Demons Undone: The Sons of Gulielmus Series (7 page)

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Authors: Holley Trent

Tags: #romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Demons Undone: The Sons of Gulielmus Series
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Hitch returned right then carrying a paper bag that seemed much lighter than it had been minutes before. He must have dumped the trash. His grin was anticipatory, and Ariel felt an awakening in her gut.

She cleared her throat as she returned her attention to the clucking clerk. “What’s wrong?” She didn’t like that cluck.

The woman pulled her pink-frosted lips into a cringe. “Looks like we had to move a couple of guests because of central air issues. Since you hadn’t checked in yet, we had to bump you.”

“So, I have no room?” Ariel wasn’t much of a whiner when it came to this kind of error, but the idea of getting back into her car and setting out in search of a hotel with vacancies when she was so very tired made her want to bark.

“Well, we have
room, but I just want to make sure you’ll be comfortable in it.”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“Well, nothing’s wrong, per se. Actually, you have two options. I can put you in a ground floor, handicapped assessable room for the same rate, or I can bump you up into a suite for a ten percent extra surcharge.”

Ten percent didn’t seem all that unreasonable. “A suite sounds nice, actually. Does it have a full-sized table? We haven’t had dinner yet.”

She giggled. “Oh yeah. Full-sized everything. It’s the honeymoon suite.”

The first thought that flicked through Ariel’s mind was
People have honeymoons in Arkansas?
The second was
Like hell if I’m going to submit a receipt to HR for reimbursement that has HONEYMOON SUITE itemized on it. How awkward would that be?

Hitch must have tapped into the source of her discomfort, as he interjected, “Honeymoon suite sounds romantic, doesn’t it, sweetpea?” He nudged her foot with his own and raised one brow at her.

What’s he up to?

She gave a slow, but unambiguous, nod.

“I think so too, sweetpea. You deserve to relax,” he said before turning his attention to the clerk once more. “We’re moving cross-country for work. Company’s footing the bill.”

Realization dawned on the clerk’s face. “Oh. I see. Well, I can split the receipt and you can pay the up-charge separately, if you want.”

He gave her grin that could deglaze ceramic. “That’s really helpful, uh … ” He stared at the woman’s full breasts for a moment, which made Ariel want to stomp his foot with her own.

Then she realized she was reading her obstructed nametag just like he had with the waitress the day before. He seemed big on names.

“Ashley,” he finished.

“You got it.”

Ariel handed the woman her credit card. “What time does room service stop serving dinner?”

“Nine, hon.”

“Thanks.” She signed the receipt with a flourish and bobbed her head toward the bank of elevators. “Want to eat upstairs?” she asked Hitch. Food was the furthest thing from her mind at the moment. She was tired, but being with him wasn’t exactly exerting work.

He shifted the paper bag to his left arm and pulled up the handle of her suitcase. “Sounds great. I’d love to get comfortable. It’s been a long drive.”

“Too long.”

They cleared away from the queue and headed toward the elevators. With each step she took, she felt more awake. Invigorated, even. She could be up all night with the way her body thrummed with excitement. That was the kind of juice that could have kept her on the road until dark. She knew coffee didn’t have a damned thing to do with it, though, and the feeling probably couldn’t be replicated.

She stabbed the
button and offered her escort a little grin.

He smiled back. He knew where the evening was going as well as she did. He was holding the proof in that paper bag. If he was concerned at all about losing his virginity to a woman who’d picked him up from a roadside, he certainly didn’t show it.

Suddenly, she tensed as if she’d been injected with a shot of ice water.
His virginity.
A lump formed in her throat that seemed too large to swallow and the lobby’s air suddenly seemed too thin to breathe.

His virginity
. She didn’t want to be responsible for that. That was a lot of pressure. He’d remember that coupling for the rest of his life, whether it was good, bad, or ordinary. She didn’t want to turn sex into a performance, by any means, but she couldn’t just lay there with her eyelids fluttering while he did all the work. Or would he expect her to be the one on top? The

They stepped into the open elevator with her still ruminating over what was about to happen, but before she could formulate a plan of any sort, a man slipped in between the closing doors.

