Diamond Revelation (10 page)

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Authors: Sheila Copeland

BOOK: Diamond Revelation
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“She sounds terrible. What's up with your artist?” Kyle whispered.

“I don't know.” Nina felt herself shaking. “She must be nervous.”

“Nervous? That girl can't sing. I tried to tell you that, but you weren't listening to me. I still can't believe you passed on Topaz. You don't know what the hell you're doing, do you?”

Someone let Kenjay inside. He was at the bar yelling for a waitress.

“Can a real playa get a bottle of Cris up in this motherfucker?” Kenjay was obviously drunk. Nina was so embarrassed she wanted to hide under the table. He spotted Nina and headed in her direction. “What's up with you not lettin' me in, bitch?” Kenjay stood there glaring at her as Kyle stood up, towering over the diminutive wannabe rapper.

“Bitch? There are no bitches in here, son.” Most people forgot about Sky and focused on the men. Their drama was way more exciting.

“You apologize to my wife right now before I wipe up the floor with your ass,” Kyle continued.

“It's okay, Kyle. Really. Kenjay's drunk.” Nina tried to whisper. She knew most of the younger guys were packing. They wouldn't think twice about pulling a gun out and firing it.

“Shut up, Nina. I'm handling this. He's gonna be respectful to you, and he's gonna respect my brother's club.” Kyle had never spoken to her in that tone.

Meanwhile, Sky sang every note but the right one.

“You betta listen to your wife, punk. Don't be tryin' to be supaman and get yo ass smoked.”

“Kyle,” Nina whispered. “Let it go.”

“I said apologize to my wife, man.” Kyle had a wild, crazed look in his eyes.

“I ain't apologizing to nobody, punk.”

Without another word, Kyle grabbed Kenjay by the collar and dragged him out of the club. Despite the scuffle, Sky was the consummate professional and continued singing. However, no one could see past her horrible singing to admire her professionalism. Eve was shaking her head.

“Damn, I thought baby girl could sing. Are you sure this is one of Jamil's artists?” Big Boy asked Nina.

After Sky completely massacred the first song there was a trickle of applause. Someone was being very polite. Sky took a drink of water and adjusted her microphone.

“As if that's going to help her nonsingin' ass sing any better,” Nina heard someone say that sounded like Sabre.

Kyle returned to the table and looked at Nina. “What kind of operation are you running?”

“I should have ordered additional security. I wasn't thinking,” Nina replied quietly.

“You've been doing a lot of that lately.”


“Not thinking.”

Mr. Katz got up from the table. “I've seen enough of this.”

A few other people also left, but most stayed until the end. Janice was the gracious hostess and thanked everyone for coming. It did turn into a party after the deejay played songs from the list Janice compiled of Jamil's greatest hits. Jade instructed the staff to serve the Cristal and food. Nobody was turning down free food and alcohol no matter how bad the entertainment. Kenjay, totally unconcerned that Sky was crying hysterically in the dressing room and refused to come out or that he had made a fool of himself, took advantage of the star-studded audience and ran around passing out his CDs to anyone who would take them, while making sure he stayed clear of Kyle.

“The night was a complete disaster,” the review in the
Hollywood Reporter
began. “Superstar producer Jamil Winters would turn over in his grave at what neophyte CEO Nina Ross promised would be the continuation of Winters' legendary musical dynasty. Ross, however, did get one thing right; it truly was an evening of dynasty, because that's just what Sky Jackson, the label's launch artist, did on stage…die nastily. And it wasn't because of the old-fashioned barroom brawl that broke out during Jackson's lackluster performance when Ross's husband defended her honor. It was from the worst singing anyone ever heard. On the contrary, The Diamond did serve up some of the best gumbo and fried chicken I ever ate that was…definitely to die for.”

Chapter 14

opaz brushed Baby Doll's blond hair until it glistened, then pulled it into a ponytail and fastened it with her favorite rhinestone clip while Niki watched. Topaz scooped a dab of Brilliant on her fingers and rubbed it on her daughter's hair.

“There, don't you look beautiful for your Jack and Jill photographs.” Topaz smiled. “Okay, your turn, Niki.”

