Diablo Blanco Club: Unfair Advantage (23 page)

Read Diablo Blanco Club: Unfair Advantage Online

Authors: Qwillia Rain

Tags: #BDSM Erotic Contemporary

BOOK: Diablo Blanco Club: Unfair Advantage
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Mattie tried to sit up, but again he stopped her with a shake of his head. “No, no. I’ll take care of it.” Using slow, casual movements, he eased his fingers beneath the wide band of lace at the top and coaxed the stocking down her thigh. At her knee, he paused, raising her leg so her ankle rested on his shoulder, and pressed his lips against the inside of her knee. Setting another kiss on the back of her knee, Bryce finished stripping the stocking from her leg and tossed it over his trousers.

“It always fascinated me, Lawrence,” he murmured, his fingers smoothing over her feet, thumbs massaging over the balls of her feet, then downward toward the arch and heel, “that as tiny as you are, you have such long, sexy legs.”

“Tiny?” Her denial came out in gasps as his mouth lingered on her instep. “I’m not—”

He leaned over her, pressing her leg back toward her chest. “Baby, you’re a good eighty pounds lighter and over a foot shorter than me. That equals tiny in my book.” Returning to his upright position, he turned his attention back to her leg. Brushing a ring of kisses around her ankle, he trailed his lips along the inside of her calf to her knee before leaving her limb draped over his shoulder and moving his attentions to her other leg.

Taking his time, he repeated the same slow striptease with this stocking as well, ending with the foot massage and kisses along the inside of her leg. Moving forward, he waited, his lips investigating the sheen of passion coating the tops of her rounded thighs.

The scrape of her nails over the bedding had him fighting a smile as he hooked his hands beneath her ass and lifted her plump, wet pussy to his mouth. The hiss of her breath didn’t surprise him. She reacted that way every time, whether he voiced a warning or not. He enjoyed knowing he’d been the first to take her this way as well.

“Hmmm.” He hummed his appreciation against the heated folds. “You always taste so…” His eyes held her stunned gaze over the rise of her belly. Taking his time, Bryce dragged his tongue from the bottom of her slit to the top, ringing the hard kernel of nerves before pulling her taste into his mouth. “Good.”

With one leg draped over his shoulder and the other settled at his waist, Mattie was open to his attentions, her body quivering with arousal. He watched her scramble to keep her focus and maintain control over the climax building within her.

“You know”—his mouth moved away from her center to suckle the moisture from her thighs—“I’ve missed this over the past week.”

“What?” Mattie rasped, her left hand gripping his ankle as she glared up at him. “Missed teasing me?”

Still my minx
, he thought as he eased open her outer lips, exposing the pink inner folds, sensitive bud of nerves, and the tight virgin hole his cock ached to fill. “Tease, Lawrence? I don’t tease, baby. I assert discipline.” Setting two fingers on either side of her clit, he pinched it between them even as he massaged above and below the pleasure button. His thumb eased inside her channel, pressing against the soft walls gripping him.

“Do you remember what I promised you about tonight?”

Mattie’s hips rocked in time to his caress, her moans whispering past her lips, the blissful expression on her face adding to his own arousal. When she failed to respond, Bryce pulled his hand away and administered a soft, firm slap to her delicate flesh that had Mattie arching upward. The pulse of her hips and the flutter of the tiny inner lips of her pussy testified to how close she’d come to orgasm.

“The rules still apply, baby. No coming without permission.” He stroked first one, then a second finger into her tight sheath, the passage eased by the lubrication her body provided. “Do you remember what I promised you about tonight?”

“Y-you said you were going to”—she drew a deep breath, tightened, then relaxed her grip on his ankle before tightening it again as she finished—“to ride my p-pussy until it couldn’t take anymore, then you were…
”—she moaned and arched as he thrust his fingers deeper and scissored them apart and back, stretching the taut muscles surrounding them—“then you were…were going to start on my ass.”

“And it feels like it’s going to take a while to get you stretched out again, babe.” He shook his head as he pulled his fingers free to collect the single condom he’d left beside them on the bed.

Easing her leg from his shoulder, Bryce shifted position until he knelt between her thighs, Mattie’s legs draped over his at the knees. He set the packet on her abdomen and stroked his hard cock between the wet folds of her flesh. “Put it on me, darlin’.”