“Whew!” he said with his back to the doors and offering Ariel, then Hitch, a giant grin.

Ariel stared.

“Thought I’d miss y’all. Hitch, you didn’t hear me calling you? I know it’s been a long time, but that’s no way to treat your brother.”


She studied the man. Tall, lean, dark-haired where Hitch was blond, but there was a definite resemblance there. Same blue eyes. Same sly grin. Naturally, he was gorgeous, and there she was, standing in a cramped elevator with wrinkled clothes, wearing no make-up, and her hair probably looked like she’d combed it that morning with a plastic fork. Just her luck, really, to be wedged between two drop-dead sexy men and to look like she’d just clawed her way out of a grave.

She whimpered, though probably neither heard.

Hitch’s expression shifted from one of confusion, to stunned horror, to annoyance.

What’s going on here?

She looked from one man to the other, trying to get a read on their relationship, but that information seemed closed off to her. As if a wall had been erected.

Finally, Hitch said, “What are you doing here?”

The brown-haired brother shrugged. “I’m on the road a lot, remember?”

Hitch lifted a brow, then turned his gaze to the digital display that told them what floor they’d ascended to. Two to go.

“Just made a little overnight stop. Heading to Utah, towing some cars. Saw your ass and said to myself, ‘Shit, that can’t be Hitch’.”

They stopped. The elevator dinged. They got out, and the newcomer followed them.

She read the room number on her keycard and pointed when Hitch looked to her for direction. They headed down the corridor.

“Folks call me Trucker, by the way,” the man said, catching up to Ariel and looking down at her with a grin.

“Trucker and Hitch. I sense a theme,” she said.

It dawned on her that she didn’t even know Hitch’s real name and she was thinking about having sex with the guy. Like,

Wasn’t she more discriminating than that? She looked up at the two men, idling in front of the door, staring at each other. The tension between the two was palpable, crackling, even. She fully expected that at any moment, one or the other would throw a blow. But why?

She slipped the keycard into the slot and listened to the click.

The room exhaled a cold whoosh of air as she shouldered the door open. Behind her, Hitch said, “We’re going to relax and have some dinner. It’s good seeing you, man.”

“Shit, little brother. I was hoping we could catch up.”

The door clicked closed behind the three of them, and Ariel stood in the foyer, assessing the room. It was about the size of the apartment she’d left back in California, fully-equipped with everything two honeymooners would need to hide out for a few days.

She walked into the bedroom and grunted her appreciation at the king-sized bed, and even bounced on its edge, testing its firmness.


While sitting there, she eased one of the nightstand drawers open in search of room service menus, but instead discovered just how well-equipped the room was. She felt both eyebrows dart toward her hairline as she reached a hand into the drawer and extracted a box of glow-in-the-dark condoms. She wasn’t sure that was exactly something she
to look fluorescent in the dark.

She tossed them back in as Hitch appeared in the door. His expression was a blank, but she could tell by the way he held his shoulders up high to his ears that he wasn’t in a great mood. “What’s up?”

“Mind if Trucker sticks around for dinner?”

He didn’t look too excited at the prospect, but maybe he was just afraid she’d say no. And if he hadn’t seen his brother in a while and didn’t know when he would again, she didn’t want to get in the way with that.

She shrugged. “Hey, that might be fun. Maybe I’ll order a couple of pizzas.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I’m easy.”

It took Hitch’s eyes widening a bit for her to realize what she’d said. She slapped her hands over her face. “Not what I meant.”

He laughed as he moved away from the door. “I know what you meant. Uh, Trucker and I are going to run downstairs and get some drinks. See what the bar has. Want anything?”

Yeah. I want to have met you in a normal way.
“No, I’ll probably make some coffee,” she called after him.

“More power to you, sweetpea,” Hitch said, and then the outer door clicked closed.

She collapsed onto the bed, not knowing if she should be thankful for the bucket of ice water named “Trucker” or if she should stab him with an ice pick.

Chapter Six

Once clear of the suite, John wrapped his fingers around his half-brother’s neck and forced him against the wall with a growl.

