Demonic (44 page)

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Authors: Ann Coulter

Tags: #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism, #Democracy, #Political Process, #Political Parties

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And yet mostly liberal prosecutors put innocent people in jail on the basis of fantastical stories that had been implanted by alleged therapists. It is terrifying that this could have happened in America. This was one of the most egregious mass violations of people’s rights in U.S. history. (A decade later, Reno would top it by killing nearly eighty civilians in Waco, Texas.)

Almost all of these cases were brought and defended by liberals—Janet Reno, Scott Harshbarger, and Martha Coakley. The ACLU was too busy forcing a small town in South Dakota to take down a crèche to notice the mass imprisonment of people for crimes that had never happened.

Harshbarger used the case as a launching pad to run for attorney general and then governor of Massachusetts. After losing his gubernatorial bid, he was made president of the liberal group Common Cause, where he lobbied for campaign finance reform. Janet Reno went from imprisoning innocent people in Florida to being appointed attorney general by Bill Clinton (and not imprisoning guilty people).

When similar claims of sexual molestation and ritual satanic abuse at Breezy Point day care center in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, were presented to the Republican district attorney, Alan Rubenstein, he concluded that the charges were utterly baseless. Indeed, after he discovered that the child-abuse “expert” was actually an unemployed plumber, Rubenstein warned him that if he set foot in Bucks County, he’d be arrested for fraud.

This is not the only way liberals have used children for political gain. Liberals specialize in promoting the backstabbing children of prominent conservatives. In 2004, the Democrats featured Ronald Reagan’s son, incorrectly known as Ron Reagan Jr., speaking in favor of embryonic stem
cell research, a policy that would have been detested by his staunchly pro-life father. There was no reason for anyone to care what “Ron Jr.” had to say about stem vegetables, much less stem cells—other than as a postmortem rebuke to his father.

In 2008, Ron triumphantly endorsed Barack Obama. In 2011, he wrote a book absurdly announcing that his father had Alzheimer’s as president—a medical diagnosis that was promptly dismissed by Reagan’s White House doctors, as well as disproved by his medical records.

Most despicably, while Reagan was still alive,
magazine put a full nude torso shot of Patti Reagan on its cover, with only a black man’s hands covering her breasts. “Ronald Reagan’s Renegade Daughter,” the skin magazine proclaimed.

The son of the great Christian theologian Francis Schaeffer attacked his father as a fraud and con man in a book called
Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back
. Solely because of who his father was, Schaeffer was given a platform by the Left to launch venomous attacks against the entire evangelical movement. In no time, he was writing for the Huffington Post and appearing on MSNBC’S
Rachel Maddow Show

Sadly for liberals, they have been unable to turn any of Sarah Palin’s actual children against her and had to settle for risible attacks from the nitwit biological father of Palin’s illegitimate grandchild, Levi Johnson.

It isn’t random which children turn on their parents. The benefits flow only to those who tattle on conservative parents. Who could write a better “Mommy Dearest” book than Chelsea Clinton? How about Amy Carter? But no conservative publisher would seek out such a book. Conservatives don’t use children as weapons against their political opponents.

As with the vile accusations against Marie Antoinette, liberals revel in obscene bacchanals—while hurling accusations of sexual depravity at their enemies. Soviet spy Alger Hiss’s partisans started a rumor that his accuser, Whittaker Chambers, had committed incest with his brother who later committed suicide. When told of the disgusting slander, Chambers exclaimed, “What kind of beasts am I dealing with?” Only minds “deformed by something more than malevolence could have excreted it.”

The first George Bush was falsely accused of having an affair, John
McCain was falsely accused of having an affair, Sarah Palin was falsely accused of having an affair—and also of not having given birth to Trig—Clarence Thomas was falsely accused of talking dirty to a coworker, and on and on. This, from the party whose motto is “Everybody does it.”

During the investigation of Bill Clinton’s actual sexual congress with a White House intern and associated felonies, Clinton adviser and
magazine magnate Larry Flynt offered a reward for information about sexual affairs of any Republican members of Congress.

After Clinton’s impeachment, his partisans sponsored an investigation by writer and fantasist John Connolly into the sex lives of wholly private citizens to punish them for having supported Clinton’s impeachment. Commissioned by Tina Brown’s Talk Miramax, the book was canceled after it was spectacularly revealed that Connolly had hired a detective to snoop into private individuals’ sex lives.

Liberals will even dirty up the founding fathers’ sex lives for political gain. They have absurdly accused Abraham Lincoln of being gay based on his sleeping in the same bed with a male friend, as was common in the era before reliable indoor heating.

They have accused Thomas Jefferson of having an affair with his slave Sally Hemings in order to help Bill Clinton in the middle of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. This was in defiance of evidence that overwhelmingly suggests that Hemings’s only Jefferson consort was the president’s younger brother, Randolf, who frequently socialized with the slaves. (At least they were holding Jefferson clear of being gay.)

Strikingly, with every mob uprising we see the recrudescence of hatred toward religious morality—from the French Revolution to Nazi and communist ideologies to Islamic barbarians and our liberal friends in this country. “History tells us,” Le Bon says, “that from the moment when the moral forces on which a civilization rested have lost their strength, its final dissolution is brought about by those unconscious and brutal crowds known, justifiably enough as barbarians.”

