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Authors: K'Anne Meinel

Doctored (17 page)

BOOK: Doctored
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At the sensation, Deanna hissed, or rather sucked in a great quantity of air in her sleep.  She woke up coughing, trying to get her equilibrium back.  She froze when she realized Maddie’s hand was between her legs and her mouth was fastened to her nipple.  She went to push the other woman away, but Maddie looked up at her cough, releasing the nipple and smiling up at the other woman.  The weight of her body held Deanna down and then she moved up to kiss her.  “Wait, what…?” Deanna began as she tried to avoid Maddie’s kiss.

“I think that should be obvious.”  Maddie smiled and laughed at her friend’s expense, her fingers curling reflexively.

“But I don’t…” she began again, but was silenced as Maddie kissed her again.  Her tongue began to creep into Deanna’s mouth.  Her last coherent thought was that she probably had morning breath and should have brushed her teeth, but her body was not cooperating.  It had already been aroused by this untutored woman’s caresses and Deanna felt very vulnerable at the moment.  She thought of pushing her away, but she wanted…no
release.  She spread her legs, throwing one of them over Maddie’s hip as she ground into the accommodating hand.

Maddie was pleasantly surprised as Deanna began to respond.  She was awake now, and while she was unsure exactly what to do to Deanna, she continued on with her explorations, hoping that would be adequate.

“Fingers, inside,” Deanna ground out, her body trying to help by thrusting against the hand, but it was obvious Maddie didn’t know what she was doing.

Remembering how good it had made her feel, Maddie curled her fingers and found the wetness she had smelled earlier.  Her fingers sought for the source and began to follow it inside, first one, then a second, and amazingly a third curled inside.  She found she had more control with just two and began to thrust.  She loved the gasp of surprise that Deanna released when she unexpectedly hit a certain spot within.

Deanna thrust against the fingers inside, gasping when Maddie hit her g-spot.  The incredible sensation that went through her made her go weak for a moment; she didn’t care how vulnerable it made her.  She needed this release now that Maddie had started it.  As Maddie thrust within, Deanna’s hips thrust against the fingers.  Between the two of them, the feelings began to spread across her body.  The blood began to drain from Deanna’s lips, a sure sign she was about to cum.  Her toes began to tingle as the blood ran from them.  She stretched, arching her breasts into Maddie’s warm body, her hands falling limply behind her own head before coming back to grasp at Maddie, hard.

“Oh, oh, ohhhh,” she moaned as she came.  Her body convulsed as she went through a series of orgasms.

Maddie was fascinated.  She had never seen another human being orgasm.  She’d always kept her eyes tightly closed when any man she had been with had cum over her.  Something about them in the throes just never appealed to her.  This however, was glorious because she had caused it in Deanna’s body.  It was fascinating.  She didn’t stop what she was doing until she began to sense that Deanna was coming down from the mountain she had just climbed.  She pulled her fingers from Deanna’s body and discreetly wiped them on the sheets as she held the doctor’s body to her own.  Her smile of contentment over what she had caused was hidden over Deanna’s shoulder as she held her close.

Deanna was amazed that this unschooled woman had managed to draw that from her body, but she was pleased too.  Whatever hang-ups she had the previous night that she hadn’t been able to cum, that she had lost her arousal, were long gone at this point.  She wanted more though, and began to kiss the skin presented to her in the form of Maddie’s naked shoulder.  Her hands began caressing down the back, feeling how cool her skin had become in the exposure to the air.  Gently she turned their wrapped bodies so she was on top and could move down Maddie’s body.  She stopped to kiss her passionately on the mouth, her tongue probing deep to convey her feelings for the other woman before moving on to her jaw, her cheek, her neck. 

Maddie couldn’t help but respond.  Her body had become inflamed at what she had caused in the doctor’s body and seeing what she had done.  It was empowering to know she could make this confident and brilliant woman come undone. 
‘Oh, gawd, how good she made her feel,’
she thought as her own arms wrapped around Deanna to encourage her to continue.  Her kisses were delicious.

