Dirty Ugly Toy (44 page)

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Authors: K Webster

BOOK: Dirty Ugly Toy
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Nearly two years later . . .


I jerk my now stinging hand back and frown at Christine. “What? It’s Christmas. Why make bacon wrapped anything if I can’t have it?”

She scoots around me and places the appetizers on the tray. “You
have it. Just not right now. Patience, young man.”

I grin at her calling me young because we both know I’m not. I move behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. And for a moment, she stops stressing about the meal and relaxes against my chest. Not long after coming to live with my son, I became smitten with Christine. She was the first woman I cared to look at in years. My heart always belonged to Vicky and I refused to even look at other women long after she passed. Not only in respect for Braxton, but in respect for her.

But one Sunday afternoon, a few months after we got Jessica back from Georgia, I found myself in the kitchen with Christine and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Her dark hair, showing streaks of grey that indicated her age, was down and her pretty blue eyes were shining with happiness. We’d just learned the sex of the baby after lunch and she was as proud as Brax’s mother would have been if her life had ever gotten to that point. The love that shone from Christine, like a million rays of sunshine, is what ultimately made me fall in love with her.

I don’t love often but when I do, I give it my everything.

It took some convincing for her to date me but one evening I surprised her by cooking dinner. Brax and Jess had gone shopping for the baby. Cart and Dubois were at their own homes. And that night, Christine and I talked over a romantic candlelit dinner as if we were young again. Later, I took her to bed and showed her an old man still had a few tricks. She soon caved into my affections and we married before the baby was born.

“I love you, Chris.”

She chuckles and pats my arm. “I love you too, honey. Now get your tushie in there and set the table. Jessica’s family will be here soon and I don’t want them thinking we’re a bunch of rednecks.”

I laugh and reluctantly pull away from her, not before I steal a kiss that makes her blush first. Then, I stroll toward the dining room that Brax already installed the leaf in to extend it for the extra guests. I almost step on my favorite little person in the whole world.


“Little Bear!”

He squeals when I pick him up and toss him in the air a few times. Ashton started walking a couple of months ago and loves exploring this massive house of his father’s. Jessica has the patience of a saint and follows him everywhere making sure he doesn’t get into anything that might hurt him. So I’m surprised not to see her around. When I peek around the corner, I see my son with his wife pressed against the wall sharing a passionate kiss. I beam with pride that I was able to pluck him from his old, terrible life and help mold this one for him. His mother would have been so proud to see the gentleman he’s grown to be.

I know I am.

“Who’s your favorite uncle? Say Jude,” Jessica’s brother coos to his nephew. Ashton whops him upside the head with his stuffed bear Christine and I’d bought him for Christmas.

“Doob-wa,” Ashton babbles in response.

Jude huffs in faux frustration and I wink at Dubois who’s grinning like the cat that ate the canary. Poor Jude only sees my grandson every few months when he makes it out this way or when Brax and Jess visit her family in Georgia. But Dubois? That man adores that kid as if he were his own. The stiff, best friend of my son melts like butter any time Ashton is near. And it doesn’t hurt that his first word was his favorite uncle’s name.

“No, it’s Cartier,” Cart pouts from beside Dubois on the couch. I don’t miss their proximity. I’ve noticed the looks they sneak at one another when everyone else is too busy with their dramatics. They’ve never come out with anything, but something’s there. “Cart. Tee. Yay. Cartier.”

Ashton scrunches his nose up and shakes his head. “Doob-wa.”

We all laugh, even the grumpy other grandpa. Jessica’s dad isn’t an easy one to warm up to but he’s trying. She’d told me he cried, something she’d never seen him do, when she told where her life had gone since leaving James. Her mother is a gentle soul, much like Jude, and I like them both immensely.

“Thank you all for coming,” Brax says, grinning from ear to ear. “Jess and I are so happy to have our family in one place. Oh, and we have a surprise for you.”

He leans in and kisses her on the lips before crawling on the floor to where Ashton sits, chewing on wrapping paper. “Open this one, buddy.”

With the help of his daddy, Ashton opens the shirt box and Brax holds it up for us to see. Christine and Jessica’s mother both start to cry. I wink at my son and nod my head.
Good job, son,
I mouth.

Big Brother.

Everyone congratulates them and takes turns gushing over Ashton—how he’ll have a sibling soon.

“What will you name the new baby?” Jude questions.

Jessica beams at him. “Victor for a boy or Victoria for a girl after Brax’s mom.”

