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Authors: Mike Gayle

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To:         [email protected]
From:     [email protected]
Subject: Dave’s Male Man column
Dear Izzy,
Here’s my new column. Let me know if you need me to make any changes.
Hope it makes you smile.
Dave XXX
PS I’ll sort out dinner tonight. I’m going to make my very special Harding heavy-on-the-garlic lasagne.
Getting Older
The fear of getting older has for a long time been considered an oestrogen owner’s concern. It was women who worried about the ticking of their biological clocks, who were ‘creative’ when talking about their age, and worried about being left on the shelf. Men, like fine wine and good cheeses, were supposed to get better as they aged. The getting-older man was supposed to have made it. He’d be like Sean Connery in
: cool, accomplished and self-assured. Women would find him irresistible, twentysomething men would find him intimidating, and everyone would be envious of him. That was how it was supposed to be. That was how I wanted it to be. But now, at thirty-two, I too am getting older and I’m not so sure.
So what happened? A number of things. First the previous generation who should’ve been turning forty in the potting shed of their garden, surrounded by small children and tax returns, have decided to grow old disgracefully. This group, composed of confirmed bachelors, childless divorcees and the serially monogamous, are behaving like twentysomethings. This is not only against the natural order of things but quite upsetting too. Most getting-older men I know are in relationships and like it that way. The thought that one day all the security that our partners offer could be taken away, leaving us to relive our twenties, is truly terrifying. So now we getting-older men not only have to worry about finding and keeping Ms Right, we have to face the prospect that failure will result in us spending the next decade driving sports cars, dating teenage girls and wearing leather trousers. A nice idea in theory but cheesy in practice.
Second, now that for women weekly sessions with a therapist, a yogi
tai chi
master are the norm we men, having so little to complain about in our relatively uncomplicated lives, have decided to join the party. Now we worry about our weight, we worry about our love lives, and we worry about worrying. Getting-older women, on the other hand, are having a great time. The media have created a new buzz word ‘middle youth’ to describe them. These women are more likely than men to instigate divorce proceedings if their partners aren’t up to scratch and, to top it all, they’re reaching their sexual peak just as the average guy is slipping into something of a trough.
My greatest fears about getting older focus on achievements in life. The first of which being the list: What I can no longer achieve that I used to be able to achieve very easily. The edited highlights alone make for grim reading. I can no longer beat my mate Lee in a sprint (he is twenty-five, skinny and unhealthy, and until recently I’d always beaten him). I can no longer stay up all night (I went to a glamorous club in central London a while ago and fell asleep while young girls in fluffy push-up bras danced around me – it was only ten past midnight). I can no longer make love all night. (Thankfully my wife and I are always so tired from work that she probably wouldn’t want to even if I could.)
Of course life isn’t going to come to a halt just because I’m getting older. I know I’m not going to swap my Air Max trainers for a pair of slippers, but what I fear, and what I suspect all men fear, is change, no matter how gradual, no matter how subtle. But change is a fact of life, so you can either fight it and fail or, like Millennium Woman, accept it and grow. Alternatively, like most things in life there is a middle ground: while I might rage against the dying of my Nikes there’s part of me that’s secretly looking forward to getting older.
(March–June 2001)
When your heart is broken, your boats are burned: nothing matters any more. It is the end of happiness and the beginning of peace.
Ellie Dunn, in Bernard Shaw’s
Heartbreak House
I’m driving back to Wood Green with Nicola in the passenger seat. My current alibi is that I’m out looking for a new set of headlight bulbs for the car. Nicola’s is less specific: she’s on half-term holiday and she’s told her mum she’s out with friends. We have been driving around north London aimlessly all afternoon because that was what Nicola wanted to do today and I was happy to make her happy. Because it’s raining we’ve had the car roof up but we’ve still had a good time listening to music. We’ve even found some common ground: she played me
by Basement Jaxx, an album I ignored when it was released because I don’t like dance music. But it’s actually quite good and we listen to the title track on repeat for ages.
