Demonic (34 page)

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Authors: Ann Coulter

Tags: #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism, #Democracy, #Political Process, #Political Parties

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Liberals constantly engage in mob violence—and allegedly respectable liberals encourage the ruffians. The
, billing itself as “the world’s leading liberal voice,” ran a column by the nut who tried to
arrest Bolton, in which he encouraged others to make a citizen’s arrest of Tony Blair.

It is simply taken as a given that Michael Moore and James Carville can stroll undisturbed through the most conservative parts of the country—even through the Republican National Convention!—while conservative public figures need bodyguards anywhere liberals might be.

Indeed, it’s nonstop physical confrontation for conservatives. To take an example at random: Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani was strolling out of the Bridgehampton arts fair in May 2009 when a “slim, well-dressed man,” identified as sixty-nine-year-old John McCluskey of East Hampton, came charging at him, screaming “I’m gonna punch your lights out,” and poking Giuliani in the chest.
Nothing like this has ever happened to a liberal, and if it did, right-wing publications wouldn’t turn the nut into a hero. Meanwhile, the deranged McCluskey was hailed by the liberal Gawker website—in a brave, untitled piece—as “a true New York hero,” while Giuliani, who was merely attending a local art show, was called a “perpetual asshole.”

But Keith Olbermann stormed out of the 2008 Republican National Convention early because MSNBC wouldn’t double his security in the presence of scary Republican delegates.

No matter how much liberals wail about the threat of right-wing violence, all the nontheoretical violence keeps coming from the Left.

This is why it was laughable, even to themselves, when liberals began trying to portray Tea Partiers as potentially violent. These endlessly violent liberals never pass up an opportunity for indignation. Whenever it suits their purposes, they will transform themselves from supporters of violent anarchists into fainting Victorian virgins—“I can’t believe my opponent would stoop so low!” Liberals believe anything ever said by a Republican is an incitement to violence. But when no violence ensues, we never hear, “Oh, okay, I overreacted.” As soon as liberals think they can get away with it, they reintroduce their hoax charges.
It didn’t get much press that our accusation was a lie—let’s run with it

The Democratic National Committee called the Tea Party movement “rabid right-wing extremists” and “angry mobs.”
ABC called them a “mob.” CNN anchor Suzanne Malveaux introduced a segment on the Townhalls asking, “What is all this shouting about?”
called them “rabble-rousing critics” of the president. Representative Brian Baird (D-WA) said citizens opposed to ObamaCare had a “lynch mob mentality” and were using “close to Brown-shirt tactics.”
(Meaning what? Light brown shirt tactics? Beige, maybe? Taupe? Ecru?) The AFL-CIO—yes, the AFL-CIO—said the anti-ObamaCare citizens were “using mob rule.”

In an unexpected twist, Democrats also attacked the Tea Partiers for being too well dressed. (You’re always arguing from a real position of strength when you attack your opponent’s clothes.) White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said they looked like the “Brooks Brothers brigade.” Senator Barbara Boxer complained that the ObamaCare protesters were suspiciously “well dressed.” Chris Matthews repeated Gibbs’s “Brooks Brothers brigade” line, demanding to know who these “well-dressed, middle-class people in pinks and limes” were.
Liberals don’t consider protesters believable unless they’re homeless people hired to protest by SEIU with a free T-shirt and a box lunch. They would find out in the next election just how real those protests were.

With the “too well dressed” attack not making much of an impact, liberals reverted to calling the anti-ObamaCare protesters a dangerous mob.

Senator Harry Reid called them “evil-mongers”—twice, to be sure he was understood.
Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer wrote an article in
USA Today
calling them “un-American” for allegedly shouting down speakers. Pelosi and Hoyer should come to one of my college speeches.

Liberals acted as if they had encountered the Night Riders every time they saw a sign that said “T(axed) E(nough) A(lready).” It seemed perfectly plausible to liberals that a bunch of out-of-control, badass headbangers would call their rallies “Tea Parties.” But while we kept hearing about the violent, racist rednecks at conservative rallies, the only violence at the Tea Parties and Townhalls kept being committed by liberals.

At a Townhall meeting on ObamaCare in St. Louis on August 6, 2009, Kenneth Gladney, a conservative black handing out pens and buttons, was punched in the face by union thugs yelling racial slurs—
“What kind of nigger are you?”
According to the police report, Gladney’s
assailants, Elston McCowan and Perry Molens, are both members of the SEIU. In all, six union thugs were arrested that day.

About a month later, on September 3, 2009, sixty-five-year-old ObamaCare opponent Bill Rice had his finger bitten off at a health care rally in Thousand Oaks, California, by an ObamaCare supporter.
To repeat: A man had his finger bitten clear off by another human being at a political rally. Oh and by the way, the
New York Times
never mentioned it. Only two news outlets carried the story, according to Nexis: the
Washington Times
and Neil Cavuto, who interviewed the victim on Fox News. Ironically, having your finger bitten off by a left-wing crackpot while protesting ObamaCare is not covered by ObamaCare, but erectile dysfunction therapy for federal inmates is.

In January 2011, radio host Michael Smerconish was babbling to Chris Matthews about his terror of some angry birthers he had seen
eighteen months earlier
at a Mike Castle Townhall meeting in Delaware. He said, “I looked at that video and I was frightened. These are people who are on the edge and if somebody pushes them over, God help us all.”

Perhaps the good Lord stepped in—or perhaps the excitable attendees at the Castle meeting were never especially dangerous. Even the nutty birthers at the Mike Castle Townhall seemed to have managed not to attack anyone in the eighteen months since Smerconish had been “frightened” by what he saw there. If these wacky right-wingers are constantly on the verge of violence, why isn’t there ever any violence?