She stopped to tongue both nipples fiercely, unknowingly sending a bolt of electricity between those lapping caresses and her lover’s center.  She began to head further south this time.  She didn’t care whether Maddie had bathed or not, she wanted, she
to taste her.  The fingers that wound through her hair unknowingly encouraged her as she continued.  She stopped to kiss around the belly button and then continued on between Maddie’s legs.   Deanna’s shoulder shoved between Maddie’s legs, spreading them as her face caressed along the silky red hairs.  Her first taste was worth the wait.  She gently probed between the folds with her tongue, relishing the gasp of surprised delight she heard from Maddie, the gentle arching into her as Maddie realized her intent.

Maddie wasn’t certain what Deanna was doing to her other than making love so thoroughly to her body, but she didn’t mind.  She was enjoying every moment, every caress, every kiss.  She couldn’t hope to imagine the immense pleasure when Deanna continued on to the juncture between her legs.  She didn’t know the nerve endings would be quite so…sensitive.  She arched slightly, almost afraid that Deanna would stop.  Fortunately for her…she didn’t.  She gasped as the woman’s mouth enfolded her center with a warmth she couldn’t have imagined.

Deanna smiled triumphantly as she tasted a new wetness; Maddie was gushing as she aroused her.  She brought her fingers into play, encouraging the wetness to come out so that she could drink greedily.  When the hard, little nub rose up to demand attention, she licked at it with her tongue, twirling it around, making sure to clean off every drop of moisture and to leave only her own saliva.  Gently she blew on it, noting Maddie’s reaction as she arched at the sensation.  She buried her face into the curls, her nose deep as she licked at every fold, her fingers thrusting as they had the previous night.  She lifted Maddie’s legs over her shoulders so she could go deeper, her tongue plunging inside.

Maddie hadn’t known it could be like this.  She wondered if she could cause the same sensations in Deanna and then didn’t think any more about anything but her own pleasure.  Such pleasure as she had never received before was sweeping over her.  She was almost disappointed when the convulsions began.  Her mouth opened to scream out her frustration that it might end, and ended up grabbing a pillow to scream into as they didn’t end…they continued on and on until Deanna had wrung out every bit of pleasure from her body.  Maddie was left in liquid heat, her body useless and cold.  Deanna covered her with her own overheated body, pulling up the sheets that had been kicked to the bottom of their shared bed and holding her close and comforting her as she came down from the most incredible high she had ever experienced.

Deanna was pleased with herself.  Not only had she experienced a set of incredible orgasms herself, but she had caused them in Maddie.  She glanced at the clock on the side table and knew they would have to get going soon or arrive back in Lamish very late.  At the moment, she didn’t care.




She watched the rain come down, knowing it was welcomed by the farmers of the tribe.  These weren’t the torrential rains of the rainy season, just a stray shower that came down out of the mountains and across the plains.  She knew Harlan would be thrilled.  He was trying to cram as much knowledge as he could share with the locals through his interpreter.  They were grateful, and cynical.  It was a frustrating experience for the young farmer.

“You look like a hound dog doing that,” Maddie commented as she handed her a coffee.  She had watched the doctor raise her face to the rain.  She took a sip of her own hot chocolate.

“Maybe, I’m scenting my prey,” she laughed as she accepted the coffee mug and lowered her nose to its fragrance.  She grinned at her girlfriend with a knowing smile.

Maddie blushed and grinned back.  “Do you miss being in the jungle?”

She nodded.  “Sometimes.  I loved it there in South America.  They have them here too of course.  I’ve worked in a couple of camps here.  It’s the same, and yet the people are so vastly different.  The many personalities, the traditions, it all fascinates me.”  She glanced at the slight chocolate mustache that was on Maddie’s lips, longing to lick it off.  “Do you know how they collect the cocoa beans to make that?” she asked, and when Maddie confided that she didn’t, she explained.  She seemed to really know the process too.

“Have you been there when they harvested?” Maddie asked, fascinated.

Deanna nodded.  “Yeah, the hooks and blades they use to pull down the high pods can really cause a nasty cut.  Sometimes they have amputated their own fingers or toes!”  She went on to explain a few of the procedures she had performed in an attempt to save their appendages, talk that only medical people would understand, or so they thought.