In his book on the French Revolution, the British historian Simon Schama describes a moral weakening of the entire country that paved the way for the coming massacre. None of the libelous attacks on Marie Antoinette, Schama says, “would have been possible had there not already been a rich and unsavory vein of court pornography to tap.”
Although pornography wasn’t new, Schama says, “it evolved into a particularly ripe phase during the last years of Louis XV”—on account of the king’s openly acknowledged mistress and his private brothel at Versailles.
Schama says, “Virtually everything short of outright atheism, tracts preaching regicide and pornography got published” between 1750 and 1763.

It was a small step from there for the porn peddlers to turn on the queen—to make their material politically relevant. In no time, pamphlets attacking the demure Princess Lamballe leeringly alleged that the princess widened Antoinette’s labia so that the king’s soft penis could enter.

During the revolution, one mob commander of the French Revolution, P. J. Picot-Bellac, went straight to the churches in every town he besieged in order to give mock “sermons” in which he called the Virgin Mary a “whore” and said Jesus had “scored”—using a French vulgarity—with Mary Magdalene.

Compare that with Amanda Marcotte, blogger for the campaign of John Edwards—an apparently serious Democratic presidential candidate. She wrote, “Q: What if Mary had taken Plan B after the Lord filled her with his hot, white, sticky Holy Spirit? A: You’d have to justify your misogyny with another ancient mythology.” Another of Marcotte’s charming observations was: “[Y]ou motherf**kers who want to ban birth control will never sleep. I will f**k without making children day in and out and you will know it and you won’t be able to stop it. Toss and turn, you mean, jealous motherf**kers. I’m not going to be ‘punished’ with babies.”

After writing those gems, Marcotte was hired by Edwards—and not to sweep floors but to write for his blog, based on her earlier oeuvre. Perhaps it is not surprising that such a person as this would find work with a smarmy pro-abortion hustler, who, while he was running for president, cheated on his cancer-stricken wife with a New Age flake, got her pregnant, and then lied about it even after getting caught. Still, Edwards isn’t Dennis Department-of-Peace-guided-talking-dolphins Kucinich. He was the Democrats’ vice presidential candidate in 2004. Marcotte fits comfortably within the mainstream of the Democratic
Party in America—the party of abortion, adultery, and everything bestial in society.

Key Obama adviser Bernardine Dohrn notoriously sported a button in her younger years that said, “Fellatio Is Fun, Cunnilingus Is Cool.” Dohrn, Ayers, and the other former radicals, now university professors and presidential advisers, engaged in bisexual orgies as part of their mission to “smash monogamy,” with Ayers having sex with his best male friend.

Liberals promote sexual vulgarity to tear down values that make civilized society possible. Liberal women at American universities protest pro-life speakers by chanting, “I f—k to c–m, not to procreate!” They protest conservative speakers by shouting “Lick my cl–t!” During one act of the charmingly titled play
The Vagina Monologues
, written by silly liberal Eve Ensler, the audience is directed to chant in unison, “C—T! C—T! C—T!”

Liberals don’t just hate tradition and morality, they hate God. That’s not our country and that’s not our revolution.

Leading our revolutionary troops in 1776, General George Washington sent a message to the troops that said, “The blessing and protection of Heaven are at all times necessary, but especially so in times of public distress and danger. The general hopes and trusts that every officer and man will endeavor to live and act as becomes a Christian soldier, defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country.”

A few years later, in 1778, Washington directed that church services be conducted for the troops every Sunday at 11 a.m., saying of this directive, “While we are duly performing the duty of good soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of a patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of a Christian.”

Washington’s religiosity was utterly typical of our revolutionary forebears. John Adams, second president of the United States and also a signer of the Declaration, wrote to his wife in 1775, “Statesmen may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. A patriot must be a religious man.”
One of America’s most important
founding fathers, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, who signed all three of America’s founding documents—the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution—wouldn’t even travel on Sunday, so dutiful was he about keeping the Sabbath.

Samuel Adams, sometimes called the “Father of the American Revolution,” who signed the Declaration of Independence and voted to ratify the U.S. Constitution, said, “I conceive we cannot better express ourselves than by humbly supplicating the Supreme Ruler of the world … that the confusions that are and have been among the nations may be overruled by the promoting and speedily bringing in the holy and happy period when the kingdoms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ may be everywhere established, and the people willingly bow to the scepter of Him who is the Prince of Peace.”

Even the flaky Thomas Jefferson, who was not an orthodox Christian, was a virtual Jerry Falwell compared with today’s Democrats. Jefferson said, “Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God?”

The only founding father besides Jefferson with unconventional religious tendencies was Benjamin Franklin. Yet it was Franklin who proposed a prayer at the Continental Convention for the drafters of the Constitution—a motion shot down by the devout Alexander Hamilton on the grounds that a prayer would send a signal that the Convention was in trouble.

Meanwhile, over in France, their revolutionary heroes were torching churches, axing priests, and giving sermons calling the Virgin Mary a whore.

That’s the Democrats’ revolutionary tradition.



n the psychiatrist M. Scott Peck’s book
People of the Lie
, he describes evil in the same terms that Le Bon uses to describe mobs, saying it is “a kind of immaturity.” Writing about an exorcism he participated in, he says when the possessed was asked if he was multiple demons or just one, Satan—speaking through the possessed—replied, “They all belong to me.”
God oversees individual souls, but Satan has the mob.

The mob is satanic and Satan can only destroy. In the Bible, Jesus says to the crowd following the devil, rather than God, “You are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44).

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