Disconnected (26 page)

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Authors: Bethany Daniel

BOOK: Disconnected
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I know in my heart she's right, but, God, the unknown is scary.


10 Months Later

Our son, William Lucas Warren, came screaming into the world today, two weeks late. We had to force the little guy out. Katy was so miserable these last few weeks, and to make things harder, the media was always camped out down the road from our house, trying to catch a glimpse of her belly or asking if it was baby time yet every time we came through. Thank God for private hospitals.  

But now he's here, happy and healthy. He has my blue eyes, at least so far, and Katy's brown hair. He's perfect. When we found out we were having a boy, Katy tried to talk me into naming him Liam Jr., but I wasn't having any of that. I didn't want my boy to go around being called Junior all his life. So Katy came up with William because Liam is still part of the name, and when she asked about giving him the middle name Lucas, I gave my approval because I know she wanted some way of keeping him alive. I think William Lucas Warren has a good ring to it anyway.

As I sit rocking him in the corner of the hospital room, a soft tapping on the door catches my attention enough to make me get up and cross the room to open it.

"Hey there, Daddy!" Krista smiles at me. "Is it ok if we come in?" 

"Of course, just be quiet, Katy's been resting and right now so is Will."

Krista tip toes in with Scott right on her heels and Katy stirs around until she focuses on them.

"Oh, hey guys." She smiles tiredly, scooting up on her pillows. "Did you get to see Will?"

"We just got here, sweetie, but I'm about to grab him out of Daddy's arms." Krista smiles at Katy before crossing the room to me and gently taking Will out of my arms.

"Oh my goodness, I could just eat him up," she coos, leaning down to kiss his forehead. "I want a baby, Scotty." She pouts over at him. "Just look at this! We'll have a baby just as beautiful as he is."

Scott rolls his eyes, shaking his head. "Yes, we will...someday. Right now isn't the right time."

She sighs and moves to the rocker, holding Will close. "I know work calls the both of us. Be prepared to be baby-napped often, Kate."

Kate laughs warmly, watching her best friend with our little boy. "You're allowed, you're his aunt and uncle. He can be your practice baby."

Krista beams at that as she rubs her finger tip on Will's cheek. "You did good, Mama. Where are the grandparents?"

"They were all here earlier. He already has them wrapped around his little fingers, too. I sent them all home to rest, though, so poor Will wasn't getting passed around to 4 different sets of arms."

"Well, good, more cuddle time for Aunt Krissy then."

 I lean on the wall and and smile to myself as I watch Krista bring Katy our son when he starts to cry. If someone had told me a year and a half ago that this moment would be happening, I never would have believed them. I never thought I'd get this second chance at my own happy ending. Now I have everything I could ever dream of: my wife happily back in my life, a son to watch grow and learn, and amazing friends and family to watch with us as he becomes all he's meant to be. Once upon a time I was disconnected from everything in my life, and now I'm locked back in where I belong. My life is completely interconnected with all these other people I didn't even know not too long ago, but I wouldn't dream of having it any other way. This realness is what matters. My life in front of the cameras feels so far away right now...being Will's dad and Katy's husband is, by far, my most important role ever.








Bonus Scene - Liam and Katy's First Red Carpet

Katy's wearing a dress that is worth nearly a million dollars, and she's standing in our living room holding our drooly baby. She's putting off leaving him with the grandmas so we can go to my movie premiere, scared because it's her first time walking the red carpet and because it's her first time to be away from Will for longer than an hour or so. 

"Baby, give him to your Mom before he gets drool all on that dress. You don't want stains in pictures, trust me."

She frowns at me before kissing his cheek and passing him off to her mom. "Ok, ok, I'm coming. Love you, Will. Please, call us if anything happens or he gets real fussy or--"

"Kate, we've got him. Go on; enjoy your baby-free night." My mom smiles and walks around Stella to hug Katy. "You look beautiful. Go show that dress off."

Katy laughs, shaking her head. "Thank you. I'm just not used to not having Will with me at all times anymore."

"Well, a red carpet is hardly an appropriate place for a baby to go. Tonight is about his Daddy. We'll watch you on TV," Stella tells her before moving to the rocker to sit with the baby. 

"Ok." Katy smiles, blowing one last kiss towards Will before coming to take my hand. "Alright, let's go before I can't get away."

I pull her out to where our limo is waiting at the corner for us, "After you." I smile, opening the door for her to slide in.

After I climb in behind her, she grabs my hand and squeezes tightly. "I'm so nervous. I don't compare to all of those actresses out there. I just had a baby 2 months ago! I'm going to look awful in pictures." She frowns, looking out the window as we drive.

"First of all, I think you're beautiful, and as far as I'm concerned I'm the only one whose opinion matters. If someone dares to say anything, I'll deal with them, ok?"

