Dirty (11 page)

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Authors: Lucia Jordan

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #bdsm, #submission, #bondage, #billionaire, #alpha male

BOOK: Dirty
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What am I going to do?

Her eyelids drooped. She drifted into a
strange dream of Maestro and Melanie wearing bizarre blank-faced
masks and being chased down a long dark hall by a huge, slavering
beast. When they reached the end of the hall, the monster pounced
on them and ripped off their masks to reveal they were Raven and

A gentle shaking of her shoulder wrenched her
out of the dream. Without thinking Marielle hurled herself at
Raven, clutching his arms as she buried her face against his

"I don't want to be Melanie anymore," she

"Oh, baby, you're not," he said, holding her
close and stroking her back. "You never were."

As she struggled against the tears, Marielle
breathed in his crisp scent and felt it spread through her like an
invisible caress. She hadn't felt this safe since the last time
they'd been together. Every inch of her skin seemed to hum with
relief. She could feel herself growing damp between her thighs,
something that should have horrified her but instead seemed
perfectly natural.

What's wrong with me? Marielle didn't
understand why she was reacting this way to a man who had cheated
on her and broken her heart. But her body didn't care. It wanted
Raven and it wanted him now.

His big hand stroked her braid. "You

"No. Yes." She wiped the tears from her
cheeks and looked up into his warm copper eyes. "I had this awful
dream that you and I were Maestro and Melanie."

"Seeing me must have brought back old
memories from working on the set." He touched her cheek, stroking
his thumb over her cheekbone. "You were never Melanie to me, you
know. She's nothing but a bunch of words in a screenplay." He
rested his hand on her shoulder. "You're the most genuine woman
I've ever known."

She covered his hand with hers, intending to
pull it away but instead holding it between her own. "What about

"I don't want to talk about her right now,"
he said and started to rise.

"No. Don't leave me." She brought his hand to
her aching breast so he could feel her nipple pebbling under his
palm. "Raven."

"I know, sweetheart. I feel it, too." His
eyes darkened as he gently massaged the mound of her breast and
then he drew his hand away. "Which is why I'd better go."

"I don't want you to." The words burst from
her lips. "Please. I don't care about Lena or the past or anything.
I can't stand feeling this emptiness anymore."

"I can take care of you," he said as he
tugged the elastic from the end of her braid and began freeing the
soft pale strands. "I can make it all better. Just be sure you want
this, Mari, because I do -- too much to stop if you change your

"I won't." She lifted her trembling hands to
the front of her blouse, releasing the buttons until she revealed
the ivory lace bra she wore beneath it. "Touch me, please."

Raven nodded and cradled her face between his
big hands before he touched his mouth to hers. The kiss he gave her
began soft and sweet but as they tasted each other Marielle felt
the hunger behind his gentleness. He wants this as much as I do.
With a sigh of relief, she parted her lips for his tongue and wound
her arms around his neck.

Raven peeled away her blouse and unhooked her
bra before he lowered her onto her back, leaning over her as he
rubbed his hand over one breast and then the other. "I never forgot
how pretty these are," he murmured as he pressed his mouth to each
nipple, using his tongue to caress them before he sucked lightly
while he stripped off the rest of her clothes.

Marielle slid her hands down his back, urging
him on top of her and spread her legs so she could clamp her thighs
around his hips. That made the thick, heavy bulge of his erection
press against her crotch and she slipped her hand between their
bodies to stroke it with her fingers.

Raven lifted his head and rolled his hips,
rubbing his bulge against her palm. "Unzip me." When she did, he
reached down, pulled out his shaft and clasped her hand around it
before he rolled onto his back. "I'm all yours, Mari. Do whatever
you like with me."

She gave him a few strokes as she watched his
face and listened to him groan. A big pearly bead of come waited on
the crown of his cockhead and she bent down to lick it away before
she enveloped him with her mouth.

"Ah, fuck." Raven arched his hips and watched
her through narrowed eyes as she bobbed her head, sliding his shaft
deeper. "That's so good, sweetheart. Take all you want, oh yeah,
like that. I love seeing your pretty lips on my cock."

