Destroyed Dreams (5 page)

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Authors: Jessica Gray

BOOK: Destroyed Dreams
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Not waiting for her to leave the booth, Robert left himself and headed back to the bar for another beer. Melissa watched him walk away and shook her head. He definitely could use a lesson in manners. None of the men she knew in the city would have dared to leave the booth before her, let alone, not walked her to her car.


Shaking her head, she left the bar and headed home. The only redeeming quality of the evening had been seeing Robert’s drawings for the cabin. She wondered if her uncle had seen his drawings.


Her uncle had left a message for her while she was at the lake that he would be stopping by tomorrow afternoon to see how things were working out. She would look forward to seeing his reaction when he saw Robert’s drawings.

Chapter 10


Zzzzzzzzzzz. ZzzzzzzzzEeeeeeee. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.


“Not again,” Melissa groaned as she attempted to block out the noise by pulling a pillow over her head. It didn’t work.


Crawling from the bed, she remembered to grab a robe, as headed for the first confrontation of the day. Glancing at the clock on the fireplace, she noted that it was almost 9 o’clock this morning. Well, at least that’s better than 7 o’clock.


Opening the back porch door, she screamed, “Would you please stop making so much noise?”

Robert didn’t appear to have heard her as he continued what he was doing without even pausing.  Making sure not to pick up another splinter, Melissa stepped out onto the deck, positioned herself in his line of vision, and tried again, “Robert, turn that blasted thing off!”


Robert saw something out of the corner of his eye and let go of the power button on the drill just in time to hear Melissa shout at him. Looking her up and down, slightly disappointed that she had remembered to dress this morning, he winked at her and said, “Good morning to you as well. Lot’s of work to do today.” Giving her another grin, he turned back to his project and started the power tools up again.


Melissa watched him with her mouth hanging open. The man had some nerve. Didn’t he understand that she needed her rest? It was evident that he didn’t care.


Throwing up her hands, she made her way back into the house, taking great satisfaction in slamming the door. Deciding that her ability to sleep had just evaporated, she headed towards the kitchen and started the coffee.


While waiting for the coffee to brew, she returned to the bedroom and dressed for the day, brushed her teeth and applied a minimal amount of makeup. As she poured herself the first cup of coffee, she inhaled the aroma and then let out a long sigh. Okay, so maybe she had been just a touch grumpy this morning. But who wouldn’t be grumpy after being awakened by the sound of those tools?


Turning towards the windows, she watched Robert work for several minutes before deciding she owed him an apology for her earlier outburst.  Pouring another cup of coffee, she placed both cream and sugar on a tray. Taking a deep breath, she headed towards the porch door.


After setting the tray down on the small deck table, she cautiously approached Robert, trying to gain his attention. Robert had seen her set the tray down on the table. Not knowing exactly what she had on her mind, he had kept his back turned and given the appearance of working. As her feet came into his line of vision, he stood up and turned towards her.


“Robert, would you like some coffee?” Melissa asked. She felt bad about her earlier outburst and slightly foolish.


Robert looked at her for a moment and then nodded, “Sure, coffee sounds good. Did you happen to bring any sugar out?”


Melissa looked relieved
and nodded, “Yes, I brought cream as well. I wasn’t sure how you took your coffee.” She gave him a tentative smile.


“Thanks. I’m sorry I woke you up again this morning. I did wait until 9 o’clock to use the power tools.”


“You don’t need to apologize. I should be apologizing to you. I woke up grumpy and took it out on you. I’m sorry.”


Robert gave her a little nudge with his shoulder, “It’s okay. I’ve been known to wake up grumpy from time to time as well.”


“Okay. So what are you going to be working on today?”


Robert outlined his plans for replacing the remaining split boards on the deck rail. When he described needing to replace several of the uprights and having to stick some temporary supports up she asked for an explanation. When he told her he had to have some way of holding them up while he attached them, she offered to give him a hand.  While he had looked a little shocked at her offer, he decided to take her up on it.


Several times throughout the morning, he found himself knocking on the patio door, asking her to come hold a board for him while he screwed it in place. Each time, she smiled at him and assisted him without any complaints.  By early afternoon, he had replaced the uprights and was ready to start on the deck surface itself.

Chapter 11


Melissa had enjoyed helping Robert in the morning. After lunch, she had wandered back out, but had been informed that he would not need her assistance anymore that day.


