Demon Untamed (33 page)

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Authors: Kiersten Fay

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Demon Untamed
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Ivan gave a bow with a flamboyant wave of the hand that screamed of insolence. Adhering to authority wasn’t going to be the mercenaries’ strong suit, but at this point it wasn’t submission they needed, it was warriors.

To Ivan, she said, “Sebastian will show you around. Excuse me.” She disregarded Bastian’s stunned expression as she hurried into the ship, calling after Ethan.

He did not acknowledge her, merely continued on his way.

“I don’t understand your anger,” she said, closing in on him.

He turned on her, a slew of emotions flexing behind fierce eyes: wrath, indignation, outrage…but the one that sliced through her heart was anguish.

“Would you be happy if
were dead?” he snapped.

The question stopped her dead. For a moment, she couldn’t speak, and when she was finally able, all that came out was a quiet, “What?”

“If I were gone, out of your life, would you like that?”

A baffling pain shrouded her chest, spreading like the oil slick that coated her right side.

“Well!” he bellowed, his voice so loud it shook her eardrums.

How was it she could have no qualms about battling a massive killing machine, yet this male so easily terrified the courage right out of her?

He waited for her answer, his expression darkening with every muted second.

She wanted to tell him:
Hell no, I don’t want you out of my life! I’m hopelessly addicted and possibly falling for you.
But what she managed instead was a lame, “No.”

“Then why would I?” He threw his arms in the air.

“It’s not the same for you,” she countered. The urge to sink her teeth into him with each intimate encounter was great. Controllable, but great. And it was something she would never be rid of unless she finally did claim him. But she couldn’t resign herself to such a vulnerable position. If she claimed him, she would be saddled with him alone…while he could go off willy-nilly and be with any female of his choice. A matebond with her would mean nothing to him. And that kind of betrayal would kill her.

His eyes closed tight, and he squeezed his hands into fists. “It’s not the same, is it? I’m glad I have you here to inform me of what I feel. I would have no idea otherwise.”

Sonya’s jaw fell open, but she quickly shut it.

His expression turned merciless. “Oh, please. Keep going. You’re on a role. Why don’t you tell me next how unworthy I am for being a pirate, or how in love I am with Kyra?”

Her eyes began to burn, but she choked back the tears. She knew their relationship was nearing its end, she just hadn’t expected it to end like this, or so soon. “I never suggested you loved her, merely that you wanted her.”

“Ah, that’s much better. Couldn’t possibly want the stubborn, irritating female I’ve been fucking!”

She gasped, not at his crude language, but the fact that he’d just admitted to wanting her instead of Kyra…for more than a bed partner?

Rationally, she told her she was reading too much into his words. That he couldn’t possibly mean what she thought. More likely he just meant to keep their liaison going. But why? And how could it after this?

“For the love of the gods! How can you not see?” His eyes softened, anger draining away, yet a hint of pain remained. It tore at her.

He moved in close, backing her into the cool metal wall of the corridor. She let him, needing what he was about to offer because it would put a temporary patch over the razor-sharp fear that was ripping a hole her gut.

He curled a finger under her chin and then pressed their lips together. Soft at first, testing. Then the pressure increased and the kiss turned desperate, for both of them. Their tongues collided. Sonya reveled in his warmth, his taste, letting it take her mind to a place without thought.

The depths of her soul cried out for more, but a hazy part of her brain sensed others watching. She almost didn’t care. Heat expanded over her skin, and the most primitive form of desire settled between her legs.

When Ethan pulled back, she was ready to shove him into the nearest private compartment.

“Is that clear enough for you?” His tone was deliciously rough, yet his face had gone cold. He pulled out of her embrace, leaving cool air in his place as he trudged away.

Sonya glanced to her left. Bastian and the mercenaries stood at the far end of the hall, staring. Had they watched the whole scene? The sympathy in Bastian’s eyes irked her. He probably imagined this was just a little hiccup between a demon and her non-demon mate, just as it had been difficult between him and Anya. But her relationship with Ethan was nothing like theirs. And it never would be.

The sad truth brought fury back. “Dammit, Ethan! You don’t get to just twist everything upside down and walk away.”

He offered his profile without stopping. “Then you’d better come along.”

For the umpteenth time, he bewildered her. His tone had been teasing.



Ethan had found it nearly impossible to stop kissing her, especially when she had so thoroughly and eagerly softened for him. But there had been an audience and the things he wanted to say to her—to do to her—were things best done in private.

He didn’t know what he would have done had she not followed him back to his quarters.

“What was that about?” she said, after the door to his room slid closed behind her. Ethan entered the wash room and splashed his face with water. He couldn’t tell if she was being obtuse or truly couldn’t fathom his feelings for her.

When he reentered the room, he found her standing awkwardly in the center looking more than a bit rattled, her expression perplexed and disconcerted. Outside in the hall, he had felt her ready to break if off with him entirely, and it had nearly dropped him to his knees.

“You make me lose my mind,” he ground out.


Her brusque comment made him crack a smile. But he let the humor die. “I didn’t like hearing you suggest that I’d rejoice at your demise. That’s the furthest thing from truth.”

One delicate shoulder lifted in response. “Okay, but that’s not really what I meant.”

He held up his palm. “You assume I’ll throw you off for Kyra, but I have no intention of pursuing her.”

Her eyes flared.

“And I don’t want this to end.” He gestured between the two of them. Then, for some reason, he added, “Just yet.” He wasn’t sure why exactly. Perhaps it was the sudden trepidation rolling off her. He got the impression she was ready to run.

Instead, she tilted her head at him. “What about my, um…” She indicated her fangs.

“You don’t frighten me.”

She averted her gaze, and that’s when he felt it—that same urge to hide. Only this time it wasn’t from desire. He frightened
a great deal.