“We no grow that here,” Hamishish said as she walked by them near the door, proving she had been listening to their conversation.

“No, it doesn’t grow everywhere,” Deanna admitted.  She almost laughed as Hamishish continued on, no longer interested.  Something people found rude about her, but Deanna understood.

“Seems like a lot of work for that small bean pod,” Maddie commented, watching the witch doctor walk away in the rain as though it didn’t bother her.  The rain had plastered her hair to her head already.

“It is,” Deanna agreed, smiling at Maddie and her interest in the many stories she had to tell.  “After they have the pods, it takes about ten days before they remove the bean.  They use these wooden clubs which makes it easier to extract the beans.  All of this by hand.  If they can’t get them open with the club, they use a machete.  The accidents,” she shook her head in remembrance, “are legendary.”

“Can’t they do it by machine?”

“Some of the bigger plantations are now, but the smallholders do it all by hand.  Then after they extract the bean from the pod they have to wait for the beans to undergo a fermentation and then a drying process before they bag them and send them off.”

“Wow, I guess I never realized how hard it was to get a cup a cocoa!”

“Then there are the many different kinds of chocolate bars,” she finished with a smile.

They smiled a lot, happy with each other, enjoying their many conversations and exchanges.  Few, if any, realized how much time they were alone.  Many just thought they had become very good friends.


* * * * *


“Happy to see me?” Deanna asked as she leaned Maddie against their favorite meeting place, a rock around the curve of the river, out of sight of the camp, but near enough that they felt safe.

“Shut up and kiss me,” Maddie demanded, anxious to feel Deanna’s touch.

Deanna obliged her, kissing her deeply, her tongue playing with Maddie’s, then groaning when Maddie sucked delicately on the appendage.  “Gawd, I’ve wanted you all day,” she whispered in the redhead’s ear.

Maddie’s hands were roaming, feeling the firm body against her own.  At the words, her hands began to wander into the waistline of the doctor’s pants, seeking and finding her underwear.  Today she wondered if Deanna was wearing one of the sexier lingerie she had seen back in Lamish.  She didn’t really care as she sought for and found Deanna’s clit; it was aroused, hard, and wet.  “What have you been thinking about,” she murmured, her lips tightly against Deanna’s skin between her breasts, nuzzling aside the clothing with her nose.

“You, only you,” she breathed, feeling the touch of Maddie’s fingers on her most intimate spots.  Her body arched harder against Maddie, almost trapping her hands, causing her to pull back so that she could be touched in the way she needed, craved really.

“I think you’ve been naughty,” she teased as she sought and found Deanna’s nipple.  It was a hard, little bead and she remembered the beautiful pink areola that circled it.

“Oh, yes, very,” the doctor agreed, her body curving to accommodate Maddie’s fingers between her legs.  “Ugh,” she grunted as the fingers went up and in, a slight squishing sound that only they could hear between them.

“Oh, yes,” Maddie murmured, knowing she was driving the woman crazy, her hand was swamped in wetness, making it easier to thrust inside.  Her thumb rhythmically rubbed at the same tempo, her body thrust into it.

“Oh,” Deanna whimpered joyfully.  “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”

“Come for me, baby,” she pleaded, knowing that the blonde was near to going over the edge.  A gush of wetness greeted her hand, telling her that Deanna was cumming.  Gently, she sucked harder on the nipple she was worrying.

“Oh, Oh, OH,” Deanna smothered her little cries into the redhead’s neck as her body began to spasm.  Her one leg came up, clasping Maddie’s body to her own, over her hip, her body wobbling on the sole leg left, trying to maintain her balance against the woman.

“Deanna?  Maddie?  Are you out here?” a voice called.

Both of them froze for a moment before they each pulled back guiltily.  Deanna quickly adjusted her clothes, trying to get them in order, grateful she hadn’t undressed, although being naked against Maddie was something she craved.   Maddie hadn’t lost any time in straightening up and walking around the corner of the rock.  She just had time to glance back at the good doctor and lick her fingers suggestively before Leida came towards them from the village.

BOOK: Doctored
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