Devil Ash Deceit (Devil Ash Saga) (21 page)

BOOK: Devil Ash Deceit (Devil Ash Saga)
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“Hey Ash…” said Aura, as he stared down the two demons behind them.

“Yeah buddy?” Ash said, keeping his eyes on the new enemy before them.

“Is that the rebel guy you were talking about?”

“Nope. He’s bigger, and doesn’t have the same mask or the swords.”

“Do you think you can handle him?”

Sure do
! What about those two turds back there?”

“Leave it to me, I’ll pinch them off!”

The boys stared down their respective enemies: the demon bear and rhino-centaur, and the mysterious new masked rebel that blocked their path.

“Not that I
help from those demons,” the bull-masked rebel spoke. “I could take you both on, but I guess I’ll have to settle for one at a time!”

“Good luck!” the boys said to each other before leaping into their separate battles. Ash grabbed for his sword, thinking he would have the advantage while facing an unarmed opponent. Aura dashed at the charging demons knowing that he could not take them on directly. He bent his legs and jumped high using his wings for an added boost. The death toucher soared right over the heads of the hungry demons.

The bull-masked rebel was prepared for such Ash’s sword attack. The rebel met the boy head-on, grabbing at the blade just before getting cut in two. Ash was blown away at the amazing feat of being able to catch a speeding blade. The rebel man grinned victoriously under his mask.

“You think you have the advantage just because you have a sword? You think I am ‘unarmed’? That could not be further from the truth!” The man managed to push down Ash’s blade while holding it tightly. Ash struggled to pull free, but the man was just too strong for him. “I am always armed, so long as I have my arms!”

The rebel tossed Ash’s sword aside and threw the boy off balance. Ash stumbled, totally powerless to avoid the rebel’s punch. His face smashed in, the boy dropped to the ground and tumbled in the dirt.

!” Aura screamed with concern, taking his eyes off his own enemies. The two demons certainly weren’t
to work together, but their assault was surprisingly in synch. Aura dropped to the ground and rolled away just in time as the rhino-centaur rammed its massive horn into the tree Aura was standing next to. The creature struggled to free itself while its partner took center stage. The bear demon swaggered forward. The red X marked on its face dripped fresh, steamy blood on the forest floor.

Ash will be fine!
Aura convinced himself.
Right now I can’t take my eyes off of this trash! I’m gonna rip that soul right out of you, X-bear!

Aura climbed to his feet and worked on forming a plan. The demon he named X-bear was moving in on him fast. Knowing he couldn’t challenge the beast head-on, he’d have to try something different. Instead he ran straight for the centaur demon, screaming all the while and waving his arms madly.

“I’m right here, you idiots!” Aura shouted at the demons. “Come and get me!”

With a thick tree trunk still blocking its vision, the rhino-centaur reverted to its demon instincts and charged in the direction of the devil boy’s voice. Aura smiled, the first part of his plan having succeeded.

“Come get me you stupid horsey!” Aura shouted at the centaur. The demon couldn’t understand the devil’s language, but just hearing the boy taunting it made its blood boil. The rhino-centaur charged blindly after the voice while working on freeing itself from the heavy tree trunk. When the demon finally succeeded in removing the tree, it saw the devil boy running in front of it. The rhino-centaur lowered its horn and sped up, aiming straight for Aura.

Aura wasn’t running fast enough to escape the charging demon, but he did not need to be for his plan to work. He simply jumped, with a little help from his wings, out of the demon’s charging path and avoiding it entirely. The demon charged horn-first directly at the X-bear now instead. The bear demon reared up on its hind legs, attempting to use its massive arms to push the rhino back. However its strength was not enough to keep the horn at bay, as the bear’s arms were just an inch too short.

The X-bear was impaled through the torso by the rhino demon’s giant horn. Blood sprayed everywhere, covering the forest floor and the surrounding trees. Aura watched in awe at the chaos he’d created unfolding before him. Though the X-bear demon was impaled completely through, it still had some fight in it. The massive demon gripped the base of the rhino’s horn, digging its blade-like claws into the rhino’s hard skin.