Katy smiles gratefully, leaning her head on my shoulder. "Ok. You're sure I look ok?" she asks, glancing down at her midnight blue floor-length gown. 

"You look amazing," I assure her. I wrap my arm around her back for the remainder of the drive to the extra-large theater where the premiere is being held. 

When we come to a stop, I squeeze her hand reassuringly. "All ready?"

"As much as I can be, I hope we can find Scott and Krista."

"I'm sure we'll be able to. We all have to go through interviews for the major stations. They'll probably be mixed in with that madness."

Katy nods as the door is opened, and I step out quickly, helping her out. Immediately there are camera flashes and people asking us to pose, and soon Katy seems to be enjoying herself every time I grab her and kiss her in front of a camera or hold her against me for "just one more." 

              After at least 30 different networks stop us to chat, we finally spot Krista and Scott in the mass of people. Krista is dressed in a sparkly hot pink dress that I'm sure she probably had Elize find just for her. You wouldn't be able to miss her, even in this crowd.

"Kris!" Katy yells over the noise, waving her down.

"Oh, Kate!" Krista squeals, making her way over to us. "Can you believe this? I got to shake hands with some of my biggest crushes! This is like a fan-girl's dream come true!"

Katy laughs, shaking her head. "Being married to a celebrity hasn't changed those thoughts, huh?"

"Heck no! I'm married, not blind!"

Katy giggles and they scan the crowd, pointing out every other celebrity they are fans of.

"Who's that?" Katy asks with a frown. She's pointing to a girl no older than 15 or 16, with pitch black hair that falls down to her mid back and a dress that barely covers what's supposed to be covered.

"Oh, that's Zoie Reese, Excite's new toy. And from what I've heard, a whole lot of trouble, too. They keep giving her warnings because she keeps getting caught at raids, wild parties, you name it. But she really has a lot of potential, so they're trying to get her to tone it down before her whole image is shot. They don't want her to end up like so many other child stars." 

Katy shakes her head. "That's a shame. I can't imagine being so young and thrown into all this."

I shrug, taking her arm and guiding her through the crowd. "It takes real talent to get into this business, and she has it. She just also has a lot of other issues that are getting in the way of her being the next America's Sweetheart."

Katy frowns, looking back to where Krista and Scott are stopped, talking to yet another interviewer. "You know Krista works with kids that age in the school she works at. She's really good at her job. I bet she could get through to her somehow."

I shrug my shoulders. "I'll talk to Mitchell and Scott about it. You could be right. God knows Zoie could use some guidance."

Katy smiles at that and I pull her through the large crowd to our assigned seats inside. As we settle in, I hold onto her hand and think about the conversation we just had. Katy could be right, maybe someone like Krista is just who Zoie needs. I see the potential in her, and so does everyone else, or Excite never would have signed her. I think Krista has the will and heart to put up with a girl like her. I just don't know if Zoie has the open mind to listen. 




 Read ahead to discover some samples of great books by some of my friends!

























Hell's Gift - Book 2 in the 'Save My Soul' series by K. S. Haigwood

Copyright © K. S. Haigwood 2013

Chapter 1


Someone cleared their throat. It must have been to get my attention, because we don't have the human annoyances of allergies or head colds, and I was the only other being in the recreational room.

Nevertheless, I kept my head lowered and my eyes drifted shut in hope the approaching angel would get the hint that I had no interest in idle chit-chat.

"She's happy, Rhyan."

My lips parted and something in between a moan and a sigh escaped on the exhale. I'd heard the same line a thousand times. Next it would be,
"You should be happy for her, not moping around here like a lost puppy. It's been a year. She's married to her soulmate and has a child now. You need to move on. Get over her already!"

The whole of Heaven's occupants knew my problem. I felt like each and every one of them had voiced their opinion more than once, and I wasn't going to sit there and listen to it again like a broken record or a compact disk set on repeat. It wasn't like
was the only angel in love with their charge.

My eyes shot open and focused on my new company. My stare held the first warning. Actually, there wouldn't be a second one. I'd heard enough.

Josselyn froze and held both hands up in a silent apology or truce. "I'll shut up."

I groaned, uncrossed my ankles from the foot stool and got swiftly to my feet. "Talk all you want, but I'm not staying here to listen to what you or anyone else thinks I should do with my eternity." I started for the door.

I had to get out.

I could feel the walls of the large room closing in on me.

It was bad enough that I could hear Kendra's every thought, but when someone mentioned her, or reminded me that I needed to stop torturing myself because I will never have her, never touch her, never kiss her again...

"Rhyan, please," she said, and I paused with my hand on the gold door knob. "I'm really sorry. I don't know what you're going through, but I seriously didn't come in here to make it any worse than it already is. I promise not to say anymore on the subject if you want to just hang out."

I laughed sarcastically. "I can't just hang out, Jossel. I'm not me anymore!" I shouted, my body language suddenly changing to show how I really felt. Pissed.

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