Dom for Sale (5 page)

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Authors: Christine d'Abo

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Dom for Sale
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“Soon.” He scraped the skin lightly with his nails.

I felt him stand up. What I wasn’t expecting was the sharp slap of his hand against my ass. The left cheek flared up with pain that sent me staggering toward the wall. I gasped and widened my stance. I wasn’t going to get caught off guard twice.

And yet, I totally was. Instead of another smack, he bracketed my hips with his hands and pulled me back.

“I want you to stick your ass out, but lean forward. That’s it. Bow your back like a dog stretching. Good girl.”

I let him maneuver me into the position he wanted. If I’d thought I was exposed earlier, then I was clearly an inexperienced fool. Standing like this I was completely at his mercy, my ass being offered up as some sort of naughty sacrifice for him. Any fears I’d had about being naked in front of him were now gone. All I could focus on was the anticipation of getting a spanking, the type I’d fantasized about but had never asked for.

“I want you to stay exactly like that, Liz. Don’t you move. Widen your legs a bit more. There you go. Now, I’m not going to spank you.”

“What? No, Sir, please—”

“Not with my hand at least.”

Oh. Oh thank God.

It was so tempting to turn around to see what he was up to back there. But that would mean getting out of the position he’d put me into. I didn’t dare.

Something cold touched both my ass cheeks when he finally returned. I couldn’t tell what it was, but I leaned into it.

“I’m going to start you off with a little paddling. Think you will like that, Liz?”

“Yes Sir. Please I’d like to try that, Sir.” I didn’t even realize I was nodding until my head spun once more. Stopping, I let the tremor of excitement race through my body, making my arms and legs tingle and my chest tighten. I couldn’t remember wanting something so much in my entire life.

Another squeeze, this time to my hip. “We’re going to start simple. This is your first time doing anything like this and I don’t want to push you too far.”

A part of me wanted to reassure him that I was fully on board with anything he had in mind, go to town, Sir, and spank me like there’s no tomorrow, but the words dissolved in a moan when the paddle hit my ass. It didn’t really hurt, more of a warm-up tap. Master Gareth followed it up with a second, then third one.

The skin was starting to heat up and I could feel a thin layer of sweat break out across me. Why I was getting hot confused me. I wasn’t actually doing anything so there wasn’t any reason for it. But there I was, doing my best to ignore the errant trickles of sweat rolling down my neck and between my breasts. It irritated and excited me all at once.

“Time to play.” I’m not sure if he was saying the words to me or to himself. Regardless, I tightened my thighs and got ready for what was to come.

This time when the wide, flat face of the paddle hit my left ass cheek I knew he wasn’t holding back. The flash of pain across my ass had me crying out. But unlike before, Master Gareth gave me no time to recover. Three smacks in rapid succession and all in different locations had my skin flaring with heat.

It felt so good, I didn’t even question it.

“Two more and then we’re going to switch to something new.”

“Shit.” Damn, I didn’t mean to actually say that out loud. “Sir.” No sense in inviting trouble when I didn’t want any.

He didn’t laugh that time, but I could feel his smile without even seeing it. My skin tingled with awareness and a pleasant flutter bounced around my insides.

The final two slaps were one to each butt cheek and he used his hand rather than the paddle. My pussy twitched again at the connection of flesh on flesh. I wanted his hands all over my body, touching and pulling at every bit of me. Those two quick hits weren’t going to be enough to satisfy me. The bastard was the most addictive drug in the universe and I wanted to OD on him.

Unfortunately for me, more of Master Gareth was going to have to wait a bit.

The long leather tendrils of a flogger tickled my shoulder and spilled down the front of my chest. The gentle caress was in stark contrast to the throb of my nipples and the burning of my ass.

“I think you’ll like this.” Master Gareth ran the flogger along the back of my shoulder blades. The leather was soft and pulled up another riot of goose bumps from my skin. I felt as if every inch of me was on fire and there was nothing that would soothe the burn. “It’s not going to be exactly what you’re expecting though.”