The rhino, confused and in pain, wrapped its own arms around the bear’s waist. With a mighty heave, the creature lifted the bear into the air and reared back. It was only trying to drive its horn further into the other demon, but the creature was not ready for the extra weight. The centaur-rhino leaned back too quickly and fell over. In all the movement the X-bear’s teeth ended up sunk into the rhino’s rump.

The two massive demons grappled with each other, their animal instincts taking over so much that they forgot all about their original prey, the devil boy. Aura stood looking down on the two tangled monsters from a tree branch above the battlefield. Knowing he’d be alright for the time being, he turned his attention back to Ash’s fight.

Ash was picking himself off the ground with a trickle of blood flowing from his mouth. The rebel waited patiently for him to stand back up, grinning like a man who’d already won his fight. Ash wiped the blood and dirt from his face, a new sense of anger coursing through him.

“You’re absolutely right,” said Ash. “What was I thinking? Fighting with a sword… I’m just a beginner with a sword. I
to beat you, so I shouldn’t have been limiting myself like that. If I want to beat you, all I need to do is give your face a good punching!”

“A punch like the one I just hit you with?” the rebel asked, sniggering.

“No,” Ash said. “A
punch!” The boy rushed his enemy with incredible speed. He was almost like a flash the way he flew forward and planted a punch squarely between the rebel’s eyes before the man even knew he was under attack.

The masked rebel flew back into a tree, but Ash did not stop there. The boy pursued his enemy, throwing rapid punch after punch at his body. The bull-masked rebel was so caught off guard he became trapped as Ash pummeled away at him like a punching bag. Back up in the treetops, Aura was getting pumped up by seeing his friend make such an awesome comeback.

I can’t let you beat your enemy before I beat mine!
Aura thought, always the competitive one. With the two demons still locked to each other below, Aura dove off the tree branch. He pulled off his gauntlet and fell on top of the bear’s head, clutching a clump of fur with his free hand.

“This time you’re both mine!” Aura shouted, as a glowing steam flowed off his body. He plunged his death touch hand down, jolting the demons with his blue soul electricity. The demons screamed, their deafening voices shaking the forest. Aura held on for several seconds with no luck. The demons were managing to hold onto their souls somehow. “Now…
” Aura screamed, releasing the full power of his soul.

The blue electricity shot throughout both the demon’s bodies, killing them instantly. Their limp bodies fell to the ground, along with Aura. Blood shot out of his mouth and nose as he fell unconscious. On the other side of the tree line, Ash watched his friend kill two demons with a single touch, and witnessed the toll it took on his body.

With Ash distracted, the rebel fought back by slamming his metal gauntlets into the boy’s head. Ash stumbled backwards in pain. The rebel blasted another punch forward, connecting with Ash’s gut. The boy dropped to his knees and the rebel continued his assault with a kick to the boy’s face. Ash collapsed on the forest floor, his face a bloody mess.

“You boys put up a good fight!” the bull-masked rebel said. “But you’re just not strong enough to beat me yet. You’ve been poking around looking for us rebels, and we’d like you to stop. We wouldn’t want you to ruin our plans for a rebellion, now.” The man made his way over to where Aura laid unconscious next to a pile of dead demons. “This ones the death toucher? Our leader expressed some interest in capturing this one...”

Stay away from him

The rebel turned to see Ash back on his feet. It was a shock to see the boy standing after taking such a pummeling, but even more shocking was the steam-like glow flowing off the boy’s body. The rebel was accustomed to seeing his leader’s soul power demonstrations, but this boy’s soul was different. It was only a small amount, yet it felt just as powerful as the rebel leader’s soul.

“If you so much as look at him again, I’ll
you!” Ash said.