Baby Doll got off the stool in Topaz's dressing room and watched Niki climb up. Topaz ran a comb through Niki's dark brown hair with golden highlights. She couldn't help admiring the little girl's copper skin and hair, thinking it was the exact same color as her and Nina's Aunty Lynn, their mothers' eldest sister.

“I met Daddy at my Jack and Jill cotillion when I was eighteen.” Topaz smiled as she reflected. She took a framed photo off the dressing table and handed it to Niki.

“Let me see.” Baby Doll snatched the photograph from Niki. “He's my daddy, not yours.”

“Turquoise Gradney. That wasn't nice. Give that back to your cousin and apologize at once.”

“But he isn't her daddy, he's mine,” Baby Doll protested as a scowl took over her pretty face.

“I don't care. Do what I said.” Topaz continued combing Niki's hair.


“Do you want me to spank you?” Topaz combed Niki's hair into a ponytail identical to Baby Doll's.

“You never spank me, Mommy.” Baby Doll laughed. “You always get Daddy to do it and he just taps me on the leg.” Baby Doll smiled while she continued to look at the photograph. “You look real pretty, Mommy. See, Niki?”

Topaz smiled at the photograph Baby Doll held up in front of her and Niki. “I did look pretty, didn't I?”

“Yes, Aunty.” Topaz finished Niki's hair and kissed her on the cheek. Baby Doll handed the photo to Niki and squeezed herself in between Niki and Topaz.

“I want a kiss, too, Mommy.”

Topaz kissed Baby Doll and smiled at both girls. “Okay, we'd better get moving so we're not late for the tea.” Topaz took a pink silk dress off of a hanger and helped Baby Doll into it. The dress was custom designed especially for the tea. She smiled at her thin, straight frame. She would be tall and leggy one day with the perfect body structure for strutting the cat-walks of Paris and Milan; however, eight-year-old Baby Doll had her heart set on becoming a singer like Topaz, even though as old folks said, “She couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.”

Niki also had a pink dress just like Baby Doll's. Topaz had the tailor duplicate Baby Doll's because it would be one less thing for the girls to fight over. Nina would have taken Niki to the tea, but ever since the showcase, she was holed up in her bedroom in Malibu and asked Topaz to take Niki for her. It was actually Kyle who called and made the request. Nina hadn't spoken to Topaz since their meeting.

Topaz smiled as she slid the dress on Niki because the child already had a booty and a waistline…and she could sing. Niki started singing before she could talk or walk. Topaz tried not to laugh as she thought about Niki onstage singing “My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard” and talking about being so “booty-licious.” Kyle would have a stroke.

She helped the ladies into white patent leather Mary Janes and gave them each a pair of white gloves and summer white Louis Vuitton purses that Nina had sent over.

“Aunty Nina sent you guys those purses. I think she said there's some Hello Kitty stuff inside. You guys can play with it until I get dressed, and don't get anything on those dresses.” Topaz tried to sound like she meant business although the girls knew she was a pushover. Germain and Nina were the disciplinarians. Kyle was also a softie, like her.

Topaz slipped into the pink and gold silk Roberto Cavalli suit she had purchased for the occasion. Her hair and makeup were done by her personal stylists at the house. The elegant updo was perfect. She carefully placed a pink hat on her head and slipped on a pair of pink and gold Jimmy Choos.

“I look good.” She twirled in the mirror, admiring her new physique in the new outfit. Her hourglass figure curved perfectly in all the right places again. He had taken just enough off her waistline, and her breasts were firm and high, standing at attention. “My man does fabulous work.” No wonder every woman in Hollywood—red, black, brown, yellow, and white—was trying to get an appointment. His consults were booked at least six months in advance and he rarely, if ever, had a cancellation.

Topaz, feeling too beautiful, switched down the stairs to Baby Doll's Cheetah Girls bedroom where the little girls had managed to sit still and not get anything on their dresses. “Let's go, little beauties. Our public awaits us.”

Topaz led them out to her Rolls Royce limo, trailing the scent of Escada wherever she went. Her driver, Marko, got out and opened the door and assisted each of them into the car.

“You ladies look mighty fine today. Mighty fine,” Marko told them.