At this stage I couldn’t think further than the next sensation. It was becoming increasingly difficult to think and talking was apparently something I wasn’t really able to do anymore. I knew I had to keep my head. It would be too easy to slip along on this strange haze of pleasure and pain that ebbed and flowed within me now.

Master Gareth started easy with the flogger. The steady back and forth, the leather slapping at about my shoulder blade to trickle down diagonally to my hip, took away my ability to think completely. It was soothing, like a really awesome massage or thorough backrub. The world slipped away at that point. I wasn’t conscious of the club, Connie and what she was doing, the extra ten pounds I’d been carrying around for a while now. Everything slipped away.

It was just me and Master Gareth. He was leading me down a path and I was more than happy to follow.

Chapter Four


The slap of leather tendrils against my skin had changed. I’m not even certain he’d realized he’d changed what he’d been doing. They were connecting harder and faster than before, but he’d increased the intensity so slowly I hadn’t noticed. Now instead of the lulling caress, the leather nipped at me, prickling the skin like pins and needles.

Time no longer held any meaning. If you’d asked me how long I’d been like this, trussed up and begging, I wouldn’t have been able to even guess. But the pain in my arms was starting to move from being a turn-on to downright painful. It wouldn’t have stopped me from wanting to stretch out and beg him to fuck me, but it might have made things challenging.

Please God, let him fuck me soon.

The tempo of the flogging changed again. He must have realized I’d started thinking again and wanted to jerk me back to what was important. It amazed me how he was able to do that, be so in tune with me and my thoughts. Probably more so than I was even aware. Master Gareth increased the intensity once more. Each blow sent me jerking forward, pulling on my shoulders. God, that was really starting to hurt now. But I didn’t want to stop him. Not before I got everything I’d wanted from tonight. Everything I needed.

Everything I might be too scared to ask for again.

I would have said something, yellow maybe to give myself a break, when Master Gareth suddenly stopped and tossed the flogger to the floor. He moved to stand in front of me, ducking at an awkward angle so he could get his head beneath my outstretched arms.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I couldn’t even moan when he cupped my cheek once more and rubbed his thumb across the sensitive skin below my eye. My body didn’t know how to register the gentleness in his touch. I wasn’t so much numb to it, but it took me a while to realize what the feeling was.

“You need to stop?”

Licking my lips, I managed to whisper a soft “No.”

“You’re crying, Liz. Is the pain too much? I need you to tell me.”

Crying? I wasn’t, was I? “No, Sir.”

Master Gareth frowned. I didn’t like to see him looking like that, concerned for me, and know that it was my fault. There was something about him…it was wrong to see him so worried when he was taking such good care of me. I wanted to make him happy.
to thank him for everything he’d done for me so far. Right then, he was the most important man in the world.

And where the hell was that coming from?

“Please, Sir. I-I need to. I mean, I want to—”

He moved his hand from my cheek and slid it down the side of my throat. He pressed against my windpipe in the same fashion he’d done when we’d first started. This time, I saw black spots within seconds and my head swam. I could still breathe, but only shallowly.

Surprisingly, I wasn’t worried at all about my safety. Connie had vouched for him and I’d learned a surprising amount about him in the short time we’d been together in here. He’d taken the time to stop and check, make sure I was okay and that everything wasn’t becoming too much. Those weren’t the actions of a man who’d intentionally hurt a woman.

It gave me the freedom to close my eyes and focus my concentration on how fast my heart was pounding, how the moment his hand released the pressure on my throat I sucked in a deep breath and was rewarded with a rush of adrenaline through my body.

Master Gareth’s hand continued its journey down my body, pausing to offer homage to the clamps that still adorned my nipples. Tugging lightly on the chain, his gaze shifted from one red tip to the other. He brushed his thumb across the end, but I couldn’t feel the touch.

“Time to take these off.” He moved his head so his mouth was only an inch away, his hot breath rolling over my sweat-covered skin. “This is going to hurt.”

Given everything else he’d done to me tonight, I really wasn’t expecting the pain to be anything I couldn’t handle.

What a fucking idiot I am.

