, but did not kill him. Who did?


Daphne met her icy stare for icy stare. Her eyes returned to normal, the inky black leaching away.

The Nest Queen, Gwendolyn. She took the last of his life & though when Cael was done there wasn t much left.


Wasp trembled.

You bloodsucking little bitch.


Daphne stepped forward, expression fierce.

What would you have me say? He came onto vampire territory without permission. How stupid does one get? And is it my fault you ran away instead of staying to fight with him?

Daphne shook her head with mock pity.

You don t remember me, but I remember you. Your looks are not those someone could forget. When there were too many to defeat, you and the other one, Gunarr, ran away. I saw your cowardly backs disappear into the dark, and so did he. Perhaps that s why you re so full of anger. Not at me, not even at Gwendolyn, but at yourself. You abandoned the mate you were supposed to protect and love, and it s constantly thrown back in your face because you see that no matter what Rae would never do that to Breandan. She would never leave like you did.



Wasp put her hands over her ears, her torso fluxed with her rapid intakes of breath.



Daphne was relentless.

I know that if I ever gave myself to someone to love I would rather perish at his side then run away.

She skittered back, pale face flushing a tad when Lochlann held up a hand in a threatening manner, ordering her to stop.

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