Divine Justice (7 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Kaye Tardif

BOOK: Divine Justice
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The Nook Coffee Shop in the Embassy Hotel was quiet and quaint, with only a handful of guests occupying tables. Ben asked the hostess for a table in the far corner and Jasi followed him, her stomach gurgling in anticipation.

"I'm starving," she said apologetically.

She sat down immediately to Ben's right. That way they were both facing the room, a habit born from the desire to stay alert and alive. When the waiter arrived, she ordered the Eggs Benedict special and coffee, while her partner ordered a more traditional lunch, a cheeseburger and fries.

"I need to wash my hands."

She grabbed her purse and strode across the room. She pushed open the washroom door and moved to the sinks. That was when she noticed the other occupant at the opposite end.

Jasi probably wouldn't have given her a second thought except that the woman's attire seemed out of place for a classy hotel. The woman's long legs looked like they had been painted into the black jeans. A black short-sleeved sweater with a plunging neckline showed off her ample assets. A simple gold chain with a small cross hung low, lost in her generous cleavage.

" the woman muttered. Her hand shook as she tried to apply a dark shade of lipstick.

Washing her hands, Jasi eyed her surreptitiously.

Tall and slender, the woman was about Jasi's age. Her pixie face and high cheekbones were framed by jet-black hair, cut short, choppy.

"Can you pass me a tissue?"

Startled, Jasi handed her the box of Kleenex.

"Thank you," the woman mumbled.

Brilliant blue eyes enhanced by dusky gray eye shadow examined her for a brief moment. Then the woman turned away to dab at the corner of her mouth, stopping suddenly when her hand trembled again.

"Are you okay?" Jasi asked hesitantly.

The woman let out a snort. "I'm supposed to be meeting someone. I'm a bit nervous." Her voice held a trace of accent, a mix of French and something else.

"Blind date?"

"More like a job interview."

Jasi was surprised.
There's only one job I can think of that warrants a neckline like that.

It didn't surprise her to find an escort in the hotel. It wasn't uncommon for visiting dignitaries to use such personal
. However, it did surprise her that the woman was starting so early. It wasn't even lunchtime.

Drying her hands, she glanced over her shoulder.

The woman was leaning with her back to the sinks. She looked as if she were about to throw up.

Must be one hell of an awful client, Jasi thought.

"Uh, good luck on your, uh…interview," she said, heading out the door.

The woman grunted.
"Merci beaucoup."

Back at the table, Jasi quickly dove into a plate of poached eggs, ham and hash browns, all slathered in rich Hollandaise sauce. It took mere seconds before she forgot all about the nervous escort in the washroom.

Until Jasi saw her again.



"Let's go over the report on Winkler," Ben said.

Pushing his empty plate aside, he read the screen for a minute, then sighed. The report was less than he'd hoped for.

"The accelerant used was regular gasoline," he said. "Remnants of his clothing match the suit that his wife reported he was last wearing. No trace."

"What about the wounds on his scalp?" Jasi asked.

"No match to any identifiable weapon." He paused as something in the report caught his eye. "Well, this is interesting. Someone called Monty Winkler at his home nearly every night for the past two weeks."


"Don't know. They used a payphone. Same one every time." He leaned back in his chair, his gaze drifting across the room. "When we're done here, we'll have a talk with Marilyn Winkler. Actually, you can ask the questions. She might open up more to a woman."

He froze when his gaze fastened on something.

Or some

A tall, slender woman dressed entirely in black was making her way across the floor. Her hair was short, blue-black and messy, as if she'd just woken up. Her lips were painted a deep crimson―too much lipstick for his liking―but she was drop-dead gorgeous. And she knew it.

The black knit sweater with its low v-neck showed off all her curves. She had a lot of them. Her entrance didn't go unnoticed by the various diners seated in the coffee shop. Every man in the room was practically salivating as she passed by.

"Jesus, she's starting early," he muttered.

Jasi followed his gaze. "I saw her in the washroom."

His mouth curled in distaste. If there was one thing he had zero tolerance for, it was hookers or 'legal escorts.' He thought they spelled trouble. With a capital 'T.'

As the escort approached, he noticed her eyes. They were a deep sapphire blue framed by thick black lashes. When her gaze swept over their table, her eyes locked on Jasi and there was a flicker of recognition and what seemed like…surprise.

That's odd, he thought.

The woman wiped her hands on her thighs and moved toward them, chin held high. Every set of male eyes trailed after her.

"Ben!" Jasi whispered. "Did you hire someone?"

"Hire someone for what?"

"For some…you know." She jerked her head in the woman's direction. "She's heading straight for you."

"I don't know what she's thinking."

The escort paused a few feet away, suddenly seeming unsure. She watched them for a moment, gave a subtle nod and strode to the table.

"Are you Benjamin Roberts?"