Ignoring his instructions, Mattie chose instead to rise up enough to wrap both hands around the thick stalk, her thumb smoothing the pearls of seed oozing from the tip over the hood and down his shaft.

“Baby, either put it on me, or I take you bareback,” Bryce growled, his accent slipping free of his control. Stilling her hands on his length, he waited until her eyes met his. “I’d love to feel your wet pussy slidin’ over me, Lawrence, and mark you as mine by comin’ inside your sweet candy box.” He pushed forward, allowing his balls to make contact with her wet opening. “But in keeping with your decision, do you really want my swimmers dancin’ with your girls?”

Even as she hesitated, Bryce could tell that some part of her mind was almost visualizing what he’d teased her with. It probably wouldn’t take very much coercion, he mused, just a bit more stroking for him to convince her to forgo the protection. In her eyes, he read the same confidence he held that, if one of his sperm did come in contact with one of her eggs, the likelihood of pregnancy was certain. Not that he didn’t have every intention of putting his child in her and binding her to him irrevocably long before her two-year deadline, but a semblance of allowing her to set her limits seemed necessary, at least on this first night with her.

In her eyes, he could read the argument brewing. The very fact that she doubted his ability to remain committed to her and their marriage still burned in the back of his mind. Could that be her motivation for waiting? Did she truly not believe in him, or was it that she didn’t want his children? Were monsters from her childhood whispering in her mind, reminding her of the abuse and fear she’d experienced at her father’s hand? And was she equating his Dominant nature with the overbearing control her father had attempted to exert on his family?

As he watched her mull over her decision, her hands continued to slide over his length, teasing the solid flesh with soft, tender pressure, slow caresses, and the sweet glide of her fingers over the weeping slit.

“Last warning.” His words appeared to finally register as Bryce halted her hands again.

Knowing her as he did, it didn’t surprise him that in choosing between what she wanted and what was right, his woman would go with what was right. Mattie fumbled the package on her belly, ripped it open, and rolled the condom into place.

He must have let some part of his disappointment show either in his eyes or his expression, because the briefest look of apology flashed across her face.
If the damned woman would just see that my mind isn’t going to change in fifty years, much less five, we could get this resolved
. But he didn’t begrudge her her fears. Taking into consideration his past, it was only reasonable. Too bad he wasn’t going to allow her to avoid those fears. As her master, his responsibility included making her face her feelings of insecurity.

“Bring me home, baby. Show me where you want me most.” He smiled down at her, the fingers of one hand returning to hold her intimate flesh open, exposed to his gaze and touch.

The soft, wet walls teased the tip of his cock as she settled his length at the entrance to her body. It wasn’t until she tried to shift against him that awareness dawned in her expression just how little control she had in the position he’d placed her. Even as she struggled onto one elbow, flexing her legs but gaining no purchase, Bryce pressed forward, easing past the taut entrance and steadily working his hard length deeper.

“Take it all, Lawrence,” he commanded. The thin layer of latex blunted the sensation of heat her tight pussy emitted. The smell of her arousal, the strained awareness darkening her eyes, had him fighting the urge to simply hammer himself deep within her.

Leaning forward, he threw her further off balance, pressing beyond the taut muscles fighting his invasion even as they pulsed with need around him. Feeling her tense beneath him, Bryce waited. Drawing a long, deep breath in order to calm himself, he watched her, searching for any indication of pain or distress. There was none.

Her body tensed beneath him the deeper he moved. The flutter of her pulse could be seen in the delicate triangle of flesh at the base of her throat. The pounding of her heart vibrated the swollen silk of her breasts and was visible in the flush rising over her chest, along her neck, and into her cheeks.

The scrape of her nails against the bedding and the cries sliding from her lips echoed in the quiet room. Holding her gaze, he pushed past resistant muscles until his full length was sheathed within her. The sudden stirring in the base of his spine, the tingling in his balls as they drew close to his body surprised him. None of his other lovers had ever had him on the brink of climax the moment he entered them.

“You’re so wet and tight, baby,” he whispered, leaning over her, his eyes capturing hers. “Tighter than I expected.” Adjusting his focus from the spiraling sensations in his own body to those communicated by his wife’s body, Bryce staved off orgasm.

