Detour: Destination Abiding Love (12 page)

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Authors: JoAnn Carter

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: Detour: Destination Abiding Love
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He was not expecting his father to stop at the store. His father's normally combed hair was mussed, like he had been jamming his hands through it. “Cole, got a minute?”

“Sure, let's go upstairs. Can I get you a drink?”

His dad shook his head and walked towards the stairs.

As they settled in Cole's living room, his dad sucked in a deep breath. “I haven't said much about Sierra or Clara because I have enough on my mind without getting caught in the middle of your personal life. However, it's no longer a personal matter when some people from the community and our church begin to threaten Pastor Bill's job.”

Cole felt hot and cold at the same time. “What!”

“They are saying Melissa set you up and encouraged a romantic relationship with Sierra—that she even asked you to drive Sierra to New York when she knew you're already seeing Clara. Is it true?”

Cole's blood ran cold. “No one asked me to take Sierra. That was my idea, and I'm not dating anyone, let alone two-timing. Why would you think I was seeing Clara, anyway? I made it clear to both Clara and Mom that I was
interested in reestablishing anything more than a friendship.”

His father rubbed his chin. “I thought it was strange that you haven't been around much. So what is going on?”

Cole stood and headed back toward the door. “I don't know, but for the second time today, I intend to find out.”




By evening, Cole was still livid about the lies that had been spread around town. Talking to Clara frustrated him more, and left him disappointed in people he cared about. What was wrong with this town? He could only pray the hurtful rumors wouldn't reach Sierra's ears. No more second-guessing if she'd want to hear from him or not. He needed to call her and hear her voice to know that she was OK.

He dialed her cell and waited.


“Hey, Sierra. It's me, Cole.”

“I could tell by your voice.” She sounded both happy and surprised. “What ya up to?”

“Just calling to see how you're doing.”

“That's sweet. I'm doing well, but it's harder than I thought. It's not that I don't love it, but I'm not getting much sleep and unfortunately, I'm a gal who needs more than most folks. Give me a good eight to ten hours and I'm full steam ahead.”

Cole propped his feet on the table and pictured her as if she were there talking to him face to face. If only. “So how many hours have you been getting?”

“Four to six if I'm lucky.”


“Yup.” Sierra quickly agreed. “Enough about me. How are you and what's happening in town?”

He knew she would probably ask this question, but he still didn't know how to answer. He went for honesty in a roundabout way. “I'm missing you.”

“I miss you, too.”

Cole felt a little bit better. She cared for him, even if only as a friend. Maybe if she returned soon, he'd be able to show her how much he cared for her. “Any word from the other musician?”

“Not yet. How is Mrs. Whitten?”

“She's doing fine. In fact, I saw her this morning.”

“Tell her I said hi when you see her again.”

“I can do that.” Cole assured her. “How's your new roommate?”

Sierra chuckled. “Loud. She plays the trombone.”

Cole laughed. “Oh, the life of a professional musician.”

“Speaking of which, I need to get a move on it. I need to be to the center in a half hour. But Cole...” the line went so quiet he began to wonder if he lost the connection. “It's great to hear your voice. Thanks for calling.”

“You know, the cell coverage goes both ways. Feel free to call me anytime.”

Laughter filled her voice. “You can count on it!”




Things moved much faster than Sierra had anticipated. By the following Friday, Eileen was back from her emergency leave and Sierra was free to return to Daviston or accept the director's offer for her to stay. She enjoyed her job, but she missed Cole
If only she could pretend for a while that she was Cinderella going to the ball. She'd meet her prince and the future wouldn't be so unclear. She laughed at her fanciful daydream.

Daviston wasn't a royal ball, but returning to Cole did sound like an opportunity not to be missed. If God somehow chose to show her that pursuing a relationship with Cole was right, she wouldn't let her fear and insecurity stop her any longer. Life was too short and uncertain for that. Besides, the summer wasn't finished, and she had promised Mrs. Whitten she'd come back and help if she could.