The second he released the clamp and the blood rushed back to where it was supposed to be, pain lanced through my breast and into my chest. It was near blinding to me in intensity until the heat from his mouth covered the abused tip.

The flicking of his tongue across my nipple wasn’t enough to begin with. I was numb to the pleasure for a few moments until the sensitivity of the skin changed and I could once more register the amazing pressure of him suckling me. I leaned forward as far as I could, wanting to shove as much of my breast into his mouth as possible. I only managed a few inches when his strong arm came around my waist and held me still.

No, no, no, no I needed more.

I was a little better prepared for the removal of the second clamp, but only just. Again, I waited for the comfort his mouth brought me, moaning and begging him to bring an end to my suffering. The grip around my waist tightened and I could feel his fingers fan out to cover most of my lower back.

That touch, those few points of contact, grounded me back to Earth. In my head, I imagined my skin was stretched to the point of splitting. Something new and wonderful would burst through and Liz wouldn’t exist. I’d be a new, amazing creature, one worthy of being with Master Gareth.

Honestly, like the crying, I wasn’t even aware of my pleas until he lifted his head and pressed a kiss to the center of my forehead. “Shh, it’s all going to be fine, Liz.”

I sniffed. I didn’t want to think about the state of my face. “Please.” I no longer knew what I was asking for.

“You’ve been a good girl. Listening to everything I’ve asked you to do. You’ve done much better than the few first timers I’ve been with.” He slid his hand around and cupped the back of my neck. “Hell, you’ve done better than some of the more experienced subs I’ve played with.”

It was then that it hit me. I know it’s a cliché to say, but it really did feel like an electric current raced through my body as the thought flashed through my mind.

I wasn’t going to be able to do this with anyone else.

Why I thought that, I wasn’t certain. I’d just met the man. It certainly wasn’t love that I was feeling. This was something else and for the life of me I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. But I knew as certain as my name was Liz Marie Phillips that I wouldn’t be able to accept anyone but Master Gareth as a Dom.

“Do you want to come?”

My head fell forward and my eyes widened. “Sir?”

“Do. You. Want. To. Come?” Each word was punctuated with a small bite across my breast. “You can, if you want. But you need to do something first. A test if you will.”

Tests? Now? I could barely think, let alone do basic math. “If I have to, Sir.”

“I’m going to take your hands down first. I want you on your knees.”

Those few words were magic to my ears, though
on your knees
take your hands down
, surprising given how much they hurt. Unfortunately, that gave my brain enough room to kick in. I couldn’t take in much air and the pleasant dizziness of my head was quickly becoming something more alarming.

“My arms…fast, Sir.” I sucked in a breath. “Getting hard to breathe.”

I can honestly say that I hadn’t seen someone move that quickly before. It only took one sharp yank and Master Gareth had the rope free from the hook on the wall. But instead of letting my arms fall down, he draped them over his shoulder while he helped me to the floor. Apparently, my legs were no longer working either. Strange given I’d been standing fine up to then.

He carefully supported the weight of my arms, shifting me around once I was down so my hands were now resting in my lap. When he started massaging my shoulders with his free hand, I groaned.

Christ, that felt good.

Despite the physical exertion I’d been put through over the past…God only knew how long, I didn’t feel the least bit sleepy. I was well aware of the throbbing of my cunt and the need to have something, anything shoved into it. Before I realized what I was doing, I started to squirm. The press of my super-charged clit between my thighs was nearly enough to set me off.

“Don’t you dare.”

He said the words softly, but there was no mistaking the steel behind them. With a slight shift, he moved my thighs apart, removing both the sensation and temptation of being able to grind myself into blissful orgasm.

“And don’t pout.”

“I never pout. Sir.”

Master Gareth chuckled once more. Yup, I really loved the sound of that. “Next time I’ll have to take a picture. If that’s not a pout then I need a new definition.” He flicked my bottom lip with his finger for good measure.

“Are you ready for my little test, Liz?”

No. “Yes Sir.”

