Disconnected (7 page)

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Authors: Bethany Daniel

BOOK: Disconnected
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"He seems really taken with her, honestly. He usually avoids the girls that dote on him other than signing and autograph here and there, but Krista really talked to him. About normal things, not interview questions."

Katy makes an hmmm sound and it makes me smile. "I'm sure she'll be ecstatic to hear this turn of events in the morning. Except for the security detail being attached part, anyway."

"Yeah, well, we want you girls protected and safe. That's all there is to it."

She yawns and I glance at my watch. I didn't realize it was getting so late.

 "Yeah, ok. I'll learn to ignore them, I guess."

I smile at her sleepy, sarcastic attitude. God, I've missed her. "Good girl, goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight, Liam," she whispers before hanging up the phone. I take another deep breath and turn to Scott, who had been standing just a little ways away while I spoke with Katy.

"Are they ok?"

I nod. "Yeah, they're good. Not happy about having new babysitters, but they'll deal."

He nods. "Good, ready to call it a night? "

"Now that all that's settled, yep."

"Good, you owe me another round of video games."

I laugh and slide into the driver's seat. "You really wanna keep on your losing streak?"

He narrows his eyes at me. "We'll see about that." 

I just shake my head and laugh at him most of the way back to the hote













              Chapter 7             

After staying up way too late playing video games, Scott and I slept into the afternoon the next day, very thankful that we were off for the day.

"So, what are we gonna do all day?" Scott asks as he sips his coffee.

"I dunno, the girls have class all day so we can't go see them."

He frowns thinking about it, and then a look crosses his face that lets me know he's got some kind of idea running through his head.

"What?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow.

"They don't have night classes do they?"

"Just during the day I'm pretty sure, why?"

"We can take them on a date." He smiles to himself.

"Like a double date?" I ask him, drawing my eyebrows together.

"Yeah, so it's not like one of those really awkward first dates. Krista won't feel too on the spot if Katy's going too, and it would be yours and Katy's first 'date' since everything right?"

"Right, if we're gonna do this, then we need to go out and get a stylist or something, man. We've kind of been lax on the whole wardrobe thing since we got into Georgia and out of the Hollywood eye."

He frowns looking down at his clothes and sniffs his shirt. "Yeah I think you're right. I don't want to scare her away, might as well use some of the Hollywood powers that be to make us look good."

I laugh shaking my head. "I'll put in a call to Mitchell and see if he has some kind of stylist person we can steal for a few hours, and see if he knows somewhere in this town that is kind of low key we can take them to."

"Sounds like a plan. Did you find out if Raden had guys meet up with the girls today?"

"Yep, Katy sent me a text that two big muscle-y guys came knocking on their door this morning and are sitting in on their classes with them."

He smirks. "I'm sure that went over well."

I just shrug and go through my phone until I get to Mitchell's number and hit send.

"Mitchell Fallon speaking," he answers, and I roll my eyes knowing he's likely using a blue-tooth instead of checking to see who is calling.

"Mitchell, its Liam, I have a favor to ask."

"Alright, shoot."

"Is there a stylist or shopper person available today?"

"Yes, I believe Anna is free today. When do you need her?"

"Um, an hour, hour and a half tops. Scott and I need new clothes, and probably a little bit of a hair trim and all that stuff."

"Nothing drastic though, Liam, you can't come back to film with your hair all different."

I roll my eyes, "I know, just a trim up. Scott and I are going out tonight, is there somewhere here that's a little bit low key we can go to?"

"I'll have to ask around, but I heard some of the interns talking about a club downtown with private rooms that would probably be good, especially if you two are going around there with the girls. No cameras are allowed inside at all."

"Good, good, see if we need reservations or anything, please. We'd like to do that."

"I'll see about getting everything set up."

"Great, thanks Mr. Fallon."

He hangs up quickly and I slip my phone back into my pocket. "Everything's good to go. He's going to send Anna over to help us with clothes shopping and setting up a place to get our hair fixed, and he said there's a club with private areas downtown. No cameras allowed."

Scott grins. "Great! When can we tell the girls this plan?"

"Uh, we'll tell them tonight, after they've gotten done with their classes for the day."

"You sure they'll be good with that?"

"It'll be a surprise," I smirk, and stand up. "Katy doesn't need a bunch of primping time anyway; she never has."