The rebel considered his mission. He came to the conclusion that he was finished here, and decided to make an exit and call it a draw. He scoffed loudly. “Hah! You’re not even worth killing! But seriously: there’s nothing you can do to stop us. Our plans are already in motion. Don’t interfere and we’ll let you keep living!”

The bull-masked rebel stepped away from Aura and towards the tree line. With another deep huff, he darted off into the forest. Ash was disappointed to see his target get away, but there was no way he or Aura had the strength to get up and chase him. Even with his soul power flowing, Ash’s body was still shot. As soon as the danger gone, Ash’s soul power stopped flowing and the boy sagged.

We survived, Aura,
he thought.
Now, let’s get the hell out of this forest!


Chapter Twenty: Welcome Home


Phoenix stood waiting outside the Safe House, his eyes shifting from the tree line to the shrinking ball of flames in the sky. The logger’s artificial sun was the size of a basketball. Phoenix saw the edge of the forest creep closer and closer as the amount of light shrank rapidly. A few minutes later, the sun was gone. All that lit the way to the Safe House now was two small torches at the entryway to the cabin.

The tutor almost became worried that his students wouldn’t return, but he was beginning to know them better. He now understood that these kids were all special in their own ways. He learned that he could not underestimate them, especially Ash, the wild card.

His wait was over. The first students to return emerged from the darkness. It was the duo of Ash and Aura, dragging behind them two mammoth sized demons. The two boys looked rough and beaten, but they acted as if nothing was wrong.

“You may take your blindfolds off now,” Phoenix said. Both boys lifted their hands and pulled off their blindfolds. The sight of the Safe House and their teacher was something they never thought they’d long to see.

“Welcome back,” Phoenix said.

“Shiva’s not back yet?” Ash asked.

“No,” replied Phoenix. “I’m sure she’ll be here soon, though.”

“I’m worried,” Ash said. “We were attacked by some rebels in the forest. They said they plan to start a rebellion. Shiva could still be out there and in trouble!”

“I wouldn’t underestimate her,” Phoenix said. “She’s strong. Besides, do you think she would want you to worry about her?”

“No! And that’s exactly why I am!” said Ash. “Are you seriously not going out there to look for her? You guys can wait here, I’ll go look for her then.”

“You two aren’t in any condition to go back into the forest. Aura can hardly even stand.” Phoenix motioned to the limping death toucher leaning against the Safe House. “Surely you must be tired as well. Go inside and rest. I’ll wait out here for Lady Shiva to return.”

Aura took Phoenix up on his offer and headed inside. Using his ability on a stronger demon really took its toll on his body, and he needed the rest. Ash lingered by the door watching the forest tree line, hoping to see Shiva come walking out carrying a big demon and completely unscathed. He didn’t have long to wait. Shiva walked out from the dark tree line and right up to them as if joining her friends for afternoon tea. She dragged the giant demon hornet by its burnt and crispy stinger, tossing it at her teacher’s feet.

“What’s next?” she asked, trying to hide the bleeding gash across her chest armor.

“Shiva!” Ash shouted in surprise, rushing to her side and inspecting her wounds. “What happened to you?”

“Were you attacked?” Phoenix asked, pulling off her blindfold.

“I was jumped by two rebels. They…
overpowered me
. I am sorry.” The look of disappointment in Shiva’s eyes was all too obvious. Even though she survived and made it all the way back to the Safe House, she could not see it as a triumph when she failed to capture her targets.

“We should get inside,” Phoenix said. “We need to close up your wounds, Shiva.”


After relocating to their private room in the Safe House, Phoenix took great care to burn Shiva’s bleeding gash of a wound closed. The girl tried her best not to cry out in pain as her flesh seared. She lay in bed, exhausted and recovering from her whole ordeal while her male associates paced the room.

“It seems I’ve put you all in great danger. I regret my decision to bring you to the Hellwood,” Phoenix said. He turned to face Shiva. “And you, Lady Shiva… Could you ever forgive me?”