With that in mind, she informed the director that she would be back in August as they originally planned.







Sierra stepped down from her coach—well, coach bus, to be exact. She smirked at the silly analogy and hiked her purse farther up her shoulder. The driver fished her case from the luggage compartment and set it on the ground. She smiled at him and reached for the handle. “Thank you.”

“No problem. Have a nice day,” he mumbled as he stepped back onto the bus.

She took a deep breath and looked around. No castle was up ahead, but there was a white spire she could make out in the distance. And where the church was, the store stood a few hundred feet away. Her pulse hammered in her ears. What would Cole's reaction be when he saw her?

“Sierra?” An incredulous voice called.

Melissa was hanging half out the window of her car. Her eyes grew wide and she jumped out of the car and wrapped Sierra in a bear hug. “It
you.” She dropped her arms. “What are you doing here?”

Sierra grinned and waved at Pastor Bill, who was looking a bit stunned in the driver's seat. She wasn't sure if it was because of her arrival or how fast his wife moved. She had the feeling it might be the second. “I've come back for a while.”

“I'm so glad you're here.”

Another vehicle was coming down the road, so Pastor Bill moved his car through the intersection and pulled off onto the shoulder. When the vehicle passed, he got out and walked toward her. “Welcome back.” He wrapped her in a hug every bit as tight as Melissa's.


“Need a lift?”

“You're like my own fairy godparents. Just when I need you, you show up.”

“Who needs fairy godparents when the God of the universe knows the very hairs on your head?” Melissa laughed.

“Guess you got a point there.” Sierra was a bit sheepish. “I wanted to surprise you, but I didn't consider that you might have loaned your apartment out to someone else. Would it still happen to be available? I'd love to stay there for a month.”

Pastor Bill reached for her case. “It's been waiting for your return.”

Melissa wrapped her arm around Sierra's, and they walked toward the car.
So far, so good. Thank You, God for these friends and the warm welcome.




Back at her apartment, Sierra quickly unloaded her case and put on the tea kettle.

Melissa had brought over a few food items to hold her until she went to the store later. While she waited for the water to heat, she had two phone calls she wanted to make, to Cole and Mrs. Whitten. Mrs. Whitten's would probably be quicker. She didn't want to rush her conversation with Cole, so she decided to call her former employer. She dialed the number by heart.


“Mrs. Whitten, it's me, Sierra.” She pressed the phone against her shoulder so she had her hands free to open the teabag and pull the sugar and milk out.

“Sierra! Where are you?”

“I'm in Daviston.”

The line was quiet for a moment. “Really? When did you get back?”

“Just a few minutes ago.” The teakettle began to whistle so she turned off the burner and poured the steaming water into her cup. “How have you been, how's the market going?”

“I'm doing just fine…”

Did Sierra imagine it or did Mrs. Whitten's voice seem a bit strained?

“Market's doing well. The plants you nurtured are producing in abundance this year.”

“I'm glad it's working out well.” She put the kettle back on the stovetop and pulled out a chair at the table. “Do you need a hand? I'll be around for four weeks or so.”

Again, quiet. Something was a bit off. “Mrs. Whitten, are you OK?”

“Yes, yes. Have you spoken to Colton yet?”

Sierra's stomach churned. “Ah, not yet, but soon.”

“I think you should call him. No, better yet, why don't you go see him at the store, and then we'll talk later.”

“Umm, sure. I guess I'll catch up with you later, then.”



“I'm glad you're home.”

What a lovely sound that one word made. Could Daviston eventually be that for her?

A knock interrupted her musing. “Be right there.” She called out as she made her way across the room. Flinging the door back, the smile wilted off her face as Clara's cherry red, long fake fingernails drummed up against the doorway.

you I saw. You have a lot of nerve coming back here, I'll give you that.”