My son flashes her a thankful smile. That boy has always blamed his mother but it wasn’t until his wife came along that he began the process of forgiving her. It wasn’t easy but he is dealing with it and I know she would have been be overwhelmed with the strength of our son.

Jess glances at me and I wink at her. She’s a unique woman and I couldn’t have scoured the earth to find anyone better for Brax. Apparently scouring the earth was his thing and I’m glad he found her.

She was able to find the boy I claimed as my own when he was just a young teen and pull him from inside the gruff, powerful stony man that he is today. And while he may still have his moments, with her he smiles more, laughs more, and enjoys life more.

Amidst the chaos, I notice Cart frowning at Dubois. The poor man has tears in his eyes and he desperately blinks them away. Dubois’ jaw is clenched tight and his arms are folded across his chest in defiance.

But in one passing moment later, I watch the rigid man’s features change from being stubborn and protective, to decisive. He’s made his mind up about something, and as if on cue, he stands.

“I have an announcement too. This may come as a shock to you all, but I’m in love. I have been for some time—I’ve just been too stupid to speak of it to anyone besides Cartier here.”

The room grows silent. It’s quite shocking to them all for Dubois to admit to having any real emotions. But they don’t watch him like I do. I watch his every move—all of their moves—because they’re my family and as the patriarch of this family, it’s my duty to make sure all of my kids are doing okay. Even the ones that aren’t blood.

My eyes flicker to Cartier’s and his pretty face is contorted into something ugly and beautiful all at once as his emotions take over. He’s been hiding this for the man beside him. Because he loves him too and respects him. I’m glad to see Dubois stepping up to mirror that love.

“Cartier is my boyfriend. We’ve been together for a long time, not officially and certainly not openly. But, I’m tired of hiding. He deserves to freely show his love as all of you do.” He holds his hand to Cartier who blushes with equal parts embarrassment and pride. The man stands beside him, clearly unsure where he’s going with this proclamation. In a very gentlemanly like way, Dubois drops to a knee in front of him and slips a silver band over the handsome man’s finger. “Please marry me.”

Cartier tugs him back to his feet and the two men embrace. Dubois then kisses him boldly in front of their now cheering family. I find Dubois’ brown teary eyes and mouth,
Good job, son.

The rest of the evening is hugs and a joyous celebration. As I hold my beautiful wife’s hand and my sleeping grandson in the other, I nearly weep at how full my heart is. As Cartier chatters to Jessica and they make extravagant, way over the top wedding plans, I smile at the large and unconventional family I’ve gained. And as my son grips Dubois’ shoulder firmly, showing his unending support for his friend as they quietly discuss whatever it is those two talk about, I don’t think there’s anything more I could ever ask for.

I look up briefly to the ceiling and silently ask Vicky to put in a good word for me to the man upstairs. I’m not asking for much.

I just want to pause this moment forever.

The End.

Ship To Wreck
– Florence + The Machine

Lemon Eyes
– Meg Myers

A Rush Of Blood To The Head
– Coldplay

– Meg Myers

Last Goodbye
– Jeff Buckley

Take Out the Gunman
– Chevelle

– X Ambassadors

Oh My
– Big Wreck

– Big Wreck

- Muse

A Note from K Webster


Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for reading
Dirty Ugly Toy
. I hope you enjoyed Brax and Jessica’s story. I certainly had a blast writing it.

Reviews are important and I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to post one if you can. The reviews help other readers decide if they want to take a chance on my book or not. So thank you for helping guide them my way!


K Webster

Thank you to my husband. My heart and soul. Without your love and support, my books wouldn’t exist. Thank you, sweetie! I love you!

A gigantic thanks to Nikki McCrae—your constant support, friendship, and assistance mean the world to me. Your loyalty and hard work is much appreciated. Love ya, girl!

I want to thank the people that beta read on this book. Nikki McCrae, Wendy Colby, Elizabeth Clinton, Shannon Martin, Amy Bosica, Ella Stewart, Nicky Crawford, Brooklyn Miller, Robin Martin, and Amy Simms. I hope I didn’t forget anyone) you guys always provide AMAZING feedback. You all give me helpful ideas to make my stories better and give me incredible encouragement. I appreciate all of your comments and suggestions.

Thank you to all of my blogger friends both big and small that go above and beyond to always share my stuff. You all rock! #AllBlogsMatter

I’m especially thankful for my Krazy for K reader group. You ladies are wonderful with your support and friendship. Each and every single one of you is amazingly supportive and caring.

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