You could throw a glass of cold water on a liberal in the middle of the night and he’d wake up denouncing “right-wing rhetoric.”

Liberals keep warning us about right-wing violence—the Tea Partiers, the gun nuts, the militias, the abortion protesters, the Republicans in Hush Puppies terrorizing Jesse Jackson during the 2000 Florida recount. But they can never produce any examples. And when they do, it turns out to be a liberal.

In June 2009, liberals thought they finally had an act of violence they could pin on a right-winger—besides the old McVeigh chestnut—when there was a shooting at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, killing a black security guard.

The night of the shooting, Keith Olbermann hysterically warned,
“Five months—less than five months actually, into this presidency of this Democratic president, half-white, half-African-American, and a shooter opens fire in the National Holocaust Museum. Eleven days after an OB-GYN in Kansas is assassinated and his women’s health clinic closes its doors apparently for good. Is this a coincidence of timing that these attacks are happening now?”

The next night, Rachel Maddow noted that the Holocaust museum shooter was a birther, adding that such thinking was common among conservatives: “At the conservative tea parties that were held across the country in April, you couldn’t get away from it.”

That day on the Ed Schultz show, Ed raised the prescience of the Department of Homeland Security report warning of an upsurge in violence among conservatives, sneering that “it was mocked by a lot of conservatives … but this guy that committed this crime yesterday, we knew what he was all about.”

In fact, however, the shooter, James Von Brunn, was every bit as angry about Bush’s election as Obama’s. On his webpage—about to be sold to AOL for $315 million—he raged against Bush, McCain, and all “neoconservatives.” In addition to apparently being a birther, he was a 9/11 truther and—naturally—detested Christianity.

Not every liberal will commit political violence, but all political violence keeps being committed by liberals.

Liberal hearts again leapt with anticipation on February 18, 2010, when a nut flew his plane into the IRS building in Austin, Texas. Those of you who are familiar with my previous work can probably guess what’s about to happen.

The pilot, Joseph Stack, turned out to be a Marxist. Stack was upset not only about his IRS audit but also about the fact that America didn’t have national health care. In what could have been a script from MSNBC’s
Countdown with Keith Olbermann
, Stack’s suicide note complained that “the joke we call the American medical system, including the drug and insurance companies, are murdering tens of thousands of people a year.” He concluded his suicide note—Stack, not Olbermann—by denouncing capitalism and praising communism: “The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. The capitalist
creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed.”

And just like that, what could have been a brilliant career as an MSNBC prime-time host came to a fiery end.

Just a week before Stack flew his plane into the IRS building, on February 12, 2010, University of Alabama professor Amy Bishop shot up a room full of professors, hitting six and leaving three of her colleagues dead. We didn’t hear much about Bishop’s massacre of her colleagues, probably because, according to the
Boston Herald
, Bishop “was a far-left political extremist who was ‘obsessed’ with President Obama to the point of being off-putting.” That fact was never acknowledged by the
New York Times
or other major media, except inadvertently by the mainstream media’s instantaneous dropping of all mention of the rather spectacular crime.

It was the same with the satanic cult the “Westboro church,” which protests outside soldiers’ funerals with charming signs saying things like “God hates fags.” The patriarch of the cult, Fred Phelps, has run for office five times—as a Democrat. The
New York Times
submitted an amicus brief on his behalf in a lawsuit brought by the father of a soldier whose funeral Phelps’s crew had disrupted.

Then, in late March 2010, there was exultation throughout the media when federal law enforcement officials arrested nine members of an alleged “Christian militia group” based in Michigan. The group, calling themselves the “Hutaree,” was charged on weapons and drug offenses, and also with plotting to kill law enforcement officers. Inasmuch as they had not actually committed any violence yet, if the Hutaree had been Muslims, liberals would have been wailing about their civil rights.

The case, apparently just another white-trash bust, was featured on every MSNBC prime-time program that night. You’d think Michael Steele had been arrested. On
The Ed Show
, guest Bill Press said, “Ed, I have to tell you, I don’t see any difference between what [conservative blogger] Erick Erickson said and what that militia did, the Hutaree.”

Just making some back-of-the-envelope notes here: One difference is that Erickson wasn’t accused of plotting to murder police officers.

Erickson, editor of the conservative Red State blog, had said on radio
that he was perfectly happy to fill out the census form, but got worked up complaining about the detailed personal questions on the long form, saying, “This is crazy. What gives the Commerce Department the right to ask me how often I flush my toilet? Or about going to work? I’m not filling out this form. I dare them to try and come throw me in jail. I dare them to. Pull out my wife’s shotgun and see how that little ACS twerp likes being scared at the door. They’re not going on my property. They can’t do that. They don’t have the legal right, and yet they’re trying.”

Life with liberals is a constant game of
Sesame Street
’s “One of These Things Is Not Like the Other.”

Liberals are allowed to call us curs, dogs, and fascists, but conservatives must make precious measured statements, so that, in the end, perhaps, the truth may emerge. To take one example at random, just a few weeks before Erickson’s word crime, HBO’s Bill Maher commented on his TV show about the death of a deranged pothead who tried to shoot his way into the Pentagon, saying, “When we see crazy, senseless deaths like this, we can only ask why, why, why couldn’t it have been Glenn Beck?”

Two weeks after the Hutaree bust in Michigan, another group of anti-government extremists were arrested in New York City. New York police arrested more than a hundred violent extremists who had been caught on phone taps engaging in anti-government rhetoric, including a plot to shoot law enforcement officers. They had also already committed at least two murders, eleven shootings, and one home-invasion robbery, as well as some assorted drug crimes. But unlike the Hutaree, the New York group did not inspire media speculation about conservative rhetoric encouraging violence. The New York group was the Bloods and the Crips.

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