Sierra's breath caught in the back of her throat. Like a wave tearing down a sandcastle, the warm feeling of home rode out with the tide. “What do you want, Clara?”

“Only what is mine...and you can't have him.”


Clara rolled her eyes. “Of course.” Her once sultry voice took on a much different, shrill sound. “At least you finally admit it.”

Sierra wanted to slam the door and wipe the grin off the woman's face. When she had first seen Cole with Clara, she had wondered if he might have feelings for her, but after speaking to him and living through that agonizing period of doubt, she knew it wasn't true. From Clara's nails to her voice, the woman lived in a world of make-believe. Sierra almost felt sorry for her. “Cole's not a thing to be owned, but a person to be loved.”

Clara lowered the lids of her eyes until they were just slits. “Don't trifle with me. You have no idea what I can do to you...or anyone else I see fit to ruin in this town.”

Unease snaked its way up Sierra's spine. This was not the homecoming she had anticipated.




Cole stocked the shelf and wondered for the thousandth time how things got muddled so quickly. The town, thanks to the worship team, Mrs. Whitten, Pastor Bill and Melissa, had finally begun to come around when Sierra left. Now, all of the popular opinion had gone south in a short time under Clara's influence. He wondered how he had ever seen anything attractive about her.

“Cole, do you have any more of those cinnamon buns you had last week?”

Cole glanced up and smiled. “Pastor Bill, I was just thinking of you in a roundabout way.”

“Funny, ‘cause I was just thinking of you, too.” He raised and lowered his eyebrows. “And those cinnamon buns.”

Cole laughed. “I just so happen to have a new batch. Hang on a second and I'll get you one.” Cole made his way to the front and pulled a pastry out of the glass case. He put it in a bag and set it on the counter. “On the house.”

Pastor Bill titled his head to the side and studied him for a moment. “Oh, are you celebrating something?”

“No, should I be?”

Pastor Bill shrugged. “I was just wondering if you heard from Sierra lately.”

“I spoke to her a day or two ago.” Cole tapped the front of his shoe against the floor. “I didn't tell her about,” he looked up at the ceiling and back again,” you know.” He sighed. “I just don't get how the town could turn their backs on her again so quickly.”

Pastor reached for his sweet roll. “Why not? They did that to Jesus, too. One day He's hailed as a king, and next thing you know they're yelling, ‘crucify Him.'”

Cole shivered. “Ah, thanks...but that wasn't the reminder I was looking for.”

Pastor Bill wrapped a large hand behind his neck and sighed. “I didn't mean the endings need to be the same. I was only trying to point out how fickle we humans can be.”

“What do you think will happen when she finds out?”

Pastor glanced over his shoulder. “I guess we'll know soon enough.”

Cole followed Pastor Bill's gaze and rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. “Sierra! Wow, I didn't think you could get away yet.”

She lifted a slender hand and waved. “Hey, Cole.” She nodded to Pastor Bill and grinned. “Are you trying to spoil my surprise?”

He held up his cinnamon bun in defense. “Wouldn't dream of it. Melissa would have my head if I did.” Pastor Bill looked between the two of them. “Well, I guess I'll let you two get caught up, then.” With a nod to Cole he softly said, “I'll be praying for you.”

Cole's gut clenched. “Thanks. I have the feeling I'll need it.”

Sierra's wavy hair cascaded down her shoulders and rested against the multi-colored, flowered print of her blouse. Her eyes shone with an inner light. She was stunning and he loved her. He sucked in a breath. He knew he was attracted to her from the very beginning, but this was different. This was the ‘til-death-do-us part kind of love. Why had it taken him so long to figure that out, and what would he do about it now that he had?

“My plans changed.” Sierra grinned. “The person I was substituting for came back quicker than I expected.”

He rounded the corner and opened his arms. She walked right into them and rested her head against his chest where she fit perfectly. He inhaled the sweet smell of the light fragrance she wore, her shampoo, and a scent that was uniquely hers. “It's good to have you back.”

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