Over the past month life seems to have become more balanced. Izzy and I are making a conscious effort to spend time together. In fact, once I’ve dropped Nicola off I’m heading home to get changed and go out with Izzy for the evening. She’s booked a table at a new restaurant in Knightsbridge, which allegedly has a three-month waiting list for dinner reservations. This is the first time she’s flexed her muscles as the boss of a magazine.
As I pull up at a set of traffic lights Nicola turns off the CD in the middle of ‘Red Alert’ and I look at her anxiously. ‘I was listening to that.’
‘I’m sorry,’ she says. ‘I have to ask you something. Remember ages ago when I told you about the boy at school I liked?’
‘There’s a party tonight. And he’s going to be there. And . . . well, I think I’m going to try to pull him.’
‘Pull him?’
She nods. ‘I don’t know if he wants a girlfriend, though. He’s always with girls but he never has them as girlfriends.’
I’d much preferred this boy Brendan when he was an object of Nicola’s unrequited fantasies. I’d known boys like him at school. In fact I’d
a boy like him at school.
‘Are you sure you like him that much?’ I ask her.
‘Yeah. Of course.’
‘So what’s this “not sure he wants a girlfriend” business, then?’
She shrugs. ‘Well, he might not, might he?’
‘But isn’t that what you want? You know, to be his girlfriend?’
‘So why just settle for letting him kiss you, then?’
‘Because I
to kiss him.’
As the traffic lights change to green I try a different line of argument. ‘Does he do a lot of kissing, this Brendan?’
‘Loads of girls like him. And, yeah, he does get off with quite a few.’
This is all I need to hear. ‘I don’t think he’s the one for you,’ I tell her.
‘Because you’re better than that.’
‘Better than what?’
‘Better than letting some fifteen-year-old waste-of-space kiss you if he’s not going to be your boyfriend. You have absolutely got to be the prettiest girl at your school and . . . well . . . I think you deserve someone better.’
‘But I don’t
someone better,’ she says moodily. ‘I
Nicola sulks and even though I’m old enough to know better I sulk too. I keep my eyes on the road, sigh a lot, turn the car radio on and listen to Radio 4, which really annoys her. We don’t speak to each other again until I drop her off at our usual point two roads away from her house.
‘I’m off,’ she says, picking up her bag and opening the car door.
I suddenly feel guilty. ‘You can’t go like this.’
‘Like what?’
‘Like this – you in a mood with me just because I’ve said something you disagree with.’
‘But I
‘I know you do, sweetheart. All I’m saying is that boys . . . well, they can be a bit crap, really. Not all of them . . . just some of them . . . so . . . I don’t know . . . Just . . . look after yourself and don’t trust them as far as you can throw them. I’m only saying this because I want what’s best for you and I’m proud of you . . . and, well, you make me laugh, which is no bad thing.’
‘You make me laugh too . . . sometimes.’
‘So, are we friends again?’
‘Okay.’ She looks at me. ‘I’d better go. I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know how the party went, okay?’
‘See you later, then?’
‘Yeah,’ I reply. ‘See you later. I love you, you know.’ I hadn’t intended to say that but it’s true and it feels as natural saying it to Nicola as it does to Izzy.
‘I love you, too,’ she says, and climbs out of the car.
I watch her walk down the road and disappear, and then my phone rings.
‘Hi, Dave, it’s me.’
It’s Izzy.
‘What’s up?’
‘Bad news. I think I’m going to have to cancel our plans for tonight.’
‘It’s Stella. She’s in a right state. I think she and Lee have split up for good.’
According to Izzy, Stella had decided to call it a day with Lee during an argument about whether to go to the cinema or not. Lee had wanted to go and Stella had wanted to stay in. Stella said, why didn’t he go on his own and Lee had said that was what he was going to do. She said, well, if he was so keen to go out without her why didn’t he just take his things and leave? So he did just that. She was in floods of tears and Izzy was going over to Stella’s to make sure she was all right.
‘I’m really sorry, babe,’ says Izzy. ‘I’ll make it up to you, I promise.’