Annoyed, he set aside the data-com. "Obviously there's been a mistake. As you should be able to see, I'm already with someone. You'll have to find another mark." His eyes rested on her breasts. "One who's actually interested in all that you are so openly offering."

The woman's face turned bright red. "I'm afraid you've misunderstood. I'm not here to offer my…uh…self. At least not in the way you're suggesting."

Beside him, Jasi gasped. "Ben, I think she's―"

"What other way is there?" he interrupted.

Jasi dug her elbow into his side. "Ben!"

He ignored her and stared up at the intruder. "Well, off you go now. Run along." He gave her a mocking smile, hoping she'd take the hint.

She didn't. Instead, she flicked a cursory look around the room. People were staring.

What she did next drew a muffled curse from him.

She sat down.

"What the hell are you're doing?" he demanded.

"Following orders."

The woman leaned on one hip. The movement caused her sweater to pucker and all of a sudden Ben had a clear view of a lacy black bra barely restraining two very round breasts. He glanced away as she fished something out of her jeans pocket.

A shiny object landed on the table.

He gaped at the CFBI badge until comprehension set in.

"N-Natassia Prushenko, I take it." He felt like an idiot.

The woman raised a brow. "So you
told I was meeting you. I was starting to wonder." She turned to Jasi. "Is this how he greets all new team members?"

"Usually he's more civil. Not much more, mind you."

He cleared his throat. "We, uh, weren't expecting you until this afternoon, Agent Prushenko."

"Natassia. I took an earlier flight from Quebec City."

"Ah, that's why I pegged you as French Canadian," Jasi said.

"Sorry, it slips out every now and then. I've obviously spent too much time there." Natassia held out a hand. "You must be Jasmine. I've heard so much about you. You too, Benjamin. Although, Matthew Divine told me you'd welcome me with open arms."

"Open arms?" He'd have to have a talk with Matthew.

Natassia smiled, flashing perfect teeth. "Well, I
expecting a slightly warmer welcome."

"And I was expecting someone who wasn't dressed so," he waved a hand toward her, "provocatively."

She gave him an innocent look. "Don't all Canadian women dress like this?"

"Not unless they're―"

"Going out," Jasi cut in. "Clubbing, maybe."

Suddenly, it hit him.

"You knew who she was all along. Didn't you, Jasi?"

"I knew as soon as she looked at you."

Natassia frowned.

"When you saw Ben's gloves, you nodded," Jasi explained. "Just briefly, mind you. But it was obvious you knew the importance of his gloves."

"I'll have to work on that."

Ben held out his hand. "I'll admit I was expecting someone more…"

"Russian?" Natassia shook his hand briefly, then shifted smoothly into a heavy accent. "You're wondering where my Russian accent has gone, da? I'm fluent in five languages. English, French, Spanish, Japanese and Russian." She looked directly at him.
"Vy zhenaty?"

He was sure she'd just called him something nasty.

switched to a perfect Canadian accent. "Oh, and I speak a bit of German, but not enough to fool anyone."

"Must come in handy," Jasi said in admiration.

"With a little help from a good makeup artist, I can pass for all five nationalities." Natassia fastened her gaze on him. "Looks can be deceiving, eh?"

Ben clamped his lips shut. The woman had made her point. And he didn't like that. She had firmly set him in his place, and at this particular moment, he wasn't exactly sure where that was.

"I'll do some background checks while you two visit Marilyn Winkler."

Jasi gave him a surprised look. "Don't you want to come too?"

"I'll go see her later."

He needed some time to assess the current situation.

And Natassia Prushenko.

The only way he could do that was if he distanced himself from her. For the good of the case, he told himself.

Natassia stared at him. "I'll need case details."

"What did Matthew tell you?" Jasi asked.

"He said a dead politician was found on the beach."

"The victim's name is Monty Winkler. He's an MLA."

"Any suspects?"

"Not yet," Jasi replied. "And no primary murder scene."

While she filled Natassia in on the details, Ben sipped his coffee. He tried to eat the last few fries, but they were tasteless and cold. His attention kept wandering―much to his dismay―to a gold cross that was playing hide and seek between black lace and flawless skin.


"A job interview, huh?" Jasi said to Natassia as they made their way to the elevator. They'd left Ben back in the coffee shop to sulk.

"It was the only thing I could think of saying."

"And what was that you said to him?

"Vy zhenaty?"
Natassia laughed. "I asked if he was married."

From the corner of her eye, Jasi peeked at her new partner. She was about to say something, warn the woman, but the elevator stopped at their floor.

"I still don't understand why you were so nervous to meet Ben," she said, swiping the hotel key in the lock and making a mental note to get one for Natassia. "He's a great supervisor, very patient and not overly demanding."

"It wasn't
I was nervous about meeting."

Jasi was taken aback. "Me?" She laughed. "You've got to be kidding."

When they entered the room, Jasi spotted a red light flashing on the phone.

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