Scott laughs as he stands and follows me down the hall. "But I have a feeling Krista does."


              A few hours later, we have gone through just about every clothes shop within 50 miles. I've tried on more clothes than I think I have in my whole life, and then some. Anna takes her job very seriously; she won't settle for anything less then perfect.

"Ok, Mr. Warren, you have an appointment at the hair salon in 15 minutes. Mr. Adams, you will be right after him," Anna tells us as we pull up in front of what I assume to be the hair place.

"Great," I smile at her. "Thanks for setting all this up on such short notice."

She smiles and I roll my eyes when she looks Scott over from head to toe. "It's my pleasure, Mr. Warren. Is everything to your satisfaction, Mr. Adams?"

He shifts a little ways away from her and nods. "Yes, everything is great, Anna."

She smiles and leans toward him just as the driver comes around and opens the door. "Mr. Warren." He nods at me and I quickly jump out, while Scott fumbles out taking a quick look at Anna. 

"Would you like for me to wait for you?" Anna steps out and leans against the limo door.

I look at Scott then shake my head. "No, you've been a great help. But it's getting late and after we leave here we'll just swing by the girls' place."

"Ok." She walks over and slips a card into Scott's hand. "This has my cell phone number on it if anything...comes up."

He clears his throat and nods. "Right, thanks again, Anna."

She waves and saunters away down the sidewalk and I turn to  Scott. "What was that about?"

He runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head, "Long story, a night when I had a little too much to drink and was at one of Excite's parties. She was there and yeah...she wants a repeat."

 "You let things get that messy?" I ask as we walk inside the building.

"Like I said, I was drunk. I don't really remember much about it. You've been there with Alexia, you know how it is." He shrugs.

I glare and turn towards him. "Don't ever bring that up again. I don't want that getting around." I look around to make sure no one is listening in. "It's bad enough that Katy had to find out the way she did. I don't want it blasted around in every magazine on top of that."

He steps back and puts his hands up in surrender. "Sorry, sorry man. My lips are sealed."

I shoot him another glare and make my way to the front desk. "Reservations for Liam and Scott," I tell the receptionist.

She quickly looks at her schedule and back up at me with a timid smile. "Right this way Mr. Warren."

I sit in the chair and go through the motions of having my hair washed and trimmed and just zone out through the whole process. I'm actually nervous about this date. I feel like I need to make a good impression with her or something...but Katy knows the real me already, I don't have to put on a show for her. I take a deep breath and force myself to relax until I'm told that they're finished with me. 

"Thank you," I nod at the stylists and go to the lobby area to wait on Scott.

Once he's finally done and comes back out looking a lot more like himself, we hurry out to the limo. Despite it getting darker, there's always the chance of lingering paparazzi. 

"What time is it?" Scott asks, looking out the window at the stars coming out.

"About 8, I'm about to call up Katy."

I dial her number and relax into my seat, waiting to hear her voice over the line.

"Hey there, movie star,” she answers, and I laugh.

               "Hey yourself, beautiful, um, what are you and Krista doing tonight?" I ask and feel those nerves start to set in again. I feel like I'm 15 all over again.

"Uh not much, just studying a little bit, why?"

"Well, Scott and I thought it would be nice for us to all go on a double date.” 

"Tonight? Is that really smart?” she asks, and it sounds like she's moving around the room.  

"We have bodyguards, remember? And where we’re going, we don't have to worry anyway."

              "And where exactly will we be going? And what should we wear?"

"A private club, private room for us and any special guests, and there'll be a bouncer on top of our own security. As for your clothes...do you have a little black dress?” I ask, smirking to myself. 

She laughs in my ear and I hear what sounds like hangers sliding. “Yes, I do, and some nice little black heels that go along with it."

Scott starts nudging me while I'm lost in thoughts of Katy in a sleek little black dress. "Mmm, that, definitely that...oh, wait a sec...” I turn to Scott and cover the mouthpiece of the phone. "What?"

"Tell her to tell Krista to wear something red, it's my favorite color." He smiles and leans back and I roll my eyes.

"Scott says to tell Krista to wear something red."

"Right, ok. Um, when should we be ready exactly?"

"In an hour, we're in the limo coming to get you."

              "An hour? Are you crazy? We have to take showers, do our make-up and all that stuff!" She squeals loud enough for even Scott to hear and we both start laughing.

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