‘It’s fine, honestly,’ I reply. ‘There’s no problem. Being on twenty-four-hour call for your mates is just one of the things that go with the territory when you’re an agony uncle . . . or aunt.’
She laughs. ‘You should still go out, though. You should do something nice. I’ll feel bad if I think you’re just sitting in on your own on a Thursday night.’
‘It’s okay, I’ll stay in.’
‘And do what?’
‘Do what I did before I met you.’
‘What? Eat bad food, watch crap telly and go out with desperate women?’
‘No,’ I reply. ‘I’m going to play music.
It’s nearly midnight and I’ve been playing my all time favourite songs, track by track,
in the living room
, which I’m never allowed to do, with the volume turned loud enough to annoy the neighbours. CD jewel cases are scattered all around me, albums lie out of their sleeves and like a demented DJ with an audience of one, I’m showing absolutely no sign of waning. I’m just about to follow up the seven-inch single of ‘Seven Rooms of Gloom’ by the Four Tops in deliberately eclectic fashion with ‘50 Dresses’ by Animals That Swim, with an eye to following that up with ‘Everyday’ by Angie Stone and then perhaps ‘Sliver’ by Nirvana when my mobile rings. I think about ignoring it but it might be Izzy.
‘Is this Dave Harding?’
It’s a teenage girl’s voice. But not Nicola’s.
‘Who’s this?’
‘You don’t know me. My name’s Keisha. I’m a friend of Nicola’s.’
I’m worried. ‘What’s wrong? Isn’t she meant to be at the party with you? Has something happened?’
There’s a long pause. I can hear music in the background. I feel sick with nerves.
‘Not really . . .’
‘What do you mean “not really”? Has something happened at the party?’
‘That’s where we are now. The thing is . . .’
‘The thing is
?’ I’m losing my patience with this girl.
‘The thing is . . .
Nicola’s really drunk
.’ Keisha starts to cry. ‘She’s really, really drunk and she’s throwing up everywhere and she won’t let me take her to her mum’s and I can’t take her to mine because my mum and dad will kill me if they find out we’ve been drinking.’ She’s sobbing her heart out now. ‘She said to ring you.’
‘But she’s all right? She’s not in any danger?’
‘She’s okay,’ sobs Keisha.
‘So why doesn’t she call her mum?’
There’s a long silence.
‘Her mum doesn’t know she’s here. My mum doesn’t know I’m here either. We’re supposed to be staying at each other’s houses and we’ll both get in big trouble if our parents find out.’
‘Tell her I’ll be right there as soon as I can.’ I sigh.
‘Are we going to get into trouble, Mr Harding? Are you going to tell our parents?’
The fear in her voice reminds me of my own youth when the worst thing in the world that can possibly happen to you is getting into trouble with your parents. I can’t help but feel for her.
‘No,’ I say softly. ‘Just give me the address of the party and I’ll sort everything out.’
I end the call then look around the living room at all my records and CDs. My party for one is over. I think about what to do next then dial Fran’s number.
‘Fran’s phone.’
It’s a man’s voice. I assume it’s the legendary Linden.
‘Hi, is she there?’
‘Who’s this?’
‘Can you tell her it’s Dave from work? It’s a bit of an emergency.’
Linden semi-grunts and seconds later Fran is on the line. ‘Dave, it’s midnight,’ she says. ‘Where are you?’
‘I’m at home. Where are you?’
‘I’m at Linden’s in Tufnell Park. I can’t believe you’ve just spoken to him. What did you think of him? Ignorant pig, isn’t he?’
‘Listen, I’ve got an emergency and I need your help.’ I tell her everything Keisha had told me. ‘I need you to come with me and put them up at your place. I know it’s asking a lot but—’
‘Don’t be ridiculous, Dave,’ she interrupts. ‘Of course I’ll help you out. And don’t worry about her either, she’ll be okay. I’ve been there – a third of a bottle of gin when I was fourteen. Threw up like a fountain. I’ve never touched gin since. But we’d better get over to this party quickly just to make sure. You call a cab, pick me up here in Tufnell Park and we’ll sort everything out.’

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