Stroking one hand between them, Bryce eased the swollen petals surrounding him open, exposing the nubbin of nerves to the pressure provided by the base of his cock rubbing over it. Pulling back, he fought the smile threatening to curl across his lips when Mattie protested, her hands leaving the bedsheets to reach for his hips.

“No.” He voiced his command at the same time he deftly caught her hands and pinned them to the pillow beneath her head. Grinding his hips into hers, Bryce made sure every inch of his length flexed within her as he advanced and withdrew several times. “You feel so fuckin’ good, baby. Six times might not be enough for me tonight.”

Even after he settled close, his chest stroking over hers, his hips easing backward and forward, advancing and withdrawing his firm cock through her virgin flesh, Bryce reveled in the clasp of her wet pussy. The gasps of arousal and need spilling from her lips filled the room, but she never begged. When she neared her brink, he could feel the flutter of her internal muscles around his shaft. Her breathing would increase until Mattie regained control of it; then the kneading muscles around him would slow so he could vary his strokes.

“Such a good sub, Lawrence.” He praised her as she forced back another orgasm. Sweat slicked their flesh as he settled over her, his hair tangling with the loose curls clinging to the sheen of perspiration on her cheeks. Against her lips, he whispered, “You’ve got a few weeks to practice your control before Richard joins us.”

The widening of her eyes only made his grin broaden. “Oh, baby.” Adjusting his hips, he thrust deep. One hand secured her wrists above her head while the other slipped between their bodies to knead a swollen crest, plucking at the sensitive nipple as he added, “It’ll be so fuckin’ sweet sandwiching you between us.”

Dipping his head, he pinched her other nipple between his teeth, tugging at the red peak until his woman arched against him, crushing her mound against the damp curls at the base of his shaft. Releasing the firm bead, Bryce rocked his hips in a subtle circle, massaging her nerve-rich clit squeezed between their bodies and holding her gaze as he continued, “Can you imagine it, Lawrence? My cock buried in your ass, stretching that sweet little rose until you’re hovering between pleasure and pain. Then Rich’ll slide right inside.”

“Oh God.” Her plea vibrated against his chest, but the sound was barely audible through the increased soughing of her breath through her lungs. Her thighs trembled around his hips, the muscles flexing wildly.

The cry grew louder as Bryce pulled back, the tip of his cock trembling on the edge of slipping free of her pussy. Her heels dug into his ass as she worked to force him to return. Despite the accumulated heat of the day swirling around them, mingling with the conflagration kindled by their lovemaking, the thought of any man, even Richard, savoring the woman beneath him sent a decided chill snaking its way from his wet cock up Bryce’s spine. The flat disks on his chest came alive, tautening into apparent crests just as Mattie struggled to free her hands and tried lifting her hips to his, drawing him back inside.

Instead Bryce waited, wrestling the wayward thoughts back under control and returning his attention to his wife. Once he could feel the rising strength in the pulsing taking place in her most intimate flesh, he pressed inward, tunneling past her soft tissue, forcing the narrow channel to open for him, and finishing his prediction. “He’ll fill you up, baby.” His shaft rocked back out, then in. “And we’ll have you riding our cocks longer and harder than any of the horses we’ve saddled here at the Folly.” He increased his pace. “It’ll feel so good, Lawrence. Fucking you front and back. Both of us sliding in and out.” He swallowed the bitter taste at the back of his mouth, determined to direct their relationship as he had those in his past.

Out, in, faster and faster, deep, then shallow, Bryce varied the depth and speed, then evened it out before switching up again and this time increasing his thrusts so every word punctuated a stroke in, then out. “Faster and faster, until you won’t know which end is up, and your sweet little pussy is begging to come. Your juices coating our thighs, the smell of wet pussy and hot cocks will be thick in the air, and every word will be you begging for permission to come.”

“Please.” Mattie’s voice hovered between them.

His eyes held hers as he used his free hand to shift her hips higher, tighter against his own as he shook his head. “No, baby, hold off. I want to see your pretty brown eyes go black as we ride you through climax after climax. And after each one, we’ll remind you about asking permission.”

The inevitable happened. The flutter of her flesh around him, the cries sliding from her lips and echoing in the still room erupted simultaneously with the shattering of her body beneath him. The walls surrounding him convulsed, clutching at his length, drawing him deeper, closer. Sobs tumbled from her lips as tears welled in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks.

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