“Thank you,” they all chorused. It was obvious the girls felt beautiful, too.

“Marko, stop by Dr. Gradney's office, please. I need to see my husband for a quick minute,” Topaz requested.

Minutes later, the limo pulled up in front of Germain's office in the Cedars tower. “Come on, ladies. Let's go show Daddy how beautiful we all look.” As Topaz led them into the building, everyone turned around to stare. She walked into Germain's office where his secretary informed her that he was in the middle of a consult. They were just about to go into his office when he came out of one of the examining rooms.

“Daddy.” Baby Doll was the first one in his arms while Niki stood there shyly holding Topaz's hand.

“I know I am a blessed man. Look at all these beautiful angels God gave me.” Germain couldn't stop grinning. “You come on over here and give me a hug, too, Miss Niki.”

Niki went to Germain and couldn't stop giggling when he gave her a bear hug. “Hug Aunty, Uncle G.”

“Come here, woman.” He took Topaz into his arms and gave her a kiss that left her reeling. She was still in his arms when the door to one of the examination rooms opened and Sabre walked out.

“Dr. Gradney, I'd like to go ahead with the surgery as soon as I can,” Sabre said, not realizing who Topaz was until Baby Doll recognized her.

“Hi, Sabre. I didn't know you knew my daddy. I love your new CD.”

“Hi, Sabre.” Niki let go of Topaz's hand and stood next to Baby Doll.

“Hi, Baby Doll. Hi, Niki.” Sabre bent down and hugged each of the girls while Topaz stared at her with eyes as cold and hard as cat's-eye marbles.

“That's right, I forgot all of y'all know each other.” Germain smiled warmly, always the charming southern gentleman.

“We've met,” Topaz offered coolly while Sabre was at a total loss for words.

Sabre stood only inches away from Topaz, the closest she had been to her in months. She was still awed by the veteran singer's presence. Something way down deep inside of Sabre told her that no matter how many records she ever sold, she would never be as beautiful, talented, poised, or confident. Topaz exuded power from within that money couldn't buy.

All of a sudden, Sabre felt like the little girl who used to play with the blond wig, pretending to be a singer. She looked at the beautiful woman in the pink and gold designer suit and wanted her life more than anything. She was married to the finest man on the planet who was also a famous plastic surgeon. She also had a pretty little girl and a very handsome son. It wasn't fair how some people just got everything. Sabre felt her demons rising, but they were overcome by her awe and admiration for Topaz, which rendered her speechless.

“The ladies are on their way to a Jack and Jill tea for mothers and daughters,” Germain said proudly.

What the fuck is a Jack and Jill tea?
Sabre wondered, angry because she hadn't been invited and also because there was no beautiful mother for her to go with if she had received an invitation. She stood there with a silly smile plastered on her face.

“What are
doing here?” Topaz asked coolly.

“Getting a consult.” Sabre found her voice.

Topaz looked Sabre up and down and wondered why she had felt so insecure. “Ladies, we'd better get going. We don't want to be late.” Topaz turned and headed for the door until Germain's Afro-centric secretary begged them to take a picture.

“That's a great idea.” Germain stood, flanked by his favorite ladies. For one of the photos, he picked up Niki and held her in his arms because she was so little.

“Okay, we have to go now,” Topaz repeated. “Baby, are you done for the day?” she asked as she kissed Germain softly on the lips.

“If I can find one of my anesthesiologists, I'm going to do Miss Cruz's procedure.”

“Okay, baby. Don't forget we're going out to dinner. I love you.”

“Bye, Sabre.” Niki waved. “Bye, Uncle G.”

“Bye, Daddy.” Baby Doll blew a kiss at her father. “Bye, Sabre.”

Sabre felt some of the ice around her heart melt as she waved at the girls. For the first time in her life, she wondered what it would be like to have a family.

Topaz and the girls stole the show at the annual mother–daughter tea the moment they walked into the Beverly Hills Hotel. Topaz received compliment after compliment about her beautiful daughters. Baby Doll eventually grew tired of telling everyone Niki was not her sister but her cousin.