Marielle rubbed his shaft with her tongue as
she worked it in and out. The smell and feel of him fucking her
mouth made her sex swell and go slick. She wanted to keep sucking
him until he came but her pussy throbbed with the ache of six
lonely months. She couldn't deny it another second.

Raven helped her as she climbed atop him,
grasping her waist with his strong hands and lifting her over his
hips. The moment the straining bulb of his cockhead touched her
folds Marielle began to tremble. She had to brace herself with her
hands on his shoulders as she lowered herself onto him, his girth
stretching her to the limit.

"You feel so tight on me, baby," he said. "Go
slow or I might hurt you."

You already have, Marielle thought. A new
wave of self-hatred crashed over her and she pushed herself off him
to curl over in a miserable huddle.

"Mari." Raven gently turned her onto her back
and knelt between her thighs, lifting her hips and guiding his
penis to her sex. "Don't think. Just feel. Okay?"

Too upset to speak, she nodded.

"That's it." He worked his cockhead into her,
taking in a sharp breath as he pressed into her tight wetness. "Oh,
Mari. You feel like a virgin."

She gasped as he gave her a short, hard
stroke, making her take more of his thickness. "I think you got

"No, you're just fighting it." He reached for
her breasts, splaying his hands over them as he worked his penis
deeper into her pussy. "It's okay. Relax and let my cock inside.
Submit to me, baby. Let me fuck you the way you need it."

The moment Marielle stopped clenching against
his penetration, Raven slid deep. His cock abraded her softness as
it forged into her to the hilt. He held himself there for several
moments, letting her grow accustomed before he drew back and thrust

The friction and jolt sent heating spreading
through Marielle's pelvis, bringing a gush of new wetness inside
her pussy as her clit knotted and throbbed. She watched Raven
through half-closed eyes as he began to ravish her pussy, his cock
stroking and then pistoning her softness, his fingers plucking at
her reddened nipples harder and harder.

"It's so good," he muttered. He dragged in a
deep breath as she tightened around him. The short, hard strokes he
was giving her made her breasts bounce under his hands. He squeezed
them before he reached down and lifted her hips, jamming her
against him each time he pushed in.

Marielle arched her back. "Raven,

"I know, sweetheart, I've got you," he
crooned. He pressed his thumb into the top of her sex to rub it
back and forth over her clit. "Feel that hard cock pounding you,
yeah, just like you need it. I want to feel your pussy squeezing me
when you come, baby."

Marielle struggled to reach that pleasure she
needed. "I don't think I can."

"You're still fighting it." He pulled out of
her, turned her onto her side and then slapped his hand against her
ass. "I am done indulging you and your bratty temper. You submit to
me, you slut, this minute. You hear me?"

He punctuated every word with another slap.
Marielle felt her whole body tense as the pleasure of the pain
sizzled through her. While she was wrestling with the new
sensations, Raven lifted her leg and made her take his penis again.
He shafted her hard as he worked his way into her.

"That's right, baby," he panted as he slapped
her and fucked her at the same time. "I know what you need. I'm
going to give it to you." He grunted as he pushed her onto her back
and caught her nipples between his hard fingers, pinching them
until she let out a thready shriek. "Now you come on my cock or
I'll paddle your ass for an hour," he ordered.

His threat along with the aching pleasure of
her sore bottom made everything he was doing to her so intense
Marielle cried out again. Suddenly, she couldn't hold off her
orgasm. It burst inside her and doused her in waves of hot delight.
Raven kept steadily shafting her through that climax and the next
before he jerked and groaned, his shaft pulsing as he filled her
pussy with jet after jet of his creamy seed.

He clasped her to him as he collapsed,
holding her close as she shuddered through the last ripples of
bliss. He kissed her brow and tucked her head under his chin, his
big hand gently moving up and down as he stroked her back.

How much more can my heart endure? Marielle
wondered. Out loud she asked, "Why are you doing this to me?"