“You forget,” said Shiva, straining her muscles to smile. “I
danger. Because of you, we can actually confirm the rebels are about to make their move. That’s worth a little beating.”

“Some rebels jumped us, too!” Ash said.

“How long do you think they’ve been watching us?” Aura asked. After sitting on the floor for a while he was starting to feel a little better.

“Tell me all about your encounters with the rebels,” Phoenix said. “I want to know every detail.”


After an hour of a colorful recap of events, the team was too beat to talk anymore and climbed into their beds. They’d sleep for the night and return to the Kingdom in the morning with the loggers. Aura snored and slept like a rock. Ash lie awake, still worried about demonic spiders in his bed. His thoughts eventually turned to how much stronger he’d gotten recently under Phoenix’s tutelage.

Hey Phoenix
,” came a whispering from above Ash’s bunk. It was Shiva, apparently still awake, calling out to their teacher. She must not have known that Ash was still awake, and spoke candidly.

You awake

“Yes,” Phoenix replied in a hushed voice, hoping not to wake the boys.

“My answer is yes,” Shiva whispered.

Ash thought to himself, curious.
What’s she talking about?


* * * *


Hours ago…

The man stood before the girl. Her heart rate increased, even though the danger was no longer present.

“I need to call in a favor,” Phoenix said.

“What do you want?”

“I’d like for you to marry me.”

Shiva’s heart stopped. The one man in all of Hell that she admired most wanted
? She took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry? Did you say marry you?”

“That’s correct,” Phoenix replied. “Marry me, Shiva. I want you to be my wife.”


“Because knowing you, you won’t marry until your father forces you to. He’ll marry you off to one of his elderly Noble pals. And guess what else – the King is going to want
. You may not have to give your heart to your husband, but you’ll definitely have to give your

“W-w…why were you thinking about that stuff? What difference does it make to you?”

“I like you, Shiva,” the man said. “I always have. We work well together. I think, since you
have to
marry someone, it should be me. Well, do you disagree?”

“No, I suppose not, but… what would my brother think?

“I’ve already received Lord Wilhelm’s blessing. I’m certain with his recommendation your father and brother would approve as well. My family ranks among the highest of the Nobles. With our status’s, we can bring great change to Hell. We can make the Kingdom a better, safer place for everyone. Let’s combine our powers, Shiva! Together, there’s nothing you and I can’t achieve.”

Shiva’s legs felt weak, and not just from all the fleeing for her life she’d just done. Phoenix’s words scared her more than she could ever admit. She didn’t like to think about her future, or what her inevitable arranged marriage partner would be like. Phoenix stood in front of her, stretching out his arms to hold the girl’s face.

Shiva’s heart raced and she took long, deep breaths trying to look casual. She felt her teacher’s warm breath on her face as he leaned in to kiss her. Their lips pressed together and held for what felt to the girl like an eternity. When at last the man pulled away, the girl took another deep breath, her face almost as red as her hair.

“Do you mean it?” she asked.

“Every word,” Phoenix replied.

“Can I have some time to think about it?”

“Of course. Take all the time you need.”


* * * *


Back to the present…

“Yes, I’ll marry you Phoenix.”

Ash’s heart stopped. He thought he must have misheard his friend.
She couldn’t have said ‘marry’… that wouldn’t make any sense,
the boy thought nervously to himself.
She must have said ‘carry!’ I bet she begged Phoenix to let her carry him on the trip back. Whew! What a weird girl!

“I am honored,” Phoenix replied, almost inaudibly. “I will inform Lord Wilhelm and begin preparations for the wedding once we return.”

Wedding?! So she did say marry?!
Ash screamed inside his head.

“The honor will be mine,” Shiva replied.

That was the end of the midnight conversation. Neither of them spoke, leaving Ash in the dark in more ways than one. The boy spent the rest of the night thinking about what he heard.