“I'm bored, Mommy. This food is nasty.” Baby Doll tossed a half-eaten watercress sandwich back onto her plate. “Can we leave now and go get something else to eat?”

“Aunty, can we get Chinese food?” Niki asked sweetly. “Please?”

“Yeah, Mommy. Chinese food,” Baby Doll agreed.

“Okay, I'll ask Daddy and Chris to meet us at Mr. Chow's.” Topaz took out her cell, made the call, and hung up smiling. “Daddy and Chris are coming.”

“Yay,” the girls chorused.

Topaz grabbed the photographs of her with Baby Doll and Niki taken by a professional photographer and left. Her limo was waiting, and they arrived at Mr. Chow's in no time, where the paparazzi were all over them once they were out of the car. Germain wasn't at the restaurant yet, so Marko whisked them safely inside where the romantic lighting set the mood for an intimate family dinner.

Topaz was excited. She couldn't remember the last time the family dressed up and went out to dinner. It was so nice to have Niki there too. She felt Niki's little hand slide into hers, and her heart melted. But Niki had that effect on everyone…she was Nina and Kyle's little sweetheart. Restaurant patrons couldn't help watching as Topaz was led to one of the best tables in the house. Topaz had been a regular at Mr. Chow's for years and the staff knew her well. She usually ordered the same thing: wonton soup, the Peking duck with crispy pancakes and plum sauce, black pepper lobster, fried rice, and veggies. They were munching on wontons and shrimp dumplings when the guys arrived looking very handsome in suits with ties.

“That was perfect timing.” Topaz smiled at Germain and Chris, who kissed everyone, then sat down and dug in.

“You look so beautiful, Mother.” Chris was already a charmer like his daddy. “I love that hairstyle. Is it new?”

“Sophia tried something new. I really like it.” Topaz smiled at her firstborn. He was growing up so quickly. The girls in his class were already calling the house for him. She watched him serve Niki more rice and lobster. He was such a little gentleman—a kind, sensitive child.

Baby Doll, already done with her meal, was talking to Germain. A waiter brought Germain a bottle of Cristal, popped the cork, and poured him a glass. He approved the champagne and served Topaz a glass, which she lifted to make a toast.

“To my wonderful husband and beautiful family. I love you.”

“I love you,” everyone chorused.

“May I taste the champagne, Dad?” Chris focused his golden eyes on his father.

“Sure, son.” Germain poured a small amount into his glass.

“Me too, Daddy.” Baby Doll wasn't about to be left out.

“Me too, Daddy, I mean Uncle G,” Niki said, and smiled.

“See what you started.” Topaz smiled as she watched Germain pour the girls a spot of Cristal.

“They all have the same eyes and they ganged up on me.” Germain laughed. “I'm always outnumbered.”

“I know,” Topaz agreed. “Those eyes are the weirdest thing.”

“What's so weird about it? They got them from you.” Germain was still eating Peking duck. He rolled some of it up into one of the thin pancakes and dabbed it with plum sauce. “Chinese tacos.”

“I was just thinking how much Niki looks like my mom's oldest sister, Lynn. You know who I'm talking about. She lives in China. Her husband works at the American Embassy in intelligence.”

“I remember her.” Niki was sitting beside Germain, and he ran his hand across her hair. “But I've never seen anyone else in your family with those golden eyes but you, pretty girl.”

“Uncle G.” Niki rubbed his arm deeply tanned by the sun. “I don't feel well.”

“What do you mean you don't feel well? Does something hurt?”

“Yes.” Huge crocodile tears rolled out of Niki's eyes.

“What hurts, baby?” Germain rubbed her back.

Topaz felt a lump forming in her throat.
Not that…not again.

“Everything hurts. My back, my arms, my legs…It hurts, Uncle G. It hurts. I want Mommy.”

Topaz was already dialing Nina while Germain paid the check. It rang and rang, but there was no answer. Everyone was silent as Chris took Baby Doll by the hand and Germain carried Niki out to the limo.

“Come on, Nina. Answer.” Topaz tried Nina's cell phone several times, then called Kyle, who did answer. Topaz was doing her best to remain calm. “Niki isn't feeling well, Kyle. We're taking her to the ER at Cedars.”

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