He got to his feet and took a few steps back. The change in angle forced me to look up at him. It was the first time I’d been able to see all of him since he’d walked over to me with the clamps dangling from his fingertip.

His T-shirt now held dark patches of sweat, making the cotton cling to him even tighter than before. I’d never stopped to consider how difficult it would have been for him to wield the paddle and flogger. God, I wasn’t even certain how long he’d been going at it.

The next thing my gaze landed on was the very impressive bulge pressing against the front of his leather pants. Damn impressive.

“Liz, look at me.”

I cocked an eyebrow. “I am, Sir.”

“My eyes, if you please.”

Oh, oops. When I finally looked into those rich brown eyes, I saw that he was laughing at me again. There was even an accompanying twitch of his lips.

“What was the first rule?”

“To always call you Sir, Sir.”

The response had been so automatic I hadn’t even thought about it. Knowing that I’d made it a part of me already was thrilling.

Master Gareth approved too, if his growing smirk was anything to go by. “And the second?”

“I need to say yellow to slow you down and red to stop you. You also said that begging wouldn’t get me what I wanted, but I’m willing to try now, Sir. Please, Master Gareth, I-I-I need.” Shit. I closed my eyes, took a breath and forced my concentration. “I need to taste you. P-p-please c-can I suck you, Sir? Please,

“This isn’t supposed to be about sex.” His frown deepened as he laced his hands behind his back. For a moment, images of military officers and errant enlisted women popped into my brain. “You bought my services as a Dom.”

“Please.” Now I knew I was crying. “I know it’s not, Sir. I know. But I wanted to thank you for, for everything.”

The words dried up then. I knew if he wasn’t going to grant me this favor, there’d be nothing I could do to change his mind. He wasn’t a prostitute and I certainly wasn’t a whore. I wouldn’t force him, even if I could. The trust I’d shown him had to go both ways. If he didn’t want me…

I didn’t know what I’d do.

“Liz.” He turned his head and licked his lips. “Shit.”

I didn’t move. We were both walking on the edge of something very sharp. One misstep and not only would we fall, we’d be shredded as we went down.

“Liz.” He tried again. Some of the confidence had come back into his voice. “These scenes can be very intense. Your first time, in many ways, is like being a virgin all over again. It will set the stage for all of your other encounters. I don’t want you feeling that sex has to be the culminating event. There are other options.”

God, even self-confident men could be stupid at times. “I know that, Sir.”

For a moment I thought he would give in.

“Lay back on the floor. Spread your legs wide.”

I moved quickly, ignoring the way every nerve in my body seemed to quiver. I knew my inner thighs were glistening with my juices. I didn’t think I could ever remember being this turned-on.

“Wider, Liz.”

The stretch in my muscles felt good, especially after having been on my feet in these awful heels for so long. Even better was Master Gareth’s hands on my foot, rubbing small circles along the top.

“Next part of the test, Liz. Don’t move.”

I closed my eyes, mostly because it gave me deeper enjoyment of the feeling of his fingers against my skin. My nipples throbbed in contrast to the butterfly touches and soft scrapes of his nails across my toes.

He slowly made a path up my body. The longer he took the harder it was to hold my body in check. I needed to move, to squirm, wiggle my way closer to his fingers, his hands, him.

It felt as if every cell in my body was vibrating, trying to explode or implode, or something. The pleasure his fingers elicited became like metal in my blood, scraping along the inside of my skin, following his touch.

“God, you’re so wet.” Master Gareth slid the palm of his hand along the inside of my thigh. “I bet I could make you come just by talking to you.”

Normally I’d have a smartass remark for him, but my brain had gone on vacation with no sign of its return. My body had been reduced to a quivering mess beneath his touch.

“I…God, Liz.”

Opening my eyes, I moaned at the sight of him. Master Gareth had pulled his T-shirt off, leaving himself beautifully bare chested. His skin had a light dusting of dark hair that curled around his nipples and led down to his crotch. I would have given anything in that moment for him to strip off the rest of his clothing. I wanted to feel the press of his body hard against mine while he fucked me here on the floor.

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