In the morning the boys awoke to the sound of Shiva’s armor clanking as she slipped it on. A faint light coming from underneath the door crack and the sound of stirring loggers rumbling around informed the boys it was time to get up. Ash knew at once he had to tell Aura about what he heard last night, but it was going to be tricky. He’d have to be alone with him, and that likely wouldn’t happen until they were back at the Kingdom.

Ash didn’t want to wait an entire day before sharing such a juicy story though. His first attempt at telling his friend came right after waking up. Shiva had just slipped on her armor and was preparing to leave the room.

“Get up,” she said to the boys. “We leave in ten minutes.” Shiva left the room to go join Phoenix wherever he was.

Aura jumped up quickly and tossed on his clothes.

“Hey,” said Ash. “I have to tell you something.”

“In a minute,” Aura replied. “I gotta get to the bathroom before anyone else!” He dashed out of the room after Shiva. Despite Ash’s calls to him to come back, the boy did not. Ash’s first attempt at telling his friend the news had failed, due mainly to Aura’s obsessive personal hygiene and grooming. Ash never met another devil quite like his friend Aura.

When the boys saw each other next, it was in the small dining room of the Safe House. Phoenix and Shiva were just finishing up their morning coffee and being unsettlingly quiet as Ash sat next to them sipping on a hot cocoa. Aura walked into the room now fully styled and groomed. It took him a long time to get ready after losing out on the bathroom line to not only Shiva, but also Smitty and a few other loggers. Unfortunately for Aura, the cabin was not equipped with a deodorant to mask all the various smells left behind.

“You had something you wanted to tell me?” Aura openly asked Ash. Phoenix and Shiva both looked up, curious.

“What?” Ash panicked, not wanting to say anything in front of the two. “I didn’t say that.”

“Yeah you did,” Aura said. “Right after Shiva walked out of the room, you said you had to tell me something. Or was it something you didn’t want to say in front of her?”

“Ohh!” Ash shouted in frustration, trying to stop his friend’s running mouth. “Yeah,
thing. I just wanted to say… Didn’t that masked lady rebel that Shiva ran into sound kinda hot?”

It was the best he could come up with on the spot. Reactions around the room were mixed. Shiva was of course offended and Phoenix scoffed. Aura was already on the same page as Ash though. When they recapped their encounters in the forest, Aura had quite the visual representation in his mind when it came to Shiva’s mysterious female attacker.

“Oh,” Aura said. “Yeah, totally.”

“We’re leaving now,” Shiva said, jumping up from her chair.

“We’re the last ones,” said Phoenix, also standing up. “The loggers are waiting on us. We shouldn’t hold them up any longer.”

“Good,” said Aura. “Let’s get the heck out of this awful place and back to my lovely Leona!”

The team joined the loggers outside. The twenty-some men, who had spent the past week living at the Safe House and chopping down trees, were all ready to return to their families. They were bringing back two enormous carts piled high with tall, thick trees they chopped down. Once back in the Kingdom, they would sell the lumber off to the highest bidder.

Their caravan was large enough that they could create a mini-sun above them to light their way back home. Because of the devil’s numbers, any demons in the area were more cautious. The entire trip passed without a single demon attack on the crew. There were several times when Ash, Shiva, and Aura could sense the demons lurking just outside the edge of darkness. This was a new sensation for the trio, and it came as a welcomed surprise.

It was a day’s walk back to the kingdom and by the time they saw the humongous artificial sun floating in the sky, they were ready to be home. The trip was long and boring and their legs were stiff and achy. The three students learned just how badly they were beaten up, and despite how much stronger they
, realized they still needed more training.


* * * *


Two Royal Guards stood in the small watchtower posted at the top of the wall next to the Southern Gate. Their job was to stand by the windows and keep watch outside the Kingdom walls. Lesser demons would often wander the perimeter, searching for a way to get to the tasty treats inside. If any demons were spotted, depending on the type and their potential usefulness or danger, they would either be captured or chased away with a well-aimed flame.

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