Do the Birds Still Sing in Hell? (38 page)

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He read the letter again and again until eventually a tear fell onto the parchment, causing the ink to run a little. He wiped at his eyes with the cuff of his sleeve, stood and took one last look at the letter before casting it into the open fire. It was over. Closure. Rose was gone forever. As he opened the door and walked outside, he fought against every emotion in his body. He would remain calm, dignified. He would rebuild his life with the same determination he’d shown each and every day for six years. Even now, even after this. As he turned and headed towards the open farm land, the thought that filled his head was this: Jakub… where the hell did she get that name from?

Silesian first names: Jakub (Jacob, James – Jim)

Before war broke out, Horace enjoyed ploughing the fields with his father, Joseph Greasley Senior (pictured).

During World War Two, Horace was called up to join 2nd/5th Battalion Leicesters by the government, but it wasn’t long before his unit surrendered and became prisoners of war. Horace pictured (
top right
) with other prisoners, including Billy ‘Jock’ Strain (
below left

Horace’s camp was situated close to a huge marble quarry. It was in this quarry that Horace was to endure backbreaking work. Rose’s father owned the quarry.

Prisoners of war.

Horace and Jock (shirtless). They’d stuck together through thick and thin and the hell of a war that nobody wanted.

Horace (
) wearing the Polish uniform in 1940.


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ePub ISBN 978 1 78219 641 9
Mobi ISBN 978 1 78219 642 6
PDF ISBN 978 1 78219 643 3

This edition published in paperback in 2013

ISBN: 978 1 78219 227 5

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