They stood in silence for a moment, neither sure of what to say next.

Finally, he stepped forward, swiped his forefinger over the muck on her shoulder, and held it up. “You could use a washing.”

She gave a half smile. “And a change of clothes.”

“Nah, we don’t need that.”

She rolled her eyes, but her amused smile lifted his heart.

Chapter 29





Sebastian entered the pub, catching a deep blush on Sonya’s face as she shoved Ethan’s paws away from her with a giggle. Normally, that kind of scene would result in Ethan being dragged over the bar by his neck, but he tamped down the wayward urge.

Sonya’s declaration that both he and Cale had frightened away anyone who tried to get near her had speared him with guilt.

While he and Cale were off bedding females without a care, she’d been here—alone—battling a natural demon urge. If he’d been in that predicament, he might have gone insane. Now he had a new-found admiration for her strength and control…and stubborn will. 

Rex and Zoey strode in behind him—yet another set of newly acquainted lovers. However, Sebastian got the impression that it wasn’t serious on Rex’s part. Then again, he hadn’t anticipated Sonya and Ethan’s unlikely relationship, so who was to say?

When Sonya spotted them, blood leached from her face, and she slapped Ethan away more vigorously. Ethan frowned. Following her gaze, he noticed their approach and smiled once more.
No fear of the burly older brother, eh?

The new mercenaries Sonya and Ethan had recruited sat at the far end of the bar, drinking and talking among themselves. In no way did Sebastian trust them, but Ethan vouched for the group, which was good enough for now.

Other brutish newcomers meandered through the pub, gathering in tight-knit groups. Militants, mercenaries, soldiers without a cause. All taking up space on his ship, all either bribed or bored enough to take up a fight they had no vested stake in. As long as they all played nice, he’d let them be a rowdy as they wanted.

“Hey Sebastian, where’s Anya?” Sonya chirped.

With all the new roughneck recruits, Sebastian was hard-pressed to leave his mate unattended, even if she was turning out to be more powerful than he could have ever imagined. “She’s with her sisters, practicing in the Sanctuary.”

That seemed to pique Ethan’s interest. To Sonya, he said, “If you’ve got things covered here, I think I’ll go help them with that.”

Sonya waved her approval. Then Ethan drew her close and whispered a few oaths into her ear that Sebastian tried very hard not to hear…very, very hard! The last word,
, sounded foreign, and made Zoey chuckle.

Sonya zeroed in on the Earthling. Zoey went pale and lost her smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.” It was still a surprise to hear the Earthling speak their native language.

“What did he say just then?” Sonya inquired sternly.

Zoey looked confused for a moment. Ethan smirked and nodded his head at her. She answered, “He called you a little temptress.”

Sonya’s jaw dropped, and she faced Ethan. “Why did you tell me it meant rotten female?”

“You’d have had me by the balls otherwise,” he replied matter-of-factly.

She grinned, looking ready to offer a lewd retort, but her eyes slid to Sebastian, and she seemed to think better of it.

“You can finish that thought later,” Ethan muttered suggestively.

Sebastian couldn’t help curling his hands into tight fists. Sonya shot him a death-stare, letting him know she would knock the ever-living shit out of him if he tried anything. He just shrugged and replied, “It’s a hard habit to break.”

As though sensing it was time to cut out, Ethan gave Sonya a quick peck on the lips before heading toward the Sanctuary. Sebastian had to admire his fearlessness, especially in present company. He was an acceptable male.

“We’re closing in on Evlon,” Sebastian informed Sonya, taking a seat at the bar. “Ivan has guaranteed more than fifty ships, but I’ve seen no sign of them yet.”



Sonya nodded her head in response, barely listening to Sebastian. She was still holding in her shock over learning the meaning of Ethan’s favorite endearment. She realized he had been calling her
little temptress
nearly from the start.

She glanced at the mercenaries, out of hearing range. “I guess all we can do is hope Ivan’s not full of shit. Ethan seems to trust him.” She set to mixing Sebastian a strong drink.

“Aye,” Sebastian replied, sounding unconvinced. “Anyway, Portia is working on a cloaking spell to use on the ship when we arrive. There’s bound to be some Kayadon crafts lying in wait.”

“Doesn’t the book detail stuff like that?” She put the finished drink in front of Sebastian.

He wrapped his palm around it. “It outlines patrolling schedules, but it’s so old, I fear the information might be out of date.”

“Ethan believes his king would have taken that into account and adjusted for future events.”

“It has also been said that this king’s visions cannot be fully relied upon,” Sebastian countered.

True enough
, Sonya thought. “Portia’s only a witch in training. Do you believe she’ll do an adequate job?”

Both of them jumped at the soft female voice. “I am confident in this spell.” As she often liked to do, Portia had
in, appearing as if from nowhere upon the empty stool next to Sebastian.

Sebastian bristled. “Ach, girl. You must stop doing that.”

Ignoring his chagrin, Portia continued, “I’ve worked this spell many-a-time. We’ll be as if invisible.” She snapped her fingers.

On the opposite side of Sebastian, Zoey nodded at Portia seeming utterly convinced of the witch’s prowess. Rex’s face remained impassive.

“Where’s the enthusiasm?” Sonya asked him. “For all intents and purposes, we’re about to face down some Kayadon scum.” He should be as eager as any of them for vengeance.

He gave her a blank expression. “This is me excited.”

Zoey burst into laughter, but the demon was so stoic all the time, Sonya didn’t think he was kidding. Sonya hadn’t seen him smile once since she’d met him, but with Zoey gazing up at him all dreamy-like, she suspected the Earthling might have.

To Rex, Sonya said, “You’d better take it up a notch once we get there.”

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