Slightly disappointed, and not having anything else to do, she had decided to begin working on getting her body back in shape. Changing into a pair of gym shorts, the kind that drew one’s eyes directly to the wearer’s backside, and a very tiny sports bra, she unfolded the treadmill and plugged it in.


Choosing a DVD from the vast library her uncle kept on hand, she plugged it in, plugged the treadmill into the stereo system, and hopped on.
The treadmill faced the windows facing the lake and Melissa had a gorgeous view of the lake and beyond.


Putting on the headphones, she started the treadmill and chose a nice easy program designed to increase endurance. After several minutes, she found her rhythm and became lost in the storyline of the movie.  She was so tuned into the story playing itself out over the television; she was oblivious to the frequent stares she received from Robert as he worked.


Robert had seen her come from the bedroom in what appeared to be her underwear. The tight fitting boy shorts left nothing to the imagination and highlighted her long legs. The tiny sport’s bra just barely contained her ample breasts. She had pulled her hair up into a haphazard ponytail and had running shoes.


When he saw her unfold the treadmill several minutes later, he knew it was going to be a long day. Deciding that he didn’t need to torture himself by watching her all afternoon, he started on the deck boards at the bottom of the stairs.


Thirty minutes later, he reached the landing and had an unobstructed view of Melissa as she continued to keep a steady pace on the treadmill. As he watched her, she smiled at something and occasionally giggled. Noticing the headphones she was wearing, he moved along the deck until he could see what she was watching.


Seeing a popular comedy playing on the television, he watched for several more minutes before he realized she was in her own little world. Shaking his head, he got back to work.


A little while later, Melissa’s uncle showed up to survey the work that had been done on the deck.  From the questions he asked, it was evident he was also making sure that Robert and Melissa had not done each other bodily harm.


Robert showed him what he had already accomplished and then discussed the rest of his plans for the outside deck. Melissa had finished her run and was just putting the treadmill away when she spotted her uncle talking to Robert outside.


Hurrying outside, she greeted her uncle with a big hug. “Uncle Charlie, I’m glad I didn’t miss you.” Her uncle took a moment to look at her attire and raise his eyebrows at her. Glancing down, Melissa blushed as she explained that she had just finished using his treadmill. Her uncle looked relieved to know that she didn’t normally dress that way.


Hearing him question Robert about some built-in planters that were on the plans, Melissa interrupted them and told her uncle, “Did Robert show you his plans for the inside as well?”

Charlie was surprised that Melissa had seen the plans, but maybe she and Robert were getting along better than it had sounded like yesterday. “He did. What did you think of them?”


“They’re stunning. He’s a genius; the way he’s figured out a way to maximize the wall of windows and still create a sense of privacy is really amazing.” Melissa looked at Robert out of the corner of her eye as she praised his work and was shocked to see that he looked upset.


“It’s nothing. Anyone could have come up with that plan,” Robert growled. Hearing Melissa sing his praises to her uncle had felt really nice; a feeling he didn’t appreciate at all.


Charlie looked at Robert and then at his niece, something was definitely up between these two. The next several weeks should be fun. “Robert’s design is very nice and I am looking forward to the finished product.”


Melissa chose to hold any further comments. It was evident that Robert didn’t want or appreciate her compliments so he could just do without.


Robert looked at Melissa, waiting for her next words of wisdom. When none were forthcoming, he gave a mental sigh of relief and decided to leave while the leaving was good. “I’m
gonna take a late lunch. Charlie, stop by sometime later in the week, I should have the planters and benches installed by then.” Shaking hands with Melissa’s uncle, he didn’t even spare her glance as he retrieved his backpack and cooler and left the deck.

Chapter 12


Charlie Taylor watched his niece’s reaction to being ignored by Robert Cooper. She looked confused and angry.


“So, you and Robert are getting along okay?” he asked.


“I don’t know if I’d go that far. This morning we got along fine. I’m not sure what I said that made him so mad.” Melissa looked to her uncle, expecting him to help her find the answer.


“Honey, some men don’t like to have their work criticize.”


“But, I wasn’t criticizing it, I was complimenting him on it. There’s a big difference.”


“To you.
He may not have seen the difference.” Charlie put his arm around her shoulders and directed her back into the cabin. “My suggestion, change your clothes and go talk to him. Make him see that you were only complimenting him and not trying to blow smoke. He doesn’t know you enough to realize when you’re being honest and not just saying nice things because the situation calls for it.”


“Maybe you’re right. So far, our communication has been pretty crazy.” Melissa hugged her uncle back and said, “Thanks. I think I will go change and find him. He likes to go down to the lake to eat his lunch.”