"I'll tell you," he promised. "After

* * *

After she showered and changed, Marielle went
downstairs to deal with dinner and Raven. Having sex with the man
who had used her and broken her heart had been a huge mistake but
she was determined that it would be her last.

For his part Raven played the perfect host,
serving her a simple but delicious meal of pasta and salad out on
the terrace. She ate well but barely touched the wine he served
with the food, which of course Raven noticed.

"I'm not trying to get you drunk, Mari," he
told her. "I want you clear-headed for our discussion."

Her appetite evaporated and she set down her
fork. "Why? There's nothing to discuss. You slept with Lena and I
left you. You lured me here to have meaningless sex. When I leave,
it really will be the end of us."

"If that's true," he said, "why did you come
for me?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Marielle threw up her
hands. "I'm lonely, you're the sexiest man alive, and you've
stranded me on this island with you. You were spanking me and
screwing me at the same time, which you know turned me on. Raven, I
still want you. I know I always will. But you chose Lena over me.
So this has to end, now, before we do any more damage to each

He reached over and covered her hand with
his. "I didn't sleep with Lena."

"No, I'm sure you didn't." She started to
laugh and then stopped herself. "I walked in on you having sex with
her, remember? It wasn't an act. It wasn't rehearsal. You were
fucking her."

"No, I wasn't. She was raping me." As she
gaped at him, he nodded. "I know how ridiculous it sounds but when
you spike a man's drink with date-rape and erectile dysfunction
drugs, it actually makes it pretty easy. Didn't you notice how out
of it I was? That I didn't say a word? And how she had to do all
the work?"

Marielle remembered how silent Raven had
been, how Lena had straddled his face and then lifted his hands and
rubbed them over her breasts. "But why would she do something like
that? She's the sexiest woman alive. She could have anyone -- "

" -- except me. Earlier that day she offered
to let me back into her bed but I refused. Lena was jealous of you
and she doesn't like taking no for an answer. Come on." He stood up
and offered her his hand. "I have something to show you."

Raven led her to a room set up as an office
and picked up a folder from the desk. "I went to my doctor and had
my blood tested the morning after you saw me in bed with Lena.
These are the results."

Marielle read the laboratory test results and
the doctor's notes. Raven had been drugged, just as he'd claimed.
For the first time since she'd caught him with Lena, she felt an
instant of doubt. What if he was telling the truth?

"I want to believe you," she said. "But you
could have had your doctor falsify these results. Also, if what you
say is the truth, why didn't you have Lena arrested?"

"Sit down." When she did he picked up the
phone and dialed a number, putting the phone on speaker as he

The line rang only once before a woman
answered. "Raven, where are you? I've been trying to reach you for

As soon as Marielle heard the voice she knew
it was Lena. As she began to get to her feet, Raven touched a
finger to his lips and made a gesture indicating she should sit
back down before he said, "I just got your messages. What do you

"The studio is talking about a sequel to
Fascination," she said, "but they won't sign me without you. I need
you to call them and tell them you'll do it."

"After what you did to me?" Raven made a
harsh sound. "I don't want to work with you again."

"Look," Lena said, "I'm sorry I forced myself
on you. I'm seeing the shrink and doing the volunteer thing, just
as I promised. I don't know what else you want."

Raven stared at her as he said, "Marielle
left me because of you."

"My therapist told me I should call her to
tell her what really happened. I'm still willing to do that," the
actress said. "No one knows where she is or how to contact her.
Look, I need this sequel, Raven. After all the rumors, it's the
only thing that will save my career now -- "

"I'll call you next week. Good-bye, Lena."
Raven ended the call. "Now do you believe me?"

"She admitted it." Shocked and horrified now,
she looked up at him. "Why isn't she in jail?"

"I wanted to put her there, believe me." His
mouth flattened. "I didn't press charges because you were a witness
and I didn't want you to have to testify in court. If you had, I
have no doubt her defense attorney would have made you admit to
also having sex with me on the set."

Marielle's stomach twisted. "So you let her
get away with it to protect me?"

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