Trucker rolled his eyes and didn’t bother fighting him. Size-wise, they were evenly matched. Same approximate height. Right around the same weight. He could have fought back, but he didn’t.

John let go and whispered in a hiss, “What do you want?”

Trucker straightened his mussed plaid shirt and pushed away from the wall. They were in front of the elevator again before he answered. “I don’t want shit, kid. I’m just the lucky motherfucker Pops asked to check in on you. He’s preoccupied, and I was in the area.”

“Oh, is that right?”

“Don’t give me the attitude.”

They stepped into the elevator and Trucker moved into the corner, crossed his arms over his chest, and leaned his butt against the railing. He studied John for a while before continuing. “Do you know how old I am?”

John stared at him, assessing his features, itemizing his casual choice of clothing — not much different than his own. He shrugged. “Why would I know

“Just take a guess. Humor me.”

They stepped off the elevator and strode in silence toward the bar. Once on stools, Hitch said, “You look about my age, but my gut says I’m way off.”

“Depending on who you ask.” He flagged the bartender. “To Pop, our age difference is insignificant. A drop in the proverbial bucket. But of course that’d be the case. He’s as old as the universe. For some folks, though, the difference could be two lifetimes.”

“Making you … ”

He leaned in close and whispered in John’s ear, “I was born in eighteen-ninety.”

John drew back, agape and agog.

“Didn’t know we had that kind of longevity, huh? Well. We’re cambions. Our oldest sibling here in the U.S., best I can tell, was born in fifteen-eighty-five. She looks seventeen.”

When the bartender stood before them, Trucker ordered for them both. “Two whiskeys, double, with chasers. Whatever dark local beer you’ve got.”

The bartender nodded and moved away.

Trucker put his elbow on the bar top and rested the side of his head against it, one eyebrow cocked to John. “He tell you any of this?”

John shook his head.

“Figures. He does tend to dispense information selectively. Most of what I know I’ve found out by running into our multitude of siblings. We’re easy to recognize, once you understand how to search out the auras.”


He shrugged. “You’ll know what I mean when you see the next one. You probably missed mine, and now you’re sort of colorblind to it. Your eyes and brain have adjusted to it. Anyway.” He held out his free left hand. “Charles.”


They clasped hands and both immediately drew back.

“Shit, sorry, John.” Charles straightened up and held up his left hand, palm out. Glowing blue lines stood out in stark relief to the pale cream of his skin.

John looked down at his own hand — the same one Gulielmus had marked. Now illuminated, he could just barely make out the lines, but had no context to understand them. “What is it?”

“Source of our immortality. Claude would be able to tell you what it means exactly, but more or less it draws the demonic parts of us to the surface. Without it, we’re just run-of-the-mill Joes.”

John stared at the fading lines.
He hadn’t considered that. He didn’t know if he wanted to live forever. Wouldn’t he get bored? What would he have to live for? He cast his gaze up to his brother. “Who’s Claude?”

“One of our brothers. The only one I talk to, really.” Charles nodded as the bartender distributed drinks and pressed two twenty-dollar bills across the counter. “Six-pack when you get a chance?”

He nodded and moved away.

“So, what do you want?” John stared at the drinks in front of him, unsure of what he was supposed to be doing with them. Should he mix them, or …

Charles downed his double like a shot and rubbed his sleeve across his lips. “What do I want?” He shrugged. “Nothing. Truth is, I don’t give a shit what you do.”

“Then why are you here?”

“Because Pop commanded it. I try to stay on his good side. Anyhow … ” He pointed to John’s booze. “You gonna drink that?”

John shook his head. “I’m a teetotaler.”

Charles grimaced. “Stay in this business long enough and that’ll change.” He drew the brews closer to himself. “Listen, I came because I didn’t know you existed and I figured I’d fill you in the way Claude did me back in nineteen-fifteen.” He downed the second whiskey and shuddered. “Weird shit’s gonna start happening. Abilities will come online that’ll help you do your job. I can’t predict what those’ll be. They’re different for all of us.”

John formed his bar napkin into a tight tube and rolled it under his palm meditatively.

Charles gave him a nudge. “What is it? What clicked on?”

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