Charlie shook his head, not even wanting to know how she knew that bit of information. “I’ll stop by in a few days and see how things are going. Call if you need anything?”


“I will. See ya.” Melissa headed towards the bedroom as her uncle let himself out.




Spotting Robert sitting in the same place as yesterday, Melissa walked over and sat down several feet away from him. He didn’t even glance at her.


When he didn’t acknowledge her presence, Melissa made the first move and said, “I’m sorry if I upset you by telling my uncle how good I thought your drawings were. But, I really do think that.”

Robert glanced at her and then continued eating. Melissa watched him for a moment, and then began to eat her own lunch. They continued to eat in silence.


After finishing his lunch, Robert leaned back on his elbows and looked out over the lake. Melissa finished eating and turned her attention to the lake as well.


Eventually, Robert began to talk, “Kathryn as my girlfriend’s name. She was in the same year I was and wanted to be an artist.
She was always going to see some new exhibit or watch a demonstration of some new art technique. I hated going to those things. After a while, she said it was fine that I didn’t go as she didn’t want me to be bored all night. It was a relief.”


Glancing at Melissa to see if she was listening, he continued, “When she first suggested taking a year off  I thought she was crazy.  I had managed to pay off college as I went by working several jobs each summer. My grandmother had left me a small trust fund, but I had decided to save it so that maybe I could start my own architectural firm one day.

“I figured I could intern for a couple of big companies, save up even more money, and then strike out on my own; make a name for myself.” Robert paused as he became lost in the past.


Finally, he took a breath and continued, “Several months after graduation, she went to an art exhibit, and I stayed at our apartment. She had been talking about traveling, maybe even to Europe and I spent the evening looking at airline tickets and travel plans. I was planning to surprise her when she got home.


“When she hadn’t returned by 2 a.m., I got worried and headed down to the art gallery to see if I could find her. She had been late before but usually called. Sometimes she would call and say that it had gotten late and she was going to crash at one of her friends places.  I found out later that her friends’ places were referring to the bed of whichever guy she happened to be with that night.”


Robert paused. Melissa looked at him and decided to remain quiet and let him work his words out on his own. Robert was grateful that Melissa hadn’t started asking a bunch of questions. He had never told anyone the whole sordid tale, and for some reason felt like sharing the entire thing with her.


“When I arrived at the gallery I was amazed to see that the doors were still opened. I was also relieved, thinking that she was still there with her friends and had just lost track of time. As I wandered through the gallery, I could hear noises coming from the back and started calling for her. When I rounded the last corner, I found her scurrying around trying to find the rest of her clothes. She had her bra on and her shoes, but the other pieces of clothing were scattered around the room.


“The owner of the art gallery was zipping up his pants and didn’t seem all that concerned that I had just cau
ght him shagging my girlfriend. I turned around and walked out. I didn’t sleep that night and she never came back to the apartment that night.


“The next morning, I received a call from the bank fraud department letting me know that a number of ATM transactions had been drawn on my account. They wanted me to come down to the bank to look at video footage. I went and wasn’t at all surprised to see Kathryn on each one of them.”


“Did you file charges against her?”


Robert looked at Melissa as if she had gone mad. “Charges?  Why would I file charges against her?”


“But she stole from you. Was her name on those bank accounts? Was it her money?”


Robert couldn’t believe she didn’t get it. Angry, he stood up and looked down at her, “It’s not about the money. She betrayed me; multiple times. I could care less about the money.”


Melissa realized he was mad and assumed he was still angry at his old girl friend. “I know she betrayed you, but the statute of limitations hasn’t run out, you could still sue her to at least recover the money she took.  She owes you at least that much.”


Robert shook his head at her, grabbed his backpack and cooler, and backed away, “You just don’t get it. You’re just like all of the other sharks out there, so ready to fight.  I just wanted to forget. I still just want to forget. I don’t want to get even. I don’t want revenge. I just want to forget how stupid I was. “


Melissa was just as angry as Robert was now. He couldn’t just sweep it under the rug and hide his head in the sand for the rest of his life. It happened and he should at least try to find some justice. “You’re just being a coward. You can’t pretend she didn’t dupe you because she did. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it.”


Melissa grabbed her stuff and stormed off towards the cabin. She couldn’t believe that he was willing to let Kathryn get away with robbing him not only of his self-esteem but also of his future. She owed him and he should be